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[PATV] Monday, April 7, 2014 - Penny Arcade: The Series Season 4, Ep. 8: Missive (4th Panel)

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited April 2014 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PATV] Monday, April 7, 2014 - Penny Arcade: The Series Season 4, Ep. 8: Missive (4th Panel)

  • In this episode, our heroes create the strip "Missive."

Read the full story here

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  • AlwaysTheBigSpoonAlwaysTheBigSpoon Registered User regular
    Addiction in games? Don't know much about either games (WoW and Hearthstone) but I have not felt like that in a very long time.

  • VezyricVezyric Registered User new member
    I guess someone should tell Mike his art is on Kill Command and Leeroy, already in the game.

  • HearthsingerHearthsinger Actor/Writer NYCRegistered User regular
    I loved this comic and it's funny to hear the guys kick it around. Luckily so far you've had to play Hearthstone to get stuff in WoW and not vice versa :) BUT WE SHALL SEE...

  • RoyalRoyal Registered User regular
    Hrm that looks like a Dungeon Roll box behind Jerry. Fun.

    "What we play is life."
    - Louis Armstrong
    Those Gentlemen Gamers
  • GrinningPariahGrinningPariah Registered User new member
    I guess the real point of those demon decks in games like MTG is, what happens when two of them come to clash? When "infinite damage" guy and "you dont get a turn" guy go head to head, I think that's what that kind of player is in for, not kicking around people who aren't as deep into the game as them.

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