Ticket Link
Washington state has almost 200 craft breweries, many with small-scale artisan brews that you're not going to find anywhere else in the world. Seattle is truly Beer Geek Heaven. The SchlitzKrieg is a beer tour for locals and out-of-towners alike, and focused on tiny up and coming nano-breweries that you probably won't find in the store. Throw in a little local history, an interesting scenic ride, and you've got a great way to spend a day outside of the Convention Center, where you can see more of the city than just the downtown.
Washington State Brewery Map
2012 was the first ever SchlitzKrieg at PAX Prime, where 30 Beer Geeks were loaded onto a big yellow bus and we toured 12 local craft breweries in the greater Seattle Area in 12 hours. You can check out that year's thread
here and photos courtesy of
@courtneyj from the first year
Where and When
Wednesday, August 27
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (approximate)
Kitsap Peninsula
Tour MapTickets and RegistrationTicket Link is Above SOLD OUT - We might be able to accommodate more people if we get 10 more in time to reserve the bus. Or, post to this thread if you want to get on the waiting list.
Registration will cap at
30 15 people (Edit: this has been reduced to 15. Please see my post of 7/31 in the thread below)
Tickets cost $75 per person. (Final ticket price will fluctuate based on number of people who register. See the Q&A below for specifics.)
Teams - will compete against each other for fun and prizes.
Team Tallboy
Team Growler
-Baka Al
Waiting List - we can upsize if this list gets to 10 people
BermardAKAB x2
Questions? Answers!
What is it?
A tour of Seattle and the area around it for beer lovers, whether you're local or coming in from out of town. Some more unusual, hidden gems will be included for any locals who might want to tag along and find new spots. It will also include some awesome area history, scenic rides wherever possible, restaurant stops, and the opportunity to see more than just the city.
What isn't it?
The budget depends on the specific tour, but it may not not be a low-budget event. Also, much like the Pub Crawl, this is not a frat boy event. We're trying to pace the liquor so that everyone has a good time, including the guy that you didn't puke on.
When is it?
Kitsap Peninsula Tour: Wednesday 8/27
What's included for the price?
• 5-6 Independent Breweries/Brew Pub stops
• Samples at each location
• Transportation to and from the Sheraton, including bus, driver & ferry
• A keepsake Beer Passport and tour guide booklet with area history, brewery profiles and your own tasting notes
• Achievement & Team Prizes
• SchlitzKrieg Tshirt (optional for-purchase add-on)
• Lunch in Poulsbo
• A great time with fellow beer-loving PAXers!
What's not included?
• Additional Pints or Tastes after the prepaid ones
• Souvenirs
• Brewery Swag, bottles or Growlers
• Pre-Funk Breakfast
• Happy Hour Snacks in the afternoon
What's the itinerary?
The itinerary is tentative at this point and will get tweaked a bit, but here's the general gist of it:
7:30 am - Pre-Funk breakfast for anyone who wants to join, at the Athenian in the Pike Place Market
9:00 am - Leave Seattle on a big yellow bus full of happy PAXers
9:45 am - Take a stunningly beautiful ferry ride across Puget Sound to Kingston
10:30 am -
Hood Canal Brewery
11:30 am -
Valholl Brewing
12:30 pm - LUNCH -
Slippery Pig Brewery
2:30 pm -
Silver City Brewery
Slaughter County Brewing
5:00 pm - A completely different, yet still stunningly beautiful ferry ride across Puget Sound to downtown
6:00 pm(ish) - Return to the Seattle Sheraton
Please note that Sound Brewing has been taken off the tour, but their beer is easily available in the city nowDer Blokken beers are still sold at Fritz by the Bremerton Ferry Terminal, so if you want more food after Slaughter Co., you can grab more beer & a bite there
Why Kitsap? Why Wednesday?
Because Lexi loves Kitsap breweries more than all others. Also, because she's pulling rank this year. Wednesday just works best for her schedule.
How much will it cost?
$75 per person.
No profit is made from this tour and every effort is made to keep costs as low as possible. It's not easy. Keep in mind that this is a full-day tour that would cost you hundreds of dollars with a professional tour company.
Any overruns in the ticket price will be either refunded on the tour, or you can donate that money to Child's Play.
The bus rental is a flat fee. Much of the ticket price will be determined by how many people attend, and how many ways we can split the cost of the bus. I'm going to make the tickets a little more expensive at the initial purchase, to make sure we have enough to cover the bus, and if enough people register to spread it out a little more thinly, we'll refund everyone the difference.
Costs like prizes, printing costs for the tour book and lunch are all done on the super-cheap. Like having another PAXer do the printing at cost, or cooking the day before and catering the lunch ourselves.
Can I change my mind/plans/existence and get a refund?
Yes but it's discouraged. People change their travel plans to attend this tour, so it's tough to fill in vacancies at the last minute. Also, since the ticket price is largely dependent on dividing the cost of the bus and ferry between everyone on the bus, cancellations that we can't fill with a warm body makes a huge headache for everybody on the day of the tour, as I try to recalculate the cost and figure out exactly who owes what. Of course, I understand that shit happens but please make every effort to stick to your reservation.
Also, some items are purchased ahead of time, so if you cancel, anything that's already paid for will be deducted from your ticket price and you'll be refunded whatever remains.
Can I attend just a portion of the tour?
Only if you have your own car and designated driver. We'll be in a rural area pretty far out of the city and won't be accessible by bus or taxi.
I have a better/different stop/place/brewery to suggest:
Suggest away! All suggestions are welcome but keep in mind that stops will be decided on the following criteria:
- Proximity to the tour route
- Hours (they need to be open, or willing to open for us)
- Size (macro breweries are discouraged)
- Willingness to accommodate the tour
How do I sign up and/or pay?
The ticket link is posted at the very beginning of the thread.
Do you need any helpers?
We always need helpers.
Why a Beer Tour?
Seattle loves its beer. There are a ridiculous number of macro, micro and nanobreweries in and around the Seattle area, from small garage operations that sell growlers on the weekends, to large factories pumping out nationally distributed brews. Most Seattleites either home brew or know someone who does and the options here are amazing.
I can't go/It's out of my budget: Will there be another event later?
If you can't make it to any of the tours, the
Cycle Saloon is a good way to do a private tour if you can put a group together to split the cost. Or just check out the Brewery map (linked above) and make up your own tour.
Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
Thanks for organizing this!
PAX Prime '09 - H1N(erd)1 Survivor - Never Forget (Your Hand Sanitizer)
PAX Prime '14 Omeganaut - Result: KO in 3rd Round (Damn you, Super Avalanche 2!)
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Your authority is not recognized in Fort Kickass!
If you're purchasing internationally, let me know and I'll send a separate invoice.
PAX Prime / PAX Dev 2014
PAX Prime 2013
PAX Prime 2009
Yes - our regular screen printer is kinda busy, so I'm figuring out alternatives. I'll reach out to everyone once it's sorted.
Cancellations/Refunds are allowed but discouraged. People change their travel plans to attend this tour, so it's tough to fill in vacancies at the last minute. Also, since the ticket price is largely dependent on dividing the cost of the bus and ferry between everyone on the bus, cancellations that we can't fill with a warm body makes a huge headache for everybody on the day of the tour, as I try to recalculate the cost and figure out exactly who owes what. Of course, I understand that shit happens but please make every effort to stick to your reservation.
Also, some items are purchased ahead of time, so if you cancel, anything that's already paid for will be deducted from your ticket price and you'll be refunded whatever remains.
A Handy Map of what I'm talking about. Note that google incorrectly calls the foot ferry a 27 minute ride - it's actually 12 minutes.
The very last stop on the tour is Slaughter Co. Brewing in Port Orchard. The brewery is located within walking distance of 2 different foot ferries that go directly to the Bremerton ferry dock, which is also the dock for the Seattle Ferry. The Seattle ferry drops you off within walking distance of the Sheraton downtown.
The foot ferry costs $2, and the return trip on the Seattle ferry is free for foot passengers.
This means that a) Slaughter Co. is easily accessible from downtown Seattle and b) since it's our last stop, anyone who wants to hang out over there and come back on their own can do so easily if they don't want to take the bus.
If in the end, everyone wants to walk back to Seattle (in a manner of speaking), we could even send the bus back early and drop the ticket price a bit.
Yeah, I figured that out yesterday, and wrestled with it for an hour before I gave up. I'll tackle it today and see if I can embed instead. Ugh, what a craptastical waste of time. THANKS, GOOGLE.
Okay, It should be fixed now. Let me know if you still have problems.
will be signing up later today though!
Bells! We only live about five minutes from them. I had no idea there were part of this.
Retired [E]
There haven't been a ton of signups this year - probably because it was announced late-ish, and people already have plans on Wednesday. But wait! There's a contingency plan in place for this exact situation!
If it looks like we're not going to get 25 people (the requisite number to afford a big yellow bus), we'll cap the event at 15 and take a passenger van instead.
Here's the reasoning: The cost of the bus is split evenly between everybody. Since a short bus costs the same as a long bus, having between 15 and 25 people makes this trip pretty expensive. Getting a van is super cheap and the price drop will scale the cost down accordingly for the people who attend.