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PAX Prime Memories?

OysterPrimeOysterPrime Registered User regular
edited June 2014 in PAX West
As many of us are preparing to descend on Seattle in roughly three months, I thought it would be fun to pose the question: what makes PAX Prime(or PAX in general, I suppose) special to you?

For me, PAX now occupies a big space in my heart because of how much fun I had at the first PAX I went to, which was Prime 2012. Not only was it my first PAX, but also the first big trip I took as an adult. I had been going to BlizzCon regularly up to this point, but Blizzard decided not to hold BlizzCon in 2012. Because of this, my friends and I started to look for other gaming-related conventions to attend. I'd always heard that PAX was a really awesome event, so it was the first alternative I looked into. After researching PAX Prime, reading about other people's experiences, and seeing if it was financially feasible, I convinced my brother and a good friend of mine to go with me.

After the frenzied badge sales last week, it is funny to look back on the fact that Prime 2012 badges went on sale while I was helping fix a friend's computer, and I decided to wait and buy them when I got home. I got really panicked when I saw that the 3-day badges sold out, but all of the single day badges were available, so I bought 2 of each for me and my brother(my friend already bought his 3-day badge). I was able to get us a room at the Sheraton and a good deal on plane tickets, so my group was set. At that point, the anticipation began to really grow.

The experience I had at PAX Prime that year ended up being one of the best experiences of my life. The trip to Seattle alone made it worth it, since I hadn't traveled out of southern California since I was a little kid. I got a real kick out of riding the light rail around all weekend, because we don't really have anything like that in So Cal. It was awesome to get away for 5 days and not worry about anything but having fun and playing games with a bunch of cool people. We had a great time just hanging out with others like us, and learning about all kinds of new games(like Cards Against Humanity!). The sense of community that PAX brings is something that I have yet to see replicated anywhere else. I am still blown away with all of the activities the community comes up with to commemorate these events. Hanging out, going to all kinds of panels, and checking out all of the parties(like the Dishonored one) was simply amazing. Of course, playing a bunch of unreleased games was pretty rad too. We went to a Mariners game while we were up there, and got to eat all kinds of great seafood. I also had the best donuts I'd ever eaten at Top Pot.

Needless to say, I was really bummed out when it was time to jump on the light rail and head to the airport. I went home, and when my friends and family asked how the trip was, I couldn't stop gushing about it. I decided from that point on that I would go to PAX Prime every year. Roughly a month later, without any planning for it, we bought badges for PAX East 2013, and also had an awesome time there. I would go on to skip Prime 2013 because there was a BlizzCon last year, but it was totally underwhelming compared to PAX, so I decided that would be my last one. And here I am now, with badges secured, waiting to return to Seattle for Prime 2014.

That is my story, and I would love to read what you guys have to say. The community is what makes PAX so special to me, after all.

PAX Prime: 2012, 2014
PAX East: 2013

PAX East 2016:
[ X ] Badge [ X ] Hotel [ X ] Plane Ticket
OysterPrime on


  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    All Hail Ball

    PikaPuff on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    My 64oz mug of SnoBawls (80mg caffeine per oz) in 2005.

    Also the pallet of bawls I put in my tiny apartments' hallway after PAX 2007, and all the "Dick's and Bawls" parties we had at a friends apartment after that.
    Took 3 trips in my camaro. Fit 20 cases per trip.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • mentaljasonmentaljason Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    Personally, I was wrapping up university last year, and most people were planning trips to Europe for the summer before getting to work in the fall. It didn't really interest me, and I took awhile thinking what I could do instead. I thought going to a convention would be best, so I looked up SDCC, but it had long since sold out. PAX was the next thing to come to mind, and living fairly close to Seattle (Alberta), I thought it made some sense. I looked it up and stumbled on this forum, and ended up reading a lot about it. I was very interested, and contacted my one friend who games near as much as I do, and he expressed some interest. As I studied for my final exams, I spent plenty of time religiously stalking these forums instead.

    When the website updated, I told my friend tickets would be on sale soon. He is not very responsive, so I didn't hear back. The next day, tickets went up. I went to buy, but he hadn't firmly committed, so I was hesitant, and tried calling him. It took four calls for him to pick up, and he says this is because he had been sleeping, but finally I got the go ahead. 4-day passes were available when I reached the website, but they were of course gone by then. He recruited a friend of his who would not manage to buy a Sat pass (but would get it day of). I struggled to get a hotel (Red Lion), and then spent the next 4 months excited beyond belief. By the time it came, I felt disappointment was inevitable given how much I had hyped it up.

    On the light rail from the airport early Friday morning, the two with me played 3DS, and someone noticed our luggage and said "looks like it is time for PAX, have a blast" or something along those lines. Then the two block walk to the convention centre was really when it started to hit me with all the great cosplayers I saw and just how many people had passes hanging from their necks. It all ended up exceeding my expectations, and I feel like I have been waiting to go back ever since. I was happy to hear my friend was eager to return, although he ended up not being able to go. I couldn't resist this though, so I stalked the forums once East finished and got my tickets and the same hotel. This year I will be coming in Thursday and trying to get more social with those around me since I will be solo, and also plan to ask lots more cosplayers for photos, as I often wanted to but only dared to twice. I also will find time to check out the Omegathon, though I wish I had been asked to compete. I regret not opting in last year

    It was just such an amazing trip when I could not find one that interested me much at all. The community is unbelievable and it is so much fun!

    Great thread btw, can't wait to read lots more stories

    mentaljason on
    PAX Prime 2013/14/15 [x]
    PAX East 2016 [x]
    PAX West 2016 [x]
    PAX West 2017 [Awaiting badges]

  • embraceternityembraceternity Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited June 2014
    I have so many amazing PAX Prime memories, but my favorite definitely has to be from (same one as yours) my first PAX event, which was PAX Prime 2012. I had been meaning to go to PAX for years, but I'd never been to a convention before so I didn't really know when to get passes in order to attend. I went to NYCC one year, and once I saw what conventions were all about, I was immediately hooked. I excitedly bought a PAX Prime ticket within the hour they became available.

    I didn't really know what to expect for PAX. I had friends from Twitter who were going, so I made plans to share a room and meet up with a lot of them. A group of friends and I arrived in Seattle the Wednesday before PAX, to explore the town. I'd been born in Seattle and used to have relatives in the city, but hadn't been back in a good 5 or so years, so I had fun revisiting places as well as showing friends places since they'd never been before. Wednesday night, a friend texted us inviting us to go to a pre-PAX party. It was a relatively private party, but she was friends with the person hosting it and was told that she could invite us all. I was excited to go, but not as excited as I would have been if I'd known how amazing the party would be. When I arrived, I immediately recognized some faces for being amazing people from the video game industry. There were several popular faces from the company BioWare (which, if you couldn't tell by my username, I'm a huge fan of theirs) as well as a few people from Nerdist, IGN, and music composers for games. I just stood there in shock when one of the music composers for Mass Effect came up to me and greeted me, asking for my name and trying to strike up a conversation. When he found out my twitter handle was “embraceternity”, he called over Ali Hillis, who voices Liara in Mass Effect (again, in case you couldn't tell by my username, I'm a huge fan of the character) and I got to have an actual conversation with her. It was such a chill party, and inside my fangirl alarms were blaring at full blast.

    The events that followed at PAX were just as amazing. I got to cosplay for the first time, and the excitement of walking around as one of your favorite characters is phenomenal. Same with playing video games before they're released, and getting to be there for some major video game events is a mindblowing experience. Another thing that made me fangirl at that PAX, was on Sunday. Some friends and I bumped into the same music composer from the party, and ended up hanging out with him for the entire day. He had one of his a friends with him at one point, whom I later found out makes the music for Minecraft. Super surreal experience, and something that I'm honestly going to cherish for the rest of my life. It was a fantastic experience (as all experiences since have been for PAX, except for one time during PAX East 2013 where I spent the entire first day food poisoned from a bad burger I ate the night before), and I'm so excited to see what this year has in store! I also can't wait to read everyone else's memories from these cons, they're so much fun to read. :)

    embraceternity on
  • jukkakhanjukkakhan Registered User regular
    What makes PAX special for me? Two words: Welcome home.

    I smile whenever I see those words. My first PAX Prime was 2011 and my trip was hastily thrown together at the last minute. Got super lucky and scored second hand badges from forums (when that was still a thing). Work was very stressful and blah to me at the time and couldn't even get time off so I flew in Friday night and left Sunday morning. I was kinda nervous headed up to a huge event in a new city alone, but I felt like I needed to get away from everything for a while. Man that was the right choice. I have never felt so welcomed and instantly part of such a great community before. It was a like huge celebration of gaming with tons of friends you don't know yet, waiting for you there. I had a blast doing new stuff, meeting new people, learning new games, all that stuff and more. PAX went from "hey that sounds cool, I'd like to check that out some time" to "I NEED TO GO BACK EVERY YEAR." It felt like home.

    I've met tons of people in and out of the industry (Morgan Webb, Tim Schaffer, Ali Hillis, Sam Hulick, Felicia Day, Wil Wheaton, Jonathan Coulton, etc etc). I've found new music to listen to (Paul And Storm, VGO, Doubleclicks, Metroid Metal) I've played, watched, and learned tons of new games (CAH ftw, Oculus Rift, The Last Of Us, Mass Effect 3, Watch Dogs, everything Indie Megabooth). I was part of a very small group of people that did a Mass Effect focus group at the Bioware Base last year that truly made me feel like an N7 Elite. But the most fun I have is when it involves the community: Picking up my Challenge Coin or Forumer Badge. Post PAX Party. Chatting with people in line. Cheering people on at the Rock Band freeplay stage while drinking smoothies. Holding my breath while watching Omeganauts compete (or die laughing while watching them, I'm looking at you, Omeganaut who was shaking his ass to Baby Got Back in 2011.) Playing games with absolute strangers and not feeling awkward at all. The community is really like none other and is what makes PAX so much more special than other conventions/expos/events. Can't wait to see everyone there in 85 or so days. Welcome home.

  • shdwcastershdwcaster South DakotaRegistered User regular
    Like @jukkakhan‌ said, the beauty of PAX to me is "Welcome Home." It's a place where a nervous conversation doesn't start with "So, ah, you like video games?" Everyone gets it, we're all already there because of a common interest. BYOC especially is my favorite place, and I love walking around seeing the mix of people with fantastic rigs playing the latest games, right next to a guy with a beat-up ten-year-old laptop playing Civ 3.

    A few of my favorite moments: Hard drive shuffleboard in BYOC. Playing Steel Battalion for the first time. Midnight paper airplane contests in BYOC. Working a vendor booth and passing out shirts, getting to chat with people excited about our games. Winning an i7 CPU in a random BYOC drawing, and coming back the next year with a new PC built around that CPU.

  • vespachicavespachica SeattleRegistered User regular
    My first Prime is kind of a sad story. My husband took my son for a few years but when he died June 2010 we already had the passes and I had to step up to do this for my son. I went, knowing I'd probably like it, but I didn't realize just how much I would like it. We only had passes for Saturday and Sunday. I did like it but it was difficult to overcome the feeling that it was not me who should have been escorting my kid.

    Typing this made me realize that what I have been telling people about the next part is slightly inaccurate for it was the next year, 2011, when I was called to be an Omeganaut. I guess I think of it as my first PAX because I actually bought the tickets and I was looking forward to going. When I received the call I agreed, having a very vague idea of what an Omeganaut was. So, that year was wrapped up in training for the Omegathon which was basically being ridiculed by my kid because he laughed at how bad I was at Mario Kart 64. (Hey, I used to be great!) Special thanks that year to my partner in the first round who totally got me through that one. I feel like my social anxiety was super high that year and after I got out with the Xbox round I was not as serious about things. The thing that made my PAX that year was the ability to sit in the front row along with my fellow Omeganauts and watch the Acquisitions, Inc. panel!

    2012 Prime was pretty fun for me. I took my daughter with us for the first time and she was pretty young for it so she burnt out far more quickly then my son or I. On Saturday my then-boyfriend took my son so I stayed home. That said, that was the year I met LexiconGrrl and we planned Schlitzkrieg (she moreso than I). I was so happy to have gotten out of my shell that year. Schlitzkrieg pretty much made it for me that year. I also got to meet LewieP'sMummy (and Daddy!) and taste delicious scotchy scotch scotch with a bunch of PAXers.

    2013 was the first Prime where I went for all the days with both kids. We had so much fun playing all the games, painting a mini, and finding board games to try. It was leisurely, nothing crazy, and I picked up Street Passes like crazy on my 3DS. My girl tried game demos and even talked to the people manning the booths. She got brave and asked cosplayers for photos. My son was old enough to hang around with his friends without me or his sister holding him back.

    PAX is very much family centered for me. My kids love it and I love it. We always find new games to play (hello, Runner2!) and fun things to do.

    Thanks for starting this thread! It was fun to reminisce!


  • Hoboking006Hoboking006 Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    Pax 2011 was my first convention, it wasn't so much as a social event for me though. I didn't meet any new people, didn't cosplay, didn't trade buttons or do the Pokemon league or what have you, and I felt a little out of place since I was so new to the whole event. I did however have friends who traveled with me, and for me that's why Pax is special. The last grand expedition with my HS group of friends before we went our separate ways into adulthood.

    I remember my bodybuilding friend being asked by the host of a MTG tournament if he was sure he was in the right building.

    I remember a Prey 2 tee shirt give away where the commentator was insinuating that gamers were overweight and right after that he tossed a shirt in the crowd a guy who failed to catch the shirt was beaned in the face, to which the commentator said "sorry your bf has no athletic abilities, heres a shirt" to the gf.

    I remember staying at a hostel for the first time and getting over my fear of public toilets.

    I remember the free food(it's a grad student thing) at an XCOM preview.

    One friends wardrobe consisting only of shirts he got the previous day.

    I remember the torturous 14 hour drive with 5 people crammed in a prius and having to stop by the side of the woods every 10 minutes to pee after a bazillion gallons of coffee and said bodybuilder sleeping on the pavement of an Oregon rest stop because it was more forgiving than the car.

    I remember driving through northern California when a car drove past us, and after recognizing my DNF sticker we flashed our pax badges to eachother. Then they hotboxed it as they sped away.

    The impromptu stop at Voodoo donuts at 3am and my current gf setting off my car alarm.

    But most of all I remember 3 excellent days of playing the newest video games with friends who I only see maybe once or twice a year now, I go to SDCC regularly with a few new people but PAX was my first and I will never forget what a rush it was.

    I'm in grad school right now, and we've all dispersed but even though I'm flying solo for this it's the pilgrimage I've needed for a loooong time. SDCC is great, but sometimes you need to get back to your roots.
    Yah feel me?

    Hoboking006 on
    May PAX be upon you.
  • pogoplaypogoplay Writer/Blogger/Gamer Calgary, AlbertaRegistered User regular
    Honestly, my favorite PAX Prime memory was during Pax 2010, my first PAX and expo I have ever attended with a media badge. I decided to tough it out and stay in the queue line for the first time and I remember just being so excited to leave the queue line and get to the expo hall. While waiting in the queue, I remember lots of text based games were being displayed on the screens and then the audience had a chance to vote for what they wanted to listen to for the next hour. CaramelDansen (Spelling?) was chosen and everyone just had fun.

    I remember meeting a couple dudes next to me who were bored and we started a game of magic with the intro packs we got while in line, was quite fun. After the queue line was done, just walking into the expo hall to see a big Sonic display, some Jurassic Park, Harmonix's awesome booth with a Han solo statue, enjoying the tournaments for MTG and just taking it all in. It was quite exciting.

    My next favorite memory was from PAX 2011. Being by the queue line when they all let the media in first (I had another media badge) and everyone boo'ing at us as we were granted access an hour early on one of the days. I ran right from the queue to the Portal 2 booth (one of the busier booths), and then ran to the Skyrim booth and conducted a couple interviews on a few developers of the gameand got some game time in before they let everyone in. Seeing the expo hall that empty was very weird when there are only about 300 people walking around.

    One thing I have NEVER done at PAX (Mainly cause now I am busy attending booths for write-ups and such), is attend the panels which is something I plan on doing a lot more this time around.

    Attended: PAX Prime 2010, PAX Prime 2011, PAX Prime 2012, PAX Prime 2014.
    Attending: PAX Prime 2016
    Twitter @Pogoplay
  • InitialdorInitialdor Seattle's Carl Registered User regular
    I was headbanging my brain out to The Minibosses around the back of the concert crowd at PAX 08... A dude taps my shoulder, hands me a small fridge magnet that reads "Nerd", and says "You sir, are bad ass!" ... Best. Compliment. Ever! (The Minibosses were my entire purpose for attending PAX in 06 - what I found was so much more - and I've come back ever since...) But in that moment, I knew I was 'at home.' "Welcome home" indeed!

    2018 West: Badges [x] TWDT [Rclaw TT] Cosplay: Still bald. Still single. Still lovin' it!
    "Fantasy football still counts as fantasy." -DnD Greg
  • Chuck Liddell FanChuck Liddell Fan Registered User regular
    A friend of mine got sunday passes for Pax 12 and we went down for the day to check it out and loved it so we decided to get tickets to 2013 & got a room at the sheraton. Ended up getting back into MTG in a big big way and are fortunate enough to get badges to Pax14.

    It was really cool last year waiting in line for the wizards panel talking with a couple of guys about the game and having them explain how some cards worked (we just got back into it on the tues / weds since we went to the emp museum and got that 40 card pre built deck).

    Hoping to have even more fun this year (if possible)

    Oh my goodness
    Oh my Dayum
    Oh my goodness
    They goin' Ham
  • rahnawynrahnawyn Registered User regular
    Last year was my first PAX, I don't really remember why I decided to go (but I do remember waiting in the queue for about four hours, skipping my 400 level history class, and eventually getting 4 single day badges). I knew what PAX was, and I always loved video games, and I'm less than a two hour drive from Seattle. SO I did it. I crashed in a friend's apartment for 5 nights and walked about a mile to and from the convention center each morning, and had an absolutely fantastic time.

    I think my favorite part though, was spending so much of my time in the Bioware Base. After one of their smaller DAI panels, I got to actually go outside and hang out with one of the lead DAI writers, and we chatted for almost an hour and a half about how to get involved with writing in video games, the ending of ME 3, and what he was allowed to tell me of DAI. I just thought it was amazing that I actually got to spend so long with someone whose work I've enjoyed for so long.

    This year, I don't have many plans. I'm going to see as much stuff for DAI as I can, and the rest is just going to be me wandering the convention and doing stuff that looks like fun. Last year I ended up playing a random game of D&D and had a blast, and I wouldn't have done that if my friend dragged me along with him. I love PAX, and I hope to keep going for many years to come.

  • adias.angeladias.angel Tech-Savvy Wife Kalamazoo, MIRegistered User regular
    For me it holds good memories as that is how we celebrated our first year of marriage. Our first East and Prime were anniversary presents to my husband. We loved it so much we just keep coming back. It's like a pre-anniversary celebration every year. :D

    Prime '12, '13, '14, '15, '19 .. East '12
  • BadNews65BadNews65 Data Solutions Analyst ArkansasRegistered User regular
    The memory that sticks out most for me is from my first Prime in 2012. I got the nick name 'Loot Goblin" that year at Prime. My friends and I were standing in line for Torchlight2 and it was a very very long wait because the demo was pretty long. I decided to leave them there and go adventure. In the few hours I was gone, I hit several booths, won a Turtlebeach headset, won a game of World of Tanks, won a game of Playstation All Stars, filled my backpack and another loot bag full of swag, had on an extra shirt that I got, had a hat on and several other things. I couldn't even stand up straight because I was so loaded down. They said that could see me walking around from the line ever so often and I looked like a Diablo loot goblin since my backpack was so full. I came back right as they got done playing them demo so it was good timing.

  • mossey3535mossey3535 Registered User regular
    First time in 2011 after everything had closed my friends and I drove over to the waterfront and ate mac and cheese while we watched the sun set both literally and figuratively on a truly epic experience. It was just a crazy sort of euphoric afterglow.

  • CrielCriel Registered User regular
    My PAX Prime memory? Getting tickets for Pax Prime 2014!! AWWWW CHYEAH!!

    (First timer o:) )

  • LindabearLindabear Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    Last year was my first PAX --- and honestly, I just love the PAX community and the people I run into or meet at events. It was just nice to sit around with people who were interested in similar things as you and have random conversations with them. I knew after having conversations with people from the Pre-PAX dinner that it was going to be an awesome weekend, and it sure was!

    PAX Prime 2013 [X]
    PAX Prime 2014 [X]
    PAX Prime 2015 [X]
  • ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... ... and hard.Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    I wish I could go back and tell my 2007-self to appreciate how not crowded it was.

    Edit: oh yeah, I also won the You Don't Know Jack! console tournament last year. That was neat.

    ASimPerson on
  • mljonirmljonir Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Over the past few years I've had a lot of great PAX memories. One year I didn't even attend PAX, but I went to the EMP and saw Wonder Girls for free because of PAX. I don't even remember why we went.... Hahaha but it was awesome!

    Last year was a pretty great year for me though. I had a lot of friend who weren't able to get passes because of how quickly they sold out. While my boyfriend and I were waiting in line for the opening panel at the paramount, there was a group of people in front of us who randomly asked us if we were from Seattle and if it was our first PAX. Long story short, they told us they had a friend who wasn't going to be able to make it to PAX on Friday and they wanted to give his pass away, but didn't want it to go directly into the hands of scalpers. So they ended up giving us the Friday pass and I was able to give it to one of my friends to use during the day to get into the Exhibitor's hall and everything. Then once he left, another friend of mine borrowed it after so he could get into the PC Freeplay that night. I was really hoping I'd run into that group again so I could thank them and let them know that the pass was used well and two of my friends were extremely grateful they still got to experience PAX

    The CAH panel last year was freaking amazing too. Waiting in line for hours was totally worth it. :)

  • spillcanvasgirlspillcanvasgirl Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    Winning a really fancy video card in a raffle and having about 50 guys look at me like I'm a girl and don't even know what a video card is... Ahh sexism at its finest.

    Making it to the semifinals in the Tetris Attack Tournament while not having slept for 3 days. That was pretty awesome.

    Badgering the people in the Pokemon area until I got all the merch they had hidden away and walked away with a T-shirt, backpack, and tons of pins.

    Watching my best friend do the same thing in the League of Legends area until she got everything the guy had, while I stood there in awe.

    spillcanvasgirl on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    oooo I have a new one.

    My one good memory from PAX 2012 was when Earl Alexander (Voice of lewis in Left 4 Dead) came by BYOC and I gave him the mic and he started quoting lewis on the PA.

    Pills here!

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    PAX 2007 Omegathon reveal of Halo 3 is one of my favorite memories. The crowd all wondering and then exploding in cheers was amazing, and i'm glad I was there to experience it.

    Beker on
  • CosmopolitanCosmopolitan Registered User regular
    Reading all these stories makes me all fuzzy and warm! I hope to have tons of memories with my first PAX to share afterwards! :)

  • mewissamewissa Registered User regular
    The shock and awe of how big the Expo was at Prime '13 (my first!)
    I fell in love with Seattle before my plane landed
    Meeting really AWESOME room-share people, who became the reason I went to East '14
    Feeling the unity/community of gaaaaaaaming!
    Re-realizing the inspiration and feeling that the game industry is somewhere I need to be

    Gosh, now I just want to hug everyone. I second the fuzzy n warm feelings!

  • Rhea_starstormRhea_starstorm Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited June 2014
    In 2012 my boyfriend was sick Thursday night in the hotel room and our friend hadn't arrived yet. I am an introvert but had the courage to go to free play at the Sheraton alone. I met some really cool people who had a lfm sign at their table learned to play power grid and ate some awesome geek cookies (companion cube with raspberry jam). I'm going to bring my own lfm sign this year to hopefully meet more cool people :) also after pax one night I had a naughty dog employee run up to me to ask what I thought of the last of us demo (I was wearing the tshirt) but he was super excited and really caref/was proud of the game . ..that turned out to be my favorite video game ever so I will never forget that :) also getting Jennifer hales (female shepherd) autograph. Ekk you guys I can't wait for pax now

    Rhea_starstorm on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2014
    Hmm. Lets see and try to remember some...Guess these will be more PA and PAX memories, now that I think about it...

    Last memory was a friend and I both won Xbox One's from the Mountain Dew 'Every 10 Minutes' auction. Still need to get pictures from Mountain Dew...
    Last few years before are kinda muddy, but I had fun with friends here or there.

    PAX 2004. Driving up from San Francisco with @Storm Shadow‌ (PA friend and awesome sound-guy)‌ and my girlfriend at the time. Driving up with the TinyGod in the car next to us the whole time. Staying at my brother's place and playing the Halo 2 beta on his devkit, as he worked for MS at the time. Watching Red Machine D assault a DDR Machine. Meeting a young @doublehawk00‌ who would try to grab the front spot every year he could so we could all be up at the front together. Watching an animated PA short that never came to be, but somehow is on my Youtube account...footage by @Moriveth‌.

    The first omegathon where they revealed the first hidden game. And we all watched a riveting game of PONG. It was pretty sweet.

    PAX 2005. Living in Kirkland with my GF, having PA Gatherings in the area. Bringing PA Character plushies to the guys. Hanging out with Khoo at Jordyn's house with a bunch of nerdy people. Not much I remember from the actual event right now, but yeah. I do remember a giant get-together at SDCC 2005, though. Beach party with Bogey and Futility and others. At PAX, I remember now I did get spat on by mc Chris during his set. Water streamed, I guess you'd say. It was fun. Wish he'd be back.

    PAX 2006. I had went to E3 2006 and hung out with @Polago‌ a ton. Others as well, but bad memory. Went to a Microsoft E3 Press Party because of their community manager being on these forums. Hung out with @Porkfry‌ and the Frag Dolls during the whole party. Tons of fun. PAX itself...I remember befriending "LeRoy" Garroutte" and wishing him luck the night before his Omegathon win. Right, @Poorochondriac‌? :) Also, ALL HAIL BALL.

    The guy right behind Mr. Ball Thief is me(0:15/:16). Longish hair and white lanyard, I tried to free the ball from his grasp, but I was able to distract long enough for someone to rescue our savior. I remember Mike & Jerry talking about it, hearing the chants outside and loud noises, thinking the crowd was about to riot over not being let in. No, we were all just playing with our BALL. :)

    PAX 2007, the first year at WSCC, I'm fairly certain at least... @Alpha‌monkey (wait, why doesn't that name pull up...hmm) was on site finally. He let me use his special access pass to get into the Expo Hall before it opened. Which allowed me to play Rock Band for the first time before the lines were long and everyone was there. And while there, getting ready to play on this new guitar, the Minibosses walked up and joined my band. I played ROCK BAND with the MINIBOSSES. God, what a good memory. I know they filmed it, I wish I could find that footage...

    The rest of the years kinda started blurring together after I moved out of Kirkland and on my own. But I still have been watching these boards. Lurking in the shadows. PAX 2014 will be amazing. :) To mesh together two wrestlers themes...'You THINK you know me? I'll show'll see.' :)

    Edit: I forget which year had the NERF Wars. A hotel in Bellevue allowed us to have a giant hall with furniture and run around shooting everyone with NERF weapons. It was glorious, but a liability. I do remember heading to my hotel and watching a scene where a group confronted Jerry & Mike outside, wanting to NERF War with them. Jerry was unarmed, so the group handed Jerry a pistol and told him to defend himself. They both just turned around and walked back to the hotel, dumbfounded. Jerry dropped the gun off outside and I, being right there, retrieved it. I know it's still around here's a pretty sweet little NERF pistol with a hidden shot button. But no match for a mafia hit-squad of NERF shooters. What a wise move. Again...PAX 2014 will be amazing.

    Edit 2: I'm sure its old news, but what happened to Alpha? I made his hats a long, long time ago...I used to be the mad hatter, making Christmas hat avatars for everyone...Oh, PA...

    Edit 3: Found Stormy. FB'd him. :) Also, found this old thread with 'favorite quotes' from PAX 2004.
    Legacy wrote:
    During the final Omegathon event:

    Mike(In the mic): I've never been this excited before in my life.

    Kara(Offstage): Thanks a lot!

    Mike: oh...sorry honey...


    Oh, memories...

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    alphamonkey moved on from PA. I actually ran into him at the shoreline costco about... a year ago? He works at amazon now (or then when I ran into him at least).

    I see him around seattle every now and then. Hes only like 2" shorter than me so easy to spot.

    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • PotatoemanPotatoeman Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    I've only gone to one other Prime, but my favorite experience was at the International. In 2012 Dota 2's international tournament was taking place and if you had a Prime pass you could go in for free. It was amazing. On top of that, on my way home on Friday after I got some groceries from the nearby Target, I randomly found Toby and SingSing (a famous commentator and player from the dota community) just sitting around on the sidewalk talking. They took a picture with me and SingSing posted about it on twitter, made my friends super jealous.

    There's so many good times though. I'm hyped to go back after missing 2013.

    Potatoeman on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited July 2014
    Actually, just remembered one awesome PAX memory...

    I won a free copy of Beatles Rock Band before it was released. It was PAX 2009. Sept 4-6th. BRB was released Sept 9th, 2009.

    Harmonix was leaving 'gift packages' around town, three total, and you had to follow their twitter to figure out where they were. They had said they were checking out a movie and had left one in the lobby of a theater nearby. I just met up with my friends at their hotel(Sheraton, I'm sure), noticed HMX updated and I figured they were down at Pacific Place. They were, but it took me a few minutes to run down there, rummage around and find the prize. After looking all through the lobby area, I was about to give up, but we decided to ride the escalator up to look one last time. As I rode up, I saw this weird white shirt looking thing in a planter box. I immediately ran over and grabbed it. It was a Beatles:Rock Band shirt. But, inside, it also had stickers. And...a copy of BEATLES ROCK BAND. I immediately jumped around in joy and ran down to the Rock Band stage(sidestage) at PAX, asking if we could play it now NOW NOW! They mulled it over, called a few people to make sure I hadn't stole it, and then arranged for us to play it in a private theater(wolfman, or the such). What a great experience.

    I also ran out of a different panel the next day to RUN down to Top Pot Doughnuts and got the 2nd gift package. Drumsticks and more stickers. On the last day of PAX, I saw a final update with the third pack...but I figured I'd let someone else win a prize. :)

    Went through and sorted a lot of my PAX shirts(important ones...I still have a ton of swag shirts...):



    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • MidnightJesterMidnightJester Jester Extraordinaire Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    These are all so great to read! I really hope that I gain some great ones of my own for my first PAX this year. My biggest fear is that my little group will get too wrapped up in our own bubble and miss out on all of the cool stuff going on around us. I must do what I can to ensure that that does not happen.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited July 2014
    Many of my PAX Prime memories can be summed up in the panel of which I was the moderator last year, the pax prank panel. The PAX Prank has been a huge part of my overall PAX experience at almost all of my paxes (all the ones I attended excepting east 2010, at which there was no pax prank).

    Some have been great, some haven't been *as* good as the others, but the one part they have in common is that overall they make at the very least a fun event for a group of paxers over the weekend, even in situations where other people don't get the joke ;)

    I wasn't planning on opening up public recruitment for the prank this prime, because we're so crunched for time... but after watching back through this panel again I need to do it. We only get a few recruits each pax that make it a huge part of their pax, but it doesn't feel right to not at least give a short chance for new people to pop in.

    zerzhul on
  • MidnightJesterMidnightJester Jester Extraordinaire Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    Well, if you'd have me, I'd love to take part in a PAX prank.

  • The_ZephThe_Zeph Registered User regular
    jukkakhan wrote: »
    What makes PAX special for me? Two words: Welcome home.

    This. 100% this.

    Games are a big part of my life and I've never really been a part of or around any kind of gaming community. None of the schools I went to ever had more than a handful of people who played video games and most of my friends don't play games so it's difficult to find anyone I can share my enthusiasm about games with. So seeing those signs saying 'welcome home' as I walked up to the convention center for the first time and seeing all the people inside who were just as gung-ho about games as I am was just incredible. I really did feel at home.

  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Oh, how could I forget this...? Porkfry and Q&A's mix interestingly...My badly shot version from PAX '09:
    Porkfry has this...thing...that he started one year at PAX. He asked everyone to, at the count of three, crack all the knuckles they could at once. The sound was haunting. One year in the Meydenbauer when Bawls was around, everyone knocked over their bawls at once and it produced another odd sound, but nothing as awful as this...

    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • captian54captian54 Vidographer Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    My best memory is from the 2010 Pax, it was my third Pax and I had managed to buy Friday and Saturday. On Saturday afternoon while hanging in the beanbag lounge, my friends and I met some nice people from Florida. We talked about video games and where we were from, Suddenly the two of them offered us their Three day Badges. We were shocked. "Why?" we asked. Turned out that they had friends who were supposed to be meeting up with them in Seattle for Sunday, but had to cancel. They decided to head home early because they had drove. It was a super nice thing and I was able to enjoy all three days.

  • CrillanCrillan Registered User regular
    My best memory was from the first PAX I went to in 2009. Obviously experiencing the entire thing for the first time is overwhelming and amazing, but I'm a huge Duke Nukem fan and 2009 was when Gearbox announced they acquired Duke Nukem and were going to finally finish Duke Nukem Forever. It was a very surreal moment when I was walking through the exhibits and I saw the big Duke Nukem display with Jon St. John signing autographs for an insanely long line. I just stood there watching him sign some autographs and listening to him talking to fans with that distinct voice was so awesome. I then waited in line to get to play Duke Nukem Forever and got a free red Duke Nukem shirt that says "Hail to the King baby!" on the back and has the atomic symbol on the front.

    The next best thing was the last PAX I went to in 2012 where I got to see the Gearbox panel. I got there early but apparently it wasn't early enough and the line was full. I got turned away so I moped around the hotel floor disappointed that I couldn't get in, but the security ignored me after a few minutes and I just started walking toward the back of the line. I walked half way around the floor to the end of the line which was in some random side room and just walked inside and got into the back of the line. There were two doors and the security was watching the front door but ignored the back door where I walked in. Once I was in line, I looked as normal as everyone else :) This lead me to get to see a great panel and also received a free Season Pass for Borderlands 2 along with everyone in the panel.

    The third best memory is from the same PAX where I won a Gigabyte motherboard which I was carrying with me in the Gearbox line which helped strike up some conversation. I still use that motherboard today :)

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