Balloons for Blind Boxes - FF Prime



  • Drayven_DarkoDrayven_Darko Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Are not the pin and the balloon natural enemies in the wild?

    Surely this is a sign of the end times?
    "The pin also shall dwell with the balloon, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them."

    "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to 'Sparkle Motion'."
  • Spy112Spy112 VancouverRegistered User regular
    Pins and balloons.. worst enemies, working for a common good

  • KamelonKamelon Canberra, AustraliaRegistered User regular

    Posted without comment.

    I think PA said they weren't going to make new staff head pins, but if they did, the design for Khoo's is basically done :)

    Pinny Arcade Collection & Trades
    Heroic Coaching & Consulting - Personal Development & Coaching For Nerds

    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6423-4833

    "Every suggestion from the FAQ with a link? Kamelon. A truly Organised Pinthusiast." - PedroAsani
  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    edited February 2014

    Posted without comment.

    I keep hearing Khoo's voice in my head saying "Don't judge our love".

    PedroAsani on
  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    So... how about those blind boxes?

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    edited February 2014
    when did the title get changed for the thread?
    Is it really because King is going nuts for anything with "saga" in it?

    I only ask because the balloon is going to be presented at PAX East, not Prime... and it could be confusing.

    Mot Buchanan on
  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Are we legally allowed to use the word "Saga"?

    I TOLD YOU!!

    I can't imagine that's true Mot. :P

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    See, I assume that the one you have made so far is like the little ones in this... I still expect to see a Fruit Fucker Prime :)

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    So... There hasn't been any response to this.
    I was hoping to get an excited post from Khoo about how he was impressed by the fruit fucker and that blind boxes were going to be available or something.
    I'm hoping that they'll be unveiled at PAX East, but I was hoping to be able to order some sooner and get things organized.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Robert's a busy guy, give it time (and maybe build the giant one? ;) ).

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    So... There hasn't been any response to this.
    I was hoping to get an excited post from Khoo about how he was impressed by the fruit fucker and that blind boxes were going to be available or something.
    I'm hoping that they'll be unveiled at PAX East, but I was hoping to be able to order some sooner and get things organized.

    Also it could be he just has a plan and just doesn't want to tell us again that they are coming. You probably should have stipulated a timeline in your original offer :smile: As it is you offered something for a thing they had already said they were doing with no date stipulated.

    That being said, I doubt he would have posted in the first place if they weren't in the works. My guess would be around PAX time. As we know that is when the interest is highest.

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    I can't justify doing the giant one.
    It would take a minimum of 7 hours to construct and require special ordering some balloons.
    I don't want to miss out on 7+ hours of my first PAX building this thing.

    The hat sized fruit fucker will have to do as an offering, committing to anything more than that would require that I ruin PAX for myself.
    I am willing to make a couple of the hat sized ones. One for Khoo, perhaps one to place on the Alter before Mike and Jerry at the Q&A.
    I'm also entertaining the idea of a couple other special requests that have been made by a couple members of the board that are helping with the event.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited February 2014
    Ah I didn't realize you would have to build it /at pax/ but I guess that makes sense.

    zerzhul on
  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    Yeah... I doubt I'd be able to get that on a plane... even if I paid for the extra seat.

    Mot Buchanan on
  • foehammerfoehammer procrastinator extraordinaire melbourneRegistered User regular
    picture in my in my head of a giant ff in a plane made my day

  • Midas244Midas244 Registered User regular
    Mot: when are you getting to PAX East? If you're getting there early we could figure out a way to construct it there and probably give it a place of prominence in an area (I could ask Mogen but I'm sure having it at Console FreePlay would be awesome/fine)

  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    There must be a way to cut that time down. Multiple people blowing them up, constructing a limb, and you put together the parts kind of like an assembly line?

  • NowHiringHenchmenNowHiringHenchmen Registered User regular
    Mass balloon twisting class at PAX East!

  • rentfnrentfn Registered User regular
  • VersuserikVersuserik (E) Versuserik Maui HawaiiRegistered User regular
    I'll help!

    PAX PRIME 2015 Status:
    [♦ ] 4 Day Passes
    [♦ ] Hotel
    [ ] Plane Tickets
    [♦]Working my ass off to pay for all this shit.
  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    It would make things go much faster if I had people inflating the balloons... but I still think it would be in the 4-5 hour range only because I'd have to do all the more complicated twisting.
    Stay tuned... I'll think on the design and perhaps something will occur to me.
    I'm flying in Saturday morning, I believe the plane arrives at Boston Airport around 8:00am or so.
    So I'd need to get out of the airport, taxi to the hotel, unload hotel stuff, then taxi to the convention center.

    I can't seem to find a schedule of events anywhere... has that been posted?
    If there isn't anything going on during the first several hours of Saturday morning, then I might be willing to attempt this.
    I would definitely need minions to pull it off. My wife will be there also, and she has experience with helping me build larger sculptures for my corporate clients.
    If I can design it in a way that some of the components would be relatively easy to build.. then a minion might be able to do it.
    Odds are that the perfectionist in me wouldn't let me hand off that much responsibility.

    Off the top of my head I'd need the following...

    Space to build: I don't need a huge area, and don't mind building it out in the open like the lobby or something if it's climate controlled. I doubt I'd have to deal with people trying to pop it or anything.

    Helpers with nothing better to do: If I do this, then the actual help needed would occur in spurts. There could very well be stretches where you're just hanging around while I work... then I ask for 35 black balloons to be inflated. I'd estimate how many balloons I'd need, and have the minions blow that many up right at the beginning... but around hour 3 I might find that I've miscalculated and need to have more done.

    Someone to get my pins: If I'm going to be doing this all morning, then I won't be able to get in line for pins. I'm still waiting to find out which Pin Pal group I'm in, but I'll need to get sets for myself and others that couldn't attend.

  • Midas244Midas244 Registered User regular
    Mot: here's the answer to your questions:

    Schedule is not posted, generally it's not posted until a couple of weeks before the event. I can pretty much guarantee that the "make a strip" panel with Mike and Jerry will take place Saturday at around 10 or 11am (it's always then).

    The BCEC is huge, you should be able to assemble on the main level's corridors in a couple of places (opposite the outside of Console FreePlay is usually pretty ok, the whole corridor will probably be fine).

    If it's in the morning I probably won't be able to help. I generally enforce morning shifts and I can't help if I'm working :( If you were coming in Thursday or earlier in the week it'd be easier for me to help.

    PM me if you have any other questions and I'll try to help!

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    edited March 2014
    I can't make it any earlier than the flight I've already booked for Saturday morning.
    I also don't want to miss the "make a strip" panel... so doing this first thing in the morning might not be possible.
    I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the schedule of events looks like.
    If there is a large enough chunk of time during the day where there isn't anything else I'd want to be doing, then I'll commit to building the giant fruit fucker.
    Alternatively, if there is a place where it could be built and or stored out of the way where it could be ensured that nobody would mess with it... I could built it in spurts during the day. Just swing by for an hour here and there and work on it between other goings on.

    I would also want to secure the help of at least one local before the event and ship supplies to them so they don't take up a bunch of space in my luggage.
    That won't need to be addressed till later and if the schedules seem to work in my favor.

    If things do tend to occur at the same times at these events, then perhaps some of you PAX veterans might be able to suss out the likelihood of there being open spurts of time.
    Of the things I know are happening I know I want to attend
    Make a Strip

    I will also need to make sure that my Pin Pal trading duties are satisfied.
    I will also need to keep my wife happy by spending time in the board game section with her so we can get our game on.

    Mot Buchanan on
  • NowHiringHenchmenNowHiringHenchmen Registered User regular
    Hm, yeah, if you were coming in Thursday, we could've set up something to do it before the convention. Saturday everything might in full swing in terms of people wanting to see panels and such. =/

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    Unfortunately I've other balloon work that keeps me in Ohio Friday.
    Also, hotels are crazy expensive in Boston.

  • PedroAsaniPedroAsani Brotherhood of the Squirrel [Prime]Registered User regular
    Mot, are you attending Sunday also?

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    Yes. I'll be there Saturday and Sunday.
    Our plane doesn't leave till 8:00 Sunday, so I may even be able to check out some of the after party

  • NowHiringHenchmenNowHiringHenchmen Registered User regular
    Yes. I'll be there Saturday and Sunday.
    Our plane doesn't leave till 8:00 Sunday, so I may even be able to check out some of the after party

    Maybe Sunday can be work day? Its usually dead-ish during the day, would be a good time to build some.

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    Is Sunday normally dead?
    I don't know how the event goes, it's my first time.
    If that's the case, then perhaps that is what will happen.
    We'll just have to wait for the schedule to get posted so this can get planned out.
    If anyone here is secretly a person with the power to look over the schedule... that would be cool

  • SerpicoBCSerpicoBC Registered User regular
    Wherever this build is happening, I'm going to be there to watch.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    It might be better to go for the smaller, hat sized sculpture this year, and keep the "FF Prime" model for a future year when you have more prep time. I'd hate to see you lose a good chunk of your already limited PAX time, plus the sooner its done the sooner it can be displayed somewhere for others to see. Just my thoughts.

  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    Any plans to visit PAX Prime? It feels like that'd be the most appropriate place for Fruit Fucker Prime to show up, after all.

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    I'd be down for visiting Prime... but I hear it's even harder to get tickets to Prime than it is for East.
    The plane ticket would likely be worse also.
    Flying from Ohio to Boston has got to be cheaper than Ohio to Seattle.
    I'm planning on moving to Portland, Oregon in a couple years. I had assumed that I wound't be able to attend Prime till I've made that move.

    I do have something on a back burner that I'm thinking of unveiling at East that could end up being a justification to attending Prime... we'll see

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    Does anyone know if Khoo has seen the balloon and what he thinks?
    I'm trying to get everything budgeted for the trip.
    I hate to be crass, but Khoo said that if the community deemed the balloon worthy, that he'd make sure I got a pass for East.
    I'm bringing the wife, so I know I need to purchase one pass... I'm just wondering if I need to get the second one off of the nice person that is helping with my wife's badge.
    I'm not saying I won't buy a second pass if I need to. I'm attending no matter what. I'd just like to know how much Pin money I'm going to get to spend.

    Secondly, It is sounding like building the Fruit Fucker Prime on Sunday would be the best choice. Not only because I want to attend stuff, but the people who have been nice enough to volunteer to help with the build will also want to attend many of the same things.

    I've been contacted by a Boston local that has offered to let me ship the supplies for FF Prime to him so I don't have to worry about getting it on the plane.
    People seem to think that there won't be any problem with my finding a space for the build.
    I'll sit down and figure out just what supplies I'm going to need to special order for this.

  • NowHiringHenchmenNowHiringHenchmen Registered User regular
    Once you have a concrete idea of how much its going to be in terms of things needed to build, it'll probably be much easier to decide how and where you can build the thing!

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Does anyone know if Khoo has seen the balloon and what he thinks?
    I'm trying to get everything budgeted for the trip.

    I'd try emailing him.

    Far as a construction space, I have a couple of places in mind. Lobby in front of main theatre would be good depending on timing. There are usually pockets of space in the main North lobby that can be carved out, especially if there are a couple of people with helping. The far South end of the hallways are usually dead and could certainly be used. And worse case, there is always the vast expanse of the queue room that should have room after doors open.

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular
    This is off topic, but you mentioned it so I wanted to ask.
    The idea of the "Que Room" intrigues and frightens me.
    As I've said, the only things I know I want to attend are
    Q&A (which I think might be Friday and I may miss it anyway)
    Make a Strip (I'm hearing is Saturday morning.)
    Thornwatch playtime. (I want to play this game so freaking bad!)
    I don't know what else is going on since there isn't a posted schedule yet.
    How much time should I be allotting to waiting in lines?
    (Would it make sense to try and find a build space in the Que room because that would be where the most people would see it, and I might be able to swing some sort of a line holdy condition?)
    [then again, if the build happens Sunday would it be less busy in the Que Room?]

    The other things I need to make sure I allot time for is getting my wife away from the balloons and playing some board games with her.
    I also need to take her to a nice and if possible romantic dinner Saturday night...

    Alright... weigh in with your thoughts PAX Veterans.

  • Mot BuchananMot Buchanan OhioRegistered User regular

    I'd try emailing him.


    I sent him a message through the forum. I wouldn't presume to sully his actual email.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    This is off topic, but you mentioned it so I wanted to ask.
    The idea of the "Que Room" intrigues and frightens me.
    As I've said, the only things I know I want to attend are
    Q&A (which I think might be Friday and I may miss it anyway)
    Make a Strip (I'm hearing is Saturday morning.)
    Thornwatch playtime. (I want to play this game so freaking bad!)
    I don't know what else is going on since there isn't a posted schedule yet.
    How much time should I be allotting to waiting in lines?
    (Would it make sense to try and find a build space in the Que room because that would be where the most people would see it, and I might be able to swing some sort of a line holdy condition?)
    [then again, if the build happens Sunday would it be less busy in the Que Room?]

    The other things I need to make sure I allot time for is getting my wife away from the balloons and playing some board games with her.
    I also need to take her to a nice and if possible romantic dinner Saturday night...

    Alright... weigh in with your thoughts PAX Veterans.

    There actually exists a thread in the pax east section very specifically for these sorts of things :smile:

  • NowHiringHenchmenNowHiringHenchmen Registered User regular
    This is off topic, but you mentioned it so I wanted to ask.
    The idea of the "Que Room" intrigues and frightens me.
    As I've said, the only things I know I want to attend are
    Q&A (which I think might be Friday and I may miss it anyway)
    Make a Strip (I'm hearing is Saturday morning.)
    Thornwatch playtime. (I want to play this game so freaking bad!)
    I don't know what else is going on since there isn't a posted schedule yet.
    How much time should I be allotting to waiting in lines?
    (Would it make sense to try and find a build space in the Que room because that would be where the most people would see it, and I might be able to swing some sort of a line holdy condition?)
    [then again, if the build happens Sunday would it be less busy in the Que Room?]

    The other things I need to make sure I allot time for is getting my wife away from the balloons and playing some board games with her.
    I also need to take her to a nice and if possible romantic dinner Saturday night...

    Alright... weigh in with your thoughts PAX Veterans.

    There's two Q&A's! One right after the keynote, and one on Sunday. So, you'll be able to see ONE.

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