Welcome boys and girls to the den of iniquity I deem "phalla". I shall be your host
slash god ,
Egos, and you will be at the mercy of my bizarre whims. If this does not bother you feel free to sign-up for this little game in bright lime-green like so :
!sign up. Though really you can use any word and color it in lime green and I'll count it as you signing up. Well most words...
You will also be required to send me a PM with role information (see below : "About the Game" section)
If unfamiliar with "phalla", you should read
this post and you should be aware that:
Or I will be highly disappointed...About the Game
Genre: Variable, Experimental
This game follows in the footsteps of Lucedes and romanqwerty, who both created games that allowed players to send in roles they created. Following the precedent they set, this is a
mini phalla that allows you to send in a role of your choosing to me. This can include: name, background, alignment ,power and win condition. The narrative and potentially nature of player's win conditions will be determined by what I receive. I will note,however, that balancing will occur so you may not get exactly what you expected. You can send me as much or as little information as you want. The more information you give me, the more I have to work with. At the same time if you just send me a three word pm with :Yak,Queen and Sam . You might end up with an awesome if bizarre role (e.g. the Half-Human Half-Yak Clone of Freddy Mercury).
[Regardless of the role I will make an image for it, because you are a special snowflake. Unless you provide one , in which case I might just alter it a bit.] Sample Role
{PHALLIC MAJESTY}You rule over phalla and can do whatever you want to it. Please be gentle.
Win Condition: Eliminate All Threats to the Kingdom (aka Village)
Win Condition and Power in the Above Sample Are Placeholders. The Village Win Condition will be Updated On Day 1WARNING:: If you just send me a role saying "village vigilante", I warn that you may find yourself as
"Zap Roswdower- Village Hockey Hair" with the power of , I don't know,
"cult sensitivity training"
ReferencesMafia Roles
- ACTIVITY: You are required to make at least two posts every day and vote once. Failure to do this two days in a row or three days altogether will result in your removal from the game.
- No Anonymous Contact: This includes PMs, IRC, Proboards, etc. You shall communicate with each under using your forum handles.
- Include Me in PMs and on Proboards: Not required but preferred for pms, required for proboards.
- No Screenshots or Direct Quoting of Host Pms - Don't take screenies of the game and do not directly quote any pms you receive from me.
- What is Dead May Stay Dead : You are permitted One Ghost post after you die and you may not converse living players. Nor can they with you.
- No Vote Alteration: While I'm sympathetic to vanilla errors, if you make a post with a red vote in it - I ask that you not edit it.
- Do Not Add People to Conversations. You may not add other players to conversations that have already started (this means more than one post in the PM chain). Start a New PM Chain Instead if Needed.
- Clarifications may be Asked in Orange- Publicly in the thread or in Private. Public Questions+Answers will be Added to the OP.
Voting and Actions
Vote for a player each night to be eliminated in
bold red. Votes and Actions up till :59 will be accepted. Votes at exactly :00 and after will not. You may retract in
bold lime green , but it is not required.
Vote Close is at 12 AM PDT,1 AM MDT, 2 AM CDT , 3 AM EDT, 5 PM AEST, 8 AM BST, 7 AM GMT, 4 PM JST, 4 PM KST, 9 AM CEST, 12 PM MSK, 8 AM IST, 7 PM NZSTPlayer List
3.The Anonymous
9. Grunt's Ghost
Lucedes premium
16.Sir Fabulous
18.Rawwking Goodguy
Who are the guys in the logo and at the bottom of the page?
"Ampelmännchen" or "little traffic light men".
Order of Operations?
Can I have {Phallic Majesty} as a power?
Other Mechanical Clarifications?
To be added once roles are received and balanced.
Updated Village Role
Power: {PHALLIC MAJESTY}You rule over phalla and can do whatever you want to it. Please be gentle.
Win Condition: Eliminate the Kings of New York and any other threats to the city.
What is the Order of Operations?
Vote>Manipulation Abilities>Guards>Kills>Seers
Are There Thralls,Millers,etc?
Clarification Denied
Are There Thralls?
Clarification Denied
What happens in a Tie Vote?
The Tied Individuals are Both Killed
The Living
The Fallen -
Day 1- Midnight Madness + Morning Madness Double Feature
Gizzy -Tyra Banks
Assuran-”The Immoral Prince Langly”
discrider- Blank Slate
Rawkking Goodguy- Kanji Tastumi
Flarne- The “Viking Auditor”
Day 2 - Ocean Madness: The Unofficial Sequel to Morning Madness
Auralynx- Mortimer Grimm
Mill- King of the Ash
Sir Fabulous- Rapperbot 2KSMALL-EE
Day 3 - The Name is "Bomb"
Grunt’s Ghosts -Nitro Bomb Star (Victorious)
Buddha73 - Baby Buddha Pears
The Anonymous-The Genie
Zombie Hero-???
Day 4 - Day Four: The Fourening
Cythraul-The Anonymous
kime - Bizarro Kime
enlightenedbum- Detective Charles Boyle
Preda- A MidSummer Night’s Spirit
Day 5 - When Seven is Five
Obifett- “Echo”the Mod
premium- Charlotte Widow the “Spider Queen”
TheRoadVirus- Otto Octavius
Jpants- Nathan Fillion aka “ The Holy Avenger”
Day 6- Six plus Three Equals Murder
Sepah - Keyser Söze
Narrations -
Beginning of Day 1
End of Day 1/Beginning of Day 2
End of Day 2/Beginning of Day 3
End of Day 3/Beginning of Day 4
End of Day 4/Beginning of Day 5
End of Day 5/Beginning of Day 6
Prinny Ending-The Finale
Also @Preda , if you have a specific time zone added. I'll add it.
e:added CEST since that covers a large chunk. may want to double check that though.
An aside, Feel free to send any General Game/Role Submission questions my way
---I may not get around to answering them till 2-4pm CDT , though.
Island Name: Felinefine
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
i'll PM you in a while, once i've thought about this more.
(Thanks for the shoutout Obi, missed the signups)
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
You're all gonna be jealous.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
The theme will be determined by the roles I receive for better or worse See section 3 of Section 1 (line 3 in About the Game).
That said if you need a bouncing off point:
I'm defaulting to Star Wars
Finally a proper close :P
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
Sign up!
Confusion will be my epitaph