Looking for people to travel and hang out with for my first trip to PAXEAST. Nobody I know will go or are into gaming. I'm not a hardcore gamer but I play. I want to definitely go to IGN Gamescoop and Giantbomb panels, other then that I'm up for whatever.
Ellipsisinthought on
Is there anyone in or around the Philadelphia area that is going to PAXEAST 2014 35 votes
Train is a fine option. But be careful, I missed out on Pre-PAX game night because my friend's train was delayed 5 hours because of "volume". Train may be cheaper, but I will fly every single time.
I haven't decided on the Sonic Line or a plane this year. It depends on whether the Sonic line moves to an earlier time (If it does then I may do the train again. If it doesn't, then I'll probably fly).
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. -Robert Wilensky
Ellipsisinthought--it is awesome that you are going to PAX. Welcome to the fold! I'm from Philly and have gone solo twice and both times were amazing. If you are interested in pre-pax Philadelphia activities, maybe we can organize one on the forum. It's a bit early, so not a lot of people are checking the forum just yet. Closer to event, we might be able to get a good crowd to meet up and play some games.
I haven't decided on the Sonic Line or a plane this year. It depends on whether the Sonic line moves to an earlier time (If it does then I may do the train again. If it doesn't, then I'll probably fly).
I agree for the most part. This is my third PAX. The first year, I flew, the second, I took the train. I actually prefer the train, especially if you are staying at Westin. However, I think I will go for the Sonic line in 2014, regardless of time. From what I hear, it's like a moving pre-pax game night, so, even if it is slow, it should be a blast.
I'm a bit north of Philly, but may be departing from there if the Sonic Line moves to an earlier time (or splits itself.) Regardless of my travel mode, I'd be interested in any possible regional pre-PAX festivities.
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
Steam: delaney_a
DemonStaceyTTODewback's DaughterIn love with the TaySwayRegistered Userregular
Thanks, FireWater! It seems flights are dramatically cheaper than last year. I just booked my flight--$25 more than the train, but 4.5 hours faster (really about 3 hours, when you factor in airport security, but, hey, still way faster). Now I only hope I get passes.
I'm live outside of Philly and hopefully I can go again in 2014. I say hopefully because I just need to confirm with my friends if they're going again. Last PAX was my first time and I had a blast. My friends and I took megabus up to boston. I think it cheaper than train but I can't say for sure since I don't know how much train tickets cost. So yeah, hope to get an answer from my friends soon.
WulfDisciple of TzeentchThe Void... (New Jersey)Registered Userregular
Whoa, does anyone remember how much amtrak was last year? I'm showing $$$ prices... Jet Blue would be $134 RT.
We were on the sonic line last year but by the time the train rolled in at 30th, the pax car was full, even the cars next to it. So to me (because of where our seats were) it didn't feel any more filled with PAX goers than how I'd imagine any other train that day would be.
Ellipsisinthought--it is awesome that you are going to PAX. Welcome to the fold! I'm from Philly and have gone solo twice and both times were amazing. If you are interested in pre-pax Philadelphia activities, maybe we can organize one on the forum. It's a bit early, so not a lot of people are checking the forum just yet. Closer to event, we might be able to get a good crowd to meet up and play some games.
I'm from the Lehigh Valley area and I'm planning on going. I'm either taking the train or flying, depending on which is easier for me. I've driven up the past four years and don't think I can handle doing that again.
kdmitchellEditor -in- Chief of TheOuterhavenClaymont, DelawareRegistered Userregular
Outside of Philly and I'm going
I'm from Delaware and I'm heading up to Pax East, my 3rd time now and I'll likely be driving myself, wife and maybe 1-2 other peoples. That's not 100% in stone however, those two need to make sure they got tickets and what not. I'd definitely be down for hooking up. Sides I need extra hands for pictures and videos if you'd be down for that as well
Last year was my first PAX. Was late on getting my ticket so only ended up with a Saturday pass. This year hope to jump on a three day. From South Jersey, made the voyage up solo driving. While it wasnt bad if I do go this year I'll be booking a flight. Prices are about what I spent on gas last year so why not. Plus I'm thinking of actually staying in Boston this year unlike last year so rather not have my car and have to pay for parking. Seems like they have a good subway system up there and the one line exits right at the BCEC.
Did all the Philly folks get badges? I got mine, and I think now would be a good time to plan a meet-up. I talked to the people at Redcap's corner, and they have open board game nights every Tuesday evening. Meet-ups are welcome for this. There is good pizza place a few stores down, and they have a good selection of games. The only downside is that I do not think we could bring our own games or handhelds.
Got my 3 day pass and hotel reservation all taken care of.
Awesome! Why do you think the forum system thinks that your and my recent posts were written on "October 1"? It's annoying because I'd like to here if the other Philly people got their passes, and it's easy to miss this thread.
Got my 3 day pass and hotel reservation all taken care of.
Awesome! Why do you think the forum system thinks that your and my recent posts were written on "October 1"? It's annoying because I'd like to here if the other Philly people got their passes, and it's easy to miss this thread.
I have passes! And it very much looks like I'll be taking the train from Philly to Boston for PAX. (The 86, not the later Sonic Line, though. There should be a decent amount of people on the 86 as well.)
A get together sometime would be great, but as I don't actually live in Philly (I'm north of it), I'd only be able to come in on a weekend.
"I will participate in the game. It's a wonderful, wonderful opera, except that it hurts." - Joseph Campbell
I'm also on the 86 leaving on Thursday. Should be a good time. Anyone know how far South Station is from the Intercontinental walk wise? Doesnt seem that far on map just curious is all. First time staying in Boston for PAX and not to familiar with the city besides where the BCEC is.
I'm in Harrisburg, PA, and I'll be at PAX East. Last year I took the Sonic Line (connecting in Philly) but this year I'm leaning towards an earlier train (the 86, most likely) or possibly even flying.
Video Game Hangover is a podcast for gamers who overindulge.
Put it in your ear holes.
I haven't decided on the Sonic Line or a plane this year. It depends on whether the Sonic line moves to an earlier time (If it does then I may do the train again. If it doesn't, then I'll probably fly).
Twitter: @APacManSays
I agree for the most part. This is my third PAX. The first year, I flew, the second, I took the train. I actually prefer the train, especially if you are staying at Westin. However, I think I will go for the Sonic line in 2014, regardless of time. From what I hear, it's like a moving pre-pax game night, so, even if it is slow, it should be a blast.
Most likely taking train from philly.
Thanks, FireWater! It seems flights are dramatically cheaper than last year. I just booked my flight--$25 more than the train, but 4.5 hours faster (really about 3 hours, when you factor in airport security, but, hey, still way faster). Now I only hope I get passes.
We were on the sonic line last year but by the time the train rolled in at 30th, the pax car was full, even the cars next to it. So to me (because of where our seats were) it didn't feel any more filled with PAX goers than how I'd imagine any other train that day would be.
I'd be all for this!
I mostly tweet about food
I'm from Delaware and I'm heading up to Pax East, my 3rd time now and I'll likely be driving myself, wife and maybe 1-2 other peoples. That's not 100% in stone however, those two need to make sure they got tickets and what not. I'd definitely be down for hooking up. Sides I need extra hands for pictures and videos if you'd be down for that as well
Awesome! Why do you think the forum system thinks that your and my recent posts were written on "October 1"? It's annoying because I'd like to here if the other Philly people got their passes, and it's easy to miss this thread.
A get together sometime would be great, but as I don't actually live in Philly (I'm north of it), I'd only be able to come in on a weekend.
Put it in your ear holes.