The last time I went to PAX (2011) I loved loved LOVED the concerts, but was kind of dismayed at the general lack of dancing. I suspected there was simply not enough of a critical mass of people who like dancing at concerts concentrated in one area, and made a mental note to make a forum post before the next PAX I went to in order to suggest that those of us who like to move around a bit while music is being played figure out a part of the floor to cluster in, so as to not feel weird and self-conscious around the larger number who prefer to stand at attention. Like, and I'm just naming an area arbitrarily here, toward the front on the right (stage left).
So, here's that post. Who's with me?
I'm down to rock for the heavier acts, but I'm not even certain I'll be there this year.
There's rules against moshing, but as long as your dancing, headbanging, jumping, etc. doesn't bump into anyone else, then it's cool.
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
Seems unlikely; I was actually surprised at how sparsely populated the floor was. I think they limit attendance to the number of seats in the auditorium, and most folks go for the seats, so the floor is far from packed.
I really wanted a polka partner when VGO struck up the Angry Birds theme. There was plenty of space and the tempo was perfect.
Hi, I'm dya. I manage the theatre house personnel and security, concerts included. I think having people dancing in a group is an AWESOME idea! No rules against it there
Things to be considerate of, though:
Best not to have a bunch of people dancing around people who are sitting down An aisle way should be kept open on each side of the pit Don't touch people who do not want to be touched (in this situation, try not to bump non-dancers around the group) And no moshing allowed! Ok, so that one is a rule that applies to a certain form of dancing, but moshing's dangerous, and I hate having to break mosh pits up
It might be difficult getting an open area during some of the more popular, early concerts, but you're certainly welcome to try! Have fun!
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Yeah, there is the 'no moshing' thing... it makes sense, though. I saw the Minibosses at Neumos before PAX 2012, and even as metal as that place gets, it wasn't on the menu. (I think OP has something classier in mind... actual dancing, which is fine!) But, there was something about headbanging to the Minibosses at the classiest venue in all of Seattle (Benaroya Hall, 2010... never thought I'd see any show there.)
"Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
As a home-grown Wisconsinite, I am required to support any and all attempts to polka... even though I'm awful at it.
In my experience most of the acts have been more lyric-intensive than having a real focus on the music being upbeat or poppy, and it's hard to dance when you're listening for the punchline in a chorus.
dude we saw you at the 2011 concerts so epic