I'm making a separate thread from the Chronic Illness thread to talk about this, as this is one of the single-most important thing to happen to me.
I have entered into the Endgame of trying to live my life without an otomy bag permanantly. It seems that I now have a 90% chance of this happening tomorrow when I go into surgery.
I sacrificed a lot to try to avoid this, I would do anything within my power to escape the temporary pain and pray that I'd get better down the road.
Right now, the J-pouch is too inflamed and rigid to reconnect, barring something miraculous in the check in the morning. I go in for an MRI tonight, and if it shows there are sill fisula tracks then it's going to be a removal. Endgame. Failure.
Because if the fistula tracks are still there, I can't just have a diverting endostomy that doesn't run
any intestines near the J-pouch (the J-pouch is a term for illeum which is stretched to take the place of a colon) because those fistulas could get worse. Because Crohn's disease bores fistulas and even sitting there by itself it
could cause sepsis in my abdomen.
And removing said J-Pouch carries a myriad of possible complications.
Myriad. They'd be putting stints in the kidney connections just to make sure everything flows right.
I have an MRI in a couple hours to check on the fistula tracts. I doubt they are gone. Surgery is already scheduled for tomorrow, because they are going to do
Also, I'm in the Rochester, Minnesota region in case anybody wants to stop by and say hi. I should have my hospital name and room number figured out by tomorrow evening.
Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
Here's hoping things go your way.
As always, if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know.
Hugs, dude.
We're all here for you and are hoping for the best.
XBox LIVE: Bogestrom | Destiny
PSN: Bogestrom
I'll keep you in mind, and I hope everything goes well.
power trough all that shit man
Twitter Steam
3DS Friend Code: 0216-0898-6512
Switch Friend Code: SW-7437-1538-7786
XBL: Torn Hoodie
Do you have your Steam library stocked with one-handed games for when you're recovering? Anything you fancy that folks could gift you?
Best of luck, Munkus. I'm hoping for the absolute best for you, dude.
Steam ID - VeldrinD
5% chance they can make a new pouch.
5 percent.
I have a one-handed game he can play :winky:
No matter what happens next, you'll make the most of the hand you're dealt.
I have suffered and tried and begged for years to keep the pouch. All of that was futile.
Not endgame, just a bad midgame until you get your pawn promoted
Stay safe, get rest, play video games