Resident Evil HD REmake and Resident Evil: Zero HD released, REmake 2 announced!



  • President EvilPresident Evil Let's Rock Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    I kinda skipped RE6, could anyone summarise the state of the world following that, because it feels kinda incompatible with future games? IIRC, the continents of America, China and Russia had mass zomber outbreaks. Seems like there was no walking that back?

    BOWs are now deployed by terrorists in open warfare. The American outbreak occurred in a town which was eventually nuked, a la Raccoon City. The Eastern European outbreak was actually shut down by the BSAA early on in the game's timeline. The Chinese outbreak was also contained at the end of the game...both were pretty much limited to one large city.

    President Evil on
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Trying to do a 4 hour or less run, and I don't know if I'm gonna make it... I'm at 2 hours 34 minutes and am only just about to fight
    fatty vomit guy in Lucas' trap barn
    I should probably start running from fights more... I also stupidly tried to get the trophy for beating "Happy Birthday" in 5 minutes or less on the same speedrun. I don't know how that's possible to beat in that time limit... I did it as fast as I could, knowing how to do it all but I think the unskippably talky bits fucked me over.

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • Professor PhobosProfessor Phobos Registered User regular
    You have an hour and a half left at the end of the Testing Area?

    You're fine.

    Just don't...
    Faff around on the boat too much. A LOT of it is skippable. You can do it in 30 minutes or less and still pick up most of the optional gear.

  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Son of a BITCH

    Completion time: 4:00'56''


    Edit: I would've fucking made it if I noticed the enhanced handgun ammo in the corner of the room with the final boss. FRICK!!!!!!

    Skull2185 on
    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    Oh no! Do you have a previous save or does that not count?

  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    ...that probably would've worked. But I just started over again and saved over that file. I'm battin' 1.000 tonight!

    My new plan is to run past as many enemies as possible. Should drastically cut down play time.

    Edit: What really did me in was stupidly thinking I could spare the time to try and also speedrun the Happy Birthday tape in the same playthrough. That was 5-6 minutes of leeway I would've had :P Stupid ol' Skull...

    Skull2185 on
    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    Guys. Guyssssss please with the spoilers. I'm literally at the start of this thing still and I now know where bosses are, where some events take place, the nature of some characters, who's alive at the end of the game, etc etc.

    If you're talking about anything plot or specifically gameplay related can you PLEASE do folks the courtesy of spoiling EVERYTHING?

  • Dr. ChaosDr. Chaos Post nuclear nuisance Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Are there any references to RE6 in RE7 or is it kind of a soft reboot/ self contained story kind of thing?

    I ask becuase I uhh...I really don't want to go back and finish RE6. I got everything done except for most of Ada's chapter.

    Still need to play Revelations 2 though. Loved the first.

    Dr. Chaos on
    Pokemon GO: 7113 6338 6875/ FF14: Buckle Landrunner /Steam Profile
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    You should be fine I think. If there's any reference to RE6, it's in an easter egg I haven't found yet.

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular

    Completion time: 3:01'23''

    Now I can go back to taking my time... gonna clean up the missing collectibles with the X-ray glasses now!

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Holy shit... the circular saw really does break the game! Ahhhhh hahahaha! I'm like Leatherface Jr over here, running around with my lil' saw.

    Early-ish spoiler
    When I took the shadow podium thing from the tub and Jack burst in, I just stood there holding the saw against him and it stun locked him until he "died"

    So awesome. Gives me a glimmer of hope for Madhouse!

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • Professor PhobosProfessor Phobos Registered User regular
    The saw trivializes Madhouse. You can even use it...
    On the fat molded. Take out their legs, then when they fall, saw the head.

  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    OMG yassssssss

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    Hoping for a quick reply, I'm gonna dive in soon regardless and obviously won't be able to check the thread then, but figured I'd give it 20m or so for anyone who's beaten the game to answer. My last save point was
    We made the serum, I killed the boss, I saved Mia instead of Zoe, and then the game auto-saved with me and Mia on a boat and I quit

    Is it feasible for me to beat the game in 2-2.5 hours, or should I break it up into 2 sessions rather than push myself too late?

    There was a steam sig here. It's gone now.
  • Professor PhobosProfessor Phobos Registered User regular
    If that's the point you are at...
    You can speed-run the rest of the game in 45 minutes, or take your time on the boat and have, say, an hour and a half or two hours left.

  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    If that's the point you are at...
    You can speed-run the rest of the game in 45 minutes, or take your time on the boat and have, say, an hour and a half or two hours left.

    Thanks! Gonna try to power through it.

    There was a steam sig here. It's gone now.
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    Well damn. Got stumped on what to do and decided to call it for the night.
    post-mia-tape, I got the handgun and I have a fuse and I have a basic idea of where I need to go, just not how to get there.

    Not asking for hints, I'm sure I'll figure it out tomorrow when I return to it fresh.

    There was a steam sig here. It's gone now.
  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    I'm running into inventory issues and I hope it's just me doing something wrong, and not a super restrictive limitation on the game.

    So I'm pretty early in the game still. Haven't had as much time to play as I'd like.

    The problem I'm running into is being able to swap items.

    For example (early game puzzle)
    The shotgun puzzle. I've got the broken shotgun in my inventory, and the rest of my inventory is full with ammo, herbs, and keys.

    So I go to make the shotgun swap, but it won't let me because my inventory is full.

    Is there no way to just do an item swap? One in the inventory for one in the level? Please tell me I don't have to be holding two shotguns at the same time. Because that would be fucking retarded.

    Lucascraft on
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    I'm running into inventory issues and I hope it's just me doing something wrong, and not a super restrictive limitation on the game.

    So I'm pretty early in the game still. Haven't had as much time to play as I'd like.

    The problem I'm running into is being able to swap items.

    For example (early game puzzle)
    The shotgun puzzle. I've got the broken shotgun in my inventory, and the rest of my inventory is full with ammo, herbs, and keys.

    So I go to make the shotgun swap, but it won't let me because my inventory is full.

    Is there no way to just do an item swap? One in the inventory for one in the level? Please tell me I don't have to be holding two shotguns at the same time. Because that would be fucking retarded.

    You can discard stuff to make room if you need to, but there's also a save room super close by to where you are. But yes
    you can't swap them. You have to pick up the shotgun, and then place the broken one

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    What just happened?

  • metaghostmetaghost An intriguing odor A delicate touchRegistered User regular
    What just happened?

    I reported it; it's either a bot or just some oddball dedicated to making strange posts related to VR in some weird way.

  • Dr. ChaosDr. Chaos Post nuclear nuisance Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    The villains in this game are the best kind of absurd.

    Loving these encounters.

    *Puts Jack Baker on the pedestal next to Wesker and Nemesis*

    Dr. Chaos on
    Pokemon GO: 7113 6338 6875/ FF14: Buckle Landrunner /Steam Profile
  • AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    RE6 isn't bad it's just... boring? It's kindof a disjointed slog. I can't really remember jack about the story, I played through it and thought, yup, I don't need to do that again. I think you can pretty much pretend it doesn't exist.

    RE5 was over the top ridiculous and action movie stupid, but I at least got a couple play-throughs out of it and had a relatively good time.

    RE4 is still the best RE, it's the only one I still find myself wanting to play over again. Don't get me wrong I'm fond of 1 and 2, but they haven't held up over time. 3 never clicked with me.

  • Dr. ChaosDr. Chaos Post nuclear nuisance Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Funnily enough, I think the best part of RE6 is the chapter that focuses on the over the top military action.
    Chris was actually going through an interesting character development (before they turned back on it) with him slowly losing his mind over the long war and causalities resulting in him starting to turn cruel and obsessed.

    Well, that and Jake and Sherry. I want a Revelations sequel thats just them, Jake is great.

    Dr. Chaos on
    Pokemon GO: 7113 6338 6875/ FF14: Buckle Landrunner /Steam Profile
  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    I want a Revelations game that's about Leon and Ada. And Leon is less srs bizness and goes back to his RE4 personality.

    Also give me more Helena Harper!

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • Dr. ChaosDr. Chaos Post nuclear nuisance Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    So far extremely happy with RE7. It's the unholy union of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Evil Dead.

    One of my fears was that this was going to be more Amnesia or Outlast than Resident Evil but they haven't forgotten that actually fighting for survival is an important part of the formula here.

    Dr. Chaos on
    Pokemon GO: 7113 6338 6875/ FF14: Buckle Landrunner /Steam Profile
  • never dienever die Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Dr. Chaos wrote: »
    Funnily enough, I think the best part of RE6 is the chapter that focuses on the over the top military action.
    Chris was actually going through an interesting character development (before they turned back on it) with him slowly losing his mind over the long war and causalities resulting in him starting to turn cruel and obsessed.

    Well, that and Jake and Sherry. I want a Revelations sequel thats just them, Jake is great.

    The Chris part of the game was by far the most even of the main game story sections, though to me that meant while it was servicable it didn't go to high or low for me. Fun but not great. Leon's chapter on the other hand had the really good first chapter, decent second chapter, the third one was alright, and then the last two chapters are mostly a boss fight against the same enemy over and over and over and over and over and over again. It get ridiculous real fast and I just got tired of fighting it as it felt pointless.

    The Jake and Sherry section was fun, but also the most gimmicky, having you be able to play fully as Jake punching things (even a boxing match for a boss!), drive a snowmobile, do a motorcycle action section, stealth(ish) sections, and partner swapping. At the same time, it does the same boss in different areas much better for me, as the Ustanak is a much more manageable boss to me, with more interesting combat sections than the version that you fight on Leon's campaign, and is spread out farther than Leon's.

    I'm actually really happy RE7 spoilers
    that they seem to hit the right spot with the Bakers, as just when Jack or Margeritte seem like they are going to get annoying, the game switches it up with a boss fight or has you deal with them directly after having ran for awhile.

    never die on
  • RothgarrRothgarr Registered User regular
    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the PSVR version of RE7 is one of the greatest video game experiences of my life. Even if the game itself isn't perfect, even if PSVR or VR in general isn't perfect yet -- I still can't remember any video game that immersed me so much into a game, drew out emotion so easily (specifically fear), and gave me hope that VR can breath new life into game types that have been around for a long time.

  • No-QuarterNo-Quarter Nothing To Fear But Fear ItselfRegistered User regular
    As I sit and ruminate upon the game and have watched a few Let's Plays (Markiplier, etc), I find myself coming back to how well the story is presented.

    It really does adhere to the adage of "show, don't tell", which is fantastic, especially given that the game is intended to be played in VR.

  • Dr. ChaosDr. Chaos Post nuclear nuisance Registered User regular
    Just finished it.
    Chris looked nothing like Chris. That was kind of weird.

    Would have been a cool cameo otherwise.

    Pokemon GO: 7113 6338 6875/ FF14: Buckle Landrunner /Steam Profile
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Just beat it too! Played the entire game in PSVR, so base my impressions thus, no actual spoilers, just general impressions:
    I thought the early game was great and super spoopy, but as the game went on I felt more and more overpowered and less scared. "JESUS FUCK CHRIST" has less impact when it's punctuated by 1-2-shotting an enemy with the shotgun/buffed handgun ammo. The grenade launcher was basically the equivilent of a megaelixer in RPGs, in terms of I never used it because I always felt like I should save it for later. I really wish the game had more basic enemies than the Molded, but they worked.

    Complaints aside, I 100% agree with this (no actual spoilers just a meme):

    EASILY the best RE mainline games since 4, and it definitely channels 1 and 2. I really hope it does well enough to revive the series in this vein.

    Raiden333 on
    There was a steam sig here. It's gone now.
  • Casually HardcoreCasually Hardcore Once an Asshole. Trying to be better. Registered User regular
    Just finished it this morning.

    What a game.

    What a game.

    And everyone was worried about it being 'not RE' or 'a bad game'.

  • Dr. ChaosDr. Chaos Post nuclear nuisance Registered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Just finished it this morning.

    What a game.

    What a game.

    And everyone was worried about it being 'not RE' or 'a bad game'.
    I think the former was a fair fear to have though.

    They gave the impression it was going to be something more like Outlast so I was pretty pleasantly surprised by the healthy amount of combat and weapons.

    I was onboard with everything else so turned out to be a big relief to me in the end that they nailed the whole package.

    Dr. Chaos on
    Pokemon GO: 7113 6338 6875/ FF14: Buckle Landrunner /Steam Profile
  • SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    Finished it. Loved it. I think they could've paced the plotting a bit more instead of doing huge lore dumps towards the end but I also understand how that's tough to do in a horror game where the "not knowing" is so important to the spookyness.

    One thing I was a little confused about
    So gramma was Eveline who had just aged extremely fast over the 3 years due to not receiving her treatments. However, a note you find in the boat says there were 5 experiments like Eveline - with Eveline being the 5th and most perfected one. That said, when you return to the guest house at the end of the game the pic of granny explicitly says E-001 implying that Eveline is the first, and most unstable of the BOWs. So what's the real answer? Is there another (possibly 4) Eveline's still out there? With the perfected one yet to be seen?

  • Skull2185Skull2185 Registered User regular
    Finished it. Loved it. I think they could've paced the plotting a bit more instead of doing huge lore dumps towards the end but I also understand how that's tough to do in a horror game where the "not knowing" is so important to the spookyness.

    One thing I was a little confused about
    So gramma was Eveline who had just aged extremely fast over the 3 years due to not receiving her treatments. However, a note you find in the boat says there were 5 experiments like Eveline - with Eveline being the 5th and most perfected one. That said, when you return to the guest house at the end of the game the pic of granny explicitly says E-001 implying that Eveline is the first, and most unstable of the BOWs. So what's the real answer? Is there another (possibly 4) Eveline's still out there? With the perfected one yet to be seen?
    I think it was the E-series that was the 5th try for that BoW program where they finally perfected it. A, B, C, D, and then E would be the 5th.

    Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
  • AstaleAstale Registered User regular
    Skull2185 wrote: »
    Finished it. Loved it. I think they could've paced the plotting a bit more instead of doing huge lore dumps towards the end but I also understand how that's tough to do in a horror game where the "not knowing" is so important to the spookyness.

    One thing I was a little confused about
    So gramma was Eveline who had just aged extremely fast over the 3 years due to not receiving her treatments. However, a note you find in the boat says there were 5 experiments like Eveline - with Eveline being the 5th and most perfected one. That said, when you return to the guest house at the end of the game the pic of granny explicitly says E-001 implying that Eveline is the first, and most unstable of the BOWs. So what's the real answer? Is there another (possibly 4) Eveline's still out there? With the perfected one yet to be seen?
    I think it was the E-series that was the 5th try for that BoW program where they finally perfected it. A, B, C, D, and then E would be the 5th.

    Yeah, that's why...
    ...the two samples you get to make the serum are from the "D-series", I assume because they were more stable?

  • Dark Raven XDark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular
    Hmm. Wonder if RE2make is gonna be in this first person format. I had been assuming it would use prerendered backgrounds, which would preclude a first person mode. With the overwhelmingly positive response to RE7, gotta be tempting to do the next one in this format.

    Oh brilliant
  • Ninja Snarl PNinja Snarl P My helmet is my burden. Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered User regular
    They'd have to do a lot of reworking to make RE2 work that way, and would fundamentally change the entire experience to boot. The camera angles in RE1/RE2 are pretty important to the suspense element which, obviously, you can still have with a first-person view, but has to work in completely different ways.

    And let's be honest, this is Capcom; if it's going to be something semi-difficult, they aren't going to do it. The whole RE2 game has already been made, they're just going to use modern tech to rebuild it (which is probably a heck of a lot easier than making the game the first time, given it's twenty years old). This is the same company that figured it would be easier to just forget the Megaman series exists instead of doing, well, anything else whatsoever with it.

    I could see them maybe throwing in first-person view as a bonus mode or something since I really doubt they'll use pre-rendered backgrounds on modern hardware, but I don't see them bothering with trying to "re-imagine" the game as an FPS.

  • metaghostmetaghost An intriguing odor A delicate touchRegistered User regular
    Hmm. Wonder if RE2make is gonna be in this first person format. I had been assuming it would use prerendered backgrounds, which would preclude a first person mode. With the overwhelmingly positive response to RE7, gotta be tempting to do the next one in this format.

    That's a good question; I think because it was announced around the time of REmake's re-release, it was easy to assume RE2make would be done in a similar style. But of course, REmake was a 10-year old game that was up-res'd, whereas RE2make presumably requires new assets, so why not remake it using the new REngine?

  • LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    I'd be on board with RE2make being in first person. RE7 is brilliant and I want more.

    I am super pumped for RE2make. I've heard amazing things about it, but I've tried so many times to get the tank controls to work for me and I can't do it. My brain just can't process that control scheme. So I'll just have to wait for the remake.

    And hope that at some point they do a remake of RE3, because 3 is the only game I've never played.

This discussion has been closed.