So my mother came to visit me. And apart from moving everything in my house and backing my car into something, one of her favourite tricks is just to sit and talk. And talk. It doesn't really matter if you respond, although replying does at least help keep the conversation from veering wildly from non sequitur to non sequitur. It's either amusing or vastly irritating.
I was complaining about this to a friend via FB chat, and they were reading my posts but not responding. This didn't phase me, I just kept talking. And talking. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to realise the irony. So yeah, fuck, I'm turning into my mother, goddamit. I even have a gammy knee.
We're getting older, SE. We're getting older, and grumpier, and probably either more or less hairy depending on chromosomes and genetics. And at least many of us are watching in horror as things come out of our mouth that we swore we'd never, ever say. Usually directed at children.
Maybe we could post about it all here. About your bad backs and rheumatoidal hips. About how your vision is going and your hair is greying and your pee sometimes comes out in a weird direction (although probably not too much about that because excretion threads are gross). And about that ding dang diddly rap music the kids are listening to nowadays. I guess also there's some good stuff about getting old? Like being more comfortable with who you are, or finding out who you weren't. Like knowing how to pick your battles. Like finding a hairdresser that really
gets you. Like being smug and self-satisfied and middle-aged and not giving a damn shit. That's cool too.
But mostly I guess I wanted to talk about this becoming your parents thing. About the good bits and the bad bits. And about how sometimes the bad bits - the things you found most irritating growing up - maybe aren't that bad. In fact I guess sometimes it's the things you don't even notice that are worse - internalised attitudes, unthinking prejudice or just plain ol' misinformation. For example, my boss thought until four weeks ago that men had less ribs than women, because his mother told him so and he never thought to check.
Now I gotta shake that thing for a good minute.
yeah i'm gonna be perfectly frank. You probably won't be able to pee straight with them, either.
my body is an asshole
I'm gonna learn how to fly
Also gravity. Fuck you gravity.
Maybe it's early onset menopause?!?
I dunno if I've always kind of been like this or it's just a "becoming your parents" thing. I'm not ashamed of it, and dream of subjecting my own child to my dad-ness, but there's something about laughing and joking like my dad that still made me feel very stale and irrelevant.
but anyway my dad visited a month ago (I don't see him often), and I'm probably moving the goalposts, but my prevailing thought after he left was, "okay I'm not that bad yet"
i'd be good with that.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Pfft. I get hangovers and I don't even drink. I just wake up every morning and go "Jesus, not again..."
Good job brain...way to function.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Like a good chair. Comfortable clothing. Properly constructed furniture. A reliable routine.
As I've gotten older I don't like change. I don't see a need for things to be spontaneous and exciting all the time.
I understand the appeal of a comfortable seat and a quiet evening.
School kids on public transport are too bloody loud.
Everyone walks around with their face stuck in their smartphone and doesn't look where they're going, inconsiderate sods
Hang on I'm just warming up
PSN- AHermano
That's what you get for being a PA admin
and all growing up i thought
i cant wait to get a beard
and now im 27
and i still can't grow shit except for neckbeard. i let that thing go and i look straight amish.
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
I thought that was Herpes
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
On a more positive, if sad note, I was also with my grandmother a few months back in the ICU as she slowly passed away from surgery complications, and having known her for most of my short existence on this Earth, it was quite a lesson in humility and mortality to see the last gasps and mental degradation that had gripped this formerly active, compassionate woman. She had done so much for me in my formative years, so I was glad I had the chance to pray for her and say goodbye in my own way.
What really stuck out for me though wasn't so much her personality and mine, it was how she would always compare me to one of my mother's more creative brothers who did a lot of comic book style art back in the 80's. He died of heart disease right before I was born, but when my Mom was pregnant with me he had designed a toy box with a meditating silhouette in front of a setting sun for her, almost like he was anticipating his own demise, and my future character. That comparison was one of the things that came up again from our brief final conversations before she passed. I now have a lot of his old art and poetry now that I received from her and I am finding more in common with him and inspiration from his work. It's almost surreal to the point where I feel like I'm carrying on his spirit and creating what he was unable to create, in my own way.
I'm not an old person in terms of age, but I've always felt older then others my age, and have always felt older physically in a whole host of ways, even down to having that feeling in my legs when it gets cold that's both weird and comforting. Recent realizations like these of my mortality and the kinds of stuff I'm carrying on from my forebearers has been creeping into my creative process lately, and I find myself re-examining my relationships with my parents and those that came before them in new ways in my writing.
1) It's inherited from the mother's side.
2) It skips a generation.
both of these things are demonstrably untrue and chances are, if you've met a bald dude, he is living proof
the best thing is when someone tells me I'm not actually balding and points to those facts as evidence
this irritates me roughly the same amount as some blowjob cutting you off in his giant-ass pickup while honking and giving you the finger, like it's your fault he's an asshole
which is to say, a whole lot
Ironically I am in probably better shape now than I was at twenty.
Satans..... hints.....
Satans..... hints.....
I know right? Adults stay in and get wrecked.
Satans..... hints.....
Got farts a-plenty these days that scare off dogs.
Those intestines slowly giving out. I'm becoming my Dad.
you and me both shorty on the dad barometer
my face still looks like it did in high school for the most part. I actually shaved my beard off for the first time in half a decade last month and was shocked when I looked in the mirror. only thing off really is the major balding (I had a full head of hair back then. my dad went gray at 25 and starting balding at 35, I instead starting balding at 20~. bad trade). I don't even remember when it started except I kept pretending it wasn't happening until I just started getting buzz cuts all the time because it looked horrible otherwise
My hairline is kinda receding and my joints snap crackle and pop a ton though.
PSN- AHermano