It's so rare that almost the entire internet agrees on something that I find it especially fascinating to watch the remaining 20% (there's always 20%) dig in hard. And the used games video. That was a riot.
Hey now, WiiU versus PS4 is still a hard decision for some people.
Well, this does make the WiiU the only console with free online play and backwards compatibility, and they are under the PS4 by $100, so yeah, there is at least the semblance of a decision to be made. PS4's going to be the winner in the end, I think we can all agree on that, but the WiiU at least didn't explode on the launch pad and send metal coated with burning rocket fuel into the next county.
Gosling on
I have a new soccer blog The Minnow Tank. Reading it psychically kicks Sepp Blatter in the bean bag.
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
Hey now, WiiU versus PS4 is still a hard decision for some people.
Honestly, for the most part I imagine that people will be getting one of those two on priority with the other as a close-second. At the end of the day both will be had. It'll help out a lot if the Wii U sees a price drop. It was the first to launch this cycle, at any rate.
Sgt.Big_BubbaloolaThat's Mr to you!Everywhere man....Registered Userregular
Well I think PA restrained themselves admirably by not adding to the general kerb-stomp go around on the internet. Seriously, i'm actually starting to feel sympathy for MS now ..................... not much sympathy mind, minuscule really but if you squint real hard it is there.
Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!
HenroidMexican kicked from Immigration ThreadCentrism is Racism :3Registered Userregular
Well I think PA restrained themselves admirably by not adding to the general kerb-stomp go around on the internet. Seriously, i'm actually starting to feel sympathy for MS now ..................... not much sympathy mind, minuscule really but if you squint real hard it is there.
I thought I felt sympathy at first, but really it's just astonishment at how much Microsoft screwed up what should have been an easy approach into riding a very comfortable 2nd place at minimum (and a shot at having 1st) (I'm speaking in terms of market share). I've said this over in G&T a few times lately but all they had to do was stick to their guns and not change anything. Improve on the hardware, yes, maybe some new features, that's it. And what we get instead is just some absolute bananas business approach that's meant to cater to business partners over consumers.
I thought they were going to damage control this shit, but then a quote from Don Mattrick on Sunday gets published, saying that the non-internet product people want from Microsoft is the 360. That's their response to the online-centric nature of the XB1. It's so antagonistic toward consumers to say that sort of thing. They're practically inventing a class / prestige issue in playing video games. "Don't have good internet? You're not good enough."
Hey now, WiiU versus PS4 is still a hard decision for some people.
Honestly, for the most part I imagine that people will be getting one of those two on priority with the other as a close-second. At the end of the day both will be had. It'll help out a lot if the Wii U sees a price drop. It was the first to launch this cycle, at any rate.
Yeah, if you want the most out of this (home) console generation, Wii U + PS4 seems like the way to go.
I'll be getting a Wii U first since they've got loads of games coming up that appeal to me but somewhere down the line, I'll definitely be getting a PS4.
Sgt.Big_BubbaloolaThat's Mr to you!Everywhere man....Registered Userregular
.................. so the official MS line for people without internet (so read that as also for people with low speed or spotty connections) should just stick with the 360.
Ya know it is so rare these days that you can actually say 'I remember the exact point that a company truly stopped giving a shit'. Well, I think we just saw one.
Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!
My emotional reaction to this whole mess isn't even close to sympathy yet. I think for that to happen the xbone factory would have to like, disappear into a sinkhole or something.
anyway, I like how tycho can't even bring himself to say anything nice. Like, sorry guys, platitudes just ain't in me.
hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Here's my deal. MS doesn't make typically make money directly off of players that both buy used games and don't often connect to the internet. I'm assuming that they still don't make a whole lot off of players that do one or the other either. So MS is essentially cutting this demographic from their user base. I can understand this from a solely business perspective, but their is a potential flaw in their logic. The users that do connect to the internet regularly and purchase new games want to play with their friends who don't.
I fall into the later category. I almost always buy games new and I have an excellent internet connection that I use judiciously. So while I'm not directly affected by their policies I'm still put off by the XB1 since I know many of my friends won't be interested in the system. Xbox Live created a great social ecosystem and MS seems to be throwing that away in favor of only catering to the users that provide the highest profit margin.
birdland1115 on
Sgt.Big_BubbaloolaThat's Mr to you!Everywhere man....Registered Userregular
Or I would argue, cater to their business partners first THEN catering to the users that provide the highest profit margin.
Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!
Personally, I'm relieved to have my next gen choice made so easily for me. PS4 ordered on Amazon as soon as they announced the price (and after I picked my jaw up from the floor), and I've had a WiiU for a while now. I was regretting that purchase, but then I saw dat Bayonetta 2 trailer... oh my.
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
I wonder if MS would have been able to mitigate the reaction to their spy-cam if the whole NSA thing hadn't come out around the same time.
This is a small but stupid part of MS's plan. If the user wants to leave the thing on all the time so that they can tell it to turn on vocally, then that functionality is there. If they want to turn it off, provide an off button. At that point, there is no issue because you are not trying to tell your consumers how they must use your device just because you feel like you know better than them what should concern them.
The bigger problem is all the other ways that they are telling users how they need to use their system. They're telling people that they shouldn't be buying used games, and actively throwing roadblocks in the way of people who do. They're telling people that don't have continuous internet connections that they can't use the device at all.
It seems like Microsoft is confident that with so much catering to large developers they can be successful regardless of the feelings of their consumers- the people who actually pay them.
There's a word for this, and it's been around for an awfully long time... Hubris.
I wonder if MS would have been able to mitigate the reaction to their spy-cam if the whole NSA thing hadn't come out around the same time.
I don't follow a lot of current events. What NSA thing are you talking about?
Also, one snake bite isn't really that bad, all things considered. I mean, at least they didn't give everyone the swine flu or something.
Basically, a former contractor working with the CIA came out and said "uhh...guys. The NSA is basically monitoring the metadata for all your calls, emails, and everything ever." Not like... actually listening (note: they probably can if they want to), but taking note of who you call, how long the call is etc. Google, IBM, AT&T, Verizon etc are all said to be party to this.
When asked, various US congressmen and Senators were like "yeah, we know all about this, it comes up for re-approval once in a while and we okay it."
Skiddles on
KalTorakOne way or another, they all end up inthe Undercity.Registered Userregular
I wonder if MS would have been able to mitigate the reaction to their spy-cam if the whole NSA thing hadn't come out around the same time.
I don't follow a lot of current events. What NSA thing are you talking about?
The NSA is literally spying on everything you do and Microsoft is helping them. The NSA will have an always on camera in the home of everyone with an Xbone. It is literally 1984.
I wonder if MS would have been able to mitigate the reaction to their spy-cam if the whole NSA thing hadn't come out around the same time.
I don't follow a lot of current events. What NSA thing are you talking about?
Also, one snake bite isn't really that bad, all things considered. I mean, at least they didn't give everyone the swine flu or something.
I'm guessing it's the recent revelation that the NSA has your cell phone records, and have been receiving them for quite some time. Google "Snowden" or "NSA Leak" for more information.
I wonder if MS would have been able to mitigate the reaction to their spy-cam if the whole NSA thing hadn't come out around the same time.
I don't follow a lot of current events. What NSA thing are you talking about?
The NSA is literally spying on everything you do and Microsoft is helping them. The NSA will have an always on camera in the home of everyone with an Xbone. It is literally 1984.
Would you like a tinfoil hat with that crazy statement? Metadata isn't the same as data.
Plenty of reasonable things to hate Microsoft for without people making stuff up.
I wonder if MS would have been able to mitigate the reaction to their spy-cam if the whole NSA thing hadn't come out around the same time.
I don't follow a lot of current events. What NSA thing are you talking about?
The NSA is literally spying on everything you do and Microsoft is helping them. The NSA will have an always on camera in the home of everyone with an Xbone. It is literally 1984.
I wonder if MS would have been able to mitigate the reaction to their spy-cam if the whole NSA thing hadn't come out around the same time.
I don't follow a lot of current events. What NSA thing are you talking about?
The NSA is literally spying on everything you do and Microsoft is helping them. The NSA will have an always on camera in the home of everyone with an Xbone. It is literally 1984.
no, it is literally 2013.
No, it's liturgically 5773.
Descendant XSkyrim is my god now.Outpost 31Registered Userregular
My emotional reaction to this whole mess isn't even close to sympathy yet. I think for that to happen the xbone factory would have to like, disappear into a sinkhole or something.
anyway, I like how tycho can't even bring himself to say anything nice. Like, sorry guys, platitudes just ain't in me.
Let us not forget something from some time ago from Tycho:
Everybody who reads a site like Penny Arcade probably knows about the Microsoft dude showing his “Twitter ass” re: Always On Consoles. His butt and the surrounding environs were no doubt hurt by this ambiguously sourced Kotaku piece, one which contradicts its entire thrust within the body of the article itself, and he decided to start peeing in consumer’s mouths when the actual solution was to stop reading Kotaku.
I don’t actually know what “always on” means. The first Xbox was “always on,” because it offered a perpetual connection and the creature comforts that come from a unified service. I’ve asked about what it means this time around, of course, and gotten “responses” moated deep in quotation marks. But you talk to me the way this Adam Orth character did at your fucking peril. He’s been muzzled now, of course; brought to heel. When others told me what he tried to say, they emphasized just how connected everything is now. They aren’t wrong, certainly: World of Warcraft is typically the object lesson for things like this, but that’s a single game. Steam is much more apt, as a container service which is more or less my computer’s primary operating system. Google Docs, as a kind of Cloud Elemental, is also a solid point of comparison. Both of those feature offline modes that let you “own” your stuff to a large extent independent of the silver cord.
I could nod gravely in the direction of Electronic Arts and Ubisoft’s attempts to corral piracy to the detriment of legitimate customers, but those grisly tales need no reference. What’s being suggested slash pilloried - a console which must constantly speak to the Internet or be rendered inert - could not possibly work as a global entertainment appliance. That’s why I don’t actually believe it’s the case. But we saw this with the PS3, also: a glutted victor gesturing with a ham hock, making a host of slurred decrees. And that’s where the worry begins to creep in at the edges.
Read what he wrote then after the whole Adam Orth fiasco and realise that exactly what he feared Microsoft has actually gone and done. I especially love the analogy right at the end "A glutted victor gesturing with a ham hock, making a host of slurred decrees". That's exactly what Microsoft are now.
I absolutely cannot wait for his news post after remembering this. Will it be outright disappointment or will it be schadenfreude of some kind? I am really eager to see.
I'm glad I'm not the first one to remember that little Twitter fiasco.
Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
You know, I'm kind of hoping this will turn to be a "New Coke" kind of situation where Microsoft be will be like "haha just kidding guys" and then remove all of the DRM bullshit.
Really if all they did was make it so that the internet check was needed for playing games where you don't have the disc in the drive, I'd be fine with the system. That would allow used games, rentals, lending, etc. but also give quite a few of the benefits of digital distribution.
You know, I'm kind of hoping this will turn to be a "New Coke" kind of situation where Microsoft be will be like "haha just kidding guys" and then remove all of the DRM bullshit.
Really if all they did was make it so that the internet check was needed for playing games where you don't have the disc in the drive, I'd be fine with the system. That would allow used games, rentals, lending, etc. but also give quite a few of the benefits of digital distribution.
Microsoft has backed down on most of their really big failed concepts in the past, but right now they seem particularly obstinate. There's still no sign of budging on the Windows 8 interface, for example. And with the Xbox One mess, they're taking pains to make sure everybody knows this is on the publishers, not them, to pull the trigger on the loaded gun Microsoft handed them.
Of course, deserved. But still, if we compare what Microsoft did, even to shit like the "giant enemy crab", I dont think one strip is enough. I want a comic-version of that grin right here:
Kicking someone while they're down isn't what we do here at Penny Arcade.
But they sure don't mind punching them.
Sgt.Big_BubbaloolaThat's Mr to you!Everywhere man....Registered Userregular
I know there is normally a time ..... ermmm ....... schism between the comic being up and the comments by our PA chums, but they are really dragging their feet today.
I'm gonna go and assume the shock has truly set in.
Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!
It's so rare that almost the entire internet agrees on something that I find it especially fascinating to watch the remaining 20% (there's always 20%) dig in hard. And the used games video. That was a riot.
...and then to top it off, this happens:
Well, this does make the WiiU the only console with free online play and backwards compatibility, and they are under the PS4 by $100, so yeah, there is at least the semblance of a decision to be made. PS4's going to be the winner in the end, I think we can all agree on that, but the WiiU at least didn't explode on the launch pad and send metal coated with burning rocket fuel into the next county.
Honestly, for the most part I imagine that people will be getting one of those two on priority with the other as a close-second. At the end of the day both will be had. It'll help out a lot if the Wii U sees a price drop. It was the first to launch this cycle, at any rate.
Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!
I thought I felt sympathy at first, but really it's just astonishment at how much Microsoft screwed up what should have been an easy approach into riding a very comfortable 2nd place at minimum (and a shot at having 1st) (I'm speaking in terms of market share). I've said this over in G&T a few times lately but all they had to do was stick to their guns and not change anything. Improve on the hardware, yes, maybe some new features, that's it. And what we get instead is just some absolute bananas business approach that's meant to cater to business partners over consumers.
I thought they were going to damage control this shit, but then a quote from Don Mattrick on Sunday gets published, saying that the non-internet product people want from Microsoft is the 360. That's their response to the online-centric nature of the XB1. It's so antagonistic toward consumers to say that sort of thing. They're practically inventing a class / prestige issue in playing video games. "Don't have good internet? You're not good enough."
Yeah, if you want the most out of this (home) console generation, Wii U + PS4 seems like the way to go.
I'll be getting a Wii U first since they've got loads of games coming up that appeal to me but somewhere down the line, I'll definitely be getting a PS4.
Also: great comic.
Certainly a step up from the console reveal
It's just that Sony's conference was better in every way
Ya know it is so rare these days that you can actually say 'I remember the exact point that a company truly stopped giving a shit'. Well, I think we just saw one.
Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!
anyway, I like how tycho can't even bring himself to say anything nice. Like, sorry guys, platitudes just ain't in me.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I fall into the later category. I almost always buy games new and I have an excellent internet connection that I use judiciously. So while I'm not directly affected by their policies I'm still put off by the XB1 since I know many of my friends won't be interested in the system. Xbox Live created a great social ecosystem and MS seems to be throwing that away in favor of only catering to the users that provide the highest profit margin.
Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!
Never mind the whole cobra gift bag fiasco.
Personally, I'm relieved to have my next gen choice made so easily for me. PS4 ordered on Amazon as soon as they announced the price (and after I picked my jaw up from the floor), and I've had a WiiU for a while now. I was regretting that purchase, but then I saw dat Bayonetta 2 trailer... oh my.
PSN: rlinkmanl
This is a small but stupid part of MS's plan. If the user wants to leave the thing on all the time so that they can tell it to turn on vocally, then that functionality is there. If they want to turn it off, provide an off button. At that point, there is no issue because you are not trying to tell your consumers how they must use your device just because you feel like you know better than them what should concern them.
The bigger problem is all the other ways that they are telling users how they need to use their system. They're telling people that they shouldn't be buying used games, and actively throwing roadblocks in the way of people who do. They're telling people that don't have continuous internet connections that they can't use the device at all.
It seems like Microsoft is confident that with so much catering to large developers they can be successful regardless of the feelings of their consumers- the people who actually pay them.
There's a word for this, and it's been around for an awfully long time... Hubris.
I don't follow a lot of current events. What NSA thing are you talking about?
Also, one snake bite isn't really that bad, all things considered. I mean, at least they didn't give everyone the swine flu or something.
Basically, a former contractor working with the CIA came out and said "uhh...guys. The NSA is basically monitoring the metadata for all your calls, emails, and everything ever." Not like... actually listening (note: they probably can if they want to), but taking note of who you call, how long the call is etc. Google, IBM, AT&T, Verizon etc are all said to be party to this.
When asked, various US congressmen and Senators were like "yeah, we know all about this, it comes up for re-approval once in a while and we okay it."
There's a big hubbub about the NSA collecting internet and phone metadata, basically indiscriminately. I guess some people were surprised.
I'm guessing it's the recent revelation that the NSA has your cell phone records, and have been receiving them for quite some time. Google "Snowden" or "NSA Leak" for more information.
Edit: Unsurprisingly, beaten soundly.
Would you like a tinfoil hat with that crazy statement? Metadata isn't the same as data.
Plenty of reasonable things to hate Microsoft for without people making stuff up.
no, it is literally 2013.
Google "PRISM" and "Edward Snowden," or watch this if you only have 4 minutes to spare:
No, it's liturgically 5773.
I'm glad I'm not the first one to remember that little Twitter fiasco.
Really if all they did was make it so that the internet check was needed for playing games where you don't have the disc in the drive, I'd be fine with the system. That would allow used games, rentals, lending, etc. but also give quite a few of the benefits of digital distribution.
Microsoft has backed down on most of their really big failed concepts in the past, but right now they seem particularly obstinate. There's still no sign of budging on the Windows 8 interface, for example. And with the Xbox One mess, they're taking pains to make sure everybody knows this is on the publishers, not them, to pull the trigger on the loaded gun Microsoft handed them.
Of course, deserved. But still, if we compare what Microsoft did, even to shit like the "giant enemy crab", I dont think one strip is enough. I want a comic-version of that grin right here:
I'm gonna go and assume the shock has truly set in.
Well gosh, I suppose I might as well settle in for a nice cuppa ...... this is gonna be good!