Just me or do the facebook links still pull from Feb. 28th? Like, it says it should be "Consultant" but when I actually click on it to post it over, it brings up "Incongruity"
Kaboodle on
KageraImitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered Userregular
To be fair
Anniversaries come once a year
Titanfall releases once. Well unless you count GOTY, HD remakes, and collectors editions.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't Titanfall is a bit overhyped? Granted, it's an enjoyable game, but I still haven't decided whether I actually want to buy it. I guess it's because of these bots. They serve no purpose other than filling the game.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't Titanfall is a bit overhyped? Granted, it's an enjoyable game, but I still haven't decided whether I actually want to buy it. I guess it's because of these bots. They serve no purpose other than filling the game.
Titanfall is flippin' awesome. Are you referring to the grunts when you say "bots"? Because they do serve a purpose. Distracting fodder, but also they (at least I think they do) help cool down your Titan timer when you kill them, though not as much as a pilot.
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
So, true story- years ago, I got a call from my BF asking me if it would be OK if he didn't call or see me for 2 days that week- because Kingdom Hearts 2 was coming out and he wanted uninterrupted gaming time.
And I was genuinely OK with it.
Perhaps that's why we've been together for 10 years...
Have already warned my GF that she may not see so much of me for a couple weeks after the 11th...or that at the very least I may not be very talkative in our evening Hangouts conversations.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't Titanfall is a bit overhyped? Granted, it's an enjoyable game, but I still haven't decided whether I actually want to buy it. I guess it's because of these bots. They serve no purpose other than filling the game.
well, seeing as how this is the THIRD strip they have done about Titanfall and they have mentioned it in a podcast, I'm going to say it's not overhyped, at least not as far as Mike and Jerry are concerned. This is just one of those games that has managed to put the hook in both of them, and because of that, they won't shut up about it for awhile.
Well I think most people probably wait for the weekend to do things like anniversaries and birthdays, but it is still most definitely a trap.
Even if you've already planned to wait until the weekend, that still doesn't mean you've got a green light to ignore the day itself. "We'll wait until Saturday when we're both off work," can possibly mean, "Ok, fine, I'll let you watch Agents of SHIELD but you're still wearing pants at the dinner table and watching sappy movies with me until 8."
Man, I don't get the whole wifely trap thing. If I'm going to be pissed about something you can damn well bet I tell my husband what I'm thinking ahead of time. Then again, we have a mutual agreement that life is more important than video games. It's a two way street... you put the relationship first but you also don't have this weird idea that that means spending all the time together and that quality time involves making the other person partake in an activity they don't enjoy. Takes a few years of marriage to work that all out and there are always going to be misunderstandings, but seriously. It's not that difficult for both husbands and wives to act like thoughtful and reasonable people, especially around important things that you knew were coming, like anniversaries.
(And I realize that my new avatar is Sully and that the second sentence should absolutely be spoken in her tone of voice. )
SwashbucklerXX on
Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
Oh yeah, big time trap. Even if Gabe's wife is completely sincere right now in later arguments the "You played video-games all day on our Anniversary! " card will be played and cost Gabe all the monsters on his board.
Also, with the state of online games at release these days I say Gabe has about 2 months before he'll be able to get online with a stable connection anyway.
Man, I don't get the whole wifely trap thing. If I'm going to be pissed about something you can damn well bet I tell my husband what I'm thinking ahead of time. Then again, we have a mutual agreement that life is more important than video games. It's a two way street... you put the relationship first but you also don't have this weird idea that that means spending all the time together and that quality time involves making the other person partake in an activity they don't enjoy. Takes a few years of marriage to work that all out and there are always going to be misunderstandings, but seriously. It's not that difficult for both husbands and wives to act like thoughtful and reasonable people, especially around important things that you knew were coming, like anniversaries.
(And I realize that my new avatar is Sully and that the second sentence should absolutely be spoken in her tone of voice. )
True, the problem though is one of perception. Video Games are looked at like children's toys by most women instead of a entertaining cultural artform with a constantly changing zeitgeist. Wives tolerate their husbands playing them most of the time, but believe that their partners should prioritize every single want and need well above playing. It dosen't help that video-games are designed to eat up time (Single player campaigns), or require undivided attention for shorter periods of play (Mulitplayer content). Couples that connect really well can be split hard over this one issue, and while communication is helpful if a person didn't grow up playing games then trying to explain it to them becomes as difficult as explaining site to the blind.
KragaarA Million Feet Tall of AwesomeRegistered Userregular
The battle was lost before the first question was asked. This is why a common law union where there is no real pressure date like an anniversary is the way to go.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't Titanfall is a bit overhyped? Granted, it's an enjoyable game, but I still haven't decided whether I actually want to buy it. I guess it's because of these bots. They serve no purpose other than filling the game.
Titanfall is flippin' awesome. Are you referring to the grunts when you say "bots"? Because they do serve a purpose. Distracting fodder, but also they (at least I think they do) help cool down your Titan timer when you kill them, though not as much as a pilot.
Maybe it's because I don't get into the titan thing that much. It is really strange, but in BF I don't really use vehicles, and in Titanfall beta, I haven't used much titans. Hell, once I've been playing with my friend and we used Mumbe, I have a V key set to push-to-talk and Mumble supressed this key for all other applications. So I actually played a few rounds without ever calling a titan and I had no problems with it.
Also, I don't play FPSes that much. In CS:GO I mostly got destroyed every time I play it. When I play BF3 with my more FPS-loving friend, I usually end up at the bottom half of the scoreboard and he is in the top 5. In Titanfall, most of the time I was #1, even better than my friend. Maybe it's tied to the fact that I don't use titans that much...
When I was in college my housemate told me that he'd agreed with his girlfriend that they weren't going to do Valentine's Day this year. He refused to believe that this was a trap. Eventually on the day I went and bought some flowers and chocolates and left them in his room. After she came over and kicked the fuck off she stormed into his room (presumably to fling his stuff around), saw the flowers and chocolates and thought he'd been joking.
I'm just saying, fuck anyone who says I'm not a good housemate.
To be fair to my wife, this was not a trap. She's just a rad lady and honestly wanted to make sure I got to play Titanfall all day on Tuesday.
A Wild Gabriel appears. Holy shit someone throw a Master Ball. I really didn't think Mike or Jerry had anything to do with the forums aside from letting them exist as an official PA property.
Seriously though wait until the first argument comes when she is really pissed. She'll throw the fact you played video games on Valentines day right in your face, unless she was playing with you and even then that will just allow you to limp away instead of needing to be carried out on a stretcher.
When I was in college my housemate told me that he'd agreed with his girlfriend that they weren't going to do Valentine's Day this year. He refused to believe that this was a trap. Eventually on the day I went and bought some flowers and chocolates and left them in his room. After she came over and kicked the fuck off she stormed into his room (presumably to fling his stuff around), saw the flowers and chocolates and thought he'd been joking.
I'm just saying, fuck anyone who says I'm not a good housemate.
To be fair to my wife, this was not a trap. She's just a rad lady and honestly wanted to make sure I got to play Titanfall all day on Tuesday.
I admit as a similar kind of rad wife that I wish that popular media portrayed the fact that we exist instead of falling back on the stereotypical portrayal of wives for laughs.
Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
To be fair to my wife, this was not a trap. She's just a rad lady and honestly wanted to make sure I got to play Titanfall all day on Tuesday.
I admit as a similar kind of rad wife that I wish that popular media portrayed the fact that we exist instead of falling back on the stereotypical portrayal of wives for laughs.
The media will get over its stereotypical portrayal of wives as passive-aggressive fun-hating nags the same time it gets over its stereotypical portrayal of husbands as slobby buffoonish man-children.
To be fair to my wife, this was not a trap. She's just a rad lady and honestly wanted to make sure I got to play Titanfall all day on Tuesday.
I admit as a similar kind of rad wife that I wish that popular media portrayed the fact that we exist instead of falling back on the stereotypical portrayal of wives for laughs.
The media will get over its stereotypical portrayal of wives as passive-aggressive fun-hating nags the same time it gets over its stereotypical portrayal of husbands as slobby buffoonish man-children.
Yeah, I equally dislike that portrayal of men.
Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
I feel like this comic would've been better without Ackbar swearing.
I thought it was funnier that way because it slightly subverts your expectation that he's just going to say his classic line, and he instead says something even more emphatically because of the profanity.
I mean fuck.
What is this I don't even.
DragkoniasThat Guy Who Does StuffYou Know, There. Registered Userregular
To be fair to my wife, this was not a trap. She's just a rad lady and honestly wanted to make sure I got to play Titanfall all day on Tuesday.
I admit as a similar kind of rad wife that I wish that popular media portrayed the fact that we exist instead of falling back on the stereotypical portrayal of wives for laughs.
The media will get over its stereotypical portrayal of wives as passive-aggressive fun-hating nags the same time it gets over its stereotypical portrayal of husbands as slobby buffoonish man-children.
Yeah, I equally dislike that portrayal of men.
Honestly, this is why I don't watch sitcoms anymore. Its like TV is stuck in the 80s with their character portrayals.
I feel like this comic would've been better without Ackbar swearing.
I thought it was funnier that way because it slightly subverts your expectation that he's just going to say his classic line, and he instead says something even more emphatically because of the profanity.
I mean fuck.
Yeah, but I feel like some sort of middle ground would've been better.
"Shit yeah, it's a trap."
"Oh yeah, it's a fucking trap."
"Oh yeah, it's a trap."
To be fair to my wife, this was not a trap. She's just a rad lady and honestly wanted to make sure I got to play Titanfall all day on Tuesday.
I admit as a similar kind of rad wife that I wish that popular media portrayed the fact that we exist instead of falling back on the stereotypical portrayal of wives for laughs.
The media will get over its stereotypical portrayal of wives as passive-aggressive fun-hating nags the same time it gets over its stereotypical portrayal of husbands as slobby buffoonish man-children.
Anniversaries come once a year
Titanfall releases once. Well unless you count GOTY, HD remakes, and collectors editions.
Titanfall is flippin' awesome. Are you referring to the grunts when you say "bots"? Because they do serve a purpose. Distracting fodder, but also they (at least I think they do) help cool down your Titan timer when you kill them, though not as much as a pilot.
And I was genuinely OK with it.
Perhaps that's why we've been together for 10 years...
well, seeing as how this is the THIRD strip they have done about Titanfall and they have mentioned it in a podcast, I'm going to say it's not overhyped, at least not as far as Mike and Jerry are concerned. This is just one of those games that has managed to put the hook in both of them, and because of that, they won't shut up about it for awhile.
Usually so someone can come along and say "I agree."
I mean some people just enjoy things you might not enjoy as much, sometimes this group will be very large. That's pretty much it.
I don't get it, but I agree.
Even if you've already planned to wait until the weekend, that still doesn't mean you've got a green light to ignore the day itself. "We'll wait until Saturday when we're both off work," can possibly mean, "Ok, fine, I'll let you watch Agents of SHIELD but you're still wearing pants at the dinner table and watching sappy movies with me until 8."
(And I realize that my new avatar is Sully and that the second sentence should absolutely be spoken in her tone of voice.
Also, with the state of online games at release these days I say Gabe has about 2 months before he'll be able to get online with a stable connection anyway.
True, the problem though is one of perception. Video Games are looked at like children's toys by most women instead of a entertaining cultural artform with a constantly changing zeitgeist. Wives tolerate their husbands playing them most of the time, but believe that their partners should prioritize every single want and need well above playing. It dosen't help that video-games are designed to eat up time (Single player campaigns), or require undivided attention for shorter periods of play (Mulitplayer content). Couples that connect really well can be split hard over this one issue, and while communication is helpful if a person didn't grow up playing games then trying to explain it to them becomes as difficult as explaining site to the blind.
You fell for the trap!
after Ackbar warned you!
Also, I don't play FPSes that much. In CS:GO I mostly got destroyed every time I play it. When I play BF3 with my more FPS-loving friend, I usually end up at the bottom half of the scoreboard and he is in the top 5. In Titanfall, most of the time I was #1, even better than my friend. Maybe it's tied to the fact that I don't use titans that much...
I'm just saying, fuck anyone who says I'm not a good housemate.
Why I need someone as straightforward as I am because ain't nobody got time for that.
But if it is NOT a trap... Damn Gabe, you married the right woman.
A Wild Gabriel appears. Holy shit someone throw a Master Ball. I really didn't think Mike or Jerry had anything to do with the forums aside from letting them exist as an official PA property.
Seriously though wait until the first argument comes when she is really pissed. She'll throw the fact you played video games on Valentines day right in your face, unless she was playing with you and even then that will just allow you to limp away instead of needing to be carried out on a stretcher.
You sir are a good friend and I salute you.
I admit as a similar kind of rad wife that I wish that popular media portrayed the fact that we exist instead of falling back on the stereotypical portrayal of wives for laughs.
The media will get over its stereotypical portrayal of wives as passive-aggressive fun-hating nags the same time it gets over its stereotypical portrayal of husbands as slobby buffoonish man-children.
Yeah, I equally dislike that portrayal of men.
I thought it was funnier that way because it slightly subverts your expectation that he's just going to say his classic line, and he instead says something even more emphatically because of the profanity.
I mean fuck.
Honestly, this is why I don't watch sitcoms anymore. Its like TV is stuck in the 80s with their character portrayals.
"Oh yeah, it's a fucking trap."
"Oh yeah, it's a trap."
So, never, then.
I can't wait for this game...on my PC.