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[PATV] Monday, October 28, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 20: A Torrent of Theft

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited October 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, October 28, 2013 - CheckPoint Season 3, Ep. 20: A Torrent of Theft

Have you found a torrent of something that's too good to exist? Leave it alone.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • hailthefishhailthefish Registered User regular
    Somewhere, someone is laughing uncontrollably in disbelief as each additional moron falls for their incredibly obvious fake GTA V PC torrent.

    You have to wonder if the creator, in the process of gathering 18 GB of malware to package and building the installer, asked himself if it was even worth bothering because SURELY no one is that dumb.

  • poeticmatterpoeticmatter Registered User regular
    Oh, people are even dumber than that. Ever gotten a scam email, which tells you that you won a shit ton of money, and all you need to do is pay some small fee to get it?

    Those are glaringly obvious, and yet they exist. Meaning people actually fall for it, or they'd cease to exist.

  • Mr SPMr SP Registered User regular
    Firstly, I am Australian, and I must say that I am sadface.

    Also, ew, no, Wiis? How are we ever going to sell these Wii Us with all those Wiis sitting around?

  • GezzerGezzer Registered User regular
    They know for a fact that there are people that dumb. If someone is dumb enough to go on a games official forum and ask for help getting their cracked game to run, and they have numerous times, then they're dumb enough to go "Oh the PC version of GTAV I've got to get that!"
    I've learned the hard way, never ever underestimate the stupidity of your fellow man. Because just when you think you've seen the best of the worst, someone out does them and makes it look easy in the process.

  • WarpZoneWarpZone Registered User regular
    Wow. That's impressive. Not even "not releasing it on PC" can stop people from pirating it.

  • WindstormWindstorm Registered User new member
    ... I find myself in odd position of wanting to shake whomever came up with this torrent's hand. Not only is he punishing pirates, he's making money off them too!

  • applesaurusapplesaurus Registered User new member
    Graham, we're going to need photo proof of that Halloween costume.

  • moosemaimermoosemaimer Registered User regular
    What makes the PBS debacle even more awe-inspiring is that they put most of their shows up on their own website, sans paywall. A competent web browser is all you need to get at them, in the event you don't live near enough to a broadcasting tower to grab a signal with rabbit ears.

  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    What makes the PBS debacle even more awe-inspiring is that they put most of their shows up on their own website, sans paywall. A competent web browser is all you need to get at them, in the event you don't live near enough to a broadcasting tower to grab a signal with rabbit ears.

    I assumed PBS being gold-required had more to with Microsoft deciding that watching TV on Live is a gold service. Are there any streaming video services available at Silver level?

  • ironzergironzerg Registered User regular
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure no one is subscribing to Xbox Gold SPECIFICALLY to get PBS. It's more like, "Oh, there's another one of the thousands of things I'll never click on my Xbox menu".

    And I'm sure someone somewhere at PBS is hoping that maybe, just maybe someone will accidentally click on the PBS icon and maybe, just maybe decided that it's good enough to donate $5 for when the next "and you get this nice tote bag!" drive comes around.

  • GAThrawnGAThrawn Registered User new member
    In the UK, we can watch the BBC's streaming iPlayer service on an Xbox with only a Silver account, no Gold needed.

    As the BBC is a publically funded service, under the terms of their charter, they're not legally allowed to lock any of their content behind any paywall from British viewers. The fact that the PS3 had iPlayer for so long (due to any PS3 owner having access to streaming video for no additional fee) was a massive selling point in PS3's favour over here, until MS bowed to the pressure and allowed BBC streaming content with a Silver account.

  • BWMBWM Registered User regular
    edited October 2013
    At least make it 18gigs of porn you jerks!

    BWM on
  • ArbitraryDescriptorArbitraryDescriptor Registered User regular
    BWM wrote: »
    At least make it 18gigs of porn you jerks!

    Careful what you wish for; you can't reformat your brain.

  • BarthedaBartheda Registered User regular
    Hahahaha damn, Graham that was kinda nasty right at the end. I've enjoyed playing the same Zelda game since the 90's.

  • ValendaleValendale Registered User regular
    Oh wait I forgot big game companies like Nintendo usually don't know how to internet.

  • TheTurnipKingTheTurnipKing Registered User regular
    Royalty is a bizarrely abundant lifeform in the Mario universe. I think there may actually be more royalty than commoners.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    ironzerg wrote: »
    And I'm sure someone somewhere at PBS is hoping that maybe, just maybe someone will accidentally click on the PBS icon and maybe, just maybe decided that it's good enough to donate $5 for when the next "and you get this nice tote bag!" drive comes around.

    I don't know the details of the deal between Microsoft and PBS, but it could be that PBS gets money based on what people watch. In which case this could mean a good bit of money for them. Especially considering the depth of educational programming PBS has and the popularity of it with parents.

  • chakkerzchakkerz Registered User new member
    Hey! We Australians don't want left over consoles either!

    Not with those markups ...

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