This will be updated as I finish the rules for each game. Feel free to ask any and all questions you may have, and I'll try my best to answer them.
Please note that rules and tournament format are subject to change based on actual turn-out. The final tournament schedule might change as well if we need more time for a particular game.
Currently Scheduled Time Frames:
Saturday, August 28th
Halo: 10:00am to 12:30pm
Soul Calibur 2: 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Rainbow Six: 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Guilty Gear XX: 8:30pm to 11:00pm
Sunday, August 29th
Splinter Cell: 8:00am to 10:30am
Smash Bros. Melee: 11:00am to 1:30pm
Mario Kart DD: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
4 player teams
Team Slayer, first to 50 kills
100% Health with Shields
Custom Weapon Set, no Radar
Map selection decided day-of
Format: Qualifiers
Teams will be divided into pools, each containing 8 teams
Each pool will be organized into an 8 team single elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 1 game (tentative)
The winner of each pool will advance to the semi-finals
Format: Semi-Finals and Finals
The winning teams from each pool will be re-seeded and placed into a new 32 team single elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 3 games (tentative)
Grand finals will be best of 5 games (tentative)
X-Box version
You may bring your own controller if you wish
Standard VS Mode
100% Health
Best of 5 rounds
50 second timer
Neutral Guard on
Spawn is banned
Lizardman's command throw glitch is banned (throw itself is still legal)
Winner keeps character, loser can change character if they wish
If you pause the game for ANY reason short of a serious emergency, you automatically lose the round, no questions asked. This means you can sacrifice a round to set your controls if you failed to do so at the character select screen. This rule also applies if you reset the game or console.
Format: Qualifiers
Players will be divided into pools, each containing 8 people
Each pool will be organized into an 8 player single elimination bracket (tentative)
Each match will be best of 3 games
The winner of each pool will advance to the semi-finals
Format: Semi-Finals and Finals
The winner from each pool will be re-seeded and placed into a new 32 player double elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 3 games
Winner's finals and loser's finals will be best of 5 games
Grand finals will be best of 5 games (tentative)
PS2 version
You may bring your own controller if you wish
Best of 3 rounds
99 second timer
Ino's boss stage is banned
All EX, Gold, and Black characters are banned
Robo Ky, Kliff, and Justice are banned
To minimize time spent changing controls, at the start of the match, choose the same characters the previous two players had chosen, then skip the VS loading screen (this speeds up loading because it doesn't need to access new files). At the start of the match, pause the game, adjust the controls as needed, then return to Character Select. If you play the game at home on a regular basis, I highly suggest you adopt this habit before the tournament itself.
If you pause the game for ANY reason short of a serious emergency, you automatically lose the round, no matter what. This means you can sacrifice a round to set your controls if you failed to do so earlier. This rule also applies if you reset the game or console.
Selecting any banned or EX/Gold/Black characters or setting the stage to Ino's boss stage and refusing to return to the character select screen results in an automatic win for your opponent. If this happens and you are in loser's bracket, you are out of the tournament.
Format: Qualifiers
Players will be divided into pools, each containing 8 people
Each pool will be organized into an 8 player single elimination bracket (tentative)
Each match will be best of 3 games
The winner of each pool will advance to the semi-finals
Format: Semi-Finals and Finals
The winner from each pool will be re-seeded and placed into a new 32 player double elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 3 games
Winner's finals and loser's finals will be best of 5 games
Grand finals will be best of 5 games (tentative)
Teams of 2
Neutralization game type
Revenge mode on
7 minute games
Spy Lives=4
Mercenary Lives=3
10 second respawn
Scoring will be tabulated at the end of the match to determine winner (first on time, but in the event of a tie, kills, defended ND133s and lives remaining will be used).
1 vs 1
4 stock
6 minute time limit
Items set to Low
Banned Items (tentative): Heart, tomatoe, food, star, hammer, cloaking device, party ball, metal box, red koopa shell, mushroom
Banned Stages (tentative): Hyrule, Termina, Brinstar Depths, Yoshi 64, Icicle Mtn., Flatzone, Big Blue
Failure to comply with these rules will result in an automatic loss. If this occurs doing qualifiers or if you are in loser's bracket, you are out of the tournament.
Format: Qualifiers
Players will be divided into pools, each containing 8-10 people
Each pool will be organized into a 16 player single elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 1 game
The winner of each pool will advance to the semi-finals
Format: Semi-Finals and Finals
The winner from each pool will be re-seeded and placed into a new 32 player single elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 3 games
Winner's finals and loser's finals will be best of 3 games
Grand finals will be best of 5 games
Mario Kart: Double Dash
16 player races (2 players per team, 8 teams per race)
Random character and Kart selection
Standard Karts only
Top 4 teams will advance each round
Finals will have the last 4 teams play for 1st and 2nd place
I've talked to Binkley and Raj about this. I have mine, which works great with no input lag or any other crap, and they probably still sell them locally at Kick's for around $10. I need to check, but I'm willing to buy a few in advance if you'll pay me back.
Hopefully. Doc K mainly wanted Smash rules, so I'll nag him on updating other stuff as well. They're mostly the same, but I didn't originally give him anything regarding qualifers or pools and whatnot. Plus I decided to unban Necrid.
Sorry if this sounds ignorant, but is the Smash Bros. tourney going to be 1 on 1 or 4 person FFA?
Edit: Also, will the Halo tourney allow us time to change our look sensitivity or will we just have to choose between "Default" and "Inverted" and be stuck with a sensitivity of 3?
Zig21: Will you be able to enter the Soul Calibur II tournament? I mean seeing as your making all the rules, just curious. Kind of want to see you beat down everyone like you did at the LPNW 200 Man Lan .
Will the Halo tourney allow us time to change our look sensitivity or will we just have to choose between "Default" and "Inverted" and be stuck with a sensitivity of 3?
My team plays with anywhere from 5 to 8 sensitivity, so I just need to know if we need to get used to using 3.
Pinnochio-Heh, there will be at least a few other players who can take me down. I'm not even the best Seattle player. SLA is, and he'll be running the console room as well. I just can't beat that guy.>_<
DeathByFireball-I haven't decided yet, but it's definitely something I'd prefer to allow if time permits. I might try to have individual teams stick to a single TV station when possible.
I have a few questions about the Pandora Tournament. Will there be any safe-guards against cheaters? I don't mean to be picky, but anyone who's played Pandora online is surely familiar with the large array of glitches that can be exploited, with the teleportation glitch being the most prominent. Although I'm sure most people at PAX will play honestly, the ones who don't can ruin a match.
Also, any idea on what levels will be used? Are they all fair game? And how will they be decided upon? Thanks.
I've noticed that you seem to have it where we can't pick up or choose the banned items or stages. For the items, can't you just turn those off instead of making us mine our brains as to whether or not we can use a certain item before picking it up?
Do we have to play with a team member in the MKDD tourney? I hate playing with a second person. If this is the case, can we choose the team member or is it random?
Just out of curiousity, why did you decide to include the Bunny Ears in Smash Bros.? I see that for the most part, items that give you an advantage without being based on your level of skill have been removed (life-giving items, weapons that require little dexterity, items that change the strength/weight/visibility of your character).
When you ask about the bunny ears, can you also ask if Poke Floats and Rainbow Cruise are supposed to be banned? Makes sense given the others on the list.
How soon will the Rainbow Six 3:BA rules be updated? also how are they going to do it since I really don't know how you can play against each other with out xbox live :? well how ever they do it is good enough fo rme
Hey Death, I know that the rules were completed awhile ago and dont know why they arent up. For the tourny their will be 2 rounds total conquest (Castle and Cafe) and 2 rounds Retreival (Streets of Milan and Ferry Boat). They final will be team survival (Airport 1) and total teams playing is 64 i believe.
1) Will "hidden" SC2 characters (i.e. Sophitia) be available for the tourney? Or only the default set of characters?
2) Er, was I supposed to sign up beforehand for this? Or a come-as-you-will sort of thing? :oops:
(edit) I prereg'd for PAX, if that means anything.
(edit2) Though I don't recall if I actually chose (or even saw) any tourney options when I prereg'd... are there any options left open to me to get into the SC2 and (maybe) the SSBM tournies?
1) Will "hidden" SC2 characters (i.e. Sophitia) be available for the tourney? Or only the default set of characters?
2) Er, was I supposed to sign up beforehand for this? Or a come-as-you-will sort of thing? :oops:
(edit) I prereg'd for PAX, if that means anything.
(edit2) Though I don't recall if I actually chose (or even saw) any tourney options when I prereg'd... are there any options left open to me to get into the SC2 and (maybe) the SSBM tournies?
ALL SC2 characters are available, except Spawn is banned.
And if you pick Sophitia, I'm kicking your ass.
Also, when you pre-regged, you selected games to pre-register for.
If you didn't, I think you can still sign up at the door. I don't know if they're limiting the amount of entrants, but I'm guessing no because we want this to be teh biggest SCII tourney EVAR.
4 player teams
Team Slayer, first to 50 kills
100% Health with Shields
Custom Weapon Set, no Radar
Map selection decided day-of
Format: Qualifiers
Teams will be divided into pools, each containing 8 teams
Each pool will be organized into an 8 team single elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 1 game (tentative)
The winner of each pool will advance to the semi-finals
Format: Semi-Finals and Finals
The winning teams from each pool will be re-seeded and placed into a new 32 team single elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 3 games (tentative)
Grand finals will be best of 5 games (tentative)
X-Box version
You may bring your own controller if you wish
Standard VS Mode
100% Health
Best of 5 rounds
50 second timer
Neutral Guard on
Spawn is banned
Lizardman's command throw glitch is banned (throw itself is still legal)
Winner keeps character, loser can change character if they wish
If you pause the game for ANY reason short of a serious emergency, you automatically lose the round, no questions asked. This means you can sacrifice a round to set your controls if you failed to do so at the character select screen. This rule also applies if you reset the game or console.
Format: Qualifiers
Players will be divided into pools, each containing 8 people
Each pool will be organized into an 8 player single elimination bracket (tentative)
Each match will be best of 3 games
The winner of each pool will advance to the semi-finals
Format: Semi-Finals and Finals
The winner from each pool will be re-seeded and placed into a new 32 player double elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 3 games
Winner's finals and loser's finals will be best of 5 games
Grand finals will be best of 5 games (tentative)
PS2 version
You may bring your own controller if you wish
Best of 3 rounds
99 second timer
Ino's boss stage is banned
All EX, Gold, and Black characters are banned
Robo Ky, Kliff, and Justice are banned
To minimize time spent changing controls, at the start of the match, choose the same characters the previous two players had chosen, then skip the VS loading screen (this speeds up loading because it doesn't need to access new files). At the start of the match, pause the game, adjust the controls as needed, then return to Character Select. If you play the game at home on a regular basis, I highly suggest you adopt this habit before the tournament itself.
If you pause the game for ANY reason short of a serious emergency, you automatically lose the round, no matter what. This means you can sacrifice a round to set your controls if you failed to do so earlier. This rule also applies if you reset the game or console.
Selecting any banned or EX/Gold/Black characters or setting the stage to Ino's boss stage and refusing to return to the character select screen results in an automatic win for your opponent. If this happens and you are in loser's bracket, you are out of the tournament.
Format: Qualifiers
Players will be divided into pools, each containing 8 people
Each pool will be organized into an 8 player single elimination bracket (tentative)
Each match will be best of 3 games
The winner of each pool will advance to the semi-finals
Format: Semi-Finals and Finals
The winner from each pool will be re-seeded and placed into a new 32 player double elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 3 games
Winner's finals and loser's finals will be best of 5 games
Grand finals will be best of 5 games (tentative)
Teams of 2
Neutralization game type
Revenge mode on
7 minute games
Spy Lives=4
Mercenary Lives=3
10 second respawn
Scoring will be tabulated at the end of the match to determine winner (first on time, but in the event of a tie, kills, defended ND133s and lives remaining will be used).
1 vs 1
4 stock
6 minute time limit
Items set to Low
Banned Items (tentative): Heart, tomatoe, food, star, hammer, cloaking device, party ball, metal box, red koopa shell, mushroom
Banned Stages (tentative): Hyrule, Termina, Brinstar Depths, Yoshi 64, Icicle Mtn., Flatzone, Big Blue
Failure to comply with these rules will result in an automatic loss. If this occurs doing qualifiers or if you are in loser's bracket, you are out of the tournament.
Format: Qualifiers
Players will be divided into pools, each containing 8-10 people
Each pool will be organized into a 16 player single elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 1 game
The winner of each pool will advance to the semi-finals
Format: Semi-Finals and Finals
The winner from each pool will be re-seeded and placed into a new 32 player single elimination bracket
Each match will be best of 3 games
Winner's finals and loser's finals will be best of 3 games
Grand finals will be best of 5 games
Mario Kart: Double Dash
16 player races (2 players per team, 8 teams per race)
Random character and Kart selection
Standard Karts only
Top 4 teams will advance each round
Finals will have the last 4 teams play for 1st and 2nd place
Here it is if you can find it locally or online:
Otherwise, I'll need to talk to Doctor K.
Edit: The brand name is Boom, I do believe.
SSB:M rules still not finished?
Edit: Also, will the Halo tourney allow us time to change our look sensitivity or will we just have to choose between "Default" and "Inverted" and be stuck with a sensitivity of 3?
2) Are there really 256 people in the smash tourney?
2) Nope, now there're around 300+ entered.
My team plays with anywhere from 5 to 8 sensitivity, so I just need to know if we need to get used to using 3.
DeathByFireball-I haven't decided yet, but it's definitely something I'd prefer to allow if time permits. I might try to have individual teams stick to a single TV station when possible.
Also, any idea on what levels will be used? Are they all fair game? And how will they be decided upon? Thanks.
But seriously, I'll get back to you on that.
2) Er, was I supposed to sign up beforehand for this? Or a come-as-you-will sort of thing? :oops:
(edit) I prereg'd for PAX, if that means anything.
(edit2) Though I don't recall if I actually chose (or even saw) any tourney options when I prereg'd... are there any options left open to me to get into the SC2 and (maybe) the SSBM tournies?
ALL SC2 characters are available, except Spawn is banned.
And if you pick Sophitia, I'm kicking your ass.
Also, when you pre-regged, you selected games to pre-register for.
If you didn't, I think you can still sign up at the door. I don't know if they're limiting the amount of entrants, but I'm guessing no because we want this to be teh biggest SCII tourney EVAR.
More of a I-hate-Sophitia-more-than-I-hate-Xianghua-because-I-hate-her-cheap-arse-style-that-eliminated-me-at-EVO2K4-so-I-will-show-you-no-mercy.
Now, here's my weakness; if someone picks Raphael, I'LL pick Raphael :shock:
that's probably a lie
As for Rainbow Six, that's being run by Ubi, so I have no idea what they're doing.