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PAX Prime 2013 PC Tournament Schedule

VapokVapok Just a Guy.BostonRegistered User regular
edited August 2013 in PAX West
Calling All PC Gamers!

We are excited to announce the PAX Prime 2013 PC Tournament Lineup!

This PAX, we have FOUR days of tournament FUN-ness! Tournaments at PAX Prime are intended to be FUN and not taken as competitive in nature (i.e. no pro teams needed, no big prize at the end, nor general competitive expectations). All Tournaments will be held in PC Freeplay Area.

We are still working on max players for each tournament, but the times are set in stone. This should match up with the PAX Prime Official Program Schedule (eventually).

PAX Prime 2013 PC Tournaments

FRIDAY - August 30th
Start Time: 1PM
Format: 4 Player Co-Op
Start Time: 4PM
Format: PVP
Kerbal Space Program
Start Time: 6PM
Format: Objective Based Competition

SATURDAY - August 31st
Team Fortress 2
Start Time: 1PM
Format: Team Battle (5v5)
Start Time: 4PM
Format: Speed Run Competition
Start Time: 6PM
Format: FFA Competition
Left4Dead 2
Start Time: 8PM
Format: Team Survival

SUNDAY - September 1st
Start Time: 1PM
Format: Team Battle (3v3)
Plants vs. Zombies
Start Time: 4PM
Format: Objective Based
Plants vs. Zombies
Start Time: 4PM
Format: Objective Based
Start Time: 6PM
Format: FFA 1,000 Frag Endurance

MONDAY - September 2nd
Start Time: 1PM
Format: Team Speed Run (4v4)
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Start Time: 4PM
Format: Gun Game (Fast!)

* Registration will be required for all tournaments and will be available at all times prior to Tournament Start time. Registration Times are subject to change. See the Tournament Desk at PAX Prime 2013 for more information.

Vapok on


  • CakieaCakiea SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Why Left 4 Dead and not Left 4 Dead 2?

    Cakiea on
  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    Cakiea wrote: »
    Why Left 4 Dead and not Left 4 Dead 2?

    Thanks for finding the typo!

  • LLJKCiceroLLJKCicero Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Still none of the major eSports? No Starcraft, no League of Legends, no Dota2? Does PAX have something against popular competitive PC games? I find this selection kind of bizarre.

    It's like if the Tabletop tournaments left out Magic and Catan but left everything else in. Why neglect the most popular games?

    LLJKCicero on
  • pNopNo Registered User regular
    Man, I figured CS:GO would have gotten at least a couple 5v5 official PAX tournaments (Gungame just doesn't cut it for me, but it's not my show to run, so it's definitely not my right to complain).

    Cheers none the less, cause PAX is awesome anyways. :D

  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    LLJKCicero wrote: »
    Still none of the major eSports? No Starcraft, no League of Legends, no Dota2? Does PAX have something against popular competitive PC games? I find this selection kind of bizarre.

    It's like if the Tabletop tournaments left out Magic and Catan but left everything else in. Why neglect the most popular games?

    Vapok wrote: »
    Tournaments at PAX Prime are intended to be FUN and not taken as competitive in nature (i.e. no pro teams needed, no big prize at the end, nor general competitive expectations).

    Philosophically, I like it that way (fun), but I'm not going to argue that position here. There are plenty of venues for the competitive kind of gaming.

    edgeofblade on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I assume edgeofblade meant his first quote to be the thing that LLJKCicero posted, not the thing that pNo posted. Afaik, PAX has nothing against the popular competitive games, but many of those have their own events all over the place already. PAX hosted the LoL regional championships last year, remember? ;)

  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Ack... fixed.

    Though I will point out the presence of Shootmania, which is rather e-sporty to me.

    edgeofblade on
  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    There's a lot of thought that goes into choosing of the tournaments each PAX. As mentioned, they are designed for fun, as we want to make the PC room a comfortable place for all players, and not intimidating when a crew of pro players wearing sponsored T's show up. Believe it or not, that can be intimidating. On the other hand, we know that the competitive spirit goes hand in hand with gaming, so there is a balance that we try to strike.

    Having said that, there are other factors. For instance, which games are being loaded on to the machines, which exhibitors want to sponsor certain tournaments, and then the most important factor, what's the bandwidth usage like. Bandwidth is a tough problem to handle when you have 350+ Freeplay machines and 450+ BYOC machines all operating on the same internet pipe. We've been making huge improvements over the past couple of PAX's by implementing better Steam Proxies, rate limiting actual seats, and just being mindful what games are being played.

    Another requirement that we started making a few PAX's ago, for the sake of bandwidth conservation, is that all Freeplay and Tournament games that are played, must have locally install-able servers or sponsored bandwidth. This did cut out a few titles (such as Battlefield 3) that simply didn't offer a local server option. Other companies have in the past opted to sponsor internet. That is why there are a few titles that are popular in the eSports arena that are not being played. It's not that we don't want them, just that we have to ensure that the network experience for both the Freeplayer's and the BYOC users meets expectations.

    We do have some eSport titles (like League of Legends) on the Freeplay machines that will be available to play, but no tournament. This is possibly because Riot may do something on their own. If you recall last years Riot Room, (which was freakin' awesome). I don't know if they are doing that again, but you never know. =)

    I'm personally looking forward to the QWOP Tournament. I think lots of lawlz will be had! =)

  • LLJKCiceroLLJKCicero Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    LLJKCicero wrote: »
    Still none of the major eSports? No Starcraft, no League of Legends, no Dota2? Does PAX have something against popular competitive PC games? I find this selection kind of bizarre.

    It's like if the Tabletop tournaments left out Magic and Catan but left everything else in. Why neglect the most popular games?

    Vapok wrote: »
    Tournaments at PAX Prime are intended to be FUN and not taken as competitive in nature (i.e. no pro teams needed, no big prize at the end, nor general competitive expectations).

    Philosophically, I like it that way (fun), but I'm not going to argue that position here. There are plenty of venues for the competitive kind of gaming.
    Good point, nobody ever has fun playing games that are used as eSports. Are you serious? Not to mention that there are a couple smaller eSports titles right there (CS:GO, Shootmania). Also, there actually are not terribly many offline tournaments for eSports games, the vast majority of competitions occur online.

    It'd be cool to have the most popular game representation even if it wasn't a serious mode. Like for LoL, you could do ARAM, for Starcraft 2 you could do team melee, etc. What games are represented are great and I may well participate in some of them, it's just disappointing that some of the most popular multiplayer PC games were left out.

    LLJKCicero on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Well, considering the person who has the information on the reasons just replied, I think you have your answers.

    Nobody was saying that esports games aren't fun games, but there's a difference in having a friendly "for fun" tourney and an actual competitive tourney. Trying to play semantics on that isn't going to get you very far.

  • LLJKCiceroLLJKCicero Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    Well, considering the person who has the information on the reasons just replied, I think you have your answers.

    Nobody was saying that esports games aren't fun games, but there's a difference in having a friendly "for fun" tourney and an actual competitive tourney. Trying to play semantics on that isn't going to get you very far.
    Yeah, I'm going to respond to his post too (which has good info and explanations in it, for sure), just need more time. And as I brought up, even if you want a 'for fun' tourney, it would probably make more sense to include popular games in their sillier/casual modes than just not include them (which is basically what the CS:GO tourney looks like). But the explanation about bandwidth/LAN servers does make sense.

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    LLJKCicero wrote: »
    Yeah, I'm going to respond to his post too (which has good info and explanations in it, for sure), just need more time. And as I brought up, even if you want a 'for fun' tourney, it would probably make more sense to include popular games in their sillier/casual modes than just not include them (which is basically what the CS:GO tourney looks like). But the explanation about bandwidth/LAN servers does make sense.

    Yeah, I totally didn't mean to indicate that my feeling or the feeling behind why games are chosen were to mean that eSports games weren't fun. They're hellafun! Man, back in the day, I used to play in CAL for Counter-Strike. I know exactly how competitive (and fun) those types of games are. That brings me back. Anyways, I think you get the gist of what I saying. =) Feel free to chat me up at PAX, and I'll answer any questions you got about it.

  • KmessKmess PAX PC Tournament Manager Registered User regular
    LLJKCicero wrote: »

    ... What games are represented are great and I may well participate in some of them, it's just disappointing that some of the most popular multiplayer PC games were left out.

    As Vapok mentioned, you have to realize the setup of the room before making comments that the selection is "bizarre". We can't just shut down the whole room and have all of the bandwidth focused on tournaments - this will shun the free-play gamers - the majority of the players that play at PAX. Having a tournament with LoL / DOTA2 with potential lags / rubber-banding will bring on the raging - trust me we have seen this in the past and do not want to deal with it.

    The tournaments this year have been scaled from the previous year's setup (Only have 3-4 massive tournaments that would take 4-6+ hours) to this year's setup of having more tournaments that take up a shorter amount of time that would apply to a broader audience than just eSports / pro gamers. This way you can enjoy PAX and participate in a game of your choice... not just play the game from 12pm - 6pm and miss out on your favorite panels. You will have more variety of games to participate in and if you're not a Minecraft player, then just don't sign up for it.

    There's always going to be trade-offs in this decision. With this list we can incorporate the beginner gamers (idk how else to put this, but the people that have played simple games like Plants Vs. Zombies, QWOP, etc), casual gamers (Kerbal Space Program, Magicka, CSGO gungame), as well as the "hardcore" competitive esports gamers (TF2, Shootmania, etc.). PC gamers are not all eSports gamers.

    Being the "popular games", League of Legends and DOTA2 usually do some sort of event / gameplay during PAX (As Vapok mentioned - ie. LoL tournament / Internationals last Prime, and gameplay at their booth in previous East's). So us having to compete with other vendors is not within our scope. However, Valve and Riot have contacted / worked with us in the past to run some of their tournaments, in which we gladfully work out the details.

    I will have to disagree with including "popular games" in the list. You overlook TF2, Minecraft, L4D2 as being included in your list and with the other games rising in popularity (Kerbal Space Program, Shootmania, PvZ, Magicka).

    If you still are not happy with this list in terms of your standards, please come by our desk this year. We are a staff of about 5 that have been handling all of these tournaments the past few years. And if you would like to influence the future list or even work with us, we are open to suggestions.

  • LLJKCiceroLLJKCicero Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Vapok wrote: »
    There's a lot of thought that goes into choosing of the tournaments each PAX. As mentioned, they are designed for fun, as we want to make the PC room a comfortable place for all players, and not intimidating when a crew of pro players wearing sponsored T's show up. Believe it or not, that can be intimidating. On the other hand, we know that the competitive spirit goes hand in hand with gaming, so there is a balance that we try to strike.

    Having said that, there are other factors. For instance, which games are being loaded on to the machines, which exhibitors want to sponsor certain tournaments, and then the most important factor, what's the bandwidth usage like. Bandwidth is a tough problem to handle when you have 350+ Freeplay machines and 450+ BYOC machines all operating on the same internet pipe. We've been making huge improvements over the past couple of PAX's by implementing better Steam Proxies, rate limiting actual seats, and just being mindful what games are being played.

    Another requirement that we started making a few PAX's ago, for the sake of bandwidth conservation, is that all Freeplay and Tournament games that are played, must have locally install-able servers or sponsored bandwidth. This did cut out a few titles (such as Battlefield 3) that simply didn't offer a local server option. Other companies have in the past opted to sponsor internet. That is why there are a few titles that are popular in the eSports arena that are not being played. It's not that we don't want them, just that we have to ensure that the network experience for both the Freeplayer's and the BYOC users meets expectations.

    We do have some eSport titles (like League of Legends) on the Freeplay machines that will be available to play, but no tournament. This is possibly because Riot may do something on their own. If you recall last years Riot Room, (which was freakin' awesome). I don't know if they are doing that again, but you never know. =)

    I'm personally looking forward to the QWOP Tournament. I think lots of lawlz will be had! =)
    I have a hard time believing that a crew of pro players would show up to a tournament with no real prize pool, and in any case you could just ban professional gamers from participating. However, your explanation about bandwidth makes sense. I don't think any of the games I mentioned have a LAN mode, which is a real shame. I was in BYOC last year and the network issues really hurt the experience. Taking forever to log onto bnet or start a L4D2 lobby, only to be dropped midgame, was not fun.
    I will have to disagree with including "popular games" in the list. You overlook TF2, Minecraft, L4D2 as being included in your list and with the other games rising in popularity (Kerbal Space Program, Shootmania, PvZ, Magicka).
    I was just picking the three most popular eSports, since they were the most glaring absences. I wasn't suggesting that none of the other titles are popular, and they all sound like good choices. I admit I am curious how the PvZ and Minecraft competitions will work. Interestingly, PvZ actually does have a 1v1 mode, but only on consoles.

    LLJKCicero on
  • KmessKmess PAX PC Tournament Manager Registered User regular
    LLJKCicero wrote: »
    I have a hard time believing that a crew of pro players would show up to a tournament with no real prize pool, and in any case you could just ban professional gamers from participating. However, your explanation about bandwidth makes sense. I don't think any of the games I mentioned have a LAN mode, which is a real shame. I was in BYOC last year and the network issues really hurt the experience. Taking forever to log onto bnet or start a L4D2 lobby, only to be dropped midgame, was not fun.
    I will have to disagree with including "popular games" in the list. You overlook TF2, Minecraft, L4D2 as being included in your list and with the other games rising in popularity (Kerbal Space Program, Shootmania, PvZ, Magicka).
    I was just picking the three most popular eSports, since they were the most glaring absences. I wasn't suggesting that none of the other titles are popular, and they all sound like good choices. I admit I am curious how the PvZ and Minecraft competitions will work. Interestingly, PvZ actually does have a 1v1 mode, but only on consoles.

    It's pretty crazy the amount of pro players that actually do come and play. I mean I encourage everyone to come and have fun but they shouldn't be raging after the tournament because they didn't get the prize they wanted or the prize isn't as big as 27+ million dollars O_o.

    Ok that makes sense, I wasn't sure if you were just talking about the popular mobas or the popular games ever.

    Minecraft tournament is actually really cool this year. Our admin is structuring the tournament to be a tower race - everyone starts on top of this huge tower and first one to the bottom wins. PVP / fall damage enabled. Pretty creative considering last years was also just as creative (hunger games style).

    PvZ will be more targeted for a race / competition for the high score. These details still being finalized.

  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    First, I want to sincerely apologize to @LLJKCicero if there was misunderstanding about what I meant. For me personally, when I see PC Freeplay emphasizing fun, casual competition, I felt the need to speak up in support of this something-different instead of more-of-the-same.

    If we want to go with today's Twitter hashtag storm of #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinions, I hold one opinion that pro-gaming and so called "esports" is a blight on gaming and a mockery of sport. It's simply an opinion I hold. I don't expect nor require that everyone hold it as well, but I do want to speak up in support of those things I do support.

    Second, will there be a loner pool for individuals who want to join a pick-up team or fill in on teams where all the players don't show? I would love to be part of a Shootmania team, but don't know anyone who would want to form a team.

    Oh, and Third, will Shootmania be Elite format or Battle format?

    edgeofblade on
  • KnightKnight Dead Dead Dead Registered User regular
    Oh my god Kerbal Space Program tournament. I have never wanted to do a PC tourney more than right now. Is there any information on that? And how long do you expect it to go? Trying to figure out my E shift with that (because you're jerks and made it at 6 :p oh god I wanna go).

  • yanthraxyanthrax boners bonersRegistered User regular
    From my experience last year, you should probably expect to spend half of a day at a tourney if you don't get knocked out or want to spectate. A few friends and I won the CSGO casual tournament last year and I think we were there from around 1pm to 7pm.

  • GhandiGhandi Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    The LCS NA Regional Qualifiers are being held at PAX if you need your eSports fix.


    Ghandi on
    xbl: Ghandi5
    steam: Nemesis_21
    origin: Ghandi5
    twitter: @maxaguirre5

  • KmessKmess PAX PC Tournament Manager Registered User regular
    Kmess wrote: »
    The tournaments this year have been scaled from the previous year's setup (Only have 3-4 massive tournaments that would take 4-6+ hours) to this year's setup of having more tournaments that take up a shorter amount of time that would apply to a broader audience than just eSports / pro gamers. This way you can enjoy PAX and participate in a game of your choice... not just play the game from 12pm - 6pm and miss out on your favorite panels. You will have more variety of games to participate in and if you're not a Minecraft player, then just don't sign up for it.
    yanthrax wrote: »
    From my experience last year, you should probably expect to spend half of a day at a tourney if you don't get knocked out or want to spectate. A few friends and I won the CSGO casual tournament last year and I think we were there from around 1pm to 7pm.
    Please see my previous comment.

    Knight_ wrote: »
    Oh my god Kerbal Space Program tournament. I have never wanted to do a PC tourney more than right now. Is there any information on that? And how long do you expect it to go? Trying to figure out my E shift with that (because you're jerks and made it at 6 :p oh god I wanna go).
    We are working directly with the devs to provide a really awesome tournament. So a lot of that is still being finalized but do expect some sort of list of objectives contest.

    First, I want to sincerely apologize to @LLJKCicero if there was misunderstanding about what I meant. For me personally, when I see PC Freeplay emphasizing fun, casual competition, I felt the need to speak up in support of this something-different instead of more-of-the-same.

    If we want to go with today's Twitter hashtag storm of #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinions, I hold one opinion that pro-gaming and so called "esports" is a blight on gaming and a mockery of sport. It's simply an opinion I hold. I don't expect nor require that everyone hold it as well, but I do want to speak up in support of those things I do support.

    Second, will there be a loner pool for individuals who want to join a pick-up team or fill in on teams where all the players don't show? I would love to be part of a Shootmania team, but don't know anyone who would want to form a team.

    Oh, and Third, will Shootmania be Elite format or Battle format?
    Shootmania will be Elite format, and there is always usually a bunch of free agents before the tournament. Please get there as early as possible to find a team member.

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    yanthrax wrote: »
    From my experience last year, you should probably expect to spend half of a day at a tourney if you don't get knocked out or want to spectate. A few friends and I won the CSGO casual tournament last year and I think we were there from around 1pm to 7pm.

    To clarify @Kmess comments: The Tourneys have been restructured for faster play. I think the longest tourney is about 4 hours long. The rest are between 1 and 3 hours long. Of course, this information is subject to change.

  • IzentoIzento Registered User new member
    edited August 2013
    So, just signed up for the forums just to say that, just because a tournament is competitive doesn't mean it isn't fun. There is going to be such a massive disappointment in popular games being absent such as DoTA, SC2, COD, etc. I've been going to PAX for like 5+ years and this is terrible news and pisses me off to no end. There is really not any other PAX competitiveness for PCs besides the....oh you guessed it, PC tournys. Such an argument as "PAX is suppose to be fun" is a terrible excuse to not bring the games people love and expect.

    You also state that the bandwidth is a problem, but every time there was a major tournament hosted in the past, it was handled fairly well and with minimal hiccups, what makes this year so different?

    Also, to add, just because you shorten the time for tournaments, doesn't mean it's a better thing. A lot of people didn't mind being in a tournament for half a day, or better yet, why not just shorten tournaments for the big eSports games?

    Izento on
  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    Izento wrote: »
    ... this is terrible news and pisses me off to no end ...

    In a convention where thousands of people attend, pretending that we can please everyone isn't really our thing. We understand that no matter what we do, there's going to be people who think we're being unfair or short-sighted about something. I feel as though both myself and @Kmess have done a pretty good job at being transparent about why decisions were made for various things. Every PAX (East, Prime, Aus) we're continually trying to improve upon the previous experience. We take this feedback and consider it for future PAX's.

    So, having said that, I apologize that you feel this way. I hope that you can see past what you feel is terrible news and still enjoy your PAX experience.

  • KmessKmess PAX PC Tournament Manager Registered User regular
    Izento wrote: »
    So, just signed up for the forums just to say that, just because a tournament is competitive doesn't mean it isn't fun. There is going to be such a massive disappointment in popular games being absent such as DoTA, SC2, COD, etc. I've been going to PAX for like 5+ years and this is terrible news and pisses me off to no end. There is really not any other PAX competitiveness for PCs besides the....oh you guessed it, PC tournys. Such an argument as "PAX is suppose to be fun" is a terrible excuse to not bring the games people love and expect.

    You also state that the bandwidth is a problem, but every time there was a major tournament hosted in the past, it was handled fairly well and with minimal hiccups, what makes this year so different?

    Also, to add, just because you shorten the time for tournaments, doesn't mean it's a better thing. A lot of people didn't mind being in a tournament for half a day, or better yet, why not just shorten tournaments for the big eSports games?

    I believe the comment about being competitive isn't fun has been clarified. Tournaments of all kinds, competitive and non-competitive can be fun.... that's it. In terms of leaving out the popular games, please see the discussion in this thread for more details.

    We have had some bandwidth issues in the past - so that's actually really awesome that our end audience has not seen these problems and only see them as minimal hiccups.

    We have received a lot of complaints in the past about people staying for a long period of time in tournaments as well as people mentioning they would like to see more of a variety. This way we can please both parties - but of course, we cannot please everyone.

  • RobZombie224RobZombie224 Registered User new member
    Will Minecraft tournament be hunger games style like last pax? my friends and i had a ton of fun playing and are questioning what will it be for this year?

  • XRXR [E] LULK ILRegistered User regular
    Minecraft tournament is actually really cool this year. Our admin is structuring the tournament to be a tower race - everyone starts on top of this huge tower and first one to the bottom wins. PVP / fall damage enabled. Pretty creative considering last years was also just as creative (hunger games style).

  • DruidsFlameDruidsFlame Registered User regular
    Is this only for BYOC? If so can I still bring my laptop and play in the Kerbal tourney?! I love this game, it might get me fired for playing to late and then coming in too late :(

    PAX PRIME 2018 Status: Badges [√] Room [√] Waiting [ :x ]
    PoGo Trainer Code:4505 8413 2232
  • VanusVanus Registered User regular
    @DruidsFlame It's for the PC Freeplay tournies. You don't even need your own laptop, they'll have it all setup for you.

  • AlikaAlika GoneCross Registered User regular
    @Vapoc First of all I just want to thank you for making this happen. I was extremely disappointed last year when the PC tournaments were all jacked.

    Second is this the best place to start soliciting to be on a TF2 pickup team. Cause I love me some medic.

  • wooperzwooperz Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    @kmess thanks for the info. Really excited for this and thanks to all those who planned it.

    Excited to get to cheer on our favorite Minecrafters! :D

    wooperz on
    ACNL Dream Suite: 5200-2176-8529
  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    Last year the SE++ MC crew (@McMasta @doktorjake @nuka) almost swept 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the Hunger Games.

    Server first. :)

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • LLJKCiceroLLJKCicero Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    I imagine the tournament schedule is set in stone at this point but EGGNOGG (a clone of unreleased indie darling Nidhogg) is amazing, AND simple, and it would definitely match the spirit of the other tournies, believe me. I brought a couple controllers to the office yesterday and for the last couple days we've been playing the crap out of it:

    Like Nidhogg, it's a minimalist fighting game with platforming elements. In fact, the gameplay is stolen more or less wholesale from Nidhogg. Everyone here who's tried it has loved the game, even the very casual gamers. It's hard to describe why it's fun, but the controls are simple (only 2 buttons + d-pad) but hide a suprising amount of depth, and the strategy feels immediately accessible. Plus the various ways you end up dying are just hilarious.

    It could also probably fit in as a console tourney game, since while it's technically a PC game, it's best played with a controller. I bring it up because I know everyone seems to love Nidhogg (even when they haven't played it themselves, which is most of the time), but very few know about this surprisingly competent (and free) clone.

    LLJKCicero on
  • ILMTitanILMTitan Registered User regular
    The PC Tourny Guidebook says the August 31 8:00 pm timeslot is Chivalry, but this says L4D2. I was putting together a L4D2 team. Which is correct?

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    I would say that this schedule is more accurate than Guidebook's. Also, these are still subject to change, however, this schedule is put together by the Enforcers who will actually be running the tournaments, so I would say that this is the defacto primary source for information. Once PAX starts up, the Tournament Registration Desk will have the full, accurate schedule.

  • KmessKmess PAX PC Tournament Manager Registered User regular
    LLJKCicero wrote: »
    I imagine the tournament schedule is set in stone at this point but EGGNOGG (a clone of unreleased indie darling Nidhogg) is amazing, AND simple, and it would definitely match the spirit of the other tournies, believe me. I brought a couple controllers to the office yesterday and for the last couple days we've been playing the crap out of it:

    Like Nidhogg, it's a minimalist fighting game with platforming elements. In fact, the gameplay is stolen more or less wholesale from Nidhogg. Everyone here who's tried it has loved the game, even the very casual gamers. It's hard to describe why it's fun, but the controls are simple (only 2 buttons + d-pad) but hide a suprising amount of depth, and the strategy feels immediately accessible. Plus the various ways you end up dying are just hilarious.

    It could also probably fit in as a console tourney game, since while it's technically a PC game, it's best played with a controller. I bring it up because I know everyone seems to love Nidhogg (even when they haven't played it themselves, which is most of the time), but very few know about this surprisingly competent (and free) clone.

    Just checked out the game - not bad at all. We can definitely look into this for PAX East / next prime.
    ILMTitan wrote: »
    The PC Tourny Guidebook says the August 31 8:00 pm timeslot is Chivalry, but this says L4D2. I was putting together a L4D2 team. Which is correct?

    This thread will have the correct details as we update it first whenever there are changes. So far, the thread stands correct. I've sent an email to get this corrected.

    Thanks for pointing this out.

  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    Format: 4 Player Co-Op
    Wait how do you do a tournament for Magicka with 4 player Co-op?

  • XRXR [E] LULK ILRegistered User regular
    S2000Gan wrote: »
    Format: 4 Player Co-Op
    Wait how do you do a tournament for Magicka with 4 player Co-op?
    It will be 4 player teams, on Challenge- Survival mode, on the ice skating rink map. Team who gets to the highest round in a period of time will win.

  • JackDavionJackDavion Registered User regular
    Two questions. First, is the time attack on Alienswarm for all the levels, or a specific one? Second, can we play in these tournaments inside BYOC, or do we have to join the PC freeplay area?

  • VapokVapok Just a Guy. BostonRegistered User regular
    JackDavion wrote: »
    Two questions. First, is the time attack on Alienswarm for all the levels, or a specific one? Second, can we play in these tournaments inside BYOC, or do we have to join the PC freeplay area?

    1) Uh, I'll let @Kmess chime in.

    2)The tourney's listed here are for the PC Freeplay area. BYOC is having their own list of contests, tourney's, and activities.

  • jshirlandjshirland Registered User regular
    ILMTitan wrote: »
    The PC Tourny Guidebook says the August 31 8:00 pm timeslot is Chivalry, but this says L4D2. I was putting together a L4D2 team. Which is correct?

    I'm looking to join a L4D2 team, if you've still got room.

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