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[PATV] Monday, July 1, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 3: No One Can Hear You Pee

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited July 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, July 1, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 3: No One Can Hear You Pee

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  • OphenixOphenix Registered User regular
    Don't stop the Xboned jokes! If Microsoft keeps supplying quality material, you should make full use of it.

  • kittymaltkittymalt Registered User new member
    Yes the xbone keeps asking to be made fun of, but by this point it goes so far beyond just beating a dead horse to the point where the horse might as well be a Michael Bay movie.

  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    The hardest part of watching this show is that I really have to try hard to not bitch about every bending of the truth in the name of comedy.

  • metroidkillahmetroidkillah Local Bunman Free Country, USARegistered User regular
    I almost forgot about Checkpoint, I've been so deeply engrossed in Feed Dump's archive. Can't stop the news-tainment train!

    @cB557: Then maybe you shouldn't watch the show? Just a thought. They don't claim to be 100% factual. In fact, they don't claim any percentage of "fact-ness".

    I'm not a nice guy, I just play one in real life.
  • jedidethfreakjedidethfreak Registered User regular
    I'm going to be honest - I don't see the problem with having Kinect's microphone being the standard voice chat mic for the Xbone. After all - the most popular SKU's of the 360 didn't come with a headset. The PS4 didn't come with a headset. The Wii U has a mic built into the GamePad but devs don't use it for voice chat.

    I just don't see the issue with what they're giving you in this particular instance.

    Wind Fish in name only, for it is neither.
  • Zachary AmaranthZachary Amaranth Registered User regular
    "Really? We couldn't make it to the end of the episode?"

  • Scars UnseenScars Unseen Registered User regular
    @jedithefreak When you say that you don't see a problem, are you setting aside the obvious problem that you will have to compete for mic time with other people in the room, your washing machine, the neighbor's dog and the game itself(including the other people engaged in voice chat)?

    I'm calling it now: if the Metal Gear Solid franchise comes to the XBone, there will be a boss that calls out the voice command to turn off the console. The key to beating him will be to turn off the Kinect mic.

  • wormspeakerwormspeaker Objectively Terrible Registered User regular

    Xbox Live is a vile cesspit of racism, antisemitism, sexism, and deviant behavior... from 13 year olds. I don't want that shit coming out of my TV while my 3 year old is taking a nap. And on the flip side, I don't want to hear every damn thing that's going on in said 13 year old's living room.

  • ironzergironzerg Registered User regular
    edited July 2013
    If the Kinect shutdown your console every time it heard the words "n", "jew", or "fag", and keeping the Kinect on was mandatory for all online gaming (which honestly, it likely is), it'd be a done deal.

    Oh Microsoft why can't you harness your powers of evil for good?

    Sterica on
  • JediMBJediMB SwedenRegistered User new member
    Moly-dieu, you say, Graham?

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    Well, he did practically invent the "god game". (Along with Will Wright, I suppose.)

  • rembrandtqeinsteinrembrandtqeinstein Registered User regular
    Hmm that game had a sweet system shock 2 vibe to it.....tentatively excited

  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    It's frustrating sometimes, but its still worth it.

  • Korbei83Korbei83 Registered User regular
    I think MS heard your threat about no Xbox news and dropped the gauntlet.

  • J. D. MilknutJ. D. Milknut Lord of Chipmunks Portland, ORRegistered User regular I the only one who didn't think the Routine trailer was very scary???

  • LaogrithLaogrith Registered User regular
    who doesn't like robots?

  • Svenne345Svenne345 Treasure Hider Registered User regular
    "Butt Stuff."

    I wrote that down.

  • IndyComoIndyComo Registered User regular
    And Grahm will still play Halo 4 months before me? What of it? Some of us are busy doing other things and have a long to-do list. I'll catch Halo 4 when it's $20 new, probably.

  • Yor Zephyr CaliforniaRegistered User new member
    I was watching a YouTube of a up and coming game called Lifted. It looked like a lot of fun but the real kicker is I could of sworn I heard Graham and Paul narrating in the background. I tried to confirm it at the game website with no luck. Is that really you guys (Graham/Paul) voicing the narration? I so, congratulations; if not, man those guys sure sound like you two.

  • IndymonsterIndymonster Registered User new member
    Thanks for the good laugh, Graham. Couldn't stop laughing after the Molonexy (however that is spelled, Chrome suggests "Moneybox") thing story :)

  • Zachary AmaranthZachary Amaranth Registered User regular
    ironzerg wrote: »
    If the Kinect shutdown your console every time it heard the words (---), and keeping the Kinect on was mandatory for all online gaming (which honestly, it likely is), it'd be a done deal.

    Oh Microsoft why can't you harness your powers of evil for good?

    You know, there's at least one sports game that will give you technical fouls for swearing if Kinect is connected (Kinected?). If they started issuing "time outs" for people being particularly abusive, we could probably condition the kids of this day and age to be model citizens.

    Or at least to go outside once in a while.

  • likalarukulikalaruku Registered User regular
    Best thumbnail for this series ever.

  • likalarukulikalaruku Registered User regular
    Australian government wants to regulate adult games the way conservatives want to regulate vaginas.

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