Looking for volunteer Photoshop etcher for PinnyPals.com

grgemonkeygrgemonkey Registered User regular
Hey guys,

I'm looking for some one to take over making the pin graphics for the site. Some times it takes a bit of work to etch around whatever preview image is released and lately with PAX East, I've actually spent a lot of time etching out various pins. Basically any spare time I have to dedicate to the site, I'd rather spend programming new features!

If you're interested I need some one who can deliver in a pretty timely fashion (48hrs of a pin announcement), you don't need amazing skills or Photoshop for that matter, you just need to deliver a fairly clean transparent PNG of each new pin, working with whatever odd preview image we've got. For instance, if you look at the only image we have of Merch 2014 pin, you need to work with shots like that.

https://pinnypals.com - Be there or be your least favourite shaped pin. Pin trading and more.
http://pinmash.info - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable.
http://pinnywise.com - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade


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