I was pondering how I approach various trades and I find I have 3 different trade modes. Some of this could seem fairly cutthroat so let me clarify that all of this is wrapped in the frame of friendly trading. I'm aware that I keep pretty well informed on the community and what's going on, so if a trade ever seems way to imbalanced and my trading partner is unaware of that, I try to educate them before we trade. "I know you want to give me your PAX Aus Kemper for this hot dog fairy I have, but I want to make sure you know this fairy can be bought in the set right over there at merch if you prefer".
That being said, If someone I know fairly well seems to desperately desire something I have, I may force them to make some tough decisions purely for the fun of messing with them. But never to the point of making them potentially un-happy.
So, my modes....
Collection Mode: looking to acquire something for my permanent collection. I'll up the value of what I offer generally, but I try to keep in mind that there will be other sources for the thing i'm looking for. Generally encompases the first day of a PAX as I acquire all the new shiney's.
Speculation Mode: Casual trading to generally increase the value of my collection in my eyes. I am currently able to attend all 3 PAX's a year (and pray that can continue), which is great for my squirrels. But also lets me bring pins from one PAX to another for extra trading power and to help spread them around. So I'll always be willing to trade something bought online or easily available for a PAX exclusive to carry with me to another PAX to trade. I don't generally pursue these, but if someone wants something on my lanyard, i'll keep future PAX's in mind for what I ask for.
Charity Mode: When I see someone who is just starting and is super excited, or has a good case for the trade, or I just like the cut of their jib, i'll trade "down" in value. "Sure you can have this Aus Chandra for a Lookouts ginger kid, why not" Generally this happens towards the end of PAX, but the mode or situation could strike anytime.
I'm curious, any of you have similar modes? Different motivations or thoughts that go through your head while trading or seeking trades?
Basically everything you said covers mostly all trades I can think of. If someone is new and I have certain pins I don't mind losing, I would probably help them out in a trade. On the flipside, if I trade my Hannah or PA Anniversary pins, I expect maybe a 2 for 1 (depending on the pins involved). Seeing as the Behemoth pins are $5 a pop, I'd probably start by asking for three of those for one of the limited editions. I said starting point though, so I could be swayed.
You really have to treat each trade as its own thing. No trade is the same. Some people like to play hard to get, which can be fun trying to break them and coming out with an even trade.
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I pretty much agree with the OP. By day 4 of Prime last year, I was just trading to make other people happy since I had a huge stack of pins already and had completed my set, a set for my friend and had good trade stock. I probably made dumb trades (and have definitely done so online
Some Pax East advise for trading. 90% of the time people stopped to ask if I wanted to trade my Behemoth pins at Prime. I think because they are random, and there was really no way to "get" them with out spending a bunch of money, getting lucky, trading. People were very interested in specific ones. They were very easy to trade for other items. And I'd usually just go back and just get another one or 2 if I wanted more trade stock.
I'll probably spend at least $100 on the vending machines right off the bat. Might wind up being easier to just trade for some pins, rather than waiting in long lines or whatever. I still don't know how people got the Second Sun and Wildstar pins at Prime - I think I just traded Behemoth pins for them.
Quite possibly the best way to feel like a Stone Cold Pinp is to walk up to the Behemoth guy and drop $200 for tokens. (3 people in a group, 8 Pins, $5, plus wiggle room for duplicates.) Having spares as tradebait doesn't hurt either.
I am collecting for more and more people, so my collection order currently goes: Myself, Pin Pals, Requests from others. Any other people I can help out in the meantime, sure. I had several spares from the Behemoth and I was more than happy to swap and get yet another Hatty Hattington so that a guy could get his girlfriend the Star.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
At this point I'd say there is really no quantifiable trade value for any Pin (two Stripsearch = 1 Skullfart?) it's whatever value each person places upon them. With some Pins being more difficult to obtain because they are limited, or if they can't be purchased (must be earned through a epic quest), they'll naturally get better offers. What I would do if I were you, is before you jump in on trading, get a feel for what offers people are making. There will always be someone else looking for what you have and others with what you want. Finding the right trade is what can make it interesting. It's supposed to be fun foremost, business second, in my opinion.
Trading Pins without the packaging is again up to the person you're trading with, but you'll probably find most people do not care about the packaging. You could possibly get more out of a trade if the Pins come in packaging, so bringing it with you wouldn't be a bad idea.
I keep all my extra rubber Pin backings in one of The Behemoth Gashapon capsules. As far as locking Pin backs, I'd keep them for yourself, and you could swap them at trade. You could keep them in a Ziploc bag or something maybe. Unless you have a lot of them, if you trade them all away you'd have to buy new ones - it's really up to you though.
My priority Saturday morning is to get my little community project finished and displayed as soon as possible so I can get in the merch line.
First on the list is to take care of getting the core sets and singles that my group partners and I need, then begin the stroll around the other tables to see if I can still snag the 3rd party pins like Ellie or D&D that I definitely want, and I'm sure my partners will as well.
Once I feel I've done my due diligence there, then I need to make sure that my wife has a good time the rest of the day.
We'll both be wearing trading lanyards, and I'll work on picking up what I need to get while taking in all that is PAX.
Sunday will be similar, trying to get to the 10th anniversary pins (unlikely) and generally trying to fill out the spots on my lists while having a good time.