Traditionally, the Sonic Line to PAX East has been the 176 Northeast Regional. This was chosen because it leaves at 12:02 from Union Station in DC, allowing enough time for anyone traveling from the southern lines (Metroid and Star Fox) to link up and travel with the larger group on to Boston.
However, one of the biggest 'problems' with the Sonic Line is that it doesn't get into town until after 8pm, missing the Pre-PAX Dinner entirely and requiring some luck and a lot of running to catch the bar crawl. This has prevented at least some forumers from really getting on board (sorry for the pun).
The mitigating issue is that we don't want to leave anyone from the other lines behind - the whole reason for the Train Alliance is to travel with fellow gamers and have fun. However, Metroid and Star Fox require getting up super early in New Orleans or Florida, and don't seem to be nearly as popular, so I'm not sure how many people we would actually lose. Hence, the poll.
*Note, this poll is unofficial and just trying to gauge the feelings of the group at large
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I've always wanted to check out the pre-pax dinner, because once pax starts I hardly ever stray far from the BCEC/Westin. If people would rather keep Sonic on the 176 I'm OK with that too, I just like to book my travel early and figured the discussion should start now.
3DS Friend Code: 2449-5711-0640
Good point, but don't most riders read the forums or have friends who read the forums? I think it's worth the risk. I know that more people will ride if it's earlier. I plan to ride regardless.
I agree that splitting up the Sonic Line group is a bad idea, but if there are people who are taking earlier trains, I think there should be some sort of coordination for those trains (perhaps a Tails or Knuckles line to keep with the theme).
But... that's pretty much the definition of fragmenting the group; calling them different names doesn't really change that. There have always been people who take earlier trains, it's just not publicized here on the forums to avoid confusion. If the group as a whole(ish) decides to make the Sonic Line an earlier train, that's the only one that will get pushed.
(note that I'm not an official representative or anything, the whole train thing is Moe's baby. I'm just the guy who heard grumbling and decided to take the group's pulse on the issue)
I think there is capacity to handle to pre-pax trains without danger of weakening either. I took the earlier train last year. I think it could be awesome if it was a dedicated community pre-pax train, even if it had exactly the same number of Pax people as last year. Although there were many Pax people, there was not a great deal of mingling. Without being an organized community event, everyone stuck with their group or themselves--and we were scattered throughout the train pockets. Maybe I was just too timid, but this made it harder to join games and meet people. Even in the cafe car, where there were a few games going on, it felt too low-key and scattered to join or even to observe. I don't think the problem was lack of people, but lack of organization.
(Missing the experience of driving in Boston really wouldn't hurt my feelings either.)
Also, we get on at Philly, so I'd actually be happier to get a slightly earlier start. Really, the only people majorly affected by this are probably the ones getting on at DC.
Knuckles imo
I mostly tweet about food
I usually take the train up and fly back Sunday evening. If you buy early, train and airfare are often close price-wise.
Taking the train isn't about it being cheap, it's about having an easy, comfortable trip where you can play games and meet people and get into the PAX mindset.
This is exactly how I feel about it. I drove last year and would much rather spend the time on the train meeting people and gaming my way to Boston (assuming this can be done in time to arrive for pre-PAX activities.) I suppose I could arrive earlier if I flew and perhaps do some sightseeing, but I discovered last year that I'd rather focus on PAX rather than run myself completely ragged trying to do it all. This is certainly a personal preference, but the way I see it, there are fifty-one other weekends to sight-see in Boston.
As someone who got on the sonic line in Philly last year, I didn't get to see the camaraderie everyone's talking about. Maybe it was just my car, but it was kind of quiet and people stuck to themselves/their groups. It was still fun, don't get me wrong, but I guess I was just expecting something different?
My group talked this weekend and it sounds like we will be flying, but not 100% yet.
I mostly tweet about food
The bulk of PAX people are in the last car, did you look there? Were you on twitter? For the past 3 years I have run games in the dining car (I am usually able to snag a table between Philly and NYC, which gives us 4+ hours) and I tweet every 15-20 minutes using whatever #sonicline hashtag seems to be popular that year. The past two years have been big on Cards Against Humanity, with up to 8 or 10 people playing at a time (and hey, beer is right there!), but I've also brought other games like Munchkin, Gloom, and Mad Scientist University. Other PAXers also grab dining tables; I know I've seen a few games of Pandemic, Magic, and more DS/Pokemon than you can shake a stick at.
Yes I was on twitter, but it did seem packed when we went through a few cars, especially the dining car. I walked through a few times to get said beer
I guess we were just unlucky.
I mostly tweet about food
Betrayal At House On the Hill is a game that I love, and it has a million pieces so it seems complex, but anyone can grok it in a few rounds. With the Haunt/Betrayal element it is great even for a group of strangers. The past couple years I grab it from the TableTop HQ and then just pick random people from the area and teach them the game. Haven't had a bad experience yet. I also like to carry small card-based games like Gloom and Cards Against Humanity around for lines and stuff.
The TL;DR is that PAX presents limitless opportunities for fun and interesting experiences, but you have to be willing to engage. If you're walking by, say hi! Last year I actually grabbed people who were just on the train for work and taught them CAH - they had no idea what PAX was but they had a blast.
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Hopefully people will be a little more responsive in this thread, but I don't think the traditional Sonic Line is kaput. Speaking for myself, I would love to also experience the train, but I am not willing to arrive so late that I miss Pre-PAX activities. It's not a case of me taking the traditional Sonic train or an earlier one; it's an earlier one or I'm traveling another way. Since there seem to be others in this position, we're simply trying to organize another group.
I'm "kupiyupaekio" on Discord.