Saturday 10:00AM - 2:00PMWarcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, 64 Person Limit:
- Single elimination
- Individual play
- Game speed: Fastest
- Maps: Lost Temple, Turtle Rock, Gnoll Wood, Twisted Meadows
Saturday 2:00PM - 6:00PMBattlefield 1942: Desert Combat, 32 Team Limit:
- Single elimination
- 5 player teams
- Respawn time: 25 seconds
- Vehicle respawn time: 35 seconds
- 50% tickets
- 10 minute halves
- Maps: Bocage, Kharkov, Stalingrad, El Alamein
- Starting sides determined by coin flip
- Combined ticket differential between halves determines winner
Saturday 6:00PM - 12:00AMCounter-Strike, 32 Team Limit:
- Single elimination
- 5 player teams
- Max rounds 12
- Round time: 2:30
- C4 Timer: 35 seconds
- Maps: inferno, dust2, nuke, cbble, train
- Starting sides determined by coin flip
Sunday 10:00AM - 2:00PM:Unreal Tournament 2004, 32 Team Limit:
- Single elimination
- 5 player teams
- Onslaught gametype
- 20 minute game
- Maps: Torlan, ArcticStronghold, Crossfire, Dawn, Frostbite, Primeval, Dria
- Starting sides determined by coin flip
Sunday 4:00PM - 8:00PMCall of Duty, 32 Team Limit:
- Single elimination
- 5 player teams
- Team Deathmatch
- 20 minute game
- Maps: railyard, dawnville, harbor, carentan, depot, neuville
- Starting sides determined by coin flip
When can I register for the tournaments?
Registration for PC tournaments will begin at 9:00 AM on Saturday the 28th. Registration for each tournament will be open until the tournament begins, and if the tournament is full you can opt to be on the waiting list. Sign ups will be in the LAN area and will be marked by a sign.
I don't have a team to play with, what can I do?
If you don't have a full team when signing up, we'll match you up with other participants who are in the same situation.
I am not bringing a computer to the event, but I want to play in a tournament. Is this possible?
Yes, anyone who has purchased a ticket for the PAX event can participate in PC tournaments. Lanwerx has provided 40 systems for tournament play and free use. If you have a spot in the BYOC it is preferred that you play tournament matches on your own system.
Will I be able to use my own keyboard, mouse, headphones, and settings?
Yes! In fact, the tournament systems will not have sound output of any kind unless you bring or borrow a set of headphones. All participants will be given a few minutes prior to each match to setup and configure everything as you like it.
I like to dick people around and make them wait while I powder my nose and ignore my scheduled match time. Will this be a problem?
Yes, tournament schedules are going to be very tight so if anyone is not ready within five minutes of their scheduled match start they will be disqualified.
What's up with Unreal Tournament 2004?
Atari has generously provided 40 copies of UT2004. The tournament is on! None of the copies of the game will be given away following the event as they will be sent back to Atari.
What games will be installed on the provided systems?
The provided systems will all include the tournament games as well as a handful of other popular games. Expect a complete list in the following days.
How will I be able to schedule time to play on the provided systems?
The provided systems will be available for use during the second half of the tournament rounds as well as during all time designated as being "free play". Players will be able to walk up and sit down at any open station for up to an hour based on demand. Schedules will not be strictly enforced, but staff will ask any individuals who have played for a long period of time to finish up to ensure everyone can have a fair chance to play.
most of all, most of all
someone said true love was dead
but i'm bound to fall
bound to fall for you
oh what can i do
I think you must have your games confused cause other then both of them being WWII fps's, they have very little in common. The gameplay is completely different. CoD is a lot like CS, such as CoD plays in rounds and you have to dynamite 1 objective or kill all of the enemy to win (granted CS has different types of maps then that) ET has multiple objectives for each map, multiple spawn points, and people continually respawn until either 1 team wins or time runs out. These are just a few of the many differences, but in short, they are nothing alike. My guess is youve never played ET, only read about it or talked to people whove played it.
We only have time for five tournaments in total (three on Saturday, two on Sunday), so there's no possibility of adding a tournament given our time restrictions. If Unreal Tournament 2004 works out, Halo will be the tournament being shelved as Halo already is represented by a console tournament and Halo 2 which will be on display during the event. We should know by tomorrow what the official situation is.
All games will be using the newest versions.
Hey, if you do dm I'm in for sure
And {TS}, haven't I played with you before in UT2k4? I go by {dKc}coolp. I was thinking that I was gonna dominate, since I hadn't heard of any good clans that were coming, but I guess not if {TS} is coming
coolp - Honestly, I can't remember, we don't play much online, just against each other. The last time that this version of {TS} had a major online presence was original Tribes, since then we've been spoiled by the new "culture" of gamers out there and prefer to stick to playing at LAN's and such. But if you're going to the Expo and want to play in a tourney we can certainly discuss it, like I previously posted - I'm not sure what game we'll be competeing in.
I thought with PAX being a different kind of convention, a different kind of game would be represented. Yeah, there are a lot of WW2 games out there, but every single one of them factors in kills for victory. Indeed, for several, it's the only factor that matters.
I've always held that WolfET is superior multiplayer game because in the end, body count is irrelevant. It's all about the objectives. This makes strategy, teamwork, and skill distribution a lot more critical than the ability to hoard tanks or twitch really fast.
GameSpy's best multiplayer Game for 2003? Consistently the #2 or #3 game on Completely fair stopwatch-mode? This is the game we should be playing. How about an FPS that doesn't need no stinkin' coin-flip?
I'm a huge fan of WolfET and agree with you completely. If there isnt a tourney, then there at least needs to be a lot of ET played in the free play time.
We're not going to be able to add more official tournaments due to time constraints. As it is, with five tournaments we're going to be cutting it very close. I understand that there are games some people will be disappointed not to see in a tournament, but you can play any game you'd like in the BYOC and LAN area.
The games that the provided systems will have are currently being decided upon. They all will have the tournament games installed, but we also hope to include Doom 3 and other favorites on some if not all of the boxes.
We will allow free play on the provided systems during the later rounds of tournaments as well as when scheduled. Playing on these systems do not require a reservation and do not have set time limits. Staff will try to police the use of these systems to ensure no one monopolizes the use of a system for a long period of time when others wish to play.
The scheduled meeting with Atari has been pushed back a few days, but I'll be sure to keep you up to date with the outcome. Cross your fingers!
They'll be supplying the PAX with 40 copies of Unreal Tournament 2004. Hurray... to the max!
Expect tournament information to reflect this by Friday night.
Also, we've swapped the timeslots of the Call of Duty and Unreal Tournament events. See the original post for updated schedule information!