Title says it all. I'm looking to fill a spot in my
World's Largest Dungeon game. The first two posts have everything you need to know, but here are some highlights:
1) We probably are looking for a leader.
2) The world is custom, take a look at the
wiki. I'd like to get somebody from
Karkoth if possible.
3) There are some
house rules around injury and starvation.
Character creation guidelines
You're going to be coming into the middle of things, so we'll need to figure that out too.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
5) Must love tieflings.
6) Willingness to eat "experimental cuisine" a plus.
A few questions before I submit that I didn't see outlined in the CG rules:
These are level 1, yes?
Are Backgrounds in use?
What are you looking at for a deadline @jdarksun?
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Yes, even the 4EMATHLOL parts, you sons of bitches.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
At any rate, that did inform Benn's views on the world, and when he was sent away to the seminary, it did have the fortunate side-effect of removing him from much of the Karkothi supremacist stuff. I thought about making him a slave-hater, but I realized that doing so would tread pretty heavily on ground that Sir Fab had already covered very well and I'd prefer Benn stand on his own. That said, the unfortunate murder of the only person who was ever truly nice to him by Drow has soured him that particular people (and allows me to justify RPing my own possibly pathological distaste for dark elves). I know jdark wanted drama and chaos out of the gate, but it's a lot harder to feel sorry for Benn if he's an asshole.
I selected Erathis as a god because it lets me be Unaligned (which I find more interesting than Good), and because I thought that the message of community+order and empire-building would be pretty easily co-opted by the Karkothi by emphasizing 'community' as 'pure races' and the expansionism stuff as a pretty easy justification for using slaves - you've got to power the great machine of Progress somehow!
Anyway, Benn is convinced that he's cursed and so is resigned to die in the WLD. He will do what he can to help any other Tributes get as far as they can, but he holds no hope for his own escape.
... except for the tiny thought, unspoken and oft-ignored lest the act of breathing life should snuff it completely: If he were somehow to escape, then surely his Curse would be lifted at last?
Everything here is open to discussion and modification
Benn Dexen, Human Cleric
Background (I got carried away. Sorry):
As the family grew, so did their fortunes until one night joy and drink made the youngest son and his wife carefree as when they were young. And though she was widely considered to be beyond her childbearing years, the wife soon found herself with child once more.
The entire family held its breath. Prayers were offered, sacrifies were made and oaths were sworn. For eight long months the family entreated the gods for a daughter.
People often wonder how the Great War could have come to pass. How could the gods accept the prayers of all the world, and then do nothing when it was threatened? Some people suggest that the gods delight in the world's suffering as much as they do its prayers. A few wonder if the truth is not more terrible still: the gods ignore us because they do not care.
And so a family of Karkoth noble and pious saw its prayers go unanswered, and the wife of the seventh son delivered a seventh son - and promptly died of shame. No one blamed her. Few could endure visiting such a curse on their own house.
Yet the seventh son knew that he could not raise his hands against his seventh son, for no man who stains his hands with the blood of his own children can reach the afterlife with his soul intact. So he circumvented the prohibition and hired two men of low character to do the deed in his stead.
But the infant yet had a champion: his wet-nurse, a half-elf slave who's mother had fought in the Great War and who had been taken at sea only at great cost to the slavers. When she entered her chamber and found two men poised to smother the seventh son's seventh son, she reacted without thought. One assassin died swiftly on his own blade. With the other, the wet-nurse took her time. It was after all a terrible sin to even consider harming a child.
When the boy turned eight, he was sent away to a seminary near the border, to be invested in the priesthood and forgotten by his family. Only his nurse remained in contact with him; a letter arrived on the seventh day of the seventh month of every year, and in the letter the nurse-maid stoicaly recounted the family's woes. Years passed and the boy read of the death of his father and of his brothers, of his uncles, and of their sons. Whether by accident, disease or violence, one by one the scions of his house were laid low until at last the line of his fathers was spent and it seemed that his Curse must have burned itself out.
When he turned fifteen, the letters stopped, and after much hesitation the boy sent a letter to his home for the first time to enquire after his nurse. 8 months later he received a response from the family steward: "The slave you are referring to was killed on the road by Drow bandits. Do not write again."
The year he turned seventeen, a group of riders from the capital arrived at the seminary. They had come for a Tribute for the Reaping; a single free Bonamian whose name was chosen at random from a list of many thousands. The odds of suffering such dreadful luck were astronomical.
Yet no one was truly surprised at the name on the scroll: Benn Dexen.
The Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.
The Curse was not done with him yet.
Character Sheet (I haven't calculated attack bonuses, etc.):
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 lbs
Nationality: Karkothi
Culture: Bonamian (by birth only)
Size: Medium
Movement: 5 squares (6-armour)
Vision: Normal
Languages: Common, Elven
STR 12 (+1)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 13 (+1)
WIS 17 (+3)
INT 10
CHA 14 (+2)
AC: 16 [10 + 6 (chainmail)]
FORT: 13 [10 + Con (1) +1 (Human) +1 (Feat)]
REF: 13 [10 + Dex (1) +1 (Human) +1 (Feat)]
WIS: 17 [10 + WIS (3) + 2 (Class) +1 (Human) +1 (Feat)]
HP: 25
Healing Surges: 8
Action Points: 1
Insight +8 (Passive 18)
Perception +3 (Passive 13)
Trained Skills: 4 [+1 (Human)]
Diplomacy +7
Heal +8
History +5
Insight +8
Religion +5
Class Features:
Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune (Encounter)
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead (Encounter)
Channel Divinity: Harmony of Erathis (Encounter)
Healing Word (2/encounter)
At-Will Powers:
Lance of Faith
Sacred Flame
Priest's Shield (Human Bonus)
Encounter Powers:
Divine Glow
Daily Powers:
Beacon of Hope
Channel Divinity: Harmony of Erathis
Ritual Casting (Class Bonus)
Human Perseverance (Human Bonus)
Gentle Repose
Tenser's Floating Disk
Ritual Book (0)
Holy Symbol of Erathis (10)
Chainmail (40)
Mace (5)
Spear (5)
Dagger (1)
Sling (1)
Sling Bullets x20 (1)
Standard Adventurer's Kit (15)
+10 trail rations (5)
+2 Sunrods (4)
+2 belt pouches (2)
10 torches (1)
Lantern (7)
Cameo necklace (??)
Oh, and a picture. This guy is a bit thicker and older than Benn is now; imagine this is him in 5-8 years:
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
(Mechanics not finalized)
Half-Elf (Drow) Shaman
Rolen on the Hunt
Other Images
His name meant "a mother's grief" in the old tongue--the one the clan had spoken before the blazes they tended had turned against them and demons routed them from their great lodges built of stone. They knew the past, they kept it, they dreamt it; their spirit watchers spoke of it around the fires, and kept it kindled and alive in their hearts. Even so, questions were not asked about his birth, nor his father. Such things belonged to the recent past, and they were shameful. His mother was mourned, and the shadowed child she had birthed was left on the frozen steppes beyond their camp to face the judgement of the winter, with no protection beyond a wrapping of pelts and the watchful gaze of the dead.
For three days the child had cried and screamed back at the howling wind, defying belief. This infant, more frail and pitiful than any other the clan had seen, had survived longer among the elements than some young men. He defied nature's judgement, and all the while his unceasing cries tormented the people. On the third night, his mother's father crept from his lodge to silence the child and end their affliction.
A flickering light lit his way to the child, and he found himself overcome with rage. Who had defied their laws and built a fire to keep the child warm? Who had prolonged its suffering and theirs? What misbegotten fiend would ensure he was reminded minute by minute of his shame and grief?
It was only as he approached that he saw there had been no fire built--the blaze was the child. Surrounded by ash and scorched earth, resting amidst the burned-out carcasses of predators and scavengers who had thought they'd found an easy meal lay his grandson. The flames died down, the cries silenced, and he reached for his grandfather.
He had survived by their laws, and bore the flame of their ancestors. This unwanted half-child would be a spirit watcher.
Rolen outlived his teacher, and presided in his duties with little joy. He spoke as the spirits told him, but with little zeal--the people around the fires barely acknowledged him as one of their own, and the history of their ancestors mattered little to him. He cured their bodies, watched over their hunts, and had tamed a lion of his own to ride with them into battle against their enemies. It mattered little. He could not bring back enough food, fell enough of their dragonborn rivals or even slay enough of his raiding other-kin to win him the place in their hearts that he occupied at the hearth. The fact that he had endured as many winters as men he had given funeral rights to, yet still looked like a boy had not helped.
When a boy named Daejen had his first spirit-dream, Rolen was conflicted. The opportunity to teach as he had been taught held a certain appeal, and he had wished so often for the opportunity to step aside... but he could not help but wonder what would become of him if he did. What other place was there for him?
There was little argument about Daejen's abilities. He spoke with the spirits and they spoke back, some eager to address a full-blooded child rather than a halfbreed. But where Rolen had been distant and cold, Daejen was openly cruel. He would torment the spirits, and wring their stories from them--he would twist their words to the people to shame the living and the dead alike, and Rolen could do nothing about it without the scorn of his tribesmen. No scrawny bastard could correct the words and works of a full blooded clansman.
Every misgiving Rolen had about his people, about Daejen, the question he had asked for so long was answered when the time of Tribute arrived.
Daejen spoke a prophesy--unheard of before among a people who looked to the past rather than the future. Rolen's fire was a sign of a return to the past, his youth a way to offer him as Tribute, his parentage a way to give of the tribe without diminishing it, and his destiny was to lay down his life as a sacrifice and return the world and the clan to the glory they once held.
The half-drow was betrayed. His student had offered him up to usurp his position and his 'people' could not have been happier about it.
He had lived much of his life with the chill of the steppes in his heart--he had known no passion, no joy, no fear. On this day he learned to hate. The betrayal of his clan, the absence of his mother, the acts of his father, the greedy encroachment of the dragonborn, the raids of the Drow, the scheming of the demons and the ignorance of his ancestors. He hated them all.
He called upon the spirits eager for retribution against their tormentor, he called upon the flames, he called upon the seething malice that coiled deep in his breast and stalked into Daejen's lodge. Screams had disturbed the sleep of the clan the night he was born, and they would haunt them the night he left.
When he emerged from the smoldering hut, coated in gore and ash, he spoke a prophesy of his own. "I will go and be the Tribute as you have already promised, and none alive today will live to hear the words of your ancestors again."
Area: The Plain of Ebon Spires
Location: The Ghost Steppes Description: Just beyond the great mountain spine that isolates The Maze of Maur Khul stretches a vast plain known for its brutal summers and cruel winters. It's stony soil offers little hope for cultivation, and the inhabitants are fiercely protective of its few resources on offer: vast herds of wild beasts and exotic pelts from the larger predators.
The plain was once home to a citadel of talented elementalists, usually romaniticised as a paragon of arcane society. While often blamed (at least in part) for their role in The Rending, the truth is especially difficult to divine since no traces of the city are currently known to exist. Legend has it that a single spectacular explosion was responsible for the city's demise, and the rocks that litter the soil of the entire region each belonged to the massive fortress-city.
What little remains of the survivors of this civilization now wander the plains as fiercely territorial nomads, constantly at war over land and the herds on them.
Aspect: Thin Veil - Spirits of the deceased have a difficult time moving on in this region, leading to complex and sometimes lengthy funerary rites among the inhabitants. Locals speak of a spectral mirror of their own world teeming with throngs of the dead more numerous than the living. Although corporeal undead are nearly unheard of, spirits often seem to have less difficulty interacting with the world of the living, and many natives have adopted the art of warding tattoos to keep unwanted shades at bay.
I dig The Ghost Steppes. Watcher Spirit is a better choice in this party than some, thanks to our having a Hunter, but still not awesome as with that exception our basic attacks are not our strong suit. I might presently have one of the better ones in the party on our third Defender. Healing Spirit isn't a thing, but you probably mean Protector Spirit, which is solid and then some. Surprised you're not interested in Elemental Spirit (from Dark Sun), which would have some synergy with Firecrafter, or World Speaker Spirit, which goes totally nuts on the controller end by Paragon, though. I'd guess you were originally considering Avenging Light or maybe Sun Strike for Dilettante instead of the Druid power you ultimately took?
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Honestly, unless you start cribbing powers from Invoker or Avenger, which have some phenomenal Ranged Basic options and a lot of ugly control stuff on Invoker that compliments Cleric's controller-like selections pretty well, PHB1 is pretty much the Laser Cleric bible anyway; not a ton of harm done there as it was one of the things they nailed out the gate. Melee clerics were kind of iffy until Essentials, by contrast.
If you can shave two points somewhere and take Wisdom to 18 and swap in Holy Symbol or Versatile Expertise, that's a more-than-solid starting chassis to build on. You could even stay at 17 and just grind it out while attacking non-AC defenses until your to-hit evens out at Paragon, but I don't recommend it.
Apparently there was some using-a-shield-on-Cleric support in Dragon post-400 in the form of a Healer's Lore variant and a rather powerful-looking expertise feat, which is interesting to look at.
Healing Spirit is the shaman healy bit. Where else did you see it? >_>
And yes, you nailed it on the Dilettante, I've played with the mechanics so many times that it's a bit of a mess at the moment. I'd spoken with jdark about giving the mechanics a good final pass/shakedown before the game, so I'm absolutely open to doing some tinkering with him.
Also, I'm glad folks like the Ghost Steppes, it all sorta just popped up from a couple pictures, and I was pretty happy with how it turned out.
Saw Healing Spirit listed right below Watcher Spirit over in the features and got confused, my error.
As to why Elemental, Spirit Infusion makes the basic attack in question better, unlike Claws of the Eagle, and that we could definitely use until our Avenger and Battlemind and maybe Swordmage and Ardent - I forget what OmLoz and am0n took at L1 feat / power -wise - get their legs under them about that; Warden just happens to be Str-primary anyway, so I was set out of the box. Elemental points to some Fire synergy you might enjoy exploiting, as well.
I remain a huge fan of World Speaker but it looks as if you're not, which is fine. I remain convinced we need something on the Controller / Leader end of the spectrum, probably leaning towards the latter, but ymmv and you should play something that's fin.
Actually, I've got no problem with the World Speaker, it just didn't leap out at me--I'll be home in a bit and can refresh my memory on all its goodies in an hour or so and can give it another look. In the meantime, If I'm not mistaken the World Speaker Paragon is open entry, (or at least easy to get into) which can just get insane combined with a Protector base. I also noted a slight lack of ranged control (and still maintain that leaders are just melee control) and was hoping to shore that up a bit in the end. Also, I have fun playing just about any mechanic as long as the attached fluff is amusing, and they work as advertised. Fun is a part of functional.
And the Ghost Steppes are rad.
Oh, and forgive my ignorance, but what does Holy Symbol Expertise do?
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
A +1 per tier to hit, and some extra effect I don't remember at the moment. The +1per is the main deal.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
It prevents you from granting Combat Advantage UEONT every time you use an implement power.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
Yeah, it's got a rider that prevents you from giving out combat advantage, which is interesting on pretty much all the Divine classes since you're probably going to be at least near the action unless you're a Ranged Avenger (blergh) or an Invoker build determined to go for long-range stuff. You could instead do what Leper was looking at and take Versatile Expertise so you're better at melee if it comes to that, but probably won't want to very much.
The Shield stuff seems oriented towards being taken on the Warpriest version of Cleric that debuted in Essentials - base Cleric has no shield proficiency - which is actually pretty rad, from my recollection of playing one in one of the Encounters seasons. If it's not your thing don't worry about it, I was just surprised to see the stuff pop up in Character Builder.
Leper, The Plain of Ebon Spires has been added as world canon. I'd like to work you into the game somehow - I'll be in touch via PM, let's see if there's something you'd be interested in.
If permitted, I'd like to tweak Benn a wee bit; Auralynx made a couple of good suggestions.
Namely, I'd like to adjust his stats slightly (DEX down to 11, WIS up to 18) and swap out Human Perseverance for Holy Symbol Expertise.
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227