A Magical Battle [mini-Phalla] That Is Definitely Not MagickaBasics
This is a mini-Phalla for up to 30 players.
If you have no idea what a Phalla is, click
here for an explanation, then
!sign up by posting in bold limegreen or some other bright color to declare you intentions.
All the standard rules apply here. The most important are:
- No communication (about this game) between living players and dead players.
- No using screenshots or other methods to verify information as being given by the host. No copy/pasting messages from the host.
- No speaking in code or languages unknown to all participants (mods get in a huff about this).
- Do not add people (other than the host) to existing conversations. Proboards are a kind of exception to this rule, so recognize that if you accept an invitation to a proboard, your posts can be shown to future entrants.
- Invite the host to any proboards created for the purposes of this game.
- Do not, under penalty of death, edit a vote post. If you have a bbcode fail, suck it up and leave it.
- You do not have to include the host (me) on all PMs, but feel free to.
Please read from here down prior to game start. It is super important!
This is a battle phalla that takes place on a tile grid. Everyone has access to the 8 Magicka elements. People will use them in a variety of ways, and then we’ll see what happens. This game is going to be chaotic. There is going to be
@Bedlam. People are going to throw shit at the walls and see what sticks, and hopefully that will be fun. There will be room for coordination and planning, but experimentation is going to be necessary to get the most out of this game.
Knowledge about the source material may be valuable, but it also may be detrimental. The general ways in which elements combine are consistent with the way they do so in the game, at least in my interpretation. Some bear no resemblance to Magicka whatsoever. In general, knowing how they combine in the game will give you an idea as to the basic patterns but is not in any way a substitute for experimentation.
The Map:
All players will be shown on the following 15 x 10 grid.
When I refer to a “cardinal direction,” I mean going in the direction from the center of the tile towards the midpoint of one of the sides (as opposed to towards the vertex). Thus, on this map, the four “cardinal directions” are roughly North, South, East, and West, if you consider North to be pointing straight up, and can be referred to as such in orders (or alternatively: up, down, left, and right).. When I refer to motion along a “diagonal,” I mean the exact opposite: Travelling from the center of the tile towards a vertex. On this map, they are close to NW, NE, SE, and SW, and may be referred to as such in orders.
Grid Coordinates: Each day, so that you have some idea of what to do, I will give you your starting coordinates on the map. The letter corresponds to the distance on the N/S axis as labeled. The number corresponds to the E/W axis.
Some Basics and Jargon:
Every turn, players will have the opportunity to
cast one of the
basic elements. Doing so casts a
spell of a single element. If the spell reaches an
obstacle while
active it will
detonate causing an effect unique to that spell. Players and the map boundary count as obstacles, but that is not necessarily an exhaustive list.
Basic Casting Rules:
Every element has multiple ways in which it can be cast. The following exhaustive list gives explanations for each cast type.
Beam: Cast in one of the cardinal directions. The spell will remain active until it is canceled or it reaches an obstacle. The latter will cause a detonation. Beams may change direction if they come in contact with another beam. To cast a beam, you must specify a cardinal direction: N, S, E, or W.
Nova: Detonates in every adjacent (including diagonal) tiles.
Self Cast: Cast in only the tile you occupy.
Projectile: Same as Beam except for the following: Projectiles do not change course if they interact with another element. Projectiles may not combine with other projectiles. To cast a projectile, you must specify a cardinal direction: N, S, E, or W. In addition, you may (but are not required to) stipulate either (but not both): a) A minimum distance before which the spell may neither interact with other spells nor detonate, or b) A maximum distance upon which the projectile will detonate if it has not previously encountered an obstacle or canceling element.
Cone: Cast in one of the cardinal directions. The spell becomes active in the first four tiles in that direction, regardless of any interactions or obstacles.
Basic Element Effects and Cast Types:Shield: (Cone), (Nova), (Self) – Upon detonation, imbues target with a shield that absorbs the first encountered spell. Lasts until the end of the turn. All elements that interact with shield detonate on impact. If shield is cast on a tile with a player, it immediately detonates prior to any possible spell interaction (this contradicts and overrides other rules pertaining to spell interaction).
Life: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) – Heals target for 2 HP. Cancels Arcane.
Arcane: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) – Deals 2 HP damage. Cancels Life.
Water: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) – Dispells the “ablaze” debuff. If target was not ablaze, causes “soaked” debuff. Cancels lightning.
Lightning: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) - Causes 1 HP damage. Instantly kills soaked targets. Kills caster if caster is soaked. Cancels Water and Earth.
Earth: (Projectile), (Nova), (Self) – Causes 1 HP Damage. Cancels Lightning.
Cold: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) – Causes “slow” debuff. If target is “soaked,” causes “frozen” debuff. Cancels Fire.
Fire: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) –Dispells “soaked,” “frozen” and “slowed” debuffs. If target has none of the preceding debuffs, causes 1 HP damage and the “ablaze” debuff. Cancels Cold.
Turn Phases:
Each turn (day) there are 3 phases. The first phase is a cast phase, in which players may elect to cast one of the basic elements in any of the ways listed for that element. Second, players may move up to 3 spaces in cardinal directions. Player may move diagonally at a cost of 2 spaces (this differs from moving through a tile adjacent to the starting and destination tiles in that the player will never have occupied one of those tiles). The third phase is another cast phase exactly like the first phase.
However, players may only choose to cast in either the first or third phases, and not both.Debuffs:Soaked: Causes instant death if struck by a spell containing lightning or if the player casts lightning (the latter requires that the caster already be soaked at the beginning of the phase). Protects from the “ablaze” debuff. Lasts until dispelled.
Slowed: Player cannot move, and may only cast after the move phase. Lasts until the end of the turn after it was acquired, unless dispelled.
Frozen: Player cannot move or cast spells. Lasts until the end of the turn after it was acquired, unless dispelled.
Ablaze: Causes 1 HP damage during the first cast phase. Lasts until dispelled.
Element Mixtures: If two spells come into contact while in transit, they will interact in one of four ways:
1) They will cancel, eliminating both from play.
2) They will completely ignore each other.
3) They will combine, creating a new spell.
4) They will detonate.
The spells will cancel if and only if they each contain exactly one element and these elements are stated as canceling in the OP.
If two elements combine to create a spell of two elements, the spell is considered full, and will ignore all further interactions. An exception to this rule would occur if two projectiles meet.
Like Elements: If two of the same element attempt to interact, they will become a spell of the same element. It is not any more powerful or different from the original interacting elements.
Spell Collision:
The following rules govern the physics of element interactions. Note that some spells detonate on creation, and that such spells would ignore any physics associated with the combination of spells.
Projectiles and Non-Projectiles:
Projectiles that can combine with other non-projectile spells simply acquire the element and create a new spell. This new spell will remain a projectile. The projectile will not change direction.
If two projectiles cross paths at a point equidistant between the projectiles’ casters, they will immediately detonate at the intersection. This occurs even if neither of the projectiles contains two elements. Otherwise, they will ignore each other. Projectiles may combine with beam spells. Doing so does not affect the beam, and the beam may interact with other elements the same turn. However, if a projectile interacts with a nova, cone, or self cast, the same spell from the same tile may not interact with any other elements that turn.
Beams/Projectiles and Novas/Self Casts:
If a non-full beam or projectile crosses a non-full nova or self-cast, they will attempt to combine. If there is an obstacle (such as a player) at the location of interaction, the spell will detonate
after any possible interaction, unless the nova/self cast is Shield.
Beams/projectiles that combine with a nova will acquire the element and continue traveling assuming there is no obstacle at the point of interaction. If two or more beams/projectiles intersect at a nova or self cast, the nova/self cast will attempt to combine with the beam/projectile with the closest origin. In the case of beams, the origin is considered to be the furthest contributing caster. For projectiles, the origin is the source of the projectile. Failing that, it will attempt with the second closest, third, etc. Once this is resolved, the beams/projectiles then attempt to interact.
Beams and Beams: If two beams interact, they will coalesce into a single beam. To determine the direction it continues in, refer to the following diagram:
In a more realistic physical setting, one might expect the resultant direction to be the average of the two vectors of the component beams. In this game, we will modify things a bit to prevent beams from interacting with too many tiles. However, I will refer to the intuitive result (the average of the component vectors) as the “average momentum.”
If both beams are travelling in cardinal directions that are not directly opposing, the resultant beam will travel in the diagonal direction closest to the average momentum (i.e. example 1).
If the beams are travelling in directly opposing directions, they will combine and detonate at the midpoint between the longest distance between two casters (e.g. example 2). For the purpose of calculating this distance, traveling diagonally from one tile to another counts as travelling two tiles. If the detonation occurs on a tile boundary, it will be considered to occur in both tiles.
If at least one beam is travelling in a diagonal direction and the beams are not directly opposing, then the resultant beam will travel in the cardinal direction closest to the average momentum (e.g. examples 3).
If two diagonal beams intersect at a vertex, they will still travel in a cardinal direction, meaning they will travel along the boundary between tiles. In this case the spell will detonate if there is an obstacle in either adjacent tile, but will detonate only in the tile with the obstacle. If it simultaneously encounters obstacles in both adjacent tiles, the spell will detonate in both tiles.
If more than two beams attempt to intersect at a single tile, the following algorithm determines the order of interactions.
1) For each beam, determine the distance between the intersection and the furthest of the beams casters.
2) The beam with the shortest distance attempts to interact with every other beam, in the order of their distances, until it can do so.
3) A.) If it can interact with another beam, they do so, and become a new beam with a new direction and new distance as calculated in step 1. Return to step 2 considering the joint beam in place of either of the component beams.
B.) If it cannot interact with any other beams, it passes through the intersection unchanged. Return to step 2 excluding that beam.
Novas and self-casts. If multiple of these occur in the same tile, the following priority order is used: Self-casts, novas in a tile that is a cardinal direction from its caster, novas in a tile that is diagonal from its caster. The priority order determines which elements attempt to combine first. If an element has two options of equal priorities, the order is determined by RNG.
All interactions between these types occur with priority over beams and projectiles, and occur before attempting to detonate.
Unlisted Interactions: It is entirely possible that I have not foreseen or enumerated a possible collision. In the case of the former, I will adjudicate in the way that I feel is most consistent with the rules outlined above. In the latter case I will use the rule I already have. If you can conceive of a scenario that fits either I encourage you to bring it to my attention so that I can add the resolution to the OP before it occurs in game.
It is possible that two spells will detonate on a target without combining, and the effect will be different depending on the order of detonation. In these cases, the order will be determined by the distance to the spells’ furthest casters, where spells with shorter distances detonate first. Self casts, novas, and cones are considered to have zero distance from their casters.
Player Collision
Two players may NOT permanently occupy the same tile, however, they may move past each other during the move phase. If two players would otherwise end on the same tile, the following resolution is followed, in order of priority:
1) If one player moved more spaces using their move action than another (either through their own volition or because some of their moves were voided), then the player that used fewer moves occupies the space they should, and the other player’s last move order is voided.
2) If both players’ last moves were in cardinal directions or both in diagonal directions, then each of their last moves is voided.
3) If one player’s last move was in a cardinal direction and one’s was in a diagonal direction, the player that moved cardinally will have their last move voided.
In the following examples, the wizard in the center is casting a fire nova.
Example 1: Two incoming water beams:
The beam from the bottom acquires the fire element when it passes over it (SE from the wizard) and becomes steam. To the East of the wizard, a steam beam intersects with a water beam and a fire nova. First, the nova interacts with the beam that had the shorter distance, either turning the steam beam into (steam + fire) or turning the water beam into steam. Then, the two beams interact (in either case, creating steam). The beam takes the direction of the joint beam and misses the wizard. It picks up the fire North of the wizard and becomes (Steam + Fire).
Example 2: Two incoming lightning beams:
Similar to the first example, the beams each interact with the first fire nova they meet. However, in this case the two beams are now (Fire + Lightning) beams, which cannot interact with each other. In this case, the beams pass each other harmlessly. The wizard in this example is not so lucky, as the beam coming from the SE detonates on him. The beam traveling North does not interact with the fire nova NE of the wizard because it is full.
Example 3: Target on a Nova with an incoming beam.
Here a wizard is on top of a nova and is getting hit by a beam. If possible, the beam and the fire nova will combine
prior to detonation. If they cannot combine, the target will first be hit by the fire nova (distance 0), take 1 damage and be set ablaze. It will then receive the effect of the incoming beam.
Example role PM:
You are a: Wizard’s Apprentice
You currently occupy tile [Letter][Number].
Each day you may move up to 3 tiles in cardinal directions, or once diagonally and once in a cardinal direction in either order. Please specify the path you will take rather than simply a final location. In addition, you may cast one of the 8 basic elements (Shield, Life, Arcane, Water, Lightning, Earth, Fire, Cold) either before or after movement. Each element has 3 possible casting modes.
Element EffectsShield: (Cone), (Nova), (Self) – Upon detonation, imbues target with a shield that absorbs the first encountered spell. Lasts until the end of the turn. All elements that interact with shield detonate on impact. If shield is cast on a tile with a player, it immediately detonates prior to any possible spell interaction (this contradicts and overrides other rules pertaining to spell interaction).
Life: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) – Heals target for 2 HP. Cancels Arcane.
Arcane: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) – Deals 2 HP damage. Cancels Life.
Water: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) – Dispells the “ablaze” debuff. If target was not ablaze, causes “soaked” debuff. Cancels lightning.
Lightning: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) - Causes 1 HP damage. Instantly kills soaked targets. Kills caster if caster is soaked. Cancels Water and Earth.
Earth: (Projectile), (Nova), (Self) – Causes 1 HP Damage. Cancels Lightning.
Cold: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) – Causes “slow” debuff. If target is “soaked,” causes “frozen” debuff. Cancels Fire.
Fire: (Beam), (Nova), (Self) –Dispells “soaked,” “frozen” and “slowed” debuffs. If target has none of the preceding debuffs, causes 1 HP damage and the “ablaze” debuff. Cancels Cold.
Casting TypesBeam: Cast in one of the cardinal directions. The spell will remain active until it is canceled or it reaches an obstacle. The latter will cause a detonation. Beams may change direction if they come in contact with another beam. To cast a beam, you must specify a cardinal direction: N, S, E, or W.
Nova: Detonates in every adjacent (including diagonal) tiles.
Self Cast: Cast in only the tile you occupy.
Projectile: Same as Beam except for the following: Projectiles do not change course if they interact with another element. Projectiles may not combine with other projectiles. To cast a projectile, you must specify a cardinal direction: N, S, E, or W. In addition, you may (but are not required to) stipulate either (but not both): a) A minimum distance before which the spell may neither interact with other spells nor detonate, or b) A maximum distance upon which the projectile will detonate if it has not previously encountered an obstacle or canceling element.
Cone: Cast in one of the cardinal directions. The spell becomes active in the first four tiles in that direction, regardless of any interactions or obstacles.
Please refer to the OP for descriptions of order resolutions and element interactions. Feel free to ask any questions regarding the mechanics in this PM or in the thread with
bold orange tags.
Example Order (formatting not important):
Cast Cold (Beam) North before movement.
Move: N, N, E. (Or possibly, N, NE).
Victory Condition: Eliminate all threats to your fellow apprentices.
Voting, Actions, and Other Miscellanea:
The deadline for votes and orders will be
2 PM Eastern (6 PM GMT, 11AM Pacific). Note this well because inactives will be strictly culled (2 failures to vote/submit orders will result in your replacement or death).
There will be no deadline on Sundays.
Each day, you
must vote for a player in
bold red. The person with the most red votes will be removed from the battle. In the case of a tie, the person who had more votes before the tie occurred is considered the “winner” of the vote.
The order of actions is the Vote, followed by the other game mechanics as outlined in the OP.Clarifications may be asked in thread by posting in
bold darkorange (or the inferior
bold orange). To avoid unwanted interference, I will not respond to questions without this markup. You may also ask clarifications by responding to your role PM. If multiple people ask sufficiently similar mechanics questions in private, I will add a clarification to the public thread.
Current Map:
Is earth an element? Better be.
Edit: OK I checked it is. Go me!
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Island Name: Felinefine
This looks wonderful
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Cool. This is going to be an Ice game.
Too cold …. too cold ….
Island Name: Felinefine
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
There is a mafia
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
3DS: 1289-8447-4695
I was worried I was going to have to run a mini while we waited.
You know you want to.
Twitch Stream
Sign Up
The Division, Warframe (XB1)
GT: Tanith 6227
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
I'm not saying that it's impossible for that to be the case, but if that happens, then I did something horribly wrong, so you shouldn't feel bad about messing up the game.
It would also sort of help if you didn't get vigged round 2 as a mafia just because you weren't dead yet.
Although I may be underestimating Megafrost's position in the mafia target pecking order there.
Oooooohh I like BOTH those things!
PMs are en route. First deadline will be tomorrow at 2PM EST (26 hours from now).