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PAX East 2014 freeplay D&D

eugeneeugene Registered User regular
edited February 2014 in PAX East
Got word that there will no space for the usual official D&D presence at PAX East this year. Very saddened by the news. Trying to get at least something out there for people to play. I'm going to bring by STAFF shirt and DMing kit and try to grab a table for a spontaneous game a at the open-play area. Trying to convince others in the group of the usual DMing pool to commit to doing the same and coordinate via #PAXunorganizedplay. I'll keep people posted.

zerzhul on


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    That's a great idea overall, but you probably shouldn't try to pose as staff if you aren't going to have any official capacity (if that's what you mean by bringing your STAFF shirt).

  • EagleAlphaXEagleAlphaX New JerseyRegistered User regular
    D&D was my friends' favorite part of PAX last year so they may be disappointed with this news.
    eugene wrote: »
    I'm going to bring by STAFF shirt and DMing kit and try to grab a table for a spontaneous game a at the open-play area. Trying to convince others in the group of the usual DMing pool to commit to doing the same and coordinate via #PAXunorganizedplay. I'll keep people posted.
    My one friend was actually planning on doing something similar with DMing impromptu sessions. He mentioned he wanted to set up quick mini-sessions while waiting in line for things. I can pass the work onto him in case he wants to do something a little more organized.

  • surettesurette kill the switch Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Where did you read this? The Wizards site lists PAX East 2014 on their conventions page:

  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    Yeah, it seems...highly unusual that Wizards (and D&D by extension) wouldn't be there.

    My pin lanyard
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  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I have not yet seen an official source that claims D&D won't have a presence but this is not the first I have heard about there not being the typical D&D setup with all the running games. I think we'll have to wait for an official comment to know for sure, but that shouldn't stop anyone from running their own games in freeplay.

  • eugeneeugene Registered User regular
    Heard the news from THE guy who usually organizes the D&D events on the group where DMs are recruited. He had no problem with me wearing he staff t-shirt for this (I had the same thought and checked). I'm still hoping that things get straightened out and there is official D&D presence, but as it stands right now, it's not the case. Wizards will be there, but as far as I know, for Magic.

  • QuintiousQuintious Registered User regular
    I'd say it's a bummer that they won't have a section this year, but after what a massive clusterfuck last year was (especially the absurd DM challenge fiasco), maybe it's not such a bad thing.

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    aren't they trying to promote D&DNext? Doesn't the best way to promote it usually involve... having people play it? I don't have a dog in this fight, I'm just super confused.

  • ChenzillahChenzillah Resident Geek Scarborough, MaineRegistered User regular
    Well Wizards is a big sponsor. Wouldn't rule out the DnD presence, seems really unusual considering the fan base is getting bigger and them wanting it -not- to grow. o_O

  • eugeneeugene Registered User regular
    As far as understand it's some sort of coordination/reservation/logistical/timing screw-up, rather than a conscious decisions by Wizards to not have D&D at PAX.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    I don't know specifics, but in my mind freeing up table space for new things for a year is not necessarily a terrible thing. I agree getting people that have never played D&D is a great way to get more people to "join ussss" in our geekdom. But having them sit down to play other things from other vendors that might have got that space Is not terrible. Lots of other games without the name recognition of D&D. And if those tables are turned into free place space, well then the community gets to decide what games are played there.

    I rest assured having full confidence that those tables will not languish empty, but be filled with someone playing something.

  • AngrypastaAngrypasta Registered User regular
    Making space for Thornwatch play area maybe? Can haz?

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I'm not part of a regular roleplaying group, so I really enjoy going to PAX and getting in a game or two of D&D. That said, I agree with @Beker, and am looking forward to seeing how that space gets used (hopefully something new, and not just MOAR MAGIC).

    Methinks it would be awesome if there were a few voluntary, planned D&D or other roleplaying meetups during PAX by experienced DMs, who could bring their own gear and not mind teaching n00bs. It seems like something natural to plan via the forums. Just because Wizards isn't sponsoring doesn't mean that we can't plan our own meetups here.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    edited February 2014
    I haven't played a role playing game since the original iteration D&D (early to mid 80s) and Gamma World. Would be nice to try it again and see how it has evolved.

    aBByNormaL on
    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • reverend_tobiasreverend_tobias Registered User regular
    Quintious wrote: »
    I'd say it's a bummer that they won't have a section this year, but after what a massive clusterfuck last year was (especially the absurd DM challenge fiasco), maybe it's not such a bad thing.

    What's the story on this? It sounded like it was a fun time, but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

    I'm also waiting on an official statement before considering this. With as big as their area was last year, I have a hard time believing they can't get materials to the convention floor and DM's to run tables, especially since Next is being released mere months after PAX East and they need as much exposure as possible.

  • aneksianeksi Registered User regular
    Last year the D&D NEXT play tests were super popular, and the learn to play sessions always are. I'd be shocked if they weren't there, PAX is probably one of the most receptive new markets for them.

    Whether they are/aren't there, having people who can DM PUGs in the TT area would be amazing. If you post that on the TT or LFG Twitter, I have no doubt you could run games the whole weekend.

  • VegaObscuraVegaObscura Registered User regular
    I never had a chance to sit down for a D&D game at PAX in the past (skewed priorities my first year and not-interested friends last year), but I was hoping to get in on it this year, so I'm still hoping for something.

    If WotC isn't pushing D&D in an official capacity, community-run games would definitely be interesting. We'll see what happens, I guess.

  • Krieger12Krieger12 Registered User regular
    I had consider bringing some pre-made characters and dice... but the free play area tends to be fairly crowded. To make it even easier people could download die rollers to their phones in advance. After that it's fairly easy to run a game... actually 1st level characters in D&DNext can be made in a couple of minutes. Combine that with "Theater of Mind" play and some cheatsheets or pdfs on a tablet with monsters, it's fairly easy to run a game really light. I was debating on a running a game or two in the free play area last year, maybe I'll work up some small adventures between now and then to run.

  • HalfazedninjaHalfazedninja Author of Jake Howard: Multiverse 101! Behind YouRegistered User regular
    Quintious wrote: »
    I'd say it's a bummer that they won't have a section this year, but after what a massive clusterfuck last year was (especially the absurd DM challenge fiasco), maybe it's not such a bad thing.

    What's the story on this? It sounded like it was a fun time, but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

    I'm also waiting on an official statement before considering this. With as big as their area was last year, I have a hard time believing they can't get materials to the convention floor and DM's to run tables, especially since Next is being released mere months after PAX East and they need as much exposure as possible.

    I don't know. I thought everything ran pretty smooth last year.

    My debut novel, JAKE HOWARD: MULTIVERSE 101!
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  • gonexallgonexall PhiladelphiaRegistered User regular
    I enjoyed the D&D last year, and would be sad if there were no opportunities. Just in case, I think I'll bring Mythic, a recently purchased GM-less RPG system. I was a bit skeptical before reading most of the book, but it seems like it can actually do a good job of creating a fun adventure without a GM. I do not have the experience to GM myself, so I hope to either find games run by others or find others interested in an adventure using Mythic (I will bring it to the pre-board game night at the Long Wharf and the post board game night at the Westin, so stop by or let me know if you want to plan ahead to give it a try).

  • ShaydeShayde Kitchen Staff Supervisor MargaritavilleRegistered User regular
    I really hope this isn't the case. It's the thing I look forward to at PAX the most, since I really don't have a group locally.


    Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
    Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
  • QuintiousQuintious Registered User regular
    edited March 2014
    The issue with the DM challenge was thus: They wouldn't tell you where to queue up until like 6 o clock. And then the line filled up in like....a minute, because the "mystery" queue place ended up being in a spot with a metric tonne of traffic in it, anyhow. Now if you got IN, then it was great - the DM's looked amazing from what I saw. Problem is, for people like myself who couldn't move so fast because of a knee problem (so much so that I have disabled placards and the like), there was precisely ZERO chance to actually get to the queue.

    Everybody whinges about the lines to get into panels, but at least if you plan and are willing to sacrifice time, you CAN get into one. This one here, you literally had no shot unless you just happened to randomly be in the right place at the right moment - and that was a real downer, cause it was going to be my lady's first exposure to D&D. A lot - and I mean A LOT - of people were pissed about how that was handled.

    Quintious on
  • reverend_tobiasreverend_tobias Registered User regular
    The schedule is showing the WotC crew running several panels, so now I'm really doubting the rumors of no freeplay. Surely they'd bring all or nothing, especially since this is a major show.

  • reverend_tobiasreverend_tobias Registered User regular
    Welp, looks like I'm wrong!

    No mention of DM Challenge or any events. What a disappointment (just like Next!).

  • ShaydeShayde Kitchen Staff Supervisor MargaritavilleRegistered User regular
    Upside... we get a live AI run.
    Downside.. no open D&D.

    I hope there's going to be some open D&D even if it isn't run directly.


    Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
    Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
  • TaenaTaena Registered User new member
    edited March 2014
    Hi Guys! I just wanted to say this is true, there is no D&D or table top games at the Wizards booth this year. But the DM team who has worked with Wizards at PAX and other conventions will be at PAX and running games.

    My brother has DM'd at PAX the last three years and I worked with Wizards last year running demos of the board games (Wrath of Ashardalon, Ravenloft, and Drizzt).

    We were both saddened by the news that Wizards was not going to have a D&D section this year. Wizards will be there, hosting panels and running Magic games but they were not given enough table space to host D&D as well.

    Good news is the DM's who had signed up have worked together to run some D&D games all three days. They have support from Wizards even if they are being run idependantly, and will have 5-6 tables for games to run at with the help of the 20 Sided Store. There will be a few sessions on Friday, most of the day on Sat, and one time block Sunday. They are still working out what DM's will have what time slots, but when a schedual is set I can post here and let you guys know when to look for them, or just check in at the 20 Sided Store at the con.

    Also if you are interested in the adventure board games at all I'll be working with a local game shop, Pandemonium, on Sat (3-7) and Sunday (2-6) running demos. I know I'll have Ashardalon, I'll find out about the other adventures as it gets closer to the con.

    Hope this helps with some of the confusion. Looking forward to seeing you all at PAX!

    Taena on
  • KayTee86KayTee86 Registered User regular
    I was kind of holding a secret hope that D&D Next might have been being sold early at PAX. But given the sounds of a lack of D&D, I am thinking that that might not be true. Which saddens me.

  • eugeneeugene Registered User regular
    OK, the official post from the Twenty Sided store is up so I can share the details. They are going to run the D&D Next game at PAX East, but in a much more limited capacity than the usual presence.

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    eugene: when will signups be? in the morning or at that half-hour point?

  • ShaydeShayde Kitchen Staff Supervisor MargaritavilleRegistered User regular
    Sweet!!! I would be there with bells on, but the airport security hates when I bring bells onboard.


    Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
    Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
  • ShaydeShayde Kitchen Staff Supervisor MargaritavilleRegistered User regular
    P.S... A big thank you to those making this happen!


    Ex-Agent to the Stars, ex a lot of other things too.
    Pax East 2011, 2012 Veteran. 2014 now loading.
  • Krieger12Krieger12 Registered User regular
    I'm still looking to play some D&D in the free play area. I'm currently (12:31) waiting the line for the Chris Perkins d&d panel but I'll be heading down to the free play area after. We may need to get creative for character sheets as I left them on my printer this morning. If you want to play we can figure out how to meet up.

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