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PAX Prime 2014 CrossCountry SuperTrip?

dlpwillywonkadlpwillywonka Registered User regular
Is anyone planning a East to West caravan this year?

Sorry if there's already a thread, but I didn't find one.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Carl Sagan


  • chellerschellers New HampshireRegistered User regular
    We thought about driving, but it would be 2 days of nonstop driving each way. Plus we'd have to pay for parking while there. Plus a car rental because we love Ned and Betty (our cars). We would miss too much work and it would cost roughly the same as the plane tickets.

    We also considered train and bus, but they're also similar in price and take so darn long.

    We are much more open to driving to PAX South (with a 1-day layover somewhere in between). So if you're trying to go to that one, too, maybe we can carpool :smile:

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