Hey, everyone! So, after recording the latest Podcast,
@pureval and I came up with the idea to have a monthly roundtable article on the PinnyPals website, a chance for a bunch of community members to get together and share their thoughts on one question. Of course, we're going to need a cute, funny name for this, so thankfully Pedro has come up with Popular oPINion, and as for the questions, this is where everyone comes in!
What we're going to do is post a question each month and collecting everyones responses. After that's done, we'll jot (copy/paste) everything down in an article and then release it to the pinnypals website. In the future, we're going to need some questions from everyone, as we only have so many thoughts in our collective heads. For the first month, our question is going to be fairly simple:
Which pin is the most important to you? Which means the most to you?
Try and keep responses to 3-4 sentences, if possible, although if you have a lot to say, that's not terrible.
DLC: Before this pin, i was committed to having a full set. After seeing the price tier on the kickstarter that had this pin, I struggled for a few days on whether i could justify paying that much. (spoilers, i did!) and am so happy i did.
Hanna: The first limited edition sold on the store, being in Australia, I was worried to death the whole week before, thinking i'd miss it due to time difference, I set my alarm back and woke up early to buy one, a very exciting moment, so glad i got up early after seeing Hanna sold out in hours.
PAX AUS pins: These would fit the question best though, first PAX in Australia, really the first convention of its kind of this size. Exciting for some, but an even bigger deal for me. I have mentioned before that i am on a Wheelchair, so actually getting there (flying interstate) let alone attending PAX, was quite the challenge, and a big deal for me as I rarely fly due to health issues. But I did, went to pax, got the pins, all in all a great weekend and cant wait to go again this year.
(getting late, off to bed, will edit length to make it podcast friendly)
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
I know there were a lot of problems with the Leeroy pin execution, but no other pin has a memory like that attached to it for me.
Looking for Pins: DLC
There has been an awakening. Have you felt it?
I got to work on those quick smart, hounding PA Staff and especially annoying Jeff haha, though he was naturally still well mannered and continued to help me. Over the course of Friday I managed to snag 3/4 of the East set and was searching for the Gabe well in to the night (till close). I spotted a few and the appeal of the pin meant it fell in to the hands of many non-collectors, that's fine of course but it makes even heavily weighted trading impossible because they just love the pin for what it is, they don't care about more pins.
My dreams were pretty crushed, I managed to find out there maybe just one more Gabe floating around tomorrow and Jeff said he would try his best to secure it for me if I got to the merch booth early. So I did and I had 3 Merch pins (they were a big deal within the knowledge of that PAX) plus Aus pins to just throw at this damn thing. But it was not meant to be, there was indeed another Gabe but he was promptly snapped up by an Enforcer before I even had a chance.
At this point, I was defeated. I kept my eye out but largely it seemed futile, all the Gabes I saw were on the same faces I pestered already and there was no need to be that annoying. I ended PAX with a few Chandra Aus though, nothing I really even considered as valuable and certainly never considered that was going to be the pin that got me the Gabe. It was months and months after PAX, after a lot of dust had settled and a few more East go'ers noticed the scene had taken off a little. A kind fellow needed a Chandra Aus for his wife and had a spare Gabe, a match made in heaven
When I opened that package up and placed that Gabe to fill the gap, it was and is, without a doubt the best moment I've had with Pinny Arcade.
You can distill that down to something much smaller but I felt like reliving it
http://pinmash.info - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable.
http://pinnywise.com - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
Long version: Aus last year was my first PAX and my partner mentioned the pin thing to me the day before we left as something that might be fun to do. Within about 3 hours of arriving I had collected 17 out of the 18 existing pins and was only missing the East logo pin which eluded me for the remaining 2.5 days.
I remember standing in the handheld lounge and noticing Erika, Jeff, Levin and a few others hanging around near the merch booth and I went up to chat with them and trade for the staff (pinny arcade) pin and they were so nice and excitedly explained what I should hold on to & what I should look for and Erika gleefully telling me to trade Levin for his East Kemper. A little later I ran into Khoo outside one of the panel rooms and traded for HL Gabe, he was a hard trader and would only do one trade with me but he let my partner trade him so I could get his Chandra1 ^^
... It wasn't until Aus was over that I found out about the DLC pin. Since I was already twitchy at not having an east logo I think that that was the point at which my squirrels kicked into overdrive and wanted all the pins ever and for some reason my logical next step was to start year variant collecting too.
While I'll always be fond of my Aus set because it's a memory from my first ever PAX, the East set means so much more because I had to trade to get those pins and all except the east logo were trades with the staff and I really loved getting to meet them all in person and have something to talk to them about.
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda, Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace, 1999
Aus14 Omeganaut - Nef
My pins are right here!
Feel free to send me a trade request!
The thing itself.
But beyond that it is the interactions I enjoy much more then the pins themselves.
DUDE NOT SO LOUD......there are spies everywhere....
But early morning on the first day of the event, I spotted an Aus Gabe hiding underneath Jeff's lapel, and that became the first pin I traded for. At this point I considered it a lucky fluke, and still wasn't fully invested in collecting pins. I grabbed a few more of the Prime pins, but mostly didn't go out of my way to get them.
A few weeks after Prime, though, I started popping in to the forums more, and managed to secure a trade for an Aus Tycho (thanks, @Versuserik!), and that was it. Suddenly I was hooked and I've been here since. My last count put me at 74 unique pins, which I never would've thought I'd have half a year ago.
Verbosity is my charm point.
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations - MikeRosenberger.com
Pinny Pals - Miker525