Dark Souls 2 is out now and it is a game you can buy and play.
The journey of the Cursed Undead is long and arduous, but with the help of others you may see your journey to its inevitable end. Here are some answers to common questions!
ALWAYS exhaust an NPC's dialogue before leaving them. Many NPCs don't give you items until the second or third time you try to talk to them. Some of them won't even become merchants or make covenants available until you try repeatedly!
Why does my weapon keep breaking?
The durability system in Dark Souls 2 is different than in previous games. Every time you rest at a bonfire your weapon's durability is restored (unless fully broken). Hitting things with your weapon lowers its durability. This includes walls and corpses! Avoid doing these things and your weapon will last a much longer time. In addition, weapons have different durabilities, and some weapons may simply be more fragile. If it continues to be a problem, consider finding a second weapon that you enjoy using to swap between the two, saving your strongest weapon for the toughest foes.
Why are these Ruin Sentinels such bullshit?
For many players the Ruin Sentinels are the first roadblock boss. You should attempt to fight the first one entirely on the ledge you're standing on, as going down to the ground level will aggro the other two. I recommend attempting to dodge their attacks rather than block them, as they are strongly telegraphed but deplete much of your blocking stamina. They take the most damage from strike weapons such as maces and hammers. In addition, if you are capable of powerstancing maces, the L2 attack will stagger one when you hit with all 3 strikes. Good luck!
How do I get a White Soapstone?
In the Forest of Fallen Giants, find a trustworthy man named Mild-Mannered Pate. Go through the door next to him and fight your way back out. When you talk to him again he will give you a white soapstone, and you can now be summoned for co-op!
In addition, you can break the door above the second bonfire in the Forest of Fallen Giants (the one with Merchant Hag Melentia). This door will lead to a room with a Small White Soapstone, which is like a White Soapstone, but smaller. Also it gives you less time for co-op, and different rewards.
How do I get an Orange Soapstone?
You don't need one! Just go into the start menu, and go to message to tell all the skeletons how you feel!
Why would I ever make a Mundane weapon?
Despite the stats screen of a Mundane infusion making it look undesirable, making a weapon Mundane gives it secret S scaling in your lowest stat. This makes Mundane scaling very effective for a character who has spread their points around. Mundane is best on weapons that have multiple hits or attack very quickly, like Santier's Spear, Avelyn, or Dagger.
there's a bonfire like right beside you
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
also i see a lot of red summon signs for summoning dark spirits, why would/should I do that?
facing away from the boss fog, hug the left wall and head forward
so like I guess I need those fire resist items i can eat for this fight or more fire res armor which I dont think I have
Anyway I feel like I am supposed to go past the guy with the blue sword, but I used my depetrifier on the guy in front of the bonfire in Lost Bastille because I thought it would be a multi-use item. Should I be able to find another one somewhere, or should I find a way down the hole in town? Or is there a way to get to the lizard with twitchy eyes in the forest that I'm missing?
There's a fire resist ring in the giants forest
Oh right! I totally forgot about that.
4 people named some variation of "guts" using the greatsword
Oh? I must have missed it or something. Is it in a hidden spot?
hey remember the path from majula to heide
that room sure was weird huh, the way it was a big circle with a device you couldn't use and it looked like there was a closed off door
weeeeeeird room
Yep it's down in the fire pit with the salamanders
You actually get the key (iron key) in the iron keep
don't forget
Ohhhh I completely forgot about that.
That area and the path to the forest are basically the only two areas I didn't re-traverse looking for where to go next. :V
Look sick too, but be sure to go knight capt variant, for the torso or helm, if you decide to drop titanite on them.
was watching some ENB earlier today, and even though I'm usually the first to defend dark souls two from haters it made me realize that the bosses are generally way cooler in DS1.
except Executioners Chariot
also Freja and Demon of Song can come too
...Which one takes me to the Sunbros Covenant?
Mechanically the bosses in DS2 work as well or better than their compatriots from DS1
But in terms of gravity and design and intimidation factor it's not much of a contest
I tried to kill that dragon today. He does not fuck around.
The run up to him is super difficult too.
Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
I feel that From have definately underestimated the power of jolly cooperation this time round though
All the mobs and bosses could have maybe deal like more damage or something to make it more intense
This will be here until I receive an apology or Weedlordvegeta get any consequences for being a bully
And I'm rewarded with a short guy who just tells me to piss off????
He's the leader of the Brotherhood of Blood. Kinda like how defeating Ornstein only rewards you with a blue dude that tells you to piss off.
Edit: Not Artorias
Also I unlocked that mage who you can trade souls to for weapons.
I figured out where the salamander things are but they hardly take any damage from my heide sword
specifically, it's the exit from that area that doesn't lead to
getting into Undead Purgatory gets you access to a completely different sort of covenant.
yeah, if you won't/can't invade, there's a token of spite in