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Text box no longer resizes when replying

I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boomRegistered User regular



  • skeldareskeldare Gresham, ORRegistered User regular
    I'm noticing this too on Windows 7 Firefox 30.0

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  • _J__J_ Pedant Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular

    Google Chrome Version 35.0.1916.153 m (the latest one).

  • EchoEcho ski-bap ba-dapModerator, Administrator admin
    I dunno if this is a Chrome only thing, but in the meanwhile you have the handle in the lower right you can drag to resize.

  • ButtcleftButtcleft Registered User regular
    I've got it on IE11

    Also I've noticed you cant drag and drop text in the text box anymore. Used to be if I screwed up putting a spoiler tag somewhere and broke another tag, I could just highlight the broken part and drag and drop it to where it goes.

  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I think it's happening on iOS Safari but I can't remember.

  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    My text box is resizing on Firefox and Windows 7. ID: kime#1822
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  • EndEnd Registered User regular
    edited July 2014
    Buttcleft wrote: »
    I've got it on IE11

    Also I've noticed you cant drag and drop text in the text box anymore. Used to be if I screwed up putting a spoiler tag somewhere and broke another tag, I could just highlight the broken part and drag and drop it to where it goes.

    also selecting text seems to be flakey on my laptop if I use the touchpad to do it, which seems related (probably triggering as a empty drag or something I dunno)

    works fine with the *ahem* nipple (and it's fine on my desktop too)

    End on
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  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User, Transition Team regular
    Win8 Chrome, this is happening to me.

  • The WolfmanThe Wolfman Registered User regular
    This was also happening with me and Chrome. But it looks fixed now.

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