Yah, thanks for that.
AnonymousI was hired for my first job in the video game industry yesterday - as a QA tester. I thought it would be the best job ever. I was so excited that I started google searching for tester related stuff, and found this site.
Then I read the tales archive. My favourite one was where the guy works 70 hours a week for no pay while surrounded by hostile co-workers, and then gets laid off when the game is done. I’d give you the title, but I can’t remember - I read the same story so many times they’ve sort of bled together.
I start my new job on Monday.
Unlike some of us mugs.
"Did you read all this shit, or do some other extracurricular activity?"
"Were you paying me to do that?"
"Well, there you go then!"
It's hard to believe someone is this naive and clueless in regards to PA or QA (not saying it's not possible) and if they are...oh boy.
Poor person.
Hmm...a world where the Metallocalypse is actually coming true?
That would somewhat be harkening back to the premise of LOOM, of sorts, only in a much nastier way than the innocence of LOOM would've allowed.