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[PATV] Monday, September 16, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 14: Anger in Ouya Town

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited September 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, September 16, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 14: Anger in Ouya Town

Turns out that giving out FREE MONEY brings out some unsavory behaviour.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • KthanidKthanid Registered User new member
    Now before people go nuts, they're only talking about their regular weekly sketch comedy videos, their other stuff on here and the Escapist will be staying put.

  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    I saw for a second in the credits "those super sexy sounds: two slightly ashamed mics on stands."

  • OsmedirezOsmedirez Registered User regular
    Now there's a scam kickstarter. Fund killing superman. Because the problem with that goal is obviously a lack of funds. ^_^

  • Zachary AmaranthZachary Amaranth Registered User regular
    I was thinking "has Paul been on lately?" And then Paul shows upto announce his plans to kill Superman. AWESOME! I must use these powers for good!
    Kthanid wrote: »
    Now before people go nuts, they're only talking about their regular weekly sketch comedy videos, their other stuff on here and the Escapist will be staying put.

    Honestly, though, that still sucks.

    Osmedirez wrote: »
    Now there's a scam kickstarter. Fund killing superman. Because the problem with that goal is obviously a lack of funds. ^_^

    Kryptonite doesn't grow on trees, you know.

    ...Unless you're in pre-Crisis DC.

    ...Or Smallville.

    ...Come to think of it, Post-Crisis DC has had a lot of it.

    ...So has the movies....

    ...And several alternate universes.

    ...Forget what I said. Kryptonite DOES grow on trees!

  • enderandrewenderandrew Systems Engineer OmahaRegistered User regular
    Isn't there a conflicting message in saying "don't back all these Kickstarter campaigns" and then turning around and saying "but please back ours"?

  • WarpZoneWarpZone Registered User regular
    CHECKPOINT HOST CREED! Coming soon from the people who brought you Edgey McEdgerson's Hedge Edger!

  • Genuine FiberGenuine Fiber Registered User new member
    Your creed dreams can stay alive if you just keep your arms wide open.

  • mikesmith916mikesmith916 Registered User new member
    They didn't say not to support Kickstarter projects, just take a look at them first. I haven't seen one game development Kickstarter that can show that they have been actively creating new content every week for 10 years. Go support Paul's plans to kill Superman.

  • phatakuphataku Registered User regular
    edited September 2013
    Don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but the obvious spin off to Assassin's Creed is: "Templar's Creed". Maybe call it "Templar's Oath" or something instead to avoid being too samey. They have still never explained why the "A" in the Assassin's Creed series looks so much like the compass from the Free Masons Sigil. It's pretty widely suspected that the templars are somehow connected to the Free Masons. Does this men the Templars and Assassin's eventually join forces? That would be interesting to see. Maybe we would finally understand why SPOILERS FOR AC3:

    Haytham switches sides

    phataku on
  • PolaritiePolaritie Sleepy Registered User regular
    100 hrs? RPGs have been doing that for years.

    Steam: Polaritie
    3DS: 0473-8507-2652
    Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
    PSN: AbEntropy
  • RacheaktRacheakt Registered User regular
    100 hours too long? I want games to be longer.

  • SIXytSIXyt Esq STLRegistered User regular
    Two slightly ashamed mics on stands"
    I laughed so hard I hurt when I read that in the credits

  • CovarrCovarr Registered User regular
    Ubisoft needs to make a Babysitter's Creed game.

  • noibnnoibn Registered User regular
    Pigglesworth's Creed... make it happen.

  • WarmthWarmth Registered User regular
    Office Worker Creed. It's just a game starring Creed Bratton.

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