Tourney Players' Bnet Information
Hello everyone, and welcome back to the thread. It's been some time since the previous tourney ended. Friendships were tested. Relationships strained. Seeds awarded with
terrifying, some would say almost prophetic accuracy. Well we're doing it again.
We are playing on the NA Servers
~~What is Hearthstone~~
If you don't know what Hearthstone is, it's a free to play collectible card game, sort of like Magic the Gathering, but for icky casuals like me, and some of the people playing in this tourney. It's got more of an emphasis on creature trading and random effects than more traditional card games, but the meta is fairly robust and new decks and strategies reveal themselves every month. Simple mechanics, but with depth. It's sort of the Blizzard MO.
~~The Invitational MO~~
This tourney was created to give more casual players a chance to compete in a true blue best of three tournament style setting, which some (nerds) argue is the most sensible way to play the game. That's up for debate, but it's without a doubt an interesting alternate take on the options Blizzard is currently offering.
But that's not the only reason this tourney exists! As long as this is running, I'm offering everyone a chance to come hang out, have fun, and root for their favorite chatters and forumites as they smash orc cards into each other for an hour or two on sunday nights. Some of us have twitches, some of us will be in ventrilo. Why not grab a drink and spectate a lil? The game is very easy to learn and even neophytes can tell what's going on after a game or two. Beyond just figuring out which person has the most legendaries and cheap net decks the Goodwill Initialtational Invitational is an invitation to pass some time with your pals in a semi competitive environment. Whether you want to join up, watch, or just hang out on vent, there'll be some entertaining way to waste your life with strangers On The Net.
~~The Tournament Rules~~
After thoughts, discussions, steak dinners, and private counseling, I have decided to do probably what I should have done the first time and
completely and utterly rip off the Blizzard Innkeeper's Invitational Rules
I'm just going to copy and paste them here:
- Each player has 3 decks, each of a different class
- Matches are Best of 5 in All-Kill format
- For game 1 each player may privately select the deck of their choice
- The winner of a game keeps his deck
- The loser of a game selects an unused deck
This tournament is
single elimination
For tips on competitive 3 deck Bo5 play, please follow
Artosis on
Youtube, he seems really good at it
~~The Schedule~~
The initialtational invitational is committed to experimenting with the format and schedule to maximize smiles and minimize frosteey frowns : (
This week, we will have open registration until the start time at
7 PM CDT, with attendance being tallied from 6 PM to 7 PM. Show up during those times, voice your desire and oath to play, and you'll be entered into the register. At 7 PM all
present competitors will be organized into a bracket seeded from the previous tourney's results and my best guess for any new competitors. After the bracket has been released players will have fifteen minutes to play their opponent. The winner will have fifteen minutes to play their next opponent once both of them are free. And so on. Please be considerate of your fellow tourney players.
It is hoped that the tournament will conclude in one night! Let's aim for the top!
This schedule will be a work in progress through the weeks and I am open to suggestions, but I will almost always prioritize keeping the tournament going smoothly over giving out match postponements, and even if it is a crappy schedule I am more inclined to keep it if the alternative is endless debating.
~~Good Luck, Have Fun!~~
Good luck, have fun. Please forgive your humble MC.
On the black screen
Imma bring the heat!
On the black screen
So this will be a pay-to-win tournament.
I see.
I'm going to send home a corpse. Kiss sawyer goodbye!
Jk skippy's wife, he'll be done by 8pm
The nature of the game is such that some, non basic cards, are simply more desirable than the ones given to you when you reach level 10. I'm going to assume you're perturbed by the non banning of, say, legendaries, but I guarantee you it's the better commons, rares, and epics that will be deciding these games, and they're all unavailable to the non arena playing, non credit card punching, non-veteran player in general.
Given that it's a choice between allowing every card, allowing only basic cards, or some horrible system where you have a dust allowance ala a tabletop game, the choice to me is clear. I'm confident in my skills, legendaries or no. But you know what I'm even more confident in?
Having fun, with friends, at the table.
On the black screen
A no-legendary Gentleman's Agreement Tournament would be quite classy.
Doesn't have to be all Legendaries.
Just Leeroy.
Real talk I will face anyone with my tempo rogue deck and it has zero legendaries. I was mad at legendaries when I first started playing too, but ya gotta get off the legendaries preoccupation mate, you'll only stunt ur game!!
On the black screen
I hope everybody is prepared for the mighty Milhouse Manastorm
Excuse me but there are no friends at a table when you are playing card games. There are only enemies to be crushed.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Personally I'm a fan of the "winner can't switch" method because it gives the loser a better chance of taking the second game (which makes for a more interesting tournament!) and eliminates some of the "wine in front of you" aspect of selecting your Game 2 deck, while still having it be a meaningful decision (you don't want to choose a hard counter to their deck if your hard counter has a hard counter because they can hard counter in Game 3, etc etc).
Yeah that's good and IIRC that's how they do it at the blizzcon tourneys which I believe are the most popular non team format and what i poorly modeled this tournament on. I'll update the OP. I don't want to eliminate multiple decks that use the same hero but if people pull shenanigans and basically create the same deck three times i'll probably change it for next time.
On the black screen
Ah, yes. The equal opportunity world of professional chess.
it's fine tho. I mean, you can still play Tekken Tag Tournament, which obviously it should be simple for you to switch over to from Hearthstone. What more could you even ask for, really?
In the meantime, why not vote for yourself to win in this straw poll?
This way it will be even more exciting when the dark horse wins. I also know who that is.
On the black screen
On the black screen
visiblehowl won't know what hit him
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
And I'll be streaming!
if I am gonna lose fast I hope it's to you
ever since you told me you sometimes start khorne with the big mofo right in the empire I knew we shared something deep and important
Best play.
Go big or go home.
I too am having trouble figuring out my third deck.
I have two very solid decks, I think. I have a third solid deck, but it plays a similar role to the other two decks, so I'm not sure. The other possibility is a great deck, but I've gone like 2-13 over the past 15 games with it, so I clearly don't know how to play it well.
Of course, given the way these things usually go for me, I'll lose with my good decks anyway, so it probably doesn't matter!
I will also be streaming, if you want to watch someone make terrible decisions.
(I'm looking at you, @Variable)