@Kagera The book Jarhead led me to believe that you can still be a sniper with glasses. Supposedly the best shot in their unit was the guy with the thick coke bottle glasses.
This is the hardest I've laughed at a Penny Arcade comic in a long time. I love the last panel.
Gotta agree, I don't know if it's just me, but I haven't enjoyed them as much recently (if by recent you mean the last several years), excepting the infamous "Dickwolves" of course. Their DnD stuff has been their best product. I really wish they'd bring back the podcasts too, the TV show just didn't really capture the same feeling, but it might have just been a general change in atmosphere too.
This is the hardest I've laughed at a Penny Arcade comic in a long time. I love the last panel.
Gotta agree, I don't know if it's just me, but I haven't enjoyed them as much recently (if by recent you mean the last several years), excepting the infamous "Dickwolves" of course. Their DnD stuff has been their best product. I really wish they'd bring back the podcasts too, the TV show just didn't really capture the same feeling, but it might have just been a general change in atmosphere too.
I'm with you. I think they've been heading in a direction for the last few years that isn't really my favourite type of comedy, but this strip is right back in my wheelhouse.
Swing and a miss, PA. Don't even understand the red slash above the white eye in the last panel.
Also, hooray for never having glasses/contacts! I'll take any kind of derision bestowed upon me to not have to worry about that every day. The idea of using contact solution and putting things in my eyes gives me the creeps...
Smoogy on
3DS Friend Code: 1821-8991-4141
PAD ID: 376,540,262
Swing and a miss, PA. Don't even understand the red slash above the white eye in the last panel.
Lasik as the name implies uses lasers to adjust the shape of the cornea which can correct bad vision in some cases. The last panel implies that Gabe squirmed around in his seat so that the lasers mangled his flesh.
I remember seeing a video once where a Dr. put a piece of paper under the Lasik machine, started some sort of demo program, then shook the hell out of the machine as it lasered the paper. Then he took the paper out and held it under a magnifying glass, showng a tiny, perfectly drawn logo of the company.
Yeah, but you can tell when somebody's wearing noncorrective lenses. There's only only thing kids pick on more than the kid without whatever the cool thing of the day is. That's the kid with the cheap knockoff. "Haha, your mom bought you Samurai Pizza Cats? I'd rather not have any of my Ninja Turtles than have a cheap ripoff."
Last paragraph of the newspost is terrifying. I could definitely see a torture flick centering around an eye doctor who longs to view all men's eyes unimpeded by that which would diminish their brilliant color.
I have glasses and I am not interested in Lasik or anything, but voluntary surgery on the lens could in theory tempt me someday. Mostly because without the lens (or with a synthetic lens), humans can see ultraviolet.
I meant that it's crudely drawn and just superimposed over his normal hair, resulting in an image that just doesn't work for me.
Superimposed...what are you talking about? That's a laser burn that's burned his hair away.
The way the long bottom curve of the hair cuts in under the scar is kind of distracting in a biology/physics-defying way. (Unless Gabe uses a gallon of hairspray, although in that case his hair would be flammable and the last panel may have had to have been censored.) It's over-dramatic to suggest it ruins the strip, but I do see where she/he's coming from.
You know how some people are overly bothered by tangents? (Winky face)
yes, that's the number of eyes you have
if you have good eyesight you haven't spent enough time hunched over a monitor
Can't tell if typo or Gabe being like a child and being cutesy...
It's deteriorated just enough that I can have them now and I see that I was justified. These things are baller.
Also this isn't a Mike story is it? Maybe some weird reversal of him going for LASIK?
Not that I was ever going to be those things anyway but I would have had the opportunity to fail at them for reasons other than eyesight!
Steam: adamjnet
Also, not wearing glasses is how I've managed to fly under the radar. Cool girls don't find out I'm a geek until it's too late.
Our kids don't need them yet, hope they won't.
I liked that book, it was better than the movie.
Indeed, I here they're all the rage these days. Glasses have become a fashion statement.
I'm with you. I think they've been heading in a direction for the last few years that isn't really my favourite type of comedy, but this strip is right back in my wheelhouse.
welcome to the party
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Also, hooray for never having glasses/contacts! I'll take any kind of derision bestowed upon me to not have to worry about that every day. The idea of using contact solution and putting things in my eyes gives me the creeps...
3DS Friend Code: 1821-8991-4141
PAD ID: 376,540,262
Lasik as the name implies uses lasers to adjust the shape of the cornea which can correct bad vision in some cases. The last panel implies that Gabe squirmed around in his seat so that the lasers mangled his flesh.
fucking lasers, how do they work?
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Its almost certainly a Tychpo.
And I just wanted to chime in and say that this comic is wonderful too!
Anyway, that was cool.
These days? For the last few decades at least.
... the humanity ...
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
I meant that it's crudely drawn and just superimposed over his normal hair, resulting in an image that just doesn't work for me.
3DS Friend Code: 1821-8991-4141
PAD ID: 376,540,262
Superimposed...what are you talking about? That's a laser burn that's burned his hair away.
The way the long bottom curve of the hair cuts in under the scar is kind of distracting in a biology/physics-defying way. (Unless Gabe uses a gallon of hairspray, although in that case his hair would be flammable and the last panel may have had to have been censored.) It's over-dramatic to suggest it ruins the strip, but I do see where she/he's coming from.
You know how some people are overly bothered by tangents? (Winky face)