According to the
Official PAX Twitter account all Badges have shipped as of Monday, August 19th, and should arrive By Friday August 23rd. If you have not received your badges yet, do not panic. You can start being worried after Friday.
Bobcats, err, badges are now shipping out.
do not panic if you do not have your badges yet. Badges are shipping out in waves. Just because others who may be close to you have gotten them does not mean your badges went out in that wave. Remember this is not the first PAX. You'll get your badges, just be patient. if you do not have your badges the weekend before PAX, that is the point where you may want to start asking questions.
Your badges will arrive. You will attend PAX. That is the order of things.
Here is what you can expect when you can expect to receive from USPS, UPS, or FedEx:
For US domestic, if you chose the default shipping option, that is through USPS, so there is no tracking information. IF you chose UPS you *should* get a tracking number when it ships. It looks like the ticketing system is listing every ticket as shipped now, when not everyone who should have a tracking number does, so who knows what's happening there.
For International, you will get an email with a tracking number when it ships.
Original post below:
I just got a FedEx email telling me my badges have shipped. Not sure if they ship the international badges before the Domestic ones, as I'm in Canada but it looks like they are starting to ship them now.
We really are now on crunch time to PAX Prime 2013. My body is ready.
XBL: thewunderbar PSN: thewunderbar NNID: thewunderbar Steam: wunderbar87 Twitter: wunderbar
Attendee: Prime 12,13,14 East 13
Twitch: akThera
Steam: Thera
Love the 'my body is ready' meme!
Oh my Dayum
Oh my goodness
They goin' Ham
By night, a gamer.
PAX Prime 09, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18
Close enough?
I was always under the assumption that anyone trying to enter without their bobcat in hand wouldn't be allowed in. I always got weird looks from security until I pulled my bobcat out.
Don't forget your bobcats.
[x]In awe that my 30 minute badge window prediction was pretty close to accurate.
[ ]Airfare
[ ]Buttoneering Buttons
[ ]Challenge Coin
They might be counterfeit bobcats.
The Badges actually ship from Connecticut, not Seattle, so shipping them to Vancouver is about as far away as they get on the continent. They do have tens of thousands to ship so I would assume they aren't doing them all in one day.
My tracking updated saying they'll be at my door next Wednesday, so a week to get them to me. That can be used as a rough guide to say that they'll probably have to ship all international badges at least by this time next week just to be safe and make sure they arrive before people start making their way to Seattle.
Due to yadda yadda yadda...
I had to get my pass via eBay and I won't be home the week before PAX because of GP Oakland.
This news alleviates the heart ache of wondering if I need someone to over night my mail to Seattle.
There's still the heart ache of trusting a 100% 10k+ feedback eBay scalper.
[♦ ] 4 Day Passes
[♦ ] Hotel
[ ] Plane Tickets
[♦]Working my ass off to pay for all this shit.
Passes: ☑ ▬ Hotel: ☑ ▬ Flight: [color=red]☑[/color]
Worst case, I show up to PAX and put the lessons I learned at Phish shows to work.
Attendee: Prime 12,13,14 East 13
Budget cuts.. damnit obama!
Especially if they come from Moe. He's bad.
Even plush bobcats can be quite ferocious if they are not fed. Be sure to bring along some plush rabbits to feed it.
The best idea.
Also, I paid for the UPS shipping within the US, and I just got an email that my package is on its way. So I guess non international badges are starting to ship.
I am so doing this...
color=blue]✓[/color Hotel, color=blue]✓[/color Plane Tickets, color=blue]✓[/color Time Off Approved, color=blue]✓[/color Waiting impatiently,
color=green]✓[/color 4-Day Passes Bought, color=Blue]✓[/color 4-Day Passes Received,
color=green]✓[/color Buttons Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Buttons Received,
color=green]✓[/color Bonus Buttons Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Bonus Buttons Received,
color=green]✓[/color Forumer Pint Glasses Ordered, color=Blue]✓[/color Forumer Pint Glasses Received
Attendee ♥ : Prime 2011, 2013