Gameplays not bad either, makes me sad that the non-MMO product they were working on (Dofus: Arena, literally just Dofus except only PVP and you controlling a whole squad) seems to have died.
Love the way this ends. The easier, less funny joke would have been to show him as a junkie analogue, craving the next hit. But the idea that his obsession leads him to become more cultured?
miaAusaGOD Gamer Of DatersValhallaRegistered Userregular
Tycho's concern in the panels is funny his face expression is good, the evolution of gab's mouths are always fun too from panel to panel, he was talking about buying these on twitter the other day now this is another thing i can't afford that i wish i could check out, looks like fun concepts, Incroyable!
That Wakfu isn't easily available subbed or dubbed in English is a crime.
Especially bizarre because the Wakfu game IS available in english
It's actually not a bad tactical rpg, but the mmo grindiness is murderous
A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words.
I really like the character art in this strip. Though, granted, I have a preference for cuteness as opposed to uh... ren-n-stimpyness that a few of the past comics seemed to be going towards.
That is the sound of a million people googling incroyable.
Four years of high school French finally pays off!
croyable (believable) comes from the same root as English words credible, credence, and creed. But what's really interesting is that they are all believed to ultimately be derived from an ancient word for 'heart' (which also gave us 'cardio').
Love the way this ends. The easier, less funny joke would have been to show him as a junkie analogue, craving the next hit. But the idea that his obsession leads him to become more cultured?
Agreed. Any game that prompts you to become more cultured is an automatic plus in my book.
I made a game, it has penguins in it. It's pay what you like on Gumroad.
Currently Ebaying Nothing at all but I might do in the future.
and i'm fine with it
I made a game, it has penguins in it. It's pay what you like on Gumroad.
Currently Ebaying Nothing at all but I might do in the future.
Video games and anime make you younger
Gameplays not bad either, makes me sad that the non-MMO product they were working on (Dofus: Arena, literally just Dofus except only PVP and you controlling a whole squad) seems to have died.
actually Gabe is a bit of a polyglot and has picked up French and even Polish in his travels, with the help of the right motivation, of course.
also, I miss these versions of Gabe and Tycho
Four years of high school French finally pays off!
it's in french though, so good luck
Tycho's concern in the panels is funny his face expression is good, the evolution of gab's mouths are always fun too from panel to panel, he was talking about buying these on twitter the other day now this is another thing i can't afford that i wish i could check out, looks like fun concepts, Incroyable!
Gamer Dater - My Video Game Dating Website full of Faygo
Strip Search Wastebasket of Broken Dreams App I made
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Especially bizarre because the Wakfu game IS available in english
It's actually not a bad tactical rpg, but the mmo grindiness is murderous
FFT is my favorite game of all time...gotta give this a shot and see if it scratches that itch.
Good comic and newspost! Incroyable!
3DS Friend Code: 1821-8991-4141
PAD ID: 376,540,262
Agreed. Any game that prompts you to become more cultured is an automatic plus in my book.
Whoa wait, what? What in the world is this? This shit looks awesome
Where could a Canadian watch this show?