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[TRENCHES] Thursday, May 8, 2014 - Jerk In Training

GethGeth LegionPerseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
edited May 2014 in The Penny Arcade Hub
Jerk In Training

Jerk In Training

You get what you pay for.


This Tale From the Trench may make me sound like a douche, though it’s not meant to degrade testers in any way. I’ve been in QA for the last 6+ years so I am a tester by trade. I know what it’s like out there. Hate me if you want, but here’s my story.

I come from a quality assurance background testing all manner of things; hardware, software, firmware, mobile apps, I’ve even static tested electronics with what is essentially a giant taser (which is kind of awesome).  I thought all of that background would help me get into a decent testing position in the gaming industry, which was one of my passions.

HR at the company I sent my information to went ape shit over my resume.  I had barely closed my email after submitting the thing before they scheduled a phone interview (I was moving states and trying to set up a job for after the move).  They told me they rarely get anyone with this kind of experience and they want me to come in for an in-person interview the second I get into town.

The in-person interview went as I expected; they were drooling over the opportunity to have a tester of my skillset on the team.  There was only one hitch they half mumbled at the end of the interview:

“How does nine dollars an hour sound?”

Let me put this into perspective.  I was 25, had a wife and was trying to do adult things like buy a house and plan a family.  My starting salary for an entry-level position in testing at the non-game publisher I started QA for was more than double that.

Long story short, I declined but ran into issues finding other employment so called back to accept later with a few guidelines. Since the pay was only 9 bucks an hour and they could “do nothing” to change it, I wanted to work more than 8 hours a day.  This thrilled them immensely.  I also wanted weekends off, which they begrudgingly gave. I started work the next week.

The end of our 2-day training period, myself and another tester were given a Gold release of one of their most popular titles, a first-person shooter that I won’t name.  Our task was to simply find a single defect that had not been logged in their system against this game.  We had 2 hours to accomplish this.  I found 4 defects in the first 10 minutes.  Literally the second test I performed caused an issue.  My colleague found none over the 2-hour stretch.  In fact, I went ahead and just gave him one of the 3 I hadn’t bothered writing up in the last 15 minutes he had.

Here’s where you may think I’m being a dick.  The following evening when I started testing proper.  I quickly found the caliber of my fellow testers to be…less than stellar.  These were kids in their late teens, living in their parents’ basements for the summer, whose sole qualifications were liking games.  They had no idea about testing methodologies, they had no idea how to be thorough or even to actually TEST.  They simply pushed buttons, watched the results, and raised any issues they maybe encountered.  This in itself is not bad (this is referred to as ad hoc testing, by the way), but you will not find everything that way.

I tested circles around them.  I liked them, don’t get me wrong.  I wasn’t cocky about it, I simply did my job as usual.  The studio began to complain about money, about not finding all the issues or seeing them and not knowing how to recreate them later, what anyone who tests outside the game industry knows is the basics of testing anything; find, replicate, report.  They weren’t testers, they were just kids playing games.

Needless to say, I had a meeting with management that did not end well.  I did not mean to come off condescending and egotistical.  I simply come from a world where this is in no way an efficient way to test. But even the people I talked to in management were not testers by trade, they came from testing games and didn’t know how (quote, unquote) real testing was done.  My work spoke for itself, they did not want to let me go even after what they saw as blatant insubordination, but the damage was done.  I knew that this game, and all games to come, would simply go out sub-par due to inefficient testing.  I left the company (for a handful of other logistic reasons like money and hours, not just this).

So let me end this with an open call to all testing managers in the game industry: kids that play games will help you find issues, there’s no doubt about it.  Some of them are quite good at what they do.  But without having at least some person who truly knows HOW to test, you are going to have the same issues with testers that you always do. And anyone who does testing as a career knows, 9 bucks an hour just isn’t going to cut it.  If you really want to make a better return on your investments, spend a little more for better people and just have less of them.  I guarantee you, someone who really knows testing will be worth 3 kids that just like games.

Let me also say this to testers who are disenchanted after their experiences in the game industry: If you really do like testing, there are plenty of opportunities out there in the testing world that don’t make you work 16-hour days, work through meals, and sleep under your desks.  And they pay enough for you to actually afford things like groceries and rent.

In short: you get what you pay for.

Geth on


  • JoolzJoolz Registered User new member
    The guy in the story has some pretty bad misconceptions of a testing career imo. I've been in testing for more than 10 years with the first 2 being in games. Yes, testing for a game company is light years different from doing non-games testing (usually) but in general game testing is the entry level job of a testing career. To use a terrible metaphor game testing is to flipping burgers what non-games testing is to being a head chef at an upscale restaurant. If I had to go back to games tomorrow I wouldn't expect to make anywhere near what I make now, nor would I expect my coworkers to be as experienced.

  • MichaelLCMichaelLC In what furnace was thy brain? ChicagoRegistered User regular
    Yeah, games won't kill people. Sure its a lot of money up and down the chain but it's not electronic grounding or whatever.

  • Gamer8585Gamer8585 Registered User regular
    Ok...WTF is going on with Cora? The abrupt Face-Heal Turn into a jerkass makes me feel like we're missing some plot points.

    I think the story is spot on about a lot of the problems with the industry: Most publishers don't want to spend the money to have their games tested correctly. They like having a bunch of cheap High School graduates that they can pay minimum wage and force into crunches rather then competent well trained testers who might start yammering on about "Appropriate Remuneration," "OSHA Standards," and "Human Rights." Now how the hell would they make money if they have to pay more out?!

    This is a business not a charity! Make cheap crap that lasts long enough to be purchased, and sell it at a premium and pocket the difference. If people start to complain about quality just scapegoat piracy, and add some cheap DRM to make the useful idio...err "investors" feel good.

  • rahkeesh2000rahkeesh2000 Registered User regular
    Joolz wrote: »
    Yes, testing for a game company is light years different from doing non-games testing (usually) but in general game testing is the entry level job of a testing career. To use a terrible metaphor game testing is to flipping burgers what non-games testing is to being a head chef at an upscale restaurant.

    You both seem to be agreeing that game testing is shit. Is that what it should be though?

    If you can get better results from one well-paid tester than three minimum wage guys, isn't the latter approach just short sighted? The people at McDonalds are at least serving cheap and popular food.

  • Ori KleinOri Klein Registered User regular
    edited May 2014
    "Story-Dude" is quite correct in his observations.
    Most part of the Games industry treats testing as disposable, necessary evil.
    That is why they pay so low, which is why they get inexperienced youth (who then grow to hate games/testing) that delivers sub-par results, which is why they refuse to pay higher...catch 22.
    And of course, nowadays the all-latest rage: make the potential customer pay for the privilege of beta-testing your product, get burnt on it before it's even out and spend more on marketing than on development to get a whole lot of suckers in the net.

    Ori Klein on
  • DigitalrootDigitalroot Registered User new member
    To the author of the story. Thank you for writing in. I work with QA in a non-game development environment and wondered if life sucked for them like it does in most of these stories.

    I used to manage a video game retail store where the company had a endless supply of applicants who "played games" but had no idea how to work in retail. The company treats these people like most of QA's that send stories in.

    Thanks for the perspective.

  • GrathGrath I'm a much happier person these days Registered User, ClubPA regular
    I don't work in game testing but I Imagine my experience would be about the same as that in the story.

    I always thought if these companies hired a couple good 'QA Leads' that were actually trained/experienced in testing software and had them training the low level testers they'd get shit done a lot more efficiently and game testing wouldn't have to be this shit terrible job with ridiculous crunch periods and dev's that don't listen. When I find a bug I take it over to my developers and they never question if its a real bug, because they trust me and I know how to talk to them.
    But then again I'm easily going to cost you what three of those 'kids who like games' do, maybe more.

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