He Who Is Without Synergy
False Pretenses or The Ol’ Bait and Switch
AnonymousI had been laid off from my previous job, looking to raise my standings in the game industry with no luck. After 3 months of fruitless searching I decided to fold and take contract work, the first time I had taken contract work as a tester, and work for a start up who has managed to be extremely profitable. I’m thinking great, the hours will be reasonable, the pay will be good and the people will be friendly! Boy was I in for a treat.
The first thing my new direct lead said to me was, “I didn’t know you are starting today.” This was followed by me getting thrown an iphone and getting told to familiarize myself with the games that have been shipped. Sadly, games that are meant to be played over MONTHS instead of days tend to be hard to grasp in the short day that I had, and sadly my first 8 hours on the job were wasted. Suddenly, I had permissions, equipment, and was gently (thrown down the stairs) nudged in the direction of being useful for my new team. The rest of the first week went relatively smoothly, although meetings frequently showed foreboding of crunch time to come.
The second week came, went and suddenly in week three fires broke out everywhere! Something needed to be sent out the very next day and everything was broken. I trudged along, kept my head down and worked the 12 hours days and parts of the weekends because I figured this was not going to be a permanent situation. My superiors even assured me of it when I was asked directly! Well, in a way they were right it wasn’t permanent. After we had finished crunching and I put in a 70 hour week I was gleefully informed that the QA team was getting fractured in half, and to save me from being burnt out I was given the cushy 1pm to 9 pm shift.
It was good to know that promised hours and recently signed contracts were thrown out because QA got paid over time and someone in accounting just couldn’t accept it.
So he started a job, was there two weeks, then pulled a 70 hour week, then got an 8 hour shift starting at 1 pm? What's the issue?
I would happily work till 9pm if it meant I didn't have to wake up till 11am. Thats college hours sans the 8am math course.
Then, he got a lot of overtime! So, he was promised to get reduced hours. Then he got reduced hours.
The end.
Yeah, I don't get it either...
This guy, he's seen some stuff.
"You can be yodeling bear without spending a dime if you get lucky." -> reVerse
"In the grim darkness of the future, we will all be nurses catering to the whims of terrible old people." -> Hacksaw
"In fact, our whole society will be oriented around caring for one very decrepit, very old man on total life support." -> SKFM
I mean, the first time I met a non-white person was when this Vietnamese kid tried to break my legs but that was entirely fair because he was a centreback, not because he was a subhuman beast in some zoo ->yotes