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Twitch stream and ads

sergentzimmsergentzimm Bellingham WARegistered User regular
I just wanted to give some feedback on the twitch streams. I tried watching the Blizzard Panels and they were killed by ads. Seemed to get an ad every 5 minutes and it ran over the content. There needs to be an option to either have you all get rid of ads or at least cache the content so the ads dont run over the content. It shouldn't be that hard to not have the content loss.


  • KilonumKilonum [E] Somewhere near BostonRegistered User regular
    As a member of the stream moderation team, I will pass on your concerns to our leader.

  • GoogalashGoogalash Registered User regular
    If you subscribe for $4.99 you will not see those ads. Just FYI

  • sergentzimmsergentzimm Bellingham WARegistered User regular
    I really don't think the impetus of the ads destroying content is on the consumer here. I am ok with ads, I just don't want them to destroy the content.

  • sergentzimmsergentzimm Bellingham WARegistered User regular
    Oh an Kilonum you are rad thanks!

  • seanbyramseanbyram Registered User new member
    They shouldn't overwrite any content. As we stream, twitch archives the video. If you watch it later, you'll have the opportunity to see missed material, but it'll depend on when ads show that time you watch. It's definitely an imperfect system, to be sure.

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