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[PATV] Thursday, October 31, 2013 - Shut Up & Sit Down Season 2, Ep. 26: Seasons

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited October 2013 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Thursday, October 31, 2013 - Shut Up & Sit Down Season 2, Ep. 26: Seasons

In this episode Paul and Quinns review the board game Seasons.

Read the full story here

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  • AkadiasAkadias Dr TexasRegistered User regular
    Man, you guys are demented.... That is a beautiful looking game though.

  • AkadiasAkadias Dr TexasRegistered User regular
    *Testing a potential glitch*

  • Echo2OmegaEcho2Omega Registered User regular
    So...Drinking Paul's tea will make you cough up Dominant Species game pieces and fall over dead?

    Could be worse I guess. You could cough up Monopoly pieces and die I suppose.

  • ReaverKingReaverKing Registered User regular
    A Word of advice if you're planning on picking up a copy of Seasons:

    Make sure you play with some additional tokens/glass beads to keep track of your crystals rather than trying to use the chart that comes with the game. Crystals are a resource like any other and are totals are constantly changing.

    Also, the "thieving faeries" cards REALLY slow down play because get activated all the F&#$^*-ing time and force crystals to change hands a TON!

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