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[PA Comic] Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - Inquiry

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited June 2014 in The Penny Arcade Hub

image[PA Comic] Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - Inquiry



Read the full story here

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  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    Could anyone fill me in on the context here?

  • furlionfurlion Riskbreaker Lea MondeRegistered User regular
    New trailer for the next Metal Gear. The story in the last few games is nigh incomprehensible. Or at least I have heard that said.

    sig.gif Gamertag: KL Retribution
  • cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
    Yeah, I was wondering if the trailer was, like, tripping balls or something.

  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    This comic, it is a very good comic. It has made me laugh.

  • streeverstreever Registered User regular
    the trailer is very apocalypse now--more artsy than crazy.

  • FalconiusFalconius Registered User new member
  • KageraKagera Imitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered User regular
    Dementia is a sad thing to witness. :(

    My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
  • mekman 2mekman 2 a goober Registered User regular
    Snake is a sad clown. He needs a hug, but before that, for his next trick he'll put some ashes in his coffee.

  • FyrebaughFyrebaugh Registered User new member
    Yes, please fill me in I have no context as to what game or movie trailer you were watching at 2 am when you wrote this comic....

  • BlitzAce1981BlitzAce1981 Registered User regular
    Cut forward to Konami's conference at E3 2016 - "Introducing... Metal Gear Solid 6 : Cat Freezer!"

    The final boss would be set in Antarctica against a giant robotic cat-apult.

    I'm sorry for the pun.
    No I'm not.

    PSN ID - BlitzAce1981 FFXIV - Raiden Solitaire (Sargatanas)
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    Fyrebaugh wrote: »
    Yes, please fill me in I have no context as to what game or movie trailer you were watching at 2 am when you wrote this comic....

    The new Metal Gear Solid trailer features Snake smearing human ashes all over his face, among other very depressing things.

  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Maybe I'm desensitized to the craziness of Kojima, but the new trailer was not crazy fantastical at all?

    I mean, the Phantom Pain debut trailer had fucking ghost unicorns and flame whales. None of that on show here though.

    Boss painting himself with a dead guy's ashes was a fucked image, I don't think that's a bad thing at all. :P

    Oh brilliant
  • Pax2PaxPax2Pax Registered User new member
    Someone wrote a huge dissertation about the Sons of Liberty game. I still have trouble understanding it all. I don't think any other game has such a convoluted story.

  • CharlesMabeCharlesMabe Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    This stuff doesn't surprise me. It's kind of like how clueless people react to a suicide. There's all sorts of little signs that something's wrong with the person/franchise, but for some reason, nobody notices any of them. No, they just wonder why the hell the person/franchise jumped off the bridge.

    I always notice the little problems in mentality in games (and I am annoyed when most people don't). Metal Gear isn't doing one major thing that shows they're unstable. They've been showing little signs of mental instability since the franchise went 3D. It's why I never liked Metal Gear.

    CharlesMabe on
  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    streever wrote: »
    the trailer is very apocalypse now--more artsy than crazy.

    "He's not crazy. He's rich, so he's eccentric."

  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    I seriously don't get it. What's weird about this one? If anything, it's a huge step down. The bad guys appear to be a machiavellian burn victim and a child soldier, in a series which has previously had the duel samurai sword wielding exosuited President of the United States fighting to the death over nanomachines in a guy's spine, on top of Federal Hall, on the anniversary of the first presidential inauguration.

    I guess the shrapnel in Boss' head is weird looking?

    Oh brilliant
  • mnihilmnihil Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    I seriously don't get it. What's weird about this one? If anything, it's a huge step down. The bad guys appear to be a machiavellian burn victim and a child soldier, in a series which has previously had the duel samurai sword wielding exosuited President of the United States fighting to the death over nanomachines in a guy's spine, on top of Federal Hall, on the anniversary of the first presidential inauguration.

    I guess the shrapnel in Boss' head is weird looking?
    I've never played an MGS game*, so I can't possibly be "desensitized" to Kojima craziness, and I thought this trailer was one of the best things out of this E3, one of the few things with style. I pondered whether ash in the face was extremely weird, or weirdly touching, and opted for the latter. "Diamond Dogs", I liked as well.

    When I saw the comic, my only reaction was: "What?" After the newspost, it's still that. You win some, you lose some.

    *I played MGS1 on the PS for a bit, but then for some reason didn't.

    mnihil on
  • Mr. MaskMr. Mask Registered User regular
    What is there not to get with the trailer? There are questions it brings up, but... nothing unusual really happens.

    Had hoped the news post would reveal Tycho's confusion, but he didn't elaborate whatsoever.

  • lovecraftshlovecraftsh Registered User regular
    I get what you guys are talking about, but we can all agree that the trailer was gorgeous.

  • Mr. MaskMr. Mask Registered User regular
    Lovecraftsh: Agreed!

    I hope there's a Fourth Panel of this comic sometime soon. Would like to know what confuses them about the trailer.

  • DarkewolfeDarkewolfe Registered User regular
    Doesn't everyone have a cat freezer?

    What is this I don't even.
  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    The background to this comic really doesn't require a great depth of knowledge: Metal Gear Solid is confusing, and continues to get moreso as each new title builds upon the increasingly wobbly Jenga tower of Kojima's madness. That's not exlusive info, that's background-radiation to the world of video games, the white noise of the universe.

  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    But they're talking specifically about the new trailer.

    I think Tycho's commenting on the tone of it; there's no gameplay here, it's all sombre cinematic that does not look fun in the slightest, hence "does he know it's vidya" bit?

    Oh brilliant
  • Mr. MaskMr. Mask Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    @Darleysam: Kojima's games are not increasing madness by virtue of existence, some of his games have been crazy as a result of their content. What content of the trailer is worthy of this comic? I can't think of anything.

    The trailer from a year ago had hallucinations, you could make a joke about Kojima being on drugs or something. But what is so confusing about this second trailer which is referred to in the comic? It raises unanswered questions, but not anything vaguely worthy of saying Kojima has finally gone insane.

    Dark Raven X: That might be it, but I really didn't expect that. I mean, we've gotten gameplay of MGSV from the first trailer and from Ground Zeroes. It's not as though trailers that showcase story are unusual in the industry (they're all too common). Sombre trailers aren't unusual either--though few do it this well.

    Mr. Mask on
  • streeverstreever Registered User regular
    Maybe the trailer doesn't make sense in the context of MGS games? It seems obvious to me (never having played them), but maybe in the context of the game universe it is crazy?

  • Mr. MaskMr. Mask Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    streever wrote: »
    Maybe the trailer doesn't make sense in the context of MGS games? It seems obvious to me (never having played them), but maybe in the context of the game universe it is crazy?
    I've played all the games (except Acid 2), and the trailer was not strange in the continuity or story themes of Metal Gear. There are a few things that could be called semi continuity errors, but it seems more likely you just didn't have perfect information in previous games (where Kojima hadn't worked out all the details for MGSV).

    Mr. Mask on
  • streeverstreever Registered User regular
    Mr. Mask wrote: »
    streever wrote: »
    Maybe the trailer doesn't make sense in the context of MGS games? It seems obvious to me (never having played them), but maybe in the context of the game universe it is crazy?
    I've played all the games (except Acid 2), and the trailer was not strange in the continuity or story themes of Metal Gear. There are a few things that could be called semi continuity errors, but it seems more likely you just didn't have perfect information in previous games (where Kojima hadn't worked out all the details for MGSV).

    That makes sense, considering the humor brand.

    I think the PA humor brand is really more about hyperbole; I'm not knocking them (I like them!) but the jokes usually rely on some serious hyperbole, and Jerry has no problem carpet-bombing a post with some strong adverbs & adjectives.

    I think a lot of gamer humor comes out of blowing up things to an extreme; you see it in the forum posts about PA, and in the posts and comics. Makes sense to me--thanks for sharing.

  • Mr. MaskMr. Mask Registered User regular
    I like the comic, love to see more game comics (the IRL comics are great, but I love video game parodies). Just wish he elaborated in the news post, since the comic leaves readers confused about the game (or confused about the comic).

  • fortyforty Registered User regular
    Darkewolfe wrote: »
    Doesn't everyone have a cat freezer?
    Maybe if you're rich. Sorry, Mr. Ivory Tower, but we 99% have to keep our cats in a normal freezer.

  • MarkGoodhartMarkGoodhart Registered User regular
    So the trailer where a guy with a piece of metal in his head rubs the ashes of his soldiers on his face perhaps after getting attacked with a lawn chair or maybe making a guy stab him in the chest while a thong ninja kills dudes isn't weird?

  • DrKissinger1DrKissinger1 Registered User regular
    The trailer isn't just bizarre; it's also just poorly made. The first shot or two are decent enough for trailer-type drama, but most of the clips from then on seem like they were pulled almost at random without regard for exposition or even cool-factor.

  • streeverstreever Registered User regular
    edited June 2014

    I'm not sure if you are replying to me; I didn't see anyone deny that the trailer is weird, so I assume you might be replying to me.

    It is weird! Absolutely. However, it isn't incomprehensible, and it doesn't appear insane; it appears to be derivative of a number of works, with some themes that are instantly recognizable.

    Does that answer your question?

    streever on
  • Mr. MaskMr. Mask Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    So the trailer where a guy with a piece of metal in his head rubs the ashes of his soldiers on his face perhaps after getting attacked with a lawn chair or maybe making a guy stab him in the chest while a thong ninja kills dudes isn't weird?
    It is unusual, but unusual is the basis of fiction.

    I mean, attacking someone with anything close at hand, kicking tables at them or whatever, that's fine tactics. Soldiers are a pretty close lot, where veterans get caked with their friends' blood and bodies and stuck with bone shrapnel due to explosives, so a dramatic gesture of wearing their ashes isn't far fetched (particularly if everyone, including Big Boss, is feeling demoralized). Quiet's jumping kill sequence was strange (and neat), but not by the standards of Metal Gear (reminded me of something Grey Fox would do). The soldier in question had just been fighting with his fellow Mother Base soldiers, and decided to escalate it to cutting them up with a knife--"You want to stab your brothers? Then stab me!" is what I thought when I saw that scene, and you can see the soldier expressing clearly, "No! I never want to hurt the Boss!" as he changes from wanting to stab his fellow soldiers to struggling to not stab Big Boss. The shrapnel, "horn," embedded in Naked Snake's skull is hard symbolism, representing his descent into villainy--it is purposefully strange, but it doesn't seem an unreasonable element for a Metal Gear story.

    I mean, stuff is definitely going down in that trailer. Isn't that what we want?
    The trailer isn't just bizarre; it's also just poorly made. The first shot or two are decent enough for trailer-type drama, but most of the clips from then on seem like they were pulled almost at random without regard for exposition or even cool-factor.
    I cannot agree. A lot of people I've talked to were hyped by the trailer, and some even commended its artistry. I find it a skilful use of techniques to raise questions about the game without giving away much, and I found it quite cool. It does seem random, but this is engineered--Big Boss is facing a chaotic time, which will destroy him.

    streever wrote: »

    I'm not sure if you are replying to me; I didn't see anyone deny that the trailer is weird, so I assume you might be replying to me.

    It is weird! Absolutely. However, it isn't incomprehensible, and it doesn't appear insane; it appears to be derivative of a number of works, with some themes that are instantly recognizable.

    Does that answer your question?
    That's a good way of putting it, Streever.

    Mr. Mask on
  • Captain MarcusCaptain Marcus now arrives the hour of actionRegistered User regular
    Does Gabe know that C.R.E.D.D. is exactly like PLEX from EVE: Online?

  • jothkijothki Registered User regular
    Does Gabe know that C.R.E.D.D. is exactly like PLEX from EVE: Online?

    Or basically anything that Three Rings has made. It's a solid design, but not a particularly new one.

  • streeverstreever Registered User regular
    Does Gabe know that C.R.E.D.D. is exactly like PLEX from EVE: Online?
    I don't think he does know; I don't think he was much of an EVE player, was he?

  • PLAPLA The process.Registered User regular
    I guess I can agree that a dude with shrapnel in his face is weirdlooking? I guess?

    Kojima tried to mindread me in 1999.

  • Wraith260Wraith260 Happiest Goomba! Registered User regular
    PLA wrote: »
    I guess I can agree that a dude with shrapnel in his face is weirdlooking? I guess?

    Kojima tried to mindread me in 1999.

    that's not shrapnel. those are diamonds, made from the ashes of fallen comrades that Snake has chosen to have sewn into his face.

  • Mr. MaskMr. Mask Registered User regular
    Wraith260 wrote: »
    that's not shrapnel. those are diamonds, made from the ashes of fallen comrades that Snake has chosen to have sewn into his face.
    It's shrapnel from the helicopter, not diamonds.

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