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PAX Prime Mobile Apps!

SmallLadySmallLady Registered User regular
Ok guys, lets start a list of all of the mobile apps out there for PAX.

Guidebook will be the offical app for PAX

Please post in the thread if you know of other unofficial apps.

"we're just doing what smalllady told us to do" - @Heels


  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Many events use Eventbrite for ticketing. If you got a ticket to the Post-PAX Party, the Triwizard Drinking Tournament, or the Indie After Party, you can pull up a scannable ticket instead of carrying a file of paper.

    Also, I use Key Ring to scan in various barcodes from all sorts of sources. I have my Pre-PAX Dinner ticket and my Pint Throwdown ticket on that app.

    ...maybe I should reassess how much I plan on doing at PAX...

    edgeofblade on
  • contrefaitcontrefait Registered User regular
    Android links for above apps:

    PAX East 2016 Checklist
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  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Thank you @contrefait. :-)

  • wildbohrwildbohr Fredericton, NBRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    My unofficial Windows Phone app Pocket PAX ( has been submitted for approval, it contains the updated info for PAX Prime 2013. I expect it should be approved in the next 2 days or so.

    The other unofficial Windows Phone PAX Digital Assistant by jacalata is also available and is currently updated with the 2013 update.

    wildbohr on
  • ifra88ifra88 CanadaRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    (Retracted comment)

    ifra88 on
  • wildbohrwildbohr Fredericton, NBRegistered User regular
    Pocket PAX v1.7 containing the PAX Prime 2013 info is now available in the Windows Phone Store (

  • TheJackalManTheJackalMan Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    Is there an ETA on when Guidebook will have PAX Prime's guide available?

  • helen0rzhelen0rz Registered User regular
    Is there an ETA on when Guidebook will have PAX Prime's guide available?

    not yet, but I have been checking everyday. I bet it will be ready by the end of next week.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod

  • VersuserikVersuserik (E) Versuserik Maui HawaiiRegistered User regular
    Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps (please)...

    PAX PRIME 2015 Status:
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  • wunderbarwunderbar What Have I Done? Registered User regular
    if you have your badges you can get a rough idea of where everything from the back of the badge. i.e. there are 3 theaters in the Sheraton this year, tabletop is at the Olive 8, etc. Not perfect, but it's feeding my habit until the actual maps are available.

    XBL: thewunderbar PSN: thewunderbar NNID: thewunderbar Steam: wunderbar87 Twitter: wunderbar
  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    Get a QR code scanner. You never know when they will be needed. There is one integrated with Guidebook, but you probably want to find one you can whip out in a matter of seconds.

    Seriously, practice whipping out your scanner as quickly as possible. I have a macro on my phone to open my scanner from a lock screen...

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    My fav QR scanner is QR Droid Private, doesn't require most of the permissions that lots of scanners use to integrate with your contact lists and whatnot.

  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I'll get my community maps up soon. But in the meantime, Guidebook is up!

    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    I'll get my community maps up soon. But in the meantime, Guidebook is up!

    Can't wait! :D your maps are the best!

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Also here's the direct link to the web version

  • SmashX5000SmashX5000 The Guy Who Draws Things WashingtonRegistered User regular
    I went through just about everything on the Guidebook with the 3DS, and it actually works really well on that browser (surprisingly, since nothing really works well on it). The only thing I had trouble with were the maps. The WSCC map and the two Expo Hall Lv.4 maps worked right (though on one of the level 4 maps, I couldn't open the full image, I had to zoom in on it). The other maps just wouldn't load.

    Since I don't have a smartphone, using the 3DS browser to check the Guidebook is gonna be a good alternative.

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  • wildbohrwildbohr Fredericton, NBRegistered User regular
    Pocket PAX v1.7.1 is now available on the Windows Phone Store ( It contains the Prime 2013 Maps and I've overhauled the Schedule Update Mechanism.

  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    edited August 2013
    Just noticed the new version of Google Maps doesn't allow the use of my places anymore. I used it before to keep track of different restaurants, etc. Does anyone have a suggestion for an alternative?

    ETA: Nevermind. It just occurred to me I could use the browser version where my places still works. ;)

    adias.angel on
    Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 .. East '12
  • NeuralLinkNeuralLink Registered User regular
    wildbohr wrote: »
    Pocket PAX v1.7.1 is now available on the Windows Phone Store ( It contains the Prime 2013 Maps and I've overhauled the Schedule Update Mechanism.

    Any chance that the PAX XP can be integrated into Pocket PAX in future revisions?

  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
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  • wildbohrwildbohr Fredericton, NBRegistered User regular
    NeuralLink - I have been wanting to integrate PAX XP for the last few releases.

    The problem is the content of the scan changes sometimes between PAX's. I have tried reaching out to PAX officially to have them let me know the format in advance so I could integrate it but I've never been contacted back. So because of that I would need to write something very generic for reading the QR's and format the output that could be changed quickly once it's discovered what the new format is. As you can probably guess that's more difficult to do so it will take a little more time before I can solve that one.

    If anyone has a contact I could reach out to for the info in advance I am more than willing to integrate PAX XP!

  • byakuenbyakuen Somewhere in SeattleRegistered User regular
    @wildbohr, Just wanna thank you for your efforts with the uncommon OS: Windows Phones.

    ♥ Properly Pleased Participant of Past PAX PrimeWest: '10, '12, '13, '14, '15, '16
  • wildbohrwildbohr Fredericton, NBRegistered User regular
    @byakuen tks! I love developing for the platform. I'm always trying to find new ways to use what OS provides.

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