Stealing heavily from the brilliance of
@TheRoadVirus who stole it from
So it goes.
13th Age: As a reminder, Linkage, and Miscellany
13th Age is the latest twist on a long series of heroic fantasy games, an indie game equal parts D&D and storygame. If you are familiar with D&D, you'll find that 13th Age is a game where you are given ample opportunities to influence the path the story is taking, on both a micro and macro level, with mechanics that model how you, with your character's ties to the world as a proxy, are on equal storytelling footing as the GM. If you are familiar with storygames, you'll find that 13th Age marries collaborative storytelling with the combat crunch of modern D&D, allowing for heroic action without getting bogged down with a huge set of rules.
Its brand of d20 will be most familiar to fans of 4e, with doses of inspiration from 3e. It comes from lead designers of those editions, on that note.
If you have the 13th Age book(s), you can create a 2nd level character using the races and classes in the core book. Also available are the other classes published on the Pelgrane Press webpage (linked below). The only limit is that there can only be one of each 'optional' race. Otherwise, though, do whatever you feel like doing. There's a PDF character sheet below, or you can just render your character in text. Follow the process from the core book, and ping the thread if you need pointers or have questions or whatever. You can roll abilities or use point buy --- but if you roll you're stuck with your "interesting" results unless they're horrible. Just do point buy unless you want to live on the edge.
The one unique thing describes something rad and interesting about your character
You have 3 icon relationship points to spend on 1-3 icons; each point is a d6 to roll for relationships, you're hoping for 6s and can (probably) live with 5s
You get 8 background points, each point is a +1 to a roll when you make an ability check where the background is relevant --- these describe what your character does and did, and should inform us of his/her history alongside implying his/her skillset
A very useful reference for most things 13th Age:
13 Facts about 13th Age (describes the one unique thing, icon relationships, and backgrounds, among others):
13th Age Resources (player game aid, 13th Age character sheets):
Summary of the icons:
Some Generally helpful word docs:
As a collaborative storytelling game, you the players are encouraged to fill in the details or nudge the plot in a certain direction. This can happen directly through icon relationship rolls, either if I ask for them or if you have banked story-guide results, but I'll often leave things a bit open-ended as a prompt to elaborate or embellish as you see fit. Maybe the town you're at the border of has a thing against half-elves, or a couple years back you ran the mayor out of town. Make the story your own! Of note, I will be setting this in the same time and world as a campaign I am running in meatspace. I plan on having events trickle back and forth between the two. Go nuts! Make my life hell!
Let's have out of character text be in grey text, and things your characters say in "bold with quotes".The Mission
The Green, the biggest, baddest and cleverest Green Dragon has disappeared from the Elf Queen's care. This has upset the Elf Queen.
You have elected or been selected to try to hunt down the Green. It is a millennia old dragon, with the power, knowledge and greed to match. The Green is also slightly mad (both in the insane and angry varieties), having spent the last 2300 years or so locked up underground.
Your skills in and out of combat have garnered you some amount of attention and renown. The campaign will begin outside the seat of Elfen power, so let's maybe limit things to one of each of the non-Elf races. If you have a really awesome character idea, PM me and I will probably approve it.
Dramatis Personae in order of appearance:
@Capfalcon as
Tarynton, the drow with no last name
@TheRoadVirus as
Taldin Flintfist, the dwarf with a big sword and a lie for a name
@Kirindal as
Vesna Sorokin, the halfling embodying the wisdom of ages past
@Grunt's Ghosts as
Eloki the Banished, the fierce and fiery heir unapparent
@PACherrn as
Davinne du Lac, the general greener than the fields guarded
@am0n as
Jeyza Re, forever alone, a nation unto herself
@dresdenphile as
Zachariah "Slim" Driscull, displaced, hunted, armed and dangerous
Table of ContentsPrologueThe First Encounter - Goblinja! -
Surrender!Chapter One - Welcome to Old Town
The SRD is basically the entire book at this point, which is rather handy.
Also, if players are so interested, you can easily roll up stats using the following:
Geth roll 6#4d6k3
Edit: Holy shit Geth why do you hate me so.
We've got the space. I'm aiming for 4-6 players. 3 gets a bit hairy, from what I've found playing in meatspace.
I'm leaning towards a Dwarven Barbarian. Small. Shirtless. Tattooed. ANGRY.
Name: Tarynton
Class: Rogue [+DEX]
Race: Dark Elf [+CHA]
Level: 2
STR: 8 (-1)
CON: 14 (+2)
DEX: 18 (+4)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 16 (+3)
HP 32/32, Recoveries 8/8 (2d8+2)
AC 16 PD 16 MD 13
Initiative: +6
One Unique Thing
I can talk with spiders of all sizes.
Icon Relationships
Elf Queen - Conflicted, 2 points - The Silver Folk are out of favor with the Elf Queen, but we're still her subjects.
Prince of Shadows - Friendly, 1 point - ...Honestly, I don't know why the Prince's lackeys like me so much.
Monstrous Anatomy +4 You think these surface monsters are frightening? Live underground a few months, and then get back to me.
Master of Poisons +4 Dark Elves who don't learn to identify poisons rarely live past adolescence.
Underhand of the Silver Court +5 The politics of the Silver Court are quite simple. After all, a knife in the dark silences all dissent.
Racial Feature
Cruel (Racial Power)
Once per battle, deal ongoing damage to a target you hit with a natural even attack roll as a free action. The ongoing damage equals 5 times your level. As usual, a normal save (11+) ends the damage. A critical hit doesn't double this ongoing damage.
Class Talents
Against staggered enemies, your crit range with rogue attacks expands by 2.
Shadow Walk
You gain the shadow walk at-will power:
As a move action before you have used your standard action this turn, if you are not engaged, you can make the following “attack” against all nearby enemies, targeting the enemy among them with the highest Mental Defense.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: Remove yourself from play. At the start of your next turn, return anywhere nearby that you could have moved to normally during your turn, and deal double damage with
your first rogue attack that turn. (No monkeying around with delaying and such here: return on your initiative and take your turn.)
Miss: No effect. You can’t attempt to shadow walk again until your next turn, but you still have your standard action this turn.
You have the Thief background (by any name that feels fun, engaging, and correct for your character’s background) at its full possible bonus of +5, without having to spend your normal background points on it.
Adventurer Feat: Regardless of your level, you gain the bonus power Thief’s Strike in addition to your normal number of powers.
Melee attack
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8+4 damage.
Miss: 2 damage
Throwing Axe
Ranged attack
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8+4 damage.
Miss: 2 Damage
Melee attack
Target: One enemy
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8+4, and you can pop free from the target.
Miss: 2 Damage
Roll With It
Momentum power
At-Will (once per round)
Interrupt action; requires momentum
Trigger: A melee attack that targets AC hits you.
Effect: You take half damage from that attack.
Sure Cut
Melee attack
Special: You must have momentum and be able to deal your Sneak Attack damage to the target if you hit.
Target: One enemy
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8+4 damage
Miss: Deal your Sneak Attack damage + damage equal to your level.
Tumbling Strike
Melee attack
Always: You gain a +5 bonus to all disengage checks you attempt this turn. You can also move to engage an enemy, make this attack against it, and then use a quick action to attempt to disengage from it (the quick action disengage lets you move again if you succeed).
Attack: +6 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8+4 damage
Miss: 2 damage
Thief’s Strike
Target: One enemy
Attack: +6 vs. PD
Hit: 2d4+ Dexterity damage (including Sneak Attack damage if any), and roll a normal save. If you succeed, you can pickpocket an item from the target that they are
not holding. (If you roll 16+, the target doesn't realize you pick-pocketed them.)
Miss: —
Might makes right, but there are many kinds of might.
And so it was with Tarynton. After a particularly painful encounter with one of the house's bullies, Tarynton decided to pay him a visit that night. One hammer to the kneecap later, Tarynton was already halfway down the hall before the first scream was heard. The bully was on crutches for weeks. After another few "mysterious injuries" happened to people who picked on Tarynton, even the slowest of thugs picked up on the idea of looking for easier prey. One of the guardians in charge of supervising the children noted this, and Tarynton started to have more and more practical lessons. Lockpicking, stealth, alchemy. All that would be needed to become one of the Silver Court's Underhands. As an Underhand, he left his house behind in order to work for the good of their race as a whole.
For the Elf Queen has long held the Silver court in disfavor compared with their kinder cousins. However, in recent decades, the Elf Queen appeared to grow frustrated with the other court's inability to produce results abroad. Eager to rise in her favor, the Silver court has been more than willing to accept any and all projects that the Elf Queen wants accomplished. While She rarely seems to approve of the Silver court's methods, She has seemed more willing to entrust important tasks to their care.
And then the Green escaped from the Wood Elves' care. The Silver Folk pledge to do all they can to serve their Queen and recapture the Green.
The Wood Elves humiliated. The High Elves floundering. And a desperate task that falls right in the specialty of the Dark Elves.
If you didn't know better, you'd think it was planned.
But even the Silver court isn't THAT crazy.
Twitch Stream
Name: Taldin Flintfist
Class: Barbarian[+STR]
Race: Dwarf [+CON]
Level: 2
STR: 16 (+3)
CON: 16 (+3)
DEX: 15 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 12 (+1)
HP 40/40, Recoveries 8/8 (2d10+4)
AC17 PD17 MD14
Initiative: +4
One Unique Thing
I'm the bastard offspring of the Dwarf King. I've been given his lust for treasure, but not any of his awesome icon powers. My treasurelust has led me to become a mercenary working for the entity with the largest coinpurse. It's also gotten me into trouble on occasion. Some favor me due to my heritage and some shun me because of it. It's beneficial at times but it can also be a bit complicated to say the least.
Icon Relationships
+1 Dwarf King
~1 Dwarf King
-1 Orc Lord
(3) Sole Survivor - Whether it be from dwarven luck, dad looking out for me, or some innate skill, I've often been one of the few to emerge from situations when they got ugly
(5) Hardened Mercenary - I've seen some shit.
Racial Feature
That’s Your Best Shot? (Racial Power)
Once per battle as a free action after you have been hit by an enemy attack, you can heal using a recovery. If the escalation die is less than 2, you only get half the usual healing from the recovery. Unlike other recoveries that might allow you to take an average result, you have to roll this one!
Note that you can’t use this ability if the attack drops you to 0 hp or below. You've got to be on your feet to sneer at their attack and recover
Class Talents
Building Frenzy
One battle per day, as a free action after you have missed with an attack, deal +1d4 damage with your melee attacks until the end of the battle. Deal +1d4 additional damage each time one of your attacks misses, up to a maximum of +4d4 damage.
Adventurer Feat: d6s instead of d4s
During your turn, when you attack a staggered enemy you were not engaged with at the start of your turn, deal +1d6 damage per level to that creature if you hit.
Once per battle, declare you’re using Unstoppable before making a barbarian melee attack. If your attack hits at least one target, you can heal using a recovery.
Adventurer Feat: The Unstoppable recovery is free.
Brumhilda (Greatsword)
Melee attack
Attack: +5 vs. AC
Hit: 2d10+5 damage.
Miss: 1 damage
Throwing Axe
Ranged attack
Attack: +4 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6+4 damage.
Miss: 1 Damage
Steam: Elvenshae // PSN: Elvenshae // WotC: Elvenshae
Wilds of Aladrion: []Ellandryn[/url]
"The ornate crenellations of a brothel roof" is a masterstroke.
I'm not sure six rogues would be optimal, but I'm happy to try.
Of note: the campaign is at least starting in the Elfen Queendom. Dwarfs may not be well respected there. Tieflings may not be well respected anywhere. And so on.
Edited: Feats and attacks have been added in.
Name: Vesna Sorokin, the Second Sister
Race: Halfling [+Con]
Level: 2
Abilities: Strength: 14 (+2), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 14 (+2), Wisdom 10, Intelligence 10, Charisma 17 (+3)
HP 40/40; Recoveries 8/8 [2d10 + 2]
AC:20; PD: 14; MD: 14
Initiative: +4
One Unique Thing:
Last student of the Ochre Chrysanthemum Style.
Icon Relationships:
Crusader: Conflicted, 2
Great Gold Wyrm: Conflicted, 1
(4) Practitioner of the Ochre Chrysanthemum Style - Although a relative novice when compared to her elders, Vesna's grasp of the Ochre Chrysanthemum style fundamentals are not to be underestimated.
(1) Otvashen Shieldmaiden - Vesna has served in a mercenary company before for a short time.
(2) Second Sister of the Six Harmonious Swords Brotherhood - Vesna counts herself as part of this Brotherhood, a loose fellowship of fellow martial artists each representing a different school in the land.
(1) Epicure - What is but the finest thing in life but a five course meal and a glass of that Topali brandy?
Class Talents:
Immunity to fear abilities and to any non-damage effects of attacks named or described as fear attacks. Also gain +1 melee attack bonus against enemies that are not engaged by any of your allies. This bonus increases to +2 against enemies with fear abilities
Hidden Pranas of the Ochre Chrysanthemum [Cleric Training]
Choose one cleric spell of your level or lower. That spell is now part of your powers. (You can change out the spell normally)
Adventurer Feat: You can use your Charisma as the attack ability for cleric spells you can cast.
Way of Evil Bastards
When one of your Ochre Chrysanthemum High Techniques drops a non-mook enemy to 0 hp, that use of Ochre Chrysanthemum High Techniques is not expended.
Basic Attacks:
Unarmed Strikes
Attack: +2 vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + 2
Miss: 2
Sapphire Breaker (Longsword)
Attack: +4 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 2
MIss: 2
Griffon's Pinion (Spear)
Attack: +4 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 2
Miss: -
Evasive (Racial Power): Once per battle, force an enemy that hits you with an attack to reroll the attack with a -2 penalty.
Ochre Chrysanthemum High Techniques [Smite Evil]
Usable four times a day and once per battle.
As a free action before you make a paladin melee attack roll, you can declare that you're using a Ochre Chrysanthemum High Technique attack, add +1d12 to the damage roll and deal half damage if it misses.
Adventurer Feat: Your Ochre Chrysanthemum High Technique attacks gain a +4 attack bonus.
Hidden Prana Currently Internalized: Manifold Blossoming Fury Stance
Hidden Pranas [Spell List]
Coiling Perfumed Scent Strike [Javelin of Faith]
Ranged Spell
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: d20+2 vs. PD
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom holy damage
Miss: 2 damage
Manifold Blossoming Fury Stance [Hammer of Faith]
Close Quarters Spell
Until the end of battle, your basic melee attacks use d12s as their base weapon damage dice.
There are no free Feats, but Drow have a free racial ability of Cruel.
There are no intrinsically evil races/species except those the DM decides are universally dongs. Drow are generally angrier/angstier than their Wood/High cousins, but they still have a functioning society, are spread around the world and live, die, fall in love, etc.
The universe is pretty generic, and left intentionally blank to let the players and DM weave the specifics and embroider the details as they see fit.
Just off the top of my head, there's going to be an extinct line of halfling martial artists, survived solely by Vesna. Probably ruthlessly hunted by half-orc ninjas of the Goorudo Claw clan. Maybe that clan has thrown in with the Orc Lord and it gives our barbarian a stake in the fight.
Since this game is rather 4e-ey combat will definitely be A Thing. It won't be the only thing but there will be fights and fights are how "days" are measured for the purposes of daily spells and recoveries.
Awesome, thanks for the response. Do you have any feedback on the ability score/"skill" question and mixing of race "fluff" with stat blocks?
Twitch Stream
I say make a Con check to avoid BAD SHIT™
You say "Hey I'm a 2nd level fighter with a Con of 16" (so +3 mod).
You would roll a d20, and then add 2 for your level and 3 for your Con mod.
Now, say you had a background (which is 13th's answer to skills) that could somehow benefit you in dealing with BAD SHIT™, you would also add that to the roll.
The BAD SHIT™ might be a dragon strafing a forest with horrible poison. You may have been a snake eater (at +2), so you'd instead roll a d20 and add for 2 for level, 3 for Con mod and 2 more for having a terribly dietary history.
EDIT: Also feel free to reskin anything fluff. What @Kirindal did with Vesna is an outstanding example.
If you want to be a half-drow and just stat up as a drow go right ahead. If you want it to be central to your character, feel free to make it (part of) your unique. In my meatspace campaign one of the characters is a rogue who is visibly a wood elf, but statted up as a halfling and is halfling sized due to their unique.
It's largely up to my hilarious and changeable whims though.
Rapier: I can't find it listed as a Light or Martial weapon ( Can a Rogue use one? I assume yes, based on the fact that attack and damage is all the same, regardless of the weapon (i.e. a dagger still does 1d8 in melee)?
Starting Gear: The equipment page says we start with armor/weapons/standard traveling gear. Is the gold (i.e. Rogue says 25 gp) extra on top of that, or are we supposed to purchase our starting equipment with that money? From the sounds of it, it sounds like we just start with gear that makes sense for our class/background, regardless of the actual cost (but obviously within reason)?
Weapons (and really, all gear) are largely abstracted out in 13th. A rogue who has a weapon that fits their theme will likely roll d8s on it.
Starting gear is separate from wealth. You can take 25g or roll a d6 and multiply by 10 for starting wealth. Gear you have whatever is reasonable for you to have. Probably some kind of armour, a weapon, an extra dagger or three, etc.
Edit: I like that spread more than Farkas's.
Geth roll 6#4d6k3 for greatest stats possible!
I might go different route than dwarven elementalist, since @TheRoadVirus has already got the dwarf spot nailed down. Human fighter wunderkind then!
You're looking for the median, not the mean.
Twitch Stream
It bloody looks that way, doesn't it.
Race: Human (Dex)
Level: 2
Str: 18
Con: 17
Dex: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 15
HP: 44
Recoveries: 9/9 (2d10+3)
AC: 19 PD: 15 MD: 12
Initiative: +3
One Unique Thing:
I was the youngest general in the Dragon Empire, ever. Some say by merit, other more vile tongues say it was because the Empire needed a poster-child, and that I fit the bill.
Icon Relationships:
The Crusader - Positive relationship (+2): He speaks to me at night. His wisdom gives me strength.
The Emperor - Negative relationship (-1): He has never forgotten that I left his service, so that I could walk my own path.
Imperial General (+4) I've fought wars and commanded men, from the front!
Poster-child for the Imperial Army (+2) And I've had to suffer through one nobleman's ball after the other, both to raise money for the war-effort, and to celebrate our victories.
Athlete (+2) I keep myself at peak physical condition.
Racial Feature:
Quick to Fight. (Racial Power)
At the start of each battle, roll initiative twice and choose the result you want.
Class Features:
Extra Tough
You start with nine recoveries instead of the usual eight.
Whenever an enemy attempts to disengage from you, it takes a penalty to its check equal to your Dexterity or Constitution modifier, whichever is higher.
The penalty doesn’t apply if you are stunned, grabbed, or otherwise incapable of making an opportunity attack.
Adventurer Feat
Whenever an enemy fails to disengage from you, you also deal damage to that enemy equal to your Dexterity or Constitution modifier. At 5th level, damage is double the modifier. At 8th level, it’s triple.
Class Talents:
Once per round when the escalation die is even and an enemy misses you with a natural odd melee attack roll, you can make a basic melee attack dealing half damage against that enemy as a free action. (The attack can’t use any limited abilities or flexible attack maneuvers.)
Adventurer Feat
Your Counter-Attack attack now deals full damage.
Heavy Warrior
Once per battle while wearing heavy armor, when you are hit by an attack that targets AC, as a free action, you can take half damage from that attack instead.
Skilled Intercept
Once per round as a free action, roll a normal save (11+) to intercept an enemy who is moving to attack one of your nearby allies. You can pop free from one enemy to move and intercept the attack. If you are engaged with more than one enemy, the others can take opportunity attacks against you.
The moving enemy makes its attack with you as a target instead. If you’re wearing heavy armor and the attack hits, you only take half damage.
Class Maneuvers:
Defensive Fighting
Flexible melee attack
Triggering Roll: Natural 16+; if you fight with a shield, also any natural even roll
Effect: Gain a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
Grim Intent
Flexible melee attack
Triggering Roll: Any natural even miss
Effect: The next time you would deal miss damage with a melee attack, add a WEAPON die to that damage. At 5th level, instead add 2 total WEAPON dice; at 8th level, instead add 3 total WEAPON dice.
Shield Bash
Flexible melee attack
Special: You must be using a shield.
Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll
Effect: The target pops free from you after the attack (does not allow opportunity attacks).
Adventurer Feat
If the target is also engaged with any of your allies, you can have it pop free from them as well.
Strong Guard
Flexible melee attack
Special: You must be using a shield.
Triggering Roll: Any miss
Effect: One ally next to you (including an ally engaged with the same enemy as you) gains a +2 AC bonus until the start of your next turn or until you are no longer next to them.
Melee: Warhammer
Attack: +6 vs AC
Hit: 2d8+4
Miss: 2
Ranged: Heavy Crossbow
Attack: +3 vs AC
Hit: 2d8+2
Miss: 2
This is my first attempt at a 13th age character. If some things don't work, please let me know so I can change them about I still struggle with the concept of the AC and the defenses, as I am not a native English-speaker, which makes the wording rather confusing in my head :P EDIT: Updated Backgrounds bit, and I think I have the ac and defenses sorted out. EDIT again: Added picture! I wish I could have found one who looked even younger, maybe even with short hair. But images with warhammer fellows is in short supply it seems
I would not dare complain! Geth and I are pals from now on!