My friend Cassie (who shall remain unnamed) really wants to do the pokecrawl this year at PAX 2014. Alas, I'm not sure what that entails. I imagine some drinking and notoriously cute little monster things are involved.
Alas, official details seem surprisingly sparse on these forums at the moment. Is there something obvious I'm missing? If anybody knows about this so-called pokecrawl event, please explain everything about it excruciating detail.
From what I have read it's basically a time to get a lot of alchol in your system meet some good people do some stupid stuff but in a fun way and make your team win lol.
You go to maybe 4-5ish bars. Each bar has a challenge that you do with half of another team that shows up. You don't "beat" them at challenges. You just drink whatever is specified for the most part.
People get dressed up or theme their clothes after whatever team they are on. We drink. Meet new people. And just have an overall great time. Plus, we typically auction off stuff to raise money for Child's Play.
It's a jolly good time. It's an organized pub crawl where you meet new people, have a blast, raises a few glasses and start PAX on a high note (and probably a hangover the next day, but hey, omllettes and eggs, y'know).
Not everyone is in costume (in fact, most are not), for the record- -my friends and I usually just don shirts of the appropriate team colour (Red, blue, green or yellow).
Sounds fun but sadly the drinking events are the part of the PAX experience I will unfortunately miss out on ... (travelling with a minor) ... I will try to refrain from being loud next day day out of respect to the hung over ...
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
I, too, am pumped for the Pokecrawl! I will say, however, with proper water to alcohol consumption ratio and knowing yourself, it isn't designed to completely wreck people. I woke up a bit dehydrated the next day for PAX once of my two crawls, but never fully blown hung over.
Sounds fun but sadly the drinking events are the part of the PAX experience I will unfortunately miss out on ... (travelling with a minor) ... I will try to refrain from being loud next day day out of respect to the hung over ...
You will get plenty of the PAX experience....I've gone for the past two years without a drop of booze....this year might be different since I will be in the city....I might have to part take in this pokecrawl...not sure yet...but sounds like a lot of fun!
It's National Delibird Day. The same day that Pokecrawl tickets went on sale last year. I've been secretly hoping Atlus would show up this day and officially announce this year's crawl. Is it to be? The day is young yet.
Last year it was also definitely being worked on this year atlus has been mia for a long time now. ::shrug:: im hoping I'm wrong though, maybe him or arson is working on it secretly, but you'd think the "professors" would know at least, who knows though.
Atlus is prone to disappear until needed and really this is not something that takes months of preparation: if he spoke to any of the bars now they'd tell him to call back, most volunteers are in place or can be procured in days, this isn't a huge undertaking.
The official pokecrawl thread went up about 2 weeks before PAX last year. Atlus did check in like 6 weeks ahead of time last year though. Eh, no biggie... I'm thinking we should see some stuff around April Fools. (Although this is driving the crazy plan-ahead mind of mine crazy)
Well I know theres at least one thats happening around Faneuil that night which has I believe 2 of the same bars from last year. Im not talking about the one in the party thread, our fine city tends to have a few pub crawls going on, theres actually a ninja turtles on in april I should go to.
However, if you want to get a better idea of what it is, check out last year's thread:
Trade me pins! -
People get dressed up or theme their clothes after whatever team they are on. We drink. Meet new people. And just have an overall great time. Plus, we typically auction off stuff to raise money for Child's Play.
Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
[3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
Not everyone is in costume (in fact, most are not), for the record- -my friends and I usually just don shirts of the appropriate team colour (Red, blue, green or yellow).
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
You will get plenty of the PAX experience....I've gone for the past two years without a drop of booze....this year might be different since I will be in the city....I might have to part take in this pokecrawl...not sure yet...but sounds like a lot of fun!
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
I stalk these forums daily waiting for him to post it lol. Between community events and badges/hotels its a wonder i dont need a new F5 key.
Perhaps my no-so-secret intention in asking the obvious questions was to get the thread going...
What a tweeeeeest!
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse