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Road trip from SLC?

denomdemondenomdemon Registered User new member
Any PAXers in the Salt Lake City area planning a crazy road trip to Seattle this summer? I don't have a car, but I have gas money.It's like a 12+ hour drive, but I'm sure if enough people joined in it would be cheaper and better than taking the bus.

For instance, if a 2000 Honda Civic were to make the trip it would be around $225 in gas for a round trip. If 4 people were to take part in this road trip it would cost $56.25 each! For a round trip bus ticket its around $180. Not to mention being with like minded individuals and meeting new friends. If we are all going to PAX chances are we have something in common.

Any way. That's it. I'd rather ride with folks for cheaper than take the bus. Think about it.


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