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[PA Comic] Monday, April 21, 2014 - The Dungeon Mistress, Part Six

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited April 2014 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PA Comic] Monday, April 21, 2014 - The Dungeon Mistress, Part Six

The Dungeon Mistress, Part Six

The Dungeon Mistress, Part Six

Read the full story here

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  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Yay, it's over!

  • sgrams04sgrams04 Registered User new member
    Thank God this is over. You have three other comics that do story arcs - is a fourth really that necessary?

  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    sgrams04 wrote: »
    Thank God this is over. You have three other comics that do story arcs - is a fourth really that necessary?

    I used to think Mike and Jerry were just joking when they referred to "the dreaded continuity," but it seems like some readers truly are allergic to it, for reasons that are a mystery to me. Anyway, it's pretty customary for them to do these multi-part arcs while PAX is going on to make it easier to plan the comics that go up while they're gone.

    Who is "you" in your statement? If you mean Mike and Jerry, I'd love to know where they're hiding their three other comics that do ongoing story arcs. Trenches is not under their creative control and hasn't been for a while, and Camp Weedonwantcha is all Katie Rice. I don't know what the third one would even be, I know some people had issues with the PA site redesign but if it's concealing a whole 'nother comic on the family of sites I don't know about I guess maybe they had a point!

    Gaslight on
  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    It was six freaking strips long. Each one had a joke--and the joke was the focus far more than the continuity. It's hard to even call this a story arc since they are so light on the narrative. This is not a criticism: I think these strips have focused on the humor mostly which is why I'm so confused that this is just too much continuity for some people. Is is simply that it involves recurring characters besides Gabe and Tycho?

  • Mr_GrinchMr_Grinch Registered User regular
    I too am glad this is over. From a personal perspective I don't really do any form of role play type gaming, so they didn't really resonate with me. In fact a lot of it just went over my head.

    Really I just like comics about video games and dick jokes.

    Steam: Sir_Grinch
    PSN: SirGrinchX
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  • AnzekayAnzekay Registered User, Moderator mod
    Man I loved this little story. It's nice to have a little bit of a running thing once in a while, and they've been doing this every so often for years. It's not exactly anything new.

  • LostNinjaLostNinja Registered User regular
    Personally I really liked this little arc. I've never done any role play gaming, so it sure I misssed some of the jokes, but I still though that it was a fun read over all.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    edited April 2014
    It was six freaking strips long. Each one had a joke--and the joke was the focus far more than the continuity. It's hard to even call this a story arc since they are so light on the narrative. This is not a criticism: I think these strips have focused on the humor mostly which is why I'm so confused that this is just too much continuity for some people. Is is simply that it involves recurring characters besides Gabe and Tycho?
    I think the only reason people complain is if they don't think it's funny. So when people complain about continuity, it's because they didn't find the comic humorous and they think the continuity is to blame. I don't think anybody is really saying "that is hillarious, but I hate how it adds to Monday's side-splitting gag". And in terms of PA continuity strips, Cardboard Tube Samurai, Automata, and Lookouts really aren't trying funny.

    In terms of " three other comics that do story arcs", he might have meant some subset of Sand, Lookouts, Cardboard Tube Samurai, Automata, and Acquisitions Incorporated.

    YoungFrey on
  • GaslightGaslight Registered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    In terms of " three other comics that do story arcs", he might have meant some subset of Sand, Lookouts, Cardboard Tube Samurai, Automata, and Acquisitions Incorporated.

    Those are all things that turn up, on average, for a 3-5 comic series once every couple of years at most, though. (Pipe Four actually would indicate the Cardboard Tube Samurai's last appearance was five years ago, which surprises me.) So I think you'd have to be a silly goose to act like we shouldn't ever have any multi-part stories in the main PA comic because there's Sand, Lookouts, etc. as though they're going on continuously.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Gaslight wrote: »
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    In terms of " three other comics that do story arcs", he might have meant some subset of Sand, Lookouts, Cardboard Tube Samurai, Automata, and Acquisitions Incorporated.

    Those are all things that turn up, on average, for a 3-5 comic series once every couple of years at most, though. (Pipe Four actually would indicate the Cardboard Tube Samurai's last appearance was five years ago, which surprises me.) So I think you'd have to be a silly goose to act like we shouldn't ever have any multi-part stories in the main PA comic because there's Sand, Lookouts, etc. as though they're going on continuously.

    A very quick check shows that at least 16% of the last year has been continuity strips (Eyrewood+Sand+DM = 25)). I can see an argument there. It's not mine, but if you were a person that wanted them all funny I'd want those 8 weeks of strips back.

  • A Dabble Of TheloniusA Dabble Of Thelonius It has been a doozy of a dayRegistered User regular
    I enjoyed this little run.

    Glad to see people rushing in to be snots about it.

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    I think one person in this thread actually complained about continuity/story arcs.

  • AradonTemplarAradonTemplar Registered User regular
    I love D&D, and I enjoyed seeing Gabe & Tycho drawing D&D, and certainly don't mind continuity, but I did feel like the jokes for this arc weren't very great, and neither did the plot really grip me. Trying to juggle both humor and story weakened both for me, I guess.
    I guess I have no recourse but to take my ire to the internets! People must know my dissatisfaction!

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    It was an interesting experiment in having the newsposts expand upon the comic, but maybe that's what left people confused by the "ending" of this strip.

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    I'm fine with people not liking certain comics, nor do I think this forum has to just be a sounding board for compliments. At the same time, whenever people complain about not liking a comic, they tend to come up with some "objective" reason why it's bad, as if they're not allowed to just dislike a certain joke. I'm also hard pressed to think of an instance where a negative comment is really going to spur any interesting discussion on this forum. The best moments of this forum are when the jokes in the comic lead into strings of obscure and humorous references, anyway.

  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    A very quick check shows that at least 16% of the last year has been continuity strips (Eyrewood+Sand+DM = 25)). I can see an argument there. It's not mine, but if you were a person that wanted them all funny I'd want those 8 weeks of strips back.

    Some of that was owed due to the Kickstarter, and there's still Automata to go.

    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    A very quick check shows that at least 16% of the last year has been continuity strips (Eyrewood+Sand+DM = 25)). I can see an argument there. It's not mine, but if you were a person that wanted them all funny I'd want those 8 weeks of strips back.

    Some of that was owed due to the Kickstarter, and there's still Automata to go.
    I don't think the genesis in Kickstarter is very relevant. That those comics are being done is due to a choice they made (putting it in as a goal).

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    I find the storytelling and worldbuilding at least as interesting as the jokes. More so than some of the latter. ("Oh hey, another dick joke.")

  • SalmonOfDoubtSalmonOfDoubt Registered User regular
    Since reading this comic I've had the phrase "Dwarves are well regarded for their dense hands" stuck in my head and frankly it's starting to cause problems.

    PiptheFair wrote: »
    killing children would be hilarious
    Olivaw wrote: »


    Man, I don't want to read about this lady's broken vagina.
    NotACrook wrote: »
    I am sitting here trying to come up with a tiered system for rating child molesters.
    cock vore is fuckin hilarious
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