PAX East 2014 Coin Thread (Second Run Orders Open) Updated April 5th



  • girlgamer88girlgamer88 Registered User regular
    Glad I saw this today since the extra run form gets taken down tomorrow.


    Future game art lady!
  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    Glad I saw this today since the extra run form gets taken down tomorrow.

    Indeed! I came here specifically to make a "last call" of sorts. For those who are interested in the second run, see my sig/the OP.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    Okay, pre-orders for the potential second run are closed. I don't know if it will happen yet. We did not meet the minimum, but the number of commitments is pretty high. I have contacted Eric to see if he will consider opening the form again for the number of commitments we have. I will let everyone know when I know.

  • ironysparklesironysparkles Lowell, MARegistered User regular
    SIGH if I just missed the last opportunity to get two coins I'm going to be more than a little upset. I can see that the preorder page is still up, but $30? Am I missing something here? Does anyone have two extra coins they would sell me? Again, it's my anniversary and I really enjoy the coins.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    Things are looking good: Eric has replied that our commitments are close enough to the goal, and he is willing to do a second run.

    Please do not order yet, due to the price issue with the item going into the cart, as @ironysparkles discovered. Back when Eric and I discussed the possibility of a second run, he agreed that it would be at the original pricing, and I have asked that he put that back in place, then I will give the community the green light to order.

    More updates when I have them.

  • gigabraingigabrain Some guy...yknow New HampshireRegistered User regular
    I feel like such an ass. I went all hermit for the last 3 months and completely missed out on coins. Really hoping there's going to be an opportunity to get some post-PAX


    3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    you haven't missed, they are doing a second run ... Raughn's post is from yesterday. Orders for the second run have not commenced to my knowledge. First is complete but second is just starting. There was an "interest" poll done in order to make it worthwhile for a second but orders themselves have not commenced I think or if they are commenced have not yet closed. Watch for the post.

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Okay everybody, you can order coins from the second run using this form.

    Disregard the old cut-off and shipping dates, I will ask Eric to update those.

    Orders are not limited to those who committed through my Google form. If you are just now becoming interested, or if you already ordered coins and want more, by all means, it's there for everyone.

    I will also be e-mailing those who completed the commitment form, and maybe sending DM's as well. I apologize for the redundancy if you check the forums often, but I need to do everything I can to make sure people follow-up on our commitments.

    Raughn on
  • gigabraingigabrain Some guy...yknow New HampshireRegistered User regular
    And my day is made!!


    3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    Thanks for setting up the second run and sending out the notification email! I'll try to post a picture of the complete set when the new ones come in.

  • girlgamer88girlgamer88 Registered User regular
    Just placed my order! I was initially only thinking of getting one and wound up getting three. :)


    Future game art lady!
  • gigabraingigabrain Some guy...yknow New HampshireRegistered User regular
    As an aside, went through the ordering process, made it through paypal (got a reciept from them), but when it went to direct me back to Phoenix I got a 404 and couldn't go further. Anyone else have this issue?


    3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
  • girlgamer88girlgamer88 Registered User regular
    I closed the tab after I got my receipt so I didn't get that far.


    Future game art lady!
  • SkrepoSkrepo Registered User regular
    Just ordered mine, and had the 404 issue at the end. I'm not that concerned about since i got the paypal receipt.

  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    Yeah, I wouldn't worry about the 404. By that point, Phoenix has your info and the payment, and you have a receipt.

    However, it would be nice if it went smoother, so I will point it out to Eric to be fixed along with the dates. Thanks to everyone for posting about the problem.

  • Arithon32Arithon32 Member of the Pinquisition Registered User regular
    Thanks so much for doing this, @Raughn. I'll put my order in as soon as I get home from work tonight.


  • ironysparklesironysparkles Lowell, MARegistered User regular
    Thank you, @raughn! Placing my order right now. :smiley:

  • ForarForar #432 Toronto, Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Forgot to mention that I got my coin a few weeks ago, and it's awesome. The international shipping cost was a bit of a hit (which is beyond anyone's control, just sayin'...), but it was sent over quickly and looks amazing.

    Just wish posting things across the boarder wasn't such a royal pain.

    First they came for the Muslims, and we said NOT TODAY, MOTHERFUCKER!
  • RaughnRaughn Registered User regular
    The dates were updated on the form not long after it went live, but I feel like I should post them here:

    Orders cut-off on April 10, 2014. The coins ship on or about May 10, 2014.

    I'll request an OP and title update to raise awareness that there's less than a week left.

    KoalaBro2 sent $50 extra when he forwarded me last year's surplus, so for next year's coin project I have a total of $59.29 towards the cost of the die.

    Thanks to everyone for participating in the project, whether it was helping to shape the design, donating to the die, and/or simply purchasing a coin. You helped keep a fun tradition going.

    Special Internet fist-bumps and thanks to @flatline‌ for keeping the OP updated even when I forgot to ask; @KoalaBro2 for quickly answering any questions I had; @‌lauren42 for super-powers that allow her to find the best angles on Boston landmarks; and @Draxy for the excellent controller art and feedback that was very helpful when trying to sort out some confusion during the concept art phase.

  • Xveriun_UlnXveriun_Uln Registered User regular
    Awesome, thanks I got myself a set. Good stuff. I saw a facebook post about collectible coins, but haven't noticed them at the convention its' self. I guess now I know.

  • ironysparklesironysparkles Lowell, MARegistered User regular
    edited April 2014
    Ugh sorry, wrong thread. Excited to get my coins after the con though!

    ironysparkles on
  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    Sooooo... what are the chances that I walk into a pub with PAXers, toss down the coin and someone else does too? I mean, that's grounds for a celebration!

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • cbrcbr Registered User regular
    I tried it at the star citizen event with a dozen people... Nobody else had one :(

    what bars will you be at tomorrow? i'll try to bring mine to the same!

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    My buddy and I have a tradition to start PAX off with beermosas at The Tam. Other than that, we jump around between the bars in the hotel and the others new Whiskey Priest.

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • reverend_tobiasreverend_tobias Registered User regular
    One member of our caravan had to drop out, so I have an extra coin if anyone wants to buy it today at the con. Shoot me an email at revtobiaz AT gmail DOT com

  • KorvasKorvas Registered User regular
    did any one else receive a random e-mail saying there order was received recently?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yeah I did, for an order I already received. I assume something is weird in their system.

  • KorvasKorvas Registered User regular
    ok, glad it wasn't just me...

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    that happened to me, too. there wasn't another charge on my card so i assume it's just something in their system.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I got a response from PCC letting me know that it was just a glitch.

  • gigabraingigabrain Some guy...yknow New HampshireRegistered User regular
    I got that same email, followed almost immediately by the shipping notice. Coins arrived yesterday afternoon and look awesome!


    3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    My guess is that some folks who were part of the first batch got lumped in with the second accidentally.

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