Is anybody up for organizing pre and post PAX South board game nights? We had a good time last year at PAX East. I personally lack the experience and/or initiative (I rolled a 1) to kick it off.
It occurs to me that, ideally, it would be someone with experience in organizing such things, and who already has passes bought and hotels booked for PAX South.
* whistles and looks in general direction of @LexiconGrrl *
I'd imagine everyone is crossing their t's and dotting their i's before the big one. I have a feeling this board will perk up after Prime, maybe mid-late September we'll see more about it. Same for the challenge coin (fingers crossed).
As a first year, it also doesn't have to be as official as other PAXen. Might be as simple as designating a hub hotel or two that people looking to play can meet up at. Playing in the lobby, trying not to freak out the hotel staff, and tipping well. This is going to happen anyway really, but a little organization could make it smoother.
ohkateyOwner of Bitch Team AlphaAustin, TXRegistered Userregular
A friend and I are looking at putting something together but the hotels in San Antonio aren't being very responsive - it's not surprising, as it's the first year PAX has been there and they don't really understand that, as you said, it's going to happen anyway,
If you need a local contact to facilitate things, I can help out. I'd prefer to work together with someone to coordinate rather than strike out on my own.
I'm ALWAYS looking for friends to play games with before/after/during PAX. It may be wise to have a local educate us on which Hotels are most conducive to a large group with open flooring/tables for games.
The Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk has a great area that would probably work. Of the hotels in the area, if the Grand Hyatt won't play ball, that's one I would definitely recommend, and it's just two blocks down from the convention center.
I'm ALWAYS looking for friends to play games with before/after/during PAX. It may be wise to have a local educate us on which Hotels are most conducive to a large group with open flooring/tables for games.
Would a local be familiar with the hotels? They probably just sleep at home!
Would a local be familiar with the hotels? They probably just sleep at home!
Yes, but a local could scout hotels in person, get an idea for which ones have the best spaces. I'd be open to doing that.
PincheGamesOwner/Tabletop Game DeveloperSan Antonio, TXRegistered Usernew member
The Grand Hyatt is right next to the Convention center and is a great place to get together and play games. Across the street is the Marriott Riverwalk and board game nights were done there for WorldCon and is right across the street from the Convention Center.
Hey All! I'm coming to San Antonio as a group of four - and we are definitely down to hang out playing board games before or after, but will need to plan our flights and everything accordingly. We are staying in the Crockett Hotel!
Has anyone booked at the Hilton? My podcast buddy @Halfazedninja and i hosted game night in the bar lobby for PAX east and I'm willing to bring the fun for south. I could get the ball rolling with the hilton
I'm going to be spending a lot of time downtown in the coming months (new job, and night classes downtown). I'd be happy to go in person and talk to people. Anyone who's organized past events have details, such as hours the event is likely to run, and how many people/how much space it will need? I have a rough idea, but I've only attended one pre-pax game night at Pax East.
@LexiconGrrl can probably best answer these questions, since she is the queen of all things pre-PAX game night at both Prime and East. . . that being said, she's crazy busy, so may not respond for a while . . .
Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error - Linus Pauling
m0nk33Keeper of the TubesAustin, TXRegistered Userregular
I'm staying at the Omni La Mansion del Rio, on the Riverwalk a few short blocks (or a short water taxi ride) away from the convention center. I'd be willing to host something.
Newbie here who is a local. Another option is to meet up at Geekdom ( There are table top meetups there all the time. I'm a member. As we get closer, I can see if I can sponsor an event allowing us to use the facilities. It's not a far walk away from all the festivities.
Has anyone booked at the Hilton? My podcast buddy @Halfazedninja and i hosted game night in the bar lobby for PAX east and I'm willing to bring the fun for south. I could get the ball rolling with the hilton
I'll be at the Hilton Thursday night (the Westin Friday and Saturday). For a pre-board game night at the Hilton, I can bring some games. How many will depend on the luggage, but I'll have a few for sure. I have a decent collection.
I attended two of the game nights that @Halfazedninja put together at East--they were excellent.
Newbie here who is a local. Another option is to meet up at Geekdom ( There are table top meetups there all the time. I'm a member. As we get closer, I can see if I can sponsor an event allowing us to use the facilities. It's not a far walk away from all the festivities.
I've been reluctant to suggest Geekdom because it is not at all convenient to the convention center. It is, in fact, a 14 minute walk from the convention center hotels and a seven minute bus ride. Also, Geekdom does not have the capacity if we get anything like the numbers that East gets (granted, unlikely, but we come pretty close to filling the place up every month for the Geekdom Game Night). As a backup plan maybe, but it would be best if we could get the Hilton or the Grand Hyatt to open up a room.
I've been reluctant to suggest Geekdom because it is not at all convenient to the convention center. It is, in fact, a 14 minute walk from the convention center hotels and a seven minute bus ride. Also, Geekdom does not have the capacity if we get anything like the numbers that East gets (granted, unlikely, but we come pretty close to filling the place up every month for the Geekdom Game Night). As a backup plan maybe, but it would be best if we could get the Hilton or the Grand Hyatt to open up a room.
If the 11th floor was still open by then, it probably could work, but I don't know how much longer the 11th floor will be with Geekdom as I'm pretty sure they will be completely moved to the Rand building by tehn...
At East, having the pure and post board game nights greatly benefited from being in the lobby of a PAX hotel. Many, possibley most, participants did not read the forums, but saw the tables set up and joined in. If the goal is to get the most people and to allow them to stay late, I think keeping it at a Pax hotel is important--the closer to the convention center the better.
Has anyone booked at the Hilton? My podcast buddy @Halfazedninja and i hosted game night in the bar lobby for PAX east and I'm willing to bring the fun for south. I could get the ball rolling with the hilton
I'll be at the Hilton Thursday night (the Westin Friday and Saturday). For a pre-board game night at the Hilton, I can bring some games. How many will depend on the luggage, but I'll have a few for sure. I have a decent collection.
I attended two of the game nights that @Halfazedninja put together at East--they were excellent.
Awesome! I was the guy that was playing SuperFight over there!
There are a few spots the Hilton has where we can set up shop.
The Durty Nelly
TEX'S RIVERWALK SPORTS BAR (closes at midnight)
I vote the Durty Nelly. Suggestions?
Awesome! Durty Nelly's looks like an awesome place. I like that there seem to be different size tables to accommodate different kinds/sizes of games. I think we need to check out two things. First, is there enough light for board games? From photos, it looks like it might be a bit dark inside. This can be a big problem when people are reading cards, rules, and trying to distinguish different colored pieces on a game board. Second, will they be able to accommodate a large group of gamers? Again, checking out the web, it seems like Durty Nelly's is a super-popular place and they might not be able to offer us dedicated space, which would mean gamers waiting around for tables to clear.
To gauge the lighting situation, I think we need a local person, and that should probably happen first before we approach them about space.
My second choice would be the Rivers Edge--way less character but it looks like the tables are a good size and can be pushed together for bigger games. The problem is that it closes at 11, but we will all want to be up in time for Pax the next day , so maybe that's not a problem. The lighting looks good.
Awesome! Durty Nelly's looks like an awesome place. I like that there seem to be different size tables to accommodate different kinds/sizes of games. I think we need to check out two things. First, is there enough light for board games? From photos, it looks like it might be a bit dark inside. This can be a big problem when people are reading cards, rules, and trying to distinguish different colored pieces on a game board. Second, will they be able to accommodate a large group of gamers? Again, checking out the web, it seems like Durty Nelly's is a super-popular place and they might not be able to offer us dedicated space, which would mean gamers waiting around for tables to clear.
To gauge the lighting situation, I think we need a local person, and that should probably happen first before we approach them about space.
My second choice would be the Rivers Edge--way less character but it looks like the tables are a good size and can be pushed together for bigger games. The problem is that it closes at 11, but we will all want to be up in time for Pax the next day , so maybe that's not a problem. The lighting looks good.[/quote]
I've sent the email to them to get my feelers out there. Now we wait.
I can swing by there this week and check it out. Maybe take some cell phone pics. At the very least, I can get back to you by Saturday (I wish I had read the forums today cause I was downtown around dinnertime.)
If these are 18+ bars, there will likely be people smoking (unless I am mistaken about TX smoking laws) and I won't be able to attend due to personal preference (and sensitive sinuses) if that's the case. I'd be willing to host a Ticket to Ride/Arkham Horror/Smallworld party in my room/suite for 4 or 5 awesome people if the wife is cool with it and they give us a proper table. @wuShock would likely be approved by the lady as she went to grad school at WSU.
I had a crazy idea, since that weekend also happens to be the release weekend for the next Magic: The Gathering set, for a one-night EDH (Commander) league, using rules heavily borrowed from this.
What would be really super-duper cool is if a local nerd shop sponsored it so we could get a little prize support happening, but not too much. EDH should be fun, show-off-the-cool-stuff-your-deck-does kind of play.
Sorry about the delay, family was in town and we all went to Six Flags instead of going downtown like I planned >.> I'll be downtown again for class on Tuesday, I can check it out then.
I had a crazy idea, since that weekend also happens to be the release weekend for the next Magic: The Gathering set, for a one-night EDH (Commander) league, using rules heavily borrowed from this.
What would be really super-duper cool is if a local nerd shop sponsored it so we could get a little prize support happening, but not too much. EDH should be fun, show-off-the-cool-stuff-your-deck-does kind of play.
Top Deck Gamers in San Antonio is probably the ones to talk to about that. But they, and probably most other game shops in San Antonio, will probably be doing events that weekend either at Pax, or at their own store locations, so getting them to come out for a Thursday night crowd of indeterminate size and indeterminate interest in MTG seems unlikely.
For what it's worth, MTG always has a HUGE presence at Pax, and for that reason alone, trying to have a commercially sponsored tournament at the community-run pre-Pax board gaming event is probably not in our best interest.
I had a crazy idea, since that weekend also happens to be the release weekend for the next Magic: The Gathering set, for a one-night EDH (Commander) league, using rules heavily borrowed from this.
What would be really super-duper cool is if a local nerd shop sponsored it so we could get a little prize support happening, but not too much. EDH should be fun, show-off-the-cool-stuff-your-deck-does kind of play.
Top Deck Gamers in San Antonio is probably the ones to talk to about that. But they, and probably most other game shops in San Antonio, will probably be doing events that weekend either at Pax, or at their own store locations, so getting them to come out for a Thursday night crowd of indeterminate size and indeterminate interest in MTG seems unlikely.
For what it's worth, MTG always has a HUGE presence at Pax, and for that reason alone, trying to have a commercially sponsored tournament at the community-run pre-Pax board gaming event is probably not in our best interest.
I was going to suggest Top Deck being the MTG go-to shop, too, but their shop isn't anywhere near downtown. But they might still be able to send someone to the con. It wouldn't hurt to ask them. I used to be pretty friendly with the staff there, back when I played Pathfinder Society with them on a regular basis, but that was about a year ago, so I'm not sure how much their staff has changed. But I could still ask them sometime, (or see if someone who still plays PFS regularly there could feel them out for us.)
Edit: Actually, I think PFS moved back to Dragon's Lair since I stopped playing. >_> I don't really stay in the local loop much anymore.
* whistles and looks in general direction of @LexiconGrrl *
(We'll go to Schlio's. It'll be fun!)
EDIT: PrePAX dinner too!
Would a local be familiar with the hotels? They probably just sleep at home!
Yes, but a local could scout hotels in person, get an idea for which ones have the best spaces. I'd be open to doing that.
Do you know what room/what they did at WorldCon? | twitter: @ultness | facebook: ultness | instagram: ultness
I'll be at the Hilton Thursday night (the Westin Friday and Saturday). For a pre-board game night at the Hilton, I can bring some games. How many will depend on the luggage, but I'll have a few for sure. I have a decent collection.
I attended two of the game nights that @Halfazedninja put together at East--they were excellent.
I've been reluctant to suggest Geekdom because it is not at all convenient to the convention center. It is, in fact, a 14 minute walk from the convention center hotels and a seven minute bus ride. Also, Geekdom does not have the capacity if we get anything like the numbers that East gets (granted, unlikely, but we come pretty close to filling the place up every month for the Geekdom Game Night). As a backup plan maybe, but it would be best if we could get the Hilton or the Grand Hyatt to open up a room.
If the 11th floor was still open by then, it probably could work, but I don't know how much longer the 11th floor will be with Geekdom as I'm pretty sure they will be completely moved to the Rand building by tehn...
Awesome! I was the guy that was playing SuperFight over there! | twitter: @ultness | facebook: ultness | instagram: ultness
The Durty Nelly
TEX'S RIVERWALK SPORTS BAR (closes at midnight)
I vote the Durty Nelly. Suggestions? | twitter: @ultness | facebook: ultness | instagram: ultness
Awesome! Durty Nelly's looks like an awesome place. I like that there seem to be different size tables to accommodate different kinds/sizes of games. I think we need to check out two things. First, is there enough light for board games? From photos, it looks like it might be a bit dark inside. This can be a big problem when people are reading cards, rules, and trying to distinguish different colored pieces on a game board. Second, will they be able to accommodate a large group of gamers? Again, checking out the web, it seems like Durty Nelly's is a super-popular place and they might not be able to offer us dedicated space, which would mean gamers waiting around for tables to clear.
To gauge the lighting situation, I think we need a local person, and that should probably happen first before we approach them about space.
My second choice would be the Rivers Edge--way less character but it looks like the tables are a good size and can be pushed together for bigger games. The problem is that it closes at 11, but we will all want to be up in time for Pax the next day , so maybe that's not a problem. The lighting looks good.
To gauge the lighting situation, I think we need a local person, and that should probably happen first before we approach them about space.
My second choice would be the Rivers Edge--way less character but it looks like the tables are a good size and can be pushed together for bigger games. The problem is that it closes at 11, but we will all want to be up in time for Pax the next day , so maybe that's not a problem. The lighting looks good.[/quote]
I've sent the email to them to get my feelers out there. Now we wait. | twitter: @ultness | facebook: ultness | instagram: ultness | twitter: @ultness | facebook: ultness | instagram: ultness
No worries, no smoking in San Antonio bars anymore. We've had a ban for I believe about 4 years now.
What would be really super-duper cool is if a local nerd shop sponsored it so we could get a little prize support happening, but not too much. EDH should be fun, show-off-the-cool-stuff-your-deck-does kind of play.
For what it's worth, MTG always has a HUGE presence at Pax, and for that reason alone, trying to have a commercially sponsored tournament at the community-run pre-Pax board gaming event is probably not in our best interest.
I was going to suggest Top Deck being the MTG go-to shop, too, but their shop isn't anywhere near downtown. But they might still be able to send someone to the con. It wouldn't hurt to ask them. I used to be pretty friendly with the staff there, back when I played Pathfinder Society with them on a regular basis, but that was about a year ago, so I'm not sure how much their staff has changed. But I could still ask them sometime, (or see if someone who still plays PFS regularly there could feel them out for us.)
Edit: Actually, I think PFS moved back to Dragon's Lair since I stopped playing. >_> I don't really stay in the local loop much anymore.