Eep is heading off to a wonderful vacation this year instead of PAX (trust me, it's worth it). I, along with others, will be picking up the Girls' Meetup torch for 2013. To make this as smooth as possible, we're not going to make any major changes from previous years.
Refunds are no longer available. After that, you will be able to transfer your ticket to another person, but will have to work out payment between you and whoever is buying your spot and then contact me with their information.
Replying to the thread or RSVPing in the FB/G+ event does not guarantee entry. You MUST purchase a ticket in order to attend.
What: Welcome ladies to the fourth annual PAX Prime Women's Meetup. What is the women's meetup? You might ask. Well, it is a fantastic event where the ladies of PAX get together for brunch, morning cocktails and nerdy chatter Sunday morning at 10am.
Where: This year it will once again be held at the Diller Room, located mere blocks from the convention center. Rob, the owner is a fantastic host and the ladies who attended last year can confirm that the food and drinks were fantastic.
When: Sunday morning at 10:00am
Who: The girls of PAX. This is a very inclusive meetup and is open to all ages (sorry youngins, but you WILL NOT be partaking in the morning cocktails) and chromosome arrangement. Are you a girl who attends PAX? You are invited.
Why: Because this is an awesome way to expand your social network and meet some amazing like-minded women who are into the same nerderies as you, eat some good foodz, and drink some fantastic cocktails (as long as you are over 21).
How much: $17. The cost includes a buffet of tasty foods, and coffee, tea and juice. Drinks of the alcoholic variety will be extra and will be up to you to pay for. Wow Covet, you might say, that is rather pricy. Yes, this is more than you would pay for a cheap breakfast at IHop. However, we are getting the entire Diller Room to ourselves and there will be a nice buffet of very good food.
Eep's poem to all of the boys who will see this thread and feel the need to respond.
Dear boys,
We know you think it's witty and arty
To say that you will crash our party.
However, of our patience this is a misuse
and just makes you look like a flaming asshole *coughs* I mean, silly goose.
We have considered our motives and have decided
that girl time should be encouraged and not derided.
It's not that we don't love you bunches
but we don't need testosterone with all of our lunches.
And yes, you are free to have a boys only mob
Just start your own thread, planning one isn't my job.
Ladies, I'm excited to meet you all, oh very
So let's have this party, be girly and make merry!
Can I come if I am under 21? Yes! This is an all ages event, despite us being a bunch of lushes. However, you will not be allowed to drink. Do not even try as we want to stay on good terms with the Diller Room.
Can I bring my child? Yes? However, there is not a children's ticket price nor is it an environment that I would call kid friendly in the least. It is definitely something I do not recommend for young children.
What happens if I can't come at the last minute? When tickets go on sale there will be information about the final date you can request refunds or transfers. I make that date as close to the start of PAX as humanly possible, but after that point you are just out of luck as I will not be checking my email and monitoring that kind of thing once PAX starts.
Event links on social media
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PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
My boyfriend is very excited to have me go, so I guess that's that.
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
DS Friend Code - 5300-9697-9935
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
color=blue]✓[/color Hotel, color=blue]✓[/color Plane Tickets, color=blue]✓[/color Time Off Approved, color=blue]✓[/color Waiting impatiently,
color=green]✓[/color 4-Day Passes Bought, color=Blue]✓[/color 4-Day Passes Received,
color=green]✓[/color Buttons Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Buttons Received,
color=green]✓[/color Bonus Buttons Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Bonus Buttons Received,
color=green]✓[/color Forumer Pint Glasses Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Forumer Pint Glasses Received
Attendee ♥ : Prime 2011, 2013
Also, worry not for your male companions... They will find plenty to do for a couple hours without you! By Sunday even PAX virgins can be left to their own devices.
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
According to his twitter feed, he's not attending PAX Prime this year. So there should be no conflicts (only sadness)
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
I also agree that the boys will be fine on their own for a few hours. Last year was the hubby and my first PAX and I joined the ladies for the brunch, he was fine on his own for a bit. Was nice to go our own ways for a bit then discuss the fun after.
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
No need to be afraid! Everyone I've met is awesome. The food is delicious and the space is quite intimate, so if you feel a bit overwhelmed, you can tuck yourself into a booth and chill for a bit.
My friend and I are looking forward to this!
PAX Prime 2014 [X]
PAX Prime 2015 [X]
Wow, I hadn't noticed that (I rarely follow the twitters for anyone). No Paul and Storm, no JoCo, no Wil....jeez. Sadface.
PAX Prime Attendee since 2006, BYOC Attendee 2008-2012, Buttoneer 2010-2014
Check out my PAX schedule assistant for Windows Phone - Feel free to send me feedback or requests at any time!
I understand. The first time I went was PAX Prime 2011 when I went, and I agree I had a great time. I also went to the girls meet up at Pax East 2012 and once again had a great I look forward to it, every year I am able to get PAX tickets that is.
Whenever I've met other girl nerds/gamers, they've been a little.. off. One started stalking me. So I've developed a bit of a social anxiety.
Hopefully meetups like this will help.
Is there an idea of when tickets will go on sale for the Girls Meetup?
color=blue]✓[/color Hotel, color=blue]✓[/color Plane Tickets, color=blue]✓[/color Time Off Approved, color=blue]✓[/color Waiting impatiently,
color=green]✓[/color 4-Day Passes Bought, color=Blue]✓[/color 4-Day Passes Received,
color=green]✓[/color Buttons Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Buttons Received,
color=green]✓[/color Bonus Buttons Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Bonus Buttons Received,
color=green]✓[/color Forumer Pint Glasses Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Forumer Pint Glasses Received
Attendee ♥ : Prime 2011, 2013
Plop the boys down to learn one of those enormous Fantasy Flight games, they'll be busy the whole time you're gone.
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
You could also set them up in the tabletop area... or if they have the classic arcade room again, they could easily kill several hours there and you would know right where to find them
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
As soon as I have all the numbers and things.
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
And you know if you need any local help, I'm always around.
Hungry? The Cookie Brigade!
PAX Prime 2013 Buttoneer! Main Design! And the Creeper is still waiting for you...
Slytherin House Elf for the Order of the Phoenix!
Just because we're arrogant, doesn't mean we're (completely) evil.
Thanks for the offer. I'm local, too, and so far it's been relatively easy. *fingers crossed*
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade
PAX Prime Buttoneer!
Pinny Pals Profile & Pins for Trade