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PAX Prime Live Streaming Info

GoogalashGoogalash Registered User regular
Hello Folks,

Did you know PAX has a live stream it will be running during the show? No? Well it does and here is the info you need if you would like to watch it.

For this show we will be running 2 separate streams. The 1st will be hosted at and the second will be hosted at

The schedule for what you can watch on the stream is as follows. All of the times listed are in PST(US with DST in affect so GMT/UTC-7).

For the channel we will be running all content shown in the main theater. To see the main theater schedule please click here.

For the channel we will be running all content shown in the kraken theater. To see the kraken theater schedule please click here.

Look forward to seeing many of you online and or at the show.


  • GoogalashGoogalash Registered User regular
    Hey folks you may also want to check out this blog post from Twitch. They are also going to have a bunch of coverage at PAX.

  • El_FunkoEl_Funko Perth, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Cheers Goog! I'll be watching* all the way from Australia, time difference allowing of course.

  • BURN447BURN447 Registered User new member
    I will be watching from my home. IN SEATTLE. Im getting tickets next year

  • FishStixFishStix Registered User regular
    So glad people can watch this from home now. I'll be at PAX but I know I wont be able to get into all of the panels that I want to, so nice :)

  • KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    I am all geared up and ready to watch.

  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    Such a crushing shame that you can't search for specific feeds in Twitch on the 360, but I figure these should be popular enough that I can find them easily. Can't wait for Acquisitions Inc.

  • KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Hopefully, the concerts have some new material. They have been getting in a bit of a rut.

    Edit: Checked the concert list. Wow. There are a whole bunch of new ones. I think Coulton and Paul and Storm kind of ran their course. It would be neat if they show up though.

    Krathoon on
  • Maz-Maz- 飛べ Registered User regular
    Crap, I totally forgot about this yesterday. I'm guessing / hoping yesterday's streams (specifically the PA panel) will be uploaded to the PAX Twitch channel sometime soon?

    Add me on Switch: 7795-5541-4699
  • GoogalashGoogalash Registered User regular
    Yep everything we stream is recorded on twitchs site. You can find the videos here. Either under highlights or past broadcast. We will be making highlights for each panel just takes some time.

  • ScunosiScunosi WashingtonRegistered User regular
    I know the Protomen's El Corazon show isn't technically a part of PAX, but I was wondering if anyone had a good recording of it, or if the Protomen actually had it recorded?
    I remember seeing a camera guy for some of the earlier acts but I think he left by the time the Protomen came on.

  • sporksansporksan Registered User new member
    edited September 2013
    For those of us who subscribed to the PAX Twitch Stream there was supposed to be some stuff sent out including wallpapers and a few keys for Ubisoft F2P stuff. Is the time line for when these e-mails will be sent out, or did I somehow miss the e-mail?

    Love that I can watch PAX when not there in person, the wife and I really enjoyed A.I. this year! keep up the great work.

    sporksan on
  • dnz415dnz415 Registered User new member
    I don't think they have sent the emails out yet...
    It's been well over a month and I have yet to get mine.
    I've emailed twitch about it at least 5 times since the week after the PAX Twitch stream.
    It kind of makes me not want to do that ever again since waiting over a month and not getting any type of real time frame really sucks esp if you are dishing out money for something =(

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