I would also recommend bringing a Nintendo 3DS if you have one. You will get a ton of StreetPasses and there is also a handheld lounge if you need to take a break.
I would also recommend bringing a Nintendo 3DS if you have one. You will get a ton of StreetPasses and there is also a handheld lounge if you need to take a break.
Agreed, any type of handheld makes waiting in line infinitely more tolerable.
Better train up my Pokemon once I get Y Version. I'm guessing there will be plenty of battle opportunities. Also, is there a console lounge at all where you can bring a system and play something with friends or whoever else wants to play?
Better train up my Pokemon once I get Y Version. I'm guessing there will be plenty of battle opportunities. Also, is there a console lounge at all where you can bring a system and play something with friends or whoever else wants to play?
Plenty and there is the PPL (pax pokemon league).
afaik there is no byoConsole, but there are rooms with consoles set up iirc, but someone else may be able to answer what sort of systems were set up (and i'm pretty sure games were set).
Posting on the phorum again like its 1999
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
There is no BYOConsole. We have both a Console Freeplay (360/PS3/Wii [not WiiU IIRC]) and Classic Console Freeplay (most everything from the Atari 2600 to the PS2) with a rather extensive collection of games available. If you're looking to setup your own console, you're going to have to hope that your hotel room has the A/V connections unobscured.
I just had the thought that it's surprising for the current gen stuff that Sony/MS/Nintendo don't loan consoles to help with this. I know they've got expo booths, but that is generally for unreleased...
Not that I'm expecting they should, but it would be great it they did (people who aren't early adopters could get a shot at whats out, no additional cost to PAX itself).
I think we would need input on whoever sets up the console rooms to figure out how they work, to see if they're donated or enforcer systems and how much extra hassle dealing with the companies would add. I'm not sure if its a lot like the HHL games (in which case, I'd say we could see if @scoots could put in her 2 cents). Someone from TT may be able to comment, where it might be a similar system.
There was Wii U there last year. I played Super Mario Bros. Wii U on it with my friend for like an hour. It was a good time, and the first time either of us really got to sit down and play a Wii U.
I think we would need input on whoever sets up the console rooms to figure out how they work, to see if they're donated or enforcer systems and how much extra hassle dealing with the companies would add. I'm not sure if its a lot like the HHL games (in which case, I'd say we could see if @scoots could put in her 2 cents). Someone from TT may be able to comment, where it might be a similar system.
The systems are all owned by PA. They get used multiple PAX's a year and really aren't that expensive given the many other costs at the convention. Some games are donated, some are purchased, and they do sometimes take enforcer loans. The team in charge of CFP is probably the most vetran leadership team at PAX. Their system works very well, and while they are tinkers, and are always making tweaks and enhancements, its not likely to change signifigantly without some good benefit.
That being said, this is probably not "first timer" material.
Yeah, sorry, it is getting a bit off track, though that does put a good answer out there to kinda put things to bed.
back on first timer stuff...have we stressed bringing your own water bottle of some sort? Especially something that can fit in a regular sized water fountain. Seriously, it will save you and though optional, a couple crystal light packets or something similar can help if you want something different without coughing up for a bottle of coke or something.
Yeah, sorry, it is getting a bit off track, though that does put a good answer out there to kinda put things to bed.
back on first timer stuff...have we stressed bringing your own water bottle of some sort? Especially something that can fit in a regular sized water fountain. Seriously, it will save you and though optional, a couple crystal light packets or something similar can help if you want something different without coughing up for a bottle of coke or something.
I believe I did. If not someone else did. I know for sure it's mentioned at least twice. Which brings me back to this ever wanting need to re-organize the information in the thread. Everything that's in it is fine, but even I can't seem to make heads or tails of it sometimes.
I'll get to it as soon as I manage to send this awesome rover I built to Duna.
It's not quite in the OP aside from a passing mention to bottled water (in doing multiple skims through it) so i'm missing it or it does fit under your things to add with an eventual rewrite. Not a huge deal (half what i noticed, half trying to get the thread back onto its rails).
it's in the sary spoiler section, 2 liters of water per day!
Anyhow, yeah, a reorg can help, but it's still great advice regardless, and bringing your own water bottle is a good idea because it can be refilled, as you said.
it's in the sary spoiler section, 2 liters of water per day!
Anyhow, yeah, a reorg can help, but it's still great advice regardless, and bringing your own water bottle is a good idea because it can be refilled, as you said.
The re-org is in the works. I've been meaning to put stuff like that at the top actually, along with shoes, washing hands, having a bag, etc. I agree that having water on you at all times is very important and comes in close second after having a good pair of shoes.
In case people did not know, there are plenty of water fountains at the BCEC which can be used to refill your bottle or yourself. I don't recall seeing a bathroom location that did not have one.
it's in the sary spoiler section, 2 liters of water per day!
Anyhow, yeah, a reorg can help, but it's still great advice regardless, and bringing your own water bottle is a good idea because it can be refilled, as you said.
Yeah, just a caveat about refilling from the spring water dispensers you'll find scattered in some of the rooms around the BCEC. Each year I regularly see people shoving the spout of a dispenser right into their Aquafina bottle to refill it (it fits so perfectly after all). Personally, I find this practice rather...unsanitary. I suggest using the tap in your room, or purchasing gallon or multi-gallon containers and leaving them in your room to use as a supply.
it's in the sary spoiler section, 2 liters of water per day!
Anyhow, yeah, a reorg can help, but it's still great advice regardless, and bringing your own water bottle is a good idea because it can be refilled, as you said.
I bring my camelback to PAX, I think staying hydrated helps with not getting POX. That and hand sanitizer that I use anytime I touch something in expo.
I've never had a issue with the distance to food at PAX. The hotels have places to eat that get a bit busy but if you plan right you'll be fine. Also the South Station area of Boston is 1.2 miles down Spring Street, a direct walk from the BCEC, and has tons of cheap places to eat, including a bunch of places inside the station itself (mostly in the rail area, but there's a couple quick places up by the bus terminal too). If you don't want to walk 1.2 miles instead of grabbing a cab go over to the WTC across from the Seaport and jump on the silver line for a couple bucks, it'll take you right there. Also last years in-convention center food was a step up from the year before I thought.
2 years ago ArenaNet gave away collapsible water bottles with the Guild Wars 2 logo on them. Mayfair Games also have very cool metal water bottles you can win by qualifying for the semi-finals of the Catan tournaments (along with other very cool Catan swag). So if you forget to bring a water bottle, ask around to the vendors because they may have them as giveaways.
PAX EAST 2014 Status: [x] 3-Day Pass [x] Hotel [x] Travel Plans [ ] Waiting Patiently
Jake CappsPatrick Space Force Base, FloridaRegistered Userregular
I really want to buy my plane tickets now but I'm worried that the dates in April are not firm. Has anyon taken care of their travel yet?
as far as I know the April dates themselves are firm ... I haven't heard anyone suggest that they are not. I have not made travel arrangements yet but I was waiting more for passes to go on sale and ensure that I get mine before I make firm plans to attend. I know others have booked airlines already but for me it will be an expenditure of $1500 (for 2 tickets) and so I am biding my time to make sure I get passes first.
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
as far as I know the April dates themselves are firm ... I haven't heard anyone suggest that they are not. I have not made travel arrangements yet but I was waiting more for passes to go on sale and ensure that I get mine before I make firm plans to attend. I know others have booked airlines already but for me it will be an expenditure of $1500 (for 2 tickets) and so I am biding my time to make sure I get passes first.
I was thinking about that. But lets say I miss out on passes. Can't I just buy individual day tickets? It would cost more but I would still get to go. It's my first year so I'm no expert.
as far as I know the April dates themselves are firm ... I haven't heard anyone suggest that they are not. I have not made travel arrangements yet but I was waiting more for passes to go on sale and ensure that I get mine before I make firm plans to attend. I know others have booked airlines already but for me it will be an expenditure of $1500 (for 2 tickets) and so I am biding my time to make sure I get passes first.
I was thinking about that. But lets say I miss out on passes. Can't I just buy individual day tickets? It would cost more but I would still get to go. It's my first year so I'm no expert.
If you miss out on 3-day passes you can purchase single day passes for each day, yes. I think that some people are also afraid that these will sell out very quickly as well. In the past, the fastest that single day passes have sold out for pax east is around the 2-month mark, for saturday passes, but the *entirety* of pax prime, single days and full weekend passes, sold out in 6 hours this year... so things might change.
Sry to clarify ... I travelled to California this summer and tried to get San Diego Comic Con passes (even single day) and despite being online at the moment they went onsale I was not able to even get into the waiting room portion so until I have event passes (or some semblance made from single day passes) I do not want to finalize travel details that may have an additional cost to me to cancel. I do not expect a rush on flights emanating from my area some I expect I can wait to make those arrangements once I have passes to the event. Sry for the confusion @JakeCapps. I never meant to imply that if you could not get the full event pass that you could not assemble a reasonable facsimile from single day passes. I am just one of those people who leaves nothing to chance (just a habit from my job I guess I am trained to think in contingency).
aBByNormaL on
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
Passes go on sale well before the cheapest flights/train tickets come about. You'll have plenty of time to get passes/lodging before you confirm travel details.
Jake CappsPatrick Space Force Base, FloridaRegistered Userregular
SDCC is a different beast. I remmeber back in 2002 when I could wait unitl the month before the con, and MAIL my money in to get tickets. I'm going to wait for PAX East to go on sale...if it ever does.
Some friendly local advice for people visiting the first time:
Boston is often referred to as a "walking city" (similar design to many European cities), but you'll want to be prepared to go do things away from your hotel and the BCEC. My first suggestion is that you pick up a 7-day bus/subway combo pass for the MBTA. These can be bought at any of the machines in subway stations and at any terminal in Logan Airport. This $20 (assuming it'll go up again before PAX) pass will save you tons of money over the course of the weekend. You can use it to hop out of the BCEC to take the Silver Line to South Station (it's better than the walk on a cold day) and buy better/cheaper food.
Note that the MBTA does have one downside: the trains typically shut down between 12 and 2 AM - plan going to concerts, going out at night, and other things with this in mind. You'll need a taxi at this point - the HAILO and UBER services are really nice, and much better than your standard yellow cab.
If you're flying in, you'll most likely be coming in through Logan Airport. Luckily, there's a high chance your flight is going to be full of fellow PAXers, so the gaming fun will start before you even leave home. When you land, I still suggest getting the MBTA combo pass. The Silver Line will get you to the BCEC area if you're staying there (Westin, Seaport, Renaissance) and the Blue Line will get you downtown with a line swap or two. Each terminal has a cab stand (Terminal B has two if you land there), and Massport is VERY strict about regulating cab prices out of Logan, so you won't get screwed by a cab fare.
Since this year's PAX East will take place in mid-April, it's a hit-or-miss month as far as weather is concerned. We can go anywhere from 35 to 80 degrees at the drop of a hat. I'd suggest bringing a warm coat, but stick to short sleeve shirts in case the weather takes a temperature swing. While I can handle the cold in shorts, I'm sure most of our non-Northern friends probably can't.
I'm sure more things will pop into my head, and I'll try to post them here as they come.
It would be nice to add something about OnPeak in there. I'm not sure how new that is to PAX East, but I did not know about them last year when I went for the first time.
Some friendly local advice for people visiting the first time:
Boston is often referred to as a "walking city" (similar design to many European cities), but you'll want to be prepared to go do things away from your hotel and the BCEC. My first suggestion is that you pick up a 7-day bus/subway combo pass for the MBTA. These can be bought at any of the machines in subway stations and at any terminal in Logan Airport. This $20 (assuming it'll go up again before PAX) pass will save you tons of money over the course of the weekend. You can use it to hop out of the BCEC to take the Silver Line to South Station (it's better than the walk on a cold day) and buy better/cheaper food.
Note that the MBTA does have one downside: the trains typically shut down between 12 and 2 AM - plan going to concerts, going out at night, and other things with this in mind. You'll need a taxi at this point - the HAILO and UBER services are really nice, and much better than your standard yellow cab.
If you're flying in, you'll most likely be coming in through Logan Airport. Luckily, there's a high chance your flight is going to be full of fellow PAXers, so the gaming fun will start before you even leave home. When you land, I still suggest getting the MBTA combo pass. The Silver Line will get you to the BCEC area if you're staying there (Westin, Seaport, Renaissance) and the Blue Line will get you downtown with a line swap or two. Each terminal has a cab stand (Terminal B has two if you land there), and Massport is VERY strict about regulating cab prices out of Logan, so you won't get screwed by a cab fare.
Since this year's PAX East will take place in mid-April, it's a hit-or-miss month as far as weather is concerned. We can go anywhere from 35 to 80 degrees at the drop of a hat. I'd suggest bringing a warm coat, but stick to short sleeve shirts in case the weather takes a temperature swing. While I can handle the cold in shorts, I'm sure most of our non-Northern friends probably can't.
I'm sure more things will pop into my head, and I'll try to post them here as they come.
lyft is really starting to catch on in Boston as well and is a good alternative to cabs.
Agreed, any type of handheld makes waiting in line infinitely more tolerable.
afaik there is no byoConsole, but there are rooms with consoles set up iirc, but someone else may be able to answer what sort of systems were set up (and i'm pretty sure games were set).
Not that I'm expecting they should, but it would be great it they did (people who aren't early adopters could get a shot at whats out, no additional cost to PAX itself).
There was Wii U there last year. I played Super Mario Bros. Wii U on it with my friend for like an hour. It was a good time, and the first time either of us really got to sit down and play a Wii U.
That being said, this is probably not "first timer" material.
back on first timer stuff...have we stressed bringing your own water bottle of some sort? Especially something that can fit in a regular sized water fountain. Seriously, it will save you and though optional, a couple crystal light packets or something similar can help if you want something different without coughing up for a bottle of coke or something.
I believe I did. If not someone else did. I know for sure it's mentioned at least twice. Which brings me back to this ever wanting need to re-organize the information in the thread. Everything that's in it is fine, but even I can't seem to make heads or tails of it sometimes.
I'll get to it as soon as I manage to send this awesome rover I built to Duna.
Anyhow, yeah, a reorg can help, but it's still great advice regardless, and bringing your own water bottle is a good idea because it can be refilled, as you said.
The re-org is in the works. I've been meaning to put stuff like that at the top actually, along with shoes, washing hands, having a bag, etc. I agree that having water on you at all times is very important and comes in close second after having a good pair of shoes.
In case people did not know, there are plenty of water fountains at the BCEC which can be used to refill your bottle or yourself. I don't recall seeing a bathroom location that did not have one.
Yeah, just a caveat about refilling from the spring water dispensers you'll find scattered in some of the rooms around the BCEC. Each year I regularly see people shoving the spout of a dispenser right into their Aquafina bottle to refill it (it fits so perfectly after all). Personally, I find this practice rather...unsanitary. I suggest using the tap in your room, or purchasing gallon or multi-gallon containers and leaving them in your room to use as a supply.
I bring my camelback to PAX, I think staying hydrated helps with not getting POX. That and hand sanitizer that I use anytime I touch something in expo.
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
I was thinking about that. But lets say I miss out on passes. Can't I just buy individual day tickets? It would cost more but I would still get to go. It's my first year so I'm no expert.
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
My Pinny Pal's Lanyard
"Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
Boston is often referred to as a "walking city" (similar design to many European cities), but you'll want to be prepared to go do things away from your hotel and the BCEC. My first suggestion is that you pick up a 7-day bus/subway combo pass for the MBTA. These can be bought at any of the machines in subway stations and at any terminal in Logan Airport. This $20 (assuming it'll go up again before PAX) pass will save you tons of money over the course of the weekend. You can use it to hop out of the BCEC to take the Silver Line to South Station (it's better than the walk on a cold day) and buy better/cheaper food.
Note that the MBTA does have one downside: the trains typically shut down between 12 and 2 AM - plan going to concerts, going out at night, and other things with this in mind. You'll need a taxi at this point - the HAILO and UBER services are really nice, and much better than your standard yellow cab.
If you're flying in, you'll most likely be coming in through Logan Airport. Luckily, there's a high chance your flight is going to be full of fellow PAXers, so the gaming fun will start before you even leave home. When you land, I still suggest getting the MBTA combo pass. The Silver Line will get you to the BCEC area if you're staying there (Westin, Seaport, Renaissance) and the Blue Line will get you downtown with a line swap or two. Each terminal has a cab stand (Terminal B has two if you land there), and Massport is VERY strict about regulating cab prices out of Logan, so you won't get screwed by a cab fare.
Since this year's PAX East will take place in mid-April, it's a hit-or-miss month as far as weather is concerned. We can go anywhere from 35 to 80 degrees at the drop of a hat. I'd suggest bringing a warm coat, but stick to short sleeve shirts in case the weather takes a temperature swing. While I can handle the cold in shorts, I'm sure most of our non-Northern friends probably can't.
I'm sure more things will pop into my head, and I'll try to post them here as they come.
It would be nice to add something about OnPeak in there. I'm not sure how new that is to PAX East, but I did not know about them last year when I went for the first time.
lyft is really starting to catch on in Boston as well and is a good alternative to cabs.