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Hotel Room Share Thread - PAX Prime 2013

SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
edited April 2013 in PAX West
Thread is going up a little early as some people have booked rooms outside of OnPeak.
zerzhul wrote:
You get ONE post in this thread for each UNIQUE room sharing opportunity you have. Do not re-post your request/offer later on. If you do not have permission to edit your post, PM me (@zerzhul) with updates and I shall edit it for you.

Only post in the prescribed formats below. Do not use any additional special tactics in order to bring extra attention to your post.

The only thing anyone should offer or request as a COST of room sharing is US CURRENCY.

All off-topic posts will be deleted.

If you have a hotel room and want to fill space, use this format:



Total Cost:
Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Number of Spots Available:
My Gender
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

Additional Notes/Requests:


If you are looking for a place to sleep, use this format:


Date Arriving:
Date Leaving:
Spots Needed:
My Gender:
Your Gender:
Best Contact Method:

Additional Notes:


"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels
zerzhul on


  • fieldjufieldju Registered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday Night
    Date Leaving: Monday
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Dont care
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes:
    Looking to get into the Sharadon or Hyatt, will crash on floor in need be. prefer to score a bed for my friend and I to share.
    Will pay cash

    Where going to do the Harry Potter pub crawl and BYOC

    fieldju on
  • mikelatmikelat Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Thursday Night
    Date Leaving: Monday
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes:

  • natmechanatmecha Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving:Monday/Tuesday
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: 2 Males
    Your Gender: No Preference
    Best Contact Method:PM

    Additional Notes: Should be walking distance to PAX. Preferably only 4 people in a room. Budget $100-200 per person depending on sharing or having own bed. Will probably be out most of the time playing tabletop all night.

  • embraceternityembraceternity Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday, August 29th
    Date Leaving: Tuesday, August 3rd
    Spots Needed: 3
    My Gender: Female (one friend is male, other friend is female)
    Your Gender: No Preference
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes: Like the others requested, I'd love for it to be in walking distance to the con. (I had to take a taxi to the con every day last year, and it sucked.) I would particularly love the Hyatt or Sheraton, but I'm not picky as long as it's no more than a 5 minute walk to PAX.

    embraceternity on
  • Jonny09Jonny09 Registered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving: Sunday
    Spots Needed:4
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Dont care
    Best Contact Method: email

    Additional Notes: I actually live 40 minutes from seattle so i could possibly pick up from airport

    IcyLiquid on
  • ShocknaShockna Registered User regular

    Hotel: Grand Hyatt
    Total Cost: $1148.65
    Date Arriving: Thursday, August 29th
    Date Leaving: Tuesday, September 3rd
    Number of Spots Available: 4-5
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Unimportant
    Best Contact Method: PM/Email

    Additional Notes/Requests: Hygiene is important.

  • PunisherABPunisherAB Registered User new member
    edited April 2013
    Date Arriving: Thursday Night
    Date Leaving: Monday
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Dont care
    Best Contact Method: Email/Pm

    Additional Notes: First Pax, don't care what hotel, but close to convention!

    PunisherAB on
  • SupervillianSupervillian Registered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Hotel: Hilton Seattle (1.5 blocks & underground tunnel to the con center)
    Total Cost: $840 (king bed, 4 nights)
    (depending on the number of people in the room, the cost will be between $150-200/person)
    Date Arriving: Thursday the 29th
    Date Leaving: Monday the 2nd
    Number of Spots Available: 3-4 1
    My Gender: F (+1)
    Your Gender: Any M
    Best Contact Method: Email via shelleyw13 [at] gmail

    Additional Notes/Requests:

    Hi, I'm looking for friendly roommates. (:
    If you're interested, please email me with a little bit about yourself/your group.
    Also, please let me know if you'd be comfortable sleeping on the floor (aka, can bring your own air mattress/sleeping bag).

    About me:

    I'm 21 and from Boston, and I've been to 3 PAXs, all on the east coast though, so this is my first PAX Prime. I play lots of Dota2/League and other pc games, but I also have an interest in playing more board games. I cosplay so I might be in and out of the room during the day to change and relax, but I'm going to try to stay out of the room and spend most of my time outside of the con exploring the city. Cheers!

    4/21 UPDATE: Found a few people for the room so far, but I have one spot left. To keep numbers balanced between genders, I'd like the last person to be male. Also, to be in the same range as the people so far, aged 20-25. Thanks!

    Supervillian on
  • alexalgebraalexalgebra Registered User regular

    Hotel: Crowne Plaza (3 blocks away)
    Total Cost: $482.58 (so that would be only $120 per person for 4)
    Date Arriving: Thursday, August 29
    Date Leaving: Saturday, August 31
    Number of Spots Available: 2
    My Gender: male/genderqueer (there are 2 of us)
    Your Gender: any
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes/Requests: We are a queer couple. We have 1 extra bed and are looking for 2 folks to share it to cut down on costs. There's a fridge in the room, but it will probably be full of my food because I have severe food allergies and have to bring my own food with me everywhere, but if that's going to be a problem, we can figure it out. This is both of our first PAX, and we're kind of bummed we only could score tix for Friday, but at least we got one day! We're driving up from Portland, so if you need a ride and want to split gas $, let us know.

  • iSamuraiiSamurai Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Aug 30
    Date Leaving: Sep 1
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: 2M
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes:
    I'm 23, friend is 25. We live about an hour south of Seattle (Olympia), and are trying to avoid having to drive up and down every day. We don't have the best jobs in the world so we're trying to avoid having to pay for a room by ourselves due to the cost. Our primary video game right now is World of Tanks but we enjoy most games. We also play D&D and enjoy other tabletop ventures as well. We're open to house-shares as well if someone lives in the area and has an extra room.

  • elleecstaticelleecstatic Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: thursday Aug. 29th
    Date Leaving: tuesday Sep. 3rd
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: F
    Your Gender: doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: pm/

    Additional Notes:
    Im 20 yrs old from NYC (but will be 21 when Prime rolls around). Im a little shy, but VERY friendly and talkative. I like playing board games (and discovering new ones too!) Im really polite and I LOVE SHOWERS. Im just looking to share a room with either 1 or 2 other people because sharing a room with like 6+ people isnt ideal for me. I dont mind paying anything less than 900$ Also, im a cosplayer, so I might have like 2 suitcases and also I might change outfits in the room during the con but usually I dont :)

  • inPHiniTe ChAOsinPHiniTe ChAOs Registered User new member
    edited April 2013

    Date Arriving: Plan to arrive Thursday, August 29
    Date Leaving: Plan to leave Monday, September 2
    Spots Needed:1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: ; Skype: inphinitechaos ; will provide cell phone number in email if easier for you.

    Additional Notes: I'm 20, but I'll be 21 on July 1. I'll be leaving from Detroit, MI, by myself. I play a lot of League of Legends (add me if you want, inphinite chaos) and video games in general, and I watch a lot of anime. I plan to cosplay as a Cactuar from Final Fantasy so I might need to be in and out of the room a couple times throughout the day to just air out. I'll provide a picture and any details that you would like if necessary. I'm willing to sleep on the floor or on a chair or whatever. I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. I'm kind, respectful, courteous, and will clean up after myself.

    inPHiniTe ChAOs on
  • QuintiousQuintious Registered User regular
    edited June 2013

    Quintious on
  • ChazzonChazzon Registered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Hotel: Homewood suites 206 west ave
    Total Cost:$130 This is for the entire 5 night! Not per night, sorry fro any confusion.
    Date Arriving: Aug 28th
    Date Leaving:Sept 2nd
    Number of Spots Available:1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any We have a split of male/female already so either is fine.
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes/Requests: This is roomshare is a continuation of the last 2 years. I've got 4 people who have stayed with me. We enjoy going to the bars, and having a group time at all the parties. If you enjoy dancing, drinking, and want to have a WILD PAX experience, check us out. We have the largest room homewood has to offer, so plenty of space 875sqft of space!

    Hotel has 4 single beds, a pull out couch, and a roll away already reserved. So 6 beds solid, and will be happy to make accommodation for 2 more. no drugs for any reason If your caught with drugs, you will be removed from the room without a refund of your roomshare. Our group knows all the good dinners/hang outs in the area. Please shower, and clean daily.

    Updated 4/18/2013 @ 10:45pm PST

    Chazzon on
  • goodtimeshaxorgoodtimeshaxor Registered User regular
    edited July 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving: Tuesday (Monday works too, prefer Tuesday)
    Spots Needed: 1-2
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: Email.

    Additional Notes: I'd prefer HOMEWOODZ. I'm an indie developer and will probably be exhibiting all day. Don't know if it means anything but I thought I'd let you know in advance. Also, possibility of free games for you! :D

    goodtimeshaxor on
    Indie dev of Lawnmower Challenge | Android Free | iOS | Amazon
  • SkramzSkramz Registered User new member
    edited May 2013

    Hotel: Grand Hyatt (1 block away)
    Total Cost: $50 a night per person.
    Date Arriving: August 29th (Thursday)
    Date Leaving: September 2nd (Monday)
    Number of Spots Available: 2-3
    My Gender: Male (23 years old) and Female (25 years old)
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method:

    If you are interested in staying with us, send us an email telling us about yourself/group.

    Additional Notes/Requests: There is only one king bed in the room, so you would be sleeping on the floor. We're hoping we can get a room with two beds as it gets closer, but isn't very likely. All we ask is that you don't smoke, don't do drugs, have good hygiene, and be respectful of others in the room. We are right across the street from the convention center and it is extremely convenient!

    About us -

    Him: Extremely quiet, likes video games (LoL, Counterstrike), Kpop, vocal trance and some anime.

    Her: Outgoing, loves anime/manga, Kdramas, Kpop/Jpop.


    zerzhul on
  • thegh0stthegh0st Registered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Hotel: Sheraton
    Total Cost:$255 per person
    Date Arriving:Thursday
    Date Leaving:Monday
    Number of Spots Available:2
    My Gender: 25M/ 27F couple
    Your Gender: doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method:PM

    Additional Notes/Requests:
    My boyfriend and I have a room at the Sheraton with two beds. We'd like another couple or a pair of friends who don't mind sharing a bed (or one of whom doesn't mind paying an even share to sleep on the floor) to room with us so we can split the total cost of the room evenly 4 ways.

    Little about us-
    We're both console/pc gamers.
    My boyfriend is super quiet and shy so he's likely to retreat back to the room (and play DOTA) when the crowds get to be too much for him. I'm a little more outgoing.
    This is a long shot: but I'm into yoga so it would be super cool if I could find someone who would want to find a way to practice with me.

    I'd like to be paid in advance by the end of July so I'll have time to find new roommates anything falls through! PM me and introduce yourselves~

    thegh0st on
  • H2OCakeisalieH2OCakeisalie Enforcer Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Hotel: Grand Hyatt
    Total Cost:$270 for 5 nights per person
    Date Arriving:8/29/13
    Date Leaving:9/3/13
    Number of Spots Available: 2
    My Gender: male
    Your Gender: I dont care
    Best Contact Method:pm/ email

    Additional Notes/Requests: I hope you like cards against humanity
    I do ask that you be at least 21
    About Me: I'm reserved but easy to get along with I live by wheatons Law I love vodka
    I play on every platform I am picky about the games ill play and if all thats cool with you is cool with me

    H2OCakeisalie on
  • Ben2998Ben2998 Master Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013

    Date Arriving: In the night between Thursday August 28th and Friday August 29th
    Date Leaving: Monday, September 2nd in the afternoon
    Spots Needed: one bed
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: don't really care but you need to be at least 21.
    Best Contact Method: PM or email

    Additional Notes:
    I would like a spot in any of the hotels nearby the convention. I'm ready to reserve a room if I can find another group who needs a room and I have about 500$ for the hotel.

    Seems like I won't be going to PAX after all. Everyone, please have fun for me.

    Ben2998 on
    Conquered PAX East 2013!
    Planning PAX East 2014 invasion:
    [ ... ] Hotel | [ ... ] Travel | ✓ Pass
  • goodvibes91goodvibes91 Registered User new member
    edited April 2013

    Hotel: Mayflower Park Hotel
    Total Cost: $770, we would split so you and I would each pay $335
    Date Arriving: Thursday August 29th (evening)
    Date Leaving: Monday September 2nd (afternoon/evening)
    Number of Spots Available: 1
    My Gender: Female, 21
    Your Gender: Female
    Best Contact Method: Private message, skype (good_vibes_91)

    Additional Notes: I have a room at the Mayflower (5 blocks away, but Seattle public trans is amazing, and 5 blocks isn't that far to walk anyway) but I only got one queen bed and my boyfriend isn't coming so I'd prefer a girl to share a bed with. I'm quiet, and clean but enjoy meeting new people, I may cosplay one day but I'm not sure yet. I also tend to stay up late, but like I said I'm quiet, so I hope that isn't an issue. I enjoy playing almost any type of game, indies, rpgs, shooters, action/adventures, so I'm sure we'll find something in common. PM me for any more details, or add me on skype (good_vibes_91 pls only serious inquiries, let me know in your contact request that you're from this forum), I'd like to have a skype call with you if you're interested. Can't wait for it to be August! -Molly

    zerzhul on
  • MissScarletTanagerMissScarletTanager Registered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday, August 29th
    Date Leaving: Monday September 2nd
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: female
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method: e-mail at

    Additional Notes: EDIT: Just me. I'm a cosplayer, and have a 4-day pass to the con. Closer is best, because wandering downtown Seattle in a giant Morgana costume is bad ju-ju xD Send me an -email if you've got questions!

    MissScarletTanager on
  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Converting to "Have Space":


    Date Arriving: Thursday, August 29th
    Date Leaving: Tuesday September 3rd
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method:, PM here... both if you want to be sure to get my attention

    Additional Notes: I'm 30-yr old IT professional, married. I'm told I'm easy to get along with. I am courteous, hygienic, respectful, and a not-a-dick. I won't cling to your group, unless invited.

    I prefer a non-smoking room, no drug use in the room, but I am tolerant of that which is legal, otherwise. I will be drinking and am fine with any level of alcohol you participate in. I'm fine with both party animals and quiet groups and will follow suit.

    I normally get a room and fill it with my own friends, but not enough of them are coming to justify taking a whole room and the financial risk. I prefer an equal split on cost. Will pay cash upfront.

    edgeofblade on
  • Bau5Bau5 PDXRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    GOT ONE :D


    Date Arriving: Thursday 8/29.
    Date Leaving: Tuesday 9/3
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male (Age: 26)
    Your Gender: Any (21+ only please.)
    Best Contact Method: gunkata (at) gmail . com

    Additional Notes: Somewhere really close. The Hilton, Sheridon, or Red Lion. I also would like to stay with someone who doesn't mind me coming to the room late at night. I do like to drink and go to gatherings while at PAX, i.e TWDT.

    8/9 UPDATE: Still looking for a room.

    Bau5 on
    2015 PAX Prime: Badge(s) [ ] Transportation [ ] Hotel [ ] TWDT replacement [ ] Party Pants [ ]

    TWDT Slytherin Death Eater - 2012
    TWDT Slytherin Death Eater - 2013
    TWDT Slytherin Death Eater - 2014
  • tommy212tommy212 Registered User new member
    Need space

    Arriving thurs August 29
    Departing Monday September 2
    Spots needed 2
    Gender - both male
    Best contact method : pm or email
    We're both good guys ... No drugs ..wanting to experience a lot... We both are into friendly ppl , gaming and drinking after a long day ..

    Hope to hear from someone ...

  • Captain StarCaptain Star Vancouver, BCRegistered User new member
    edited April 2013
    Need Space:

    Date Arriving: Thursday, August 29
    Date Leaving: Tuesday, September 3
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: Both male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes: This is our third year attending PAX and we are hoping to get a hotel close to the convention center. Our most preferable places would include the Homewood, Sheraton, and Grand Hyatt.

    Captain Star on
  • ek93922ek93922 Registered User new member
    edited April 2013
    Need Space:

    Date Arriving: Thursday, August 29th
    Date Leaving: Monday, September 2nd
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender : Both Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes: This is my second time attending PAX and first time for my friend. We'd prefer place close to the convention center. Looking for around $40 per night. (Non-smoker room please)

    ek93922 on
  • Jaym4nJaym4n Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Date Arriving: 8/29, Thursday
    Date Leaving: 9/2, Monday
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter.
    Best Contact Method: PM

    Additional Notes:
    Willing to pay cash. This is my first PAX and I'm looking to make it a good one, looking for $40-60 a night. No drugs, Non-smoker.

    zerzhul on
    PAX SOUTH 2017 Preparedness:
    [E] Passes [X] Hotel [X] Flight [ ] Waiting Patiently
  • DDiceDaveDDiceDave Registered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Date Arriving: 8/30
    Date Leaving: 9/02
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: M (50 yr)
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter.
    Best Contact Method: DDiceDave@gmail

    Additional Notes: I'm a volunteer for a Table Top game company, so I'll be working long hours.
    Thank You for the opportunity.

    zerzhul on
    Volunteer Representative for
    SFR Inc. (Makers of Dragon Dice & Daemon Dice)
  • UNHMANUNHMAN [E] Registered User regular
    edited July 2013

    Hotel:Crown Plaza (3 Blocks from WSCC)
    Total Cost: $450 floor spot

    Date Arriving:8/28
    Date Leaving:9/04
    Spots Available:1
    My Gender:Male
    Your Gender:Don't care
    Best Contact

    I am a Enforcer. I will be getting in on Wednesday before PAX so I can get over jet lag. I ordered a Roll away(cot) with my reservation so that is available as is a spot on the floor. As me and the other people staying with me work during PAX at night it would be nice if it was a quiet room. As usual a person with good hygiene is requested. There is the chance that even though I ordered it a cot might not be available in the room with so many people arriving for PAX. Though I ordered it somewhat early so I imagine it ups the chance. It doesn't matter really what days you stay for but either way I can't change the price. Serious attendees who are positive they will not back out please. Payment: A check sent before PAX is my preferred method cash on spot if needed. You can E-mail me at above address, or PM me here. Thank You.

    EDIT: Now back Open. Person backed out. Remaining Floor Spot.
    EDIT2: Floor spot taken.

    UNHMAN on
  • VeeSeeVeeSee Pirate Ninja Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited July 2013

    Date Arriving: August 29
    Date Leaving: September 2
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method: PM first. If things are kosher, then I can provide phone number, social profiles, etc.

    Additional Notes:
    Another year, another PAX. I'm a 27 year old professional male. I'm either driving or Bolt Bus'ing up from Portland, which is dependent on the parking situation. I'm a Seattle native, so I know where all the neat and good eats are at :)
    I'm very laid back, but I do have two things I'm looking for: respect each other's property and be hygienic.

    Anyway, I'm up for partying with the group or going our own way, makes no difference with me. If I'm able to bring my car up, we can hit up the delicious restaurants outside the downtown proper if you so desire. Not sure about you, but I'm sick of the Subway/Cheesecake Factory/Blue C/Taphouse (ok, not really Tap House, love their draft selection).

    Won't be able to make it out this year, so backing out from the search. Have fun all!

    VeeSee on
  • ClixClix This guy I know Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday 29, August
    Date Leaving: Tuesday 3, September
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: M/F
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: PM first

    Additional Notes:
    My wife and I will be traveling from the East Coast and are looking for anybody that would like to share a vacation rental within walking distance to the convention center. We used to live on the Kitsap Peninsula and are pretty familiar with Seattle.

    Clix on
  • superwootsuperwoot 6th Annual Triwizard - Slytherin DE Santa barbara, CARegistered User regular
    edited August 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday, August 29th (PaxTrain!)
    Date Leaving: Monday morning, September 2nd
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: m(27)/f(21)
    Your Gender: Female preferably, but not necessary.
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes: We are looking for something affordable, so please don't ask us to join you in a skyline penthouse (price range = up to $200/night)! We both are pax newbs, and having a veteran roommate would be awesome. We only have Saturday tickets as of right now, but that may change. We are also possibly looking to move to Seattle in the future, so if you know about the city, that would be great! Feel free to email me and let me know what you have available. Hygienic would be nice!

    superwoot on
    In the strangest of ways...
  • NikkelNikkel Registered User regular
    edited July 2013

    Date Arriving: Thu, 29 Aug 2013
    Date Leaving: Tue, 3 Sep 2013
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: M (34)
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes:
    This will be my first PAX. I unfortunately missed the sale so had to spend $325 on my 4-day pass (gulp!). In that regard, I'm hoping to find a hotel room to share for less than 150 per night for my share. I'm hygienic, drug/smoke free. To be honest, I would love to make a few friends while I'm there. I love gaming culture and I'm very excited to go. I'll do what I can to ensure that I'm a good roomie. Thanks, and I hope to see ALL of you there!

    zerzhul on
    Pax Prime 2013 checklist: 4 Day Pass [X] Accommodations [ ] Travel [X] Time Off [X]
  • YetieeYetiee Registered User new member
    edited May 2013

    Hotel:Seattle Suites
    Total Cost: $1000 4 nights total for 2-3 people

    Date Arriving: Thursday 8/29
    Date Leaving: Monday 9/2 (can extend to Tuesday 9/3 if wanted)
    Number of Spots Available: 2-3
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: PM on forums at first

    Additional Notes/Requests:This is a 2 bedroom rental 1 block away from the convention center. The rental only comes with 2 keys so I would like to share with a group of friends or couple. I put 2-3 spots cause you will have your own room with 2 twin beds, so if there are 3 of you in the group and one of you are willing to sleep on the couch or on the floor you are more than welcome to. There is no smoking in the rental but there is a obervation deck where you can. Thanks.

    zerzhul on
  • jthom252jthom252 Duarte, CARegistered User regular
    edited April 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday 8/29 (Probably coming up by Train, so late in the evening)
    Date Leaving: Tuesday 9/3 (Early afternoon flight)
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: M
    Your Gender: Don't care. Prefer 21+ though.
    Best Contact Method: Private Message or Email (

    Additional Notes:
    26 (at time of convention) y.o. College Grad, from LA - looking at moving to Seattle, big PC gamer in general and an aspiring developer. I tend to be a bit of an insomniac, so I might end up getting up once or twice during the night, I also plan on attending some of the late night stuff (Concerts mainly) and parties. I like drinking but I try not to be a loud drunk, I don't mind smokers either. Also willing to split a shuttle or cab to the airport if you're heading back the day / time. Don't mind sleeping on a chair / cot if the need comes down to it, just looking to save a big chunk of cash this year.

    This is like my 5th or so PAX, so I'm at least a bit familiar with the convention, I also shower daily (which seems to be lacking in some attendees :P). Not a huge tabletop gamer, but been looking to get into more of that stuff if you're noob-friendly. I don't really have a huge problem with noise or anything and I get along pretty well with people, especially with similar interests (I mean hey, it's PAX right?).

    Looking to spend less than $125 a night if possible. As an alternative I'm willing to split one of the remaining hotels with someone else, I've personally stayed at Springhill Suites and Mayflower Park before and like both pretty well. If you happen to be heading up on the PAX train that's a huge plus.

    jthom252 on
  • PoobyPooby Registered User new member
    edited July 2013

    Hotel: Red Lion Hotel on Fifth Avenue
    Total Cost: Split ~$1,033 ($400 if you stay 4 nights- $500 if you stay 5 nights)
    Date Arriving: Thursday (Arriving late at night.)
    Date Leaving: Tuesday (Leaving in the afternoon.)
    Number of Spots Available: 1-2
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't Matter
    Best Contact Method: Steam (Clicky) or PM me.

    Additional Notes/Requests: First timer to Seattle and PAX. I'm 26 and an avid and pretty diverse gamer (take a look at my steam profile). I stream here and there for fun- mostly DayZ (I troll a bunch). I am very laid back and friendly in person. I enjoy drinking so I plan to go out every night after PAX. Room has 2 beds and so far its just me, but a buddy of mine that lives up in the Seattle area will most likely be staying a night or two. I just ask that you please be clean and respectful of the room/hygiene. Veteran PAX goers preferred. :-) I would also prefer your share by the end of May to secure that you are in fact going.

    zerzhul on
  • late_roselate_rose Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: August 29th (Thursday Evening)
    Date Leaving: September 2nd (Monday probably)
    Spots Needed:1
    My Gender: Female
    Your Gender: Don't Care
    Best Contact Method: PM here, email d.lewis92(at), skype d.lewis92

    Additional Notes:
    This is my first PAX convention and I'm going by myself. I'm 21 years old and mostly play nintendo (bringing my 3DS) and chinese/korean mmorpg's (lived in Asia for a while; might bring my laptop). I'm a night owl but can keep to myself if need be. It would be great to skype beforehand, so we can get a feel for the other person. I just registered on this forum so that I could meet up with like minded people and hopefully find a welcoming community. I'm pretty down for anything (partying, adventuring, etc).

  • poly-atomicpoly-atomic Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving: Tuesday
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: PM or email to polpak AT gmail

    Additional Notes:
    This is my 3rd year coming to PAX. In the past I've come with other friends and haven't really taken advantage of the opportunity to meet a lot of new people, so I'm looking forward to that. I'm mostly interested in PC , Table Top, and Drinking games (I'm over 21). I don't bring a lot of clutter, and I shower at least once a day (shocking I know!).

  • CanadianBac0nzCanadianBac0nz Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Tuesday before
    Date Leaving: Monday or Tuesday after
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Not picky
    Best Contact Method: PM here, or email at

    Additional Notes:
    I'm a Canadian computer science student who is attending both PAX Dev and PAX Prime this year. I've been to 2 PAX shows in the past, one East and one Prime.
    Because I'm going to PAX Dev this year, I'll be in Seattle for an additional 2 days before Prime. I'm also willing to roomshare from just Friday on, though, and get myself a cheap hotel a bit further away for the earlier days.
    I'm looking for something cheap and at least a little bit close (walking distance would be fantastic, but within 25 minutes drive of public transport works too), and I've got no problem sleeping on the floor.

  • WrongWorlderWrongWorlder Registered User regular
    edited May 2013

    Date Arriving: Thursday before (via PAXtrain)
    Date Leaving: Tuesday after (via PAXtrain)
    Spots Needed: 5
    Our Genders: 2 male, 3 female
    Your Gender: Irrelevant
    Best contact method:
    PM is okay, but I'm new to the forums and might forget to check for a couple days.

    Additional Notes:
    We missed out on reserving the cheap, easy and/or convenient rooms, so our group is looking for a room to stay in. Our group consists of myself, my brother, my girlfriend, her sister, and her sister's friend. This will be my 3rd PAX, and the second PAX for my gal and my bro. We're nice folks, and we just need a place to sleep- we don't stay up partying, although we might join you in a round of whatever game you have set up on the TV. None of us drive, so we need walking distance.

    I hope you can help!

    zerzhul on
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