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[PATV] Monday, July 29, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 7: Self Control 2

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited July 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, July 29, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 7: Self Control 2

Stardock Software is dangerously close to poking a hornets' nest.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    Seemed to be a bit of an issue with the sound. Ah, well. Still damn good stuff.

    I do want to fight as a giant salmon and defeat an opponent by drowning them in caviar.

  • KakmizeKakmize Registered User new member
    So when will we see Female Paul in a LRR video?

  • Arsene-LupinArsene-Lupin Registered User regular
    Stardock doing a Star Control game?

    Not sure if want. Well, I guess they're a better fit than any other developer I can think of (that still exists). Can you imagine if it went to Paradox? Ulgh.

  • Zachary AmaranthZachary Amaranth Registered User regular
    I want the giant salmon!

    I want Checkpoint to mock the giant salmon!

    And I want DLC costumes for the giant salmon!

    Giant trout! Giant bass! Giant cod (with or without blops!)

  • kraroxkrarox Registered User new member
    I want Giant Salmon Cosplay!

    Also, when do you suppose the release date for the Master System Plants vs. Zombies will be? This de-development cycle must me dizzying for his marketing team...

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Stardock doing a Star Control game?

    Not sure if want. Well, I guess they're a better fit than any other developer I can think of (that still exists). Can you imagine if it went to Paradox? Ulgh.

    Since my reverence for Star Control is based on the mechanics, I'd like to see Team Meat do a version of it.

  • Sterling7Sterling7 Registered User regular
    "Two lapel mikes", eh? Well, I could still understand yeh, but I think the boom is a lot clearer. No one available for the job this week?

  • faitsfaits a panda eating cake seattleRegistered User regular
    Stardock doing a Star Control game?

    Not sure if want. Well, I guess they're a better fit than any other developer I can think of (that still exists). Can you imagine if it went to Paradox? Ulgh.

    I'd rather see toys for bob spend some of their fat stacks of skylanders cash making a spiritual successor, but whatever. If it sucks, I'll just go back to replaying sc2 every couple of years.

    YoungFrey wrote: »
    I'd like to see Team Meat do a version of it.


  • ParatechParatech Registered User regular
    Remember, the giant salmon should have a 'female' version with boobs *big ones* and bikini DLC.

    After all, what are fighting games without them?


  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    I don't play the game, but I will say that Racoons>Salmon.

  • DynotakuDynotaku Registered User new member
    I do rate Star Control II as one of my top 10 games of all time. I'd love to see a new one. I just hope it stick to its roots. They don't need to radically modernize the game. I've already played that, and it was called Mass Effect.

  • UNHchaboUNHchabo Registered User regular
    I accidentally turned on Youtube's automatic captions for this video; I thought some people might enjoy this:

  • Iron LungIron Lung Registered User regular
    Female Paul?
    How did I miss that?!?

  • SIXytSIXyt Esq STLRegistered User regular
    It was determined that the giant salmon was just way to OP

  • gavindelgavindel The reason all your software is brokenRegistered User regular
    The dark cult of ponydom.

    One of us! One of us! One of us!

    *Camera pans back, revealing that Graham and Kathleen are already wearing pony backpacks. They have become...the infected.*

    Book - Royal road - Free! Seraphim === TTRPG - Wuxia - Free! Seln Alora
  • Zoku GojiraZoku Gojira Monster IslandRegistered User regular
    edited July 2013
    Dynotaku wrote: »
    I do rate Star Control II as one of my top 10 games of all time. I'd love to see a new one. I just hope it stick to its roots. They don't need to radically modernize the game. I've already played that, and it was called Mass Effect.

    Yeah, a whole lot of the aliens in Star Control II are fun ideas that work until they have to actually speak. What, do Zoq, Fot, and Pik sound like some kind of space-Cockney frungy hooligans? And what does an almost-all-knowing sentient thumb-puppet sound like?

    Also, how do you record that insane Ur-Quan encounter music for real? I'm guessing it involves waterboarding Skrillex and Marilyn Manson while recording with an underwater microphone, then inputting the raw audio to a sentient computer that's just been told there's no silicon heaven, to be mashed up with the soundtrack of Upstream Color.

    And that sounds kind of expensive.

    Zoku Gojira on
    "Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
  • Kathleen_LRRKathleen_LRR Registered User regular
    Hey - there have been some comments on the sound. Can everyone tell me what exactly what their issues are? I want to try and fix them before we film the next episode.

  • ShadowenShadowen Snores in the morning LoserdomRegistered User regular
    The stuff where you and Graham are sitting at the desk (so not the voiceovers at the beginning and end) sound very quiet and hollow, almost like the microphone is too far away from you.

  • eSheepeSheep Registered User regular
    How could the giant salmon NOT have won? I would've voted for it just to see how they'd make it work.

  • DascylusDascylus Registered User new member
    The new microphones aren't picking up the bass as much as the boom did.
    Not sure exactly how you could fix it and the only ideas I have just make editing a longer process (and noone is cruel enough to do that to you).
    Wait, an idea where you can pass on the work to others. A new design of the desk where you can place the boom mike on the desk and behind a bit of set dressing.
    It all depends on why you changed to the new microphones in the first place. I'm assuming it was to only need to coordinate 2 people instead of three.

  • noibnnoibn Registered User regular
    More BOOM!

  • CovarrCovarr Registered User regular
    Why did you use a Tekken screenshot with DarkSydePhil in it? LRR is too good to be letting him anywhere near these videos, even if just a username in a screenshot.

  • likalarukulikalaruku Registered User regular
    I wish someone would demake FF7-13' they were better when they weren't putting all the budget into graphics & voice acting.

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